Limiting Play Within The Databank

Sep 22, 2005

Hi there

This is my problem

1) I have just spilt my data base into the front end and back end. I did this not using the wiszard. What i would like to do is to limt total acess to my databank. I want guest to be able to view my data and those who are allowed to can edit the data. How do i do this exactly

2) I want to be able to watch closely and see who is doing what, i would like to record, in a table, those who edit the data and those who enter data. i would like to keep track of whats going on in my data bank. So to seen when the data was newly added and what data to my data bank and to see who and when the changes have been made.
if there is a simple way to add the password system i am all ears

Thanks in advance.


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Databank Splitting Problem

Sep 22, 2005

hi there

i spillted my databank into front end and back end. then i transfered my front end to an other computer on the network. i cheaked it and it worked. however when i sent a copy to another comouter i had a porblem, it seems like if all 3 users are using Acess it causes problems i do not understand why becasue i thought if i spilt it then all those types of problems are gone

this is how i spil it.

i created a new black data bank then i named it fe then i imported all the needed info except the tables, then i created the nessary links to my be.
The old databank ... i deleted all the information except the tables.

after i did this it worked. my backend was on my server and the fr on my hard drive,

so i hope someone can tell me what i did wrong.


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Play A Video In A Form

Mar 2, 2005

i have a series of short Avi films( they can be converted to another format is better suggestion) that are basically a tutorial films on how to use my database...

what i want is a form to have a list of these files so the user can choose which one to play the file within Access as a tutorial section...

Can this be done, if so anyone fancy helping me with this one please.



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Cannot Play Avi Movies But Plays Avi Animation?

May 4, 2005

I'm using sample code which i will paste below, it includes in the form a comman button, animation control and activeX control. it plays clipart files but when i try to play a movie inavi format such as a movie trailer it says it unable to open..what could i do to make allow all types of avi files.

Private Sub cmd2_Click()
With Cd2
.Filter = "avi (*.avi)|*.avi"
End With
With An2
.AutoPlay = True
.Open Cd2.fileName
End With
End Sub

this is sample code from msn website and works for clipart avi files but it seems not to open normal avi movies.

what would have to be done in order to allow any avi to play and or is there any other way i can play avi (any sort) on the form and which also allows me to choose any avi file (i.e from a table etc)

cheers in advance

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How To Embed And Play Wav Files Into A Form?

Feb 17, 2006


This is a new area for me and I am struggling with how to approach the solution. Have searched the archives but still can't figure it out....

I have a database that stores call center coaching events. I would like to insert a wav file (recorded conversation) into each record and be able to play the wav file when the record is current in the form.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Load Form Music Play

Jul 26, 2006

Friend I am bigner in ms acess I have datbase .
I want when I load main page sound/music .
when i open another page I want another soundplay that music

Plz ur help
Thanks from Iraqi

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Forms :: How To Play A Sound From A Subform

Sep 15, 2013

I have to tables:

Table 1 contains "cases picked"
Table 2 contains "cases required"

i have a query with info populated from those 2 tables:field "results" shows the results of this calculation: "cases required"-"cases picked"="results".In this query I have a conditional format stating: If true, displays text "ok" and the field will be green, if false, displays text "alert" and the field will be red.

Then I have this query in a subform (a form within another form),I would like to have a code or a formula for this query, where it would play a sound if (and only in this case) the value of "cases picked" is bigger than the value in "cases required"

This is how it works, you open the main form, start using a barcode scanner to scan cases, everytime you scan each case, the subform is refreshed and adds cases, and shows results, and shows how many cases you are missing or how many cases you are over, but this is only in the screen, i would like to have a sound in this subform, so in case you pick more cases than required, a loud sound is played as an alert, i still can't figure out where to put the solution, if as a formula in the query, or a code in the subform.

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General :: Access 2013 - Possible To Play Sound File

Jun 3, 2013

Is it possible to play any kind of sound file from Access?

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Forms :: Play Sound With Event On Open Form

Jun 7, 2015

How can I play a sound with event On Open Form.

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Limiting A Value In A Field

Oct 21, 2005

I'm trying to limit the amount a user can enter into a employee discount field in a table. I would like to set up a validation rule in the table to limit the discount to no greater than $0.20 or 20 cents. Anyone have any recomendations? Thanks..

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Limiting Entries

Feb 14, 2008

Hello, I need help. I have two tables.

ent_HorseName (PK)

inf_HorseName (PK)

It is a many-to-many relationship. When I open a table and enter a record there is a small + sign that allows me to open up the rows from the other table to enter directly into it. Can this be turned off? Also I can enter more than one record through this way. I only want one entry in inf_Ground, inf_Notes and inf_Entries for each HorseName. How would I do this? As you can tell I am completely new to Access and trying to learn. Thanks :)

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I Need Help Limiting A Field

Nov 8, 2005

Im doing a database booking system and i need to limit the amount of people to 160 per night. At the moment i have a query that sums up the bookings per date but i dont know how to then limit this column to 160.

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Limiting Duplicates

Jan 31, 2006

Hello All,

I have a table “subdivisions”
With a daughter table “lot numbers”

I need to limit lot numbers to no duplicates in the LotNumber field, within a subdivision, without limiting it to no duplicates in the table.

Any clues?

LotNumber is a text field.
LotNumberID is autonumber, primary key

Preferably this would be accomplished in a query.

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Limiting Results

Aug 15, 2006

I have this table


I have a aircraft logbook with 4 entries for page

I tried to build a query that shows
"Time until this page"
"flight time"
"flight time"
"flight time"
"flight time"
"Time to copy to next page"

Anyone? Thanks

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Limiting Changes To A Combo Box

Oct 12, 2005


we have this database that's used by differerent departments and one of the fields on the form has a combo box for status (pending / completed etc). when this is set to 'Complete' we would like to make sure that it can't be changed again, is this possible?

there is only one table used in this database and updates to other fields are still required so it is only this one combo box that need to be blocked from change once in the completed stage...

Thanks in advance

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Self-limiting Combo

Mar 24, 2006


Just a quick question, is it possible to have a combo box in a continuous subform that automatically limits its rows based on the selections made in the other child records/combos (for the same parent record)?



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Limiting Drop Down Value Use

Apr 22, 2015

I have a subform in datasheet view on a main form. The subform contains a drop down field with multiple values. I am wondering if it is possible to limit the use of one of those values by account. Basically there are 5 values (contact info updated, initial DM Contact Made, sent email/left voicemail, opportunity create, Follow up call with DM) and I only want user to be able to select the value Opportunity created once per account. The others he can select as many times as he wants.

I attached a screen shot of what the form/subform looks like.

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Limiting Records In A Subform To 24 - How To

Nov 17, 2005

Ladies / Gents !

I am writing a database for my work environment to enter sample numbers in a predefine batch. My Form contains information to identify batch ID. Attach to this form is a subform which I would like to limit the number of records to 24.

exsample: form : as unlimited records
subform: only limited to 24 records within the master form.

Now, everytime i create a new record in the master form , I should be allowed to enter only 24 records in the associated subform.

Does anyone have an idea on how to accomplish this !! Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

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Time Now Between Limiting Values

Mar 21, 2006

Need some ideas on how to detect if Time Now is beteen preset values.

It is in connection with a Machine Monitor system being I am probably going to be asked to develop.

Problem is night shift. They work normally 20:45 to 06:45 following morning

I will be accumulating elapsed minutes of shift and working minutes by running an On Timer event updating both values by 1 each minute providing certain criteria are met.

One of the criteria will be that machine is supposed to be working.

So I was planning to set a flag indicating Working Yes or No based on the Time Now being between start and end times.

This is fine for normal day working and normal day shifts but is a problem with Night Shift.

Ideas on how to handle welcome

len B

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Limiting To Just Combo Box Choices

Dec 20, 2006


I am figuring this must be an easy question. I have combo boxes setup and working great. I just noticed that I can put my own text into the box and not be limited by just the choices in the combo box. If that makes sense.

When I try to lock the boxes then it doesnt allow me to select. I want the combo boxes to be the only selection they can make, and not be able to put their own text in.

Attached a screenshot to help clarify.

Anyone know what option I am missing?


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Limiting Records In Query

Feb 11, 2008


i have tried to find an answer but can't seem to find any posts that apply.

I need to limit the records returned in a query to 3. Well, that is fine, i have set it to do the top 3, and it is working well, I am looking at the top percentages received in a number of criteria. However we have just discovered a situation where someone has 7 all with 100%, so all 7 records are being returned. I can see why, i just don't want them to be!

The report based on the query requires only three records, in this case we don't care which 3, seeing as they are all equally good, in fact randomness is a boon.

Any ideas out there - i 'm stumped!


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Limiting Subform Data

Jul 8, 2005


I'm baffled by this ...

One of the forms in my database has a subform. The subform displays data from a table which is related to the data in the main form (also powered by a table) through a key relationship. So long as the relationships are set up correctly, the correct data magically appears in the subform as you scroll through the records in the main form.

I've tried to do this a second time, except in this instance the subform is displaying data from a query, and the data is related to the data in the main form not through a direct key, but through a link table. I've set up the relationships properly as before, but this time the subform stubbornly displays all the data from the query, not just that which is related to the record in the main form.

What am I doing wrong?

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Limiting A Field To A Particular String

Dec 14, 2005

On My form I would like to have code to limit what can be put into a field e.g

If Me.Myfield is not = to A, B or C
"You must enter A, B or C in this field"

Any help please ?

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Limiting List Box By Another Field

Apr 25, 2012

I'm trying to limit the funders under previous applications to ones with the same name so then when you click on one it loads that other funding application details...

SELECT [Sheet1].[ID], [Sheet1].[Funder] FROM Sheet1 WHERE [Sheet1.Funder] Like [Sheet1].[Funder] ORDER BY funder;

[Sheet1.Funder] Like '" & [Sheet1].[Funder] & "*' ORDER BY funder;


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Limiting Size Of A Field

Aug 14, 2013

Im doing a coursework on ms access on School Management System. I have a table 'tblSubject' containing fields: 'Subject ID' and 'Subject Name' . A student has the right only to choose a maximum of 8 subjects, that is , the field 'Subject ID' must have only 8 records/entries. How to do this ???????

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Limiting A List In Combo Box

Aug 20, 2013

I am very new to database design and application building. I work as general office support for a very small non profit. I have been tasked with developing a database to track HR and timesheet data and turning that into benefit reports. Actually, I was asked to create some spreadsheets to do this - but I strongly feel that access is a better solution than excel for this as we have around 150 individuals to track between all staff (part time, temporary, fulltime etc + regular volunteers).

So, the wall that I've hit that brings me to actually post instead of just search....

Some of our employees have more than one position, and in turn more than one rate of pay per month.

I created a compensation table that has the employee ID (from the employee table) and fields for position title, rate of pay and if that is per month or hour

I have a main timesheet table that assigns employee and month; and a details table that takes the timesheet ID and compensation ID with fund codes and hours worked.

My problem is that I don't know how to limit the combo box on the details sheet to just the positions assigned to the employee ID that matches the timesheet being worked with.

I tried all the design view access query options I could think of to limit the records in the combo and I always end up with all positions/rates of pay listed with no regard to employee ID....

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