Linking And Opening Forms

Apr 29, 2005

I currently have on form with many subforms on it. The main form is linked to the subforms using a field "LocID". Since not all subforms need to be used, what I want to do is to add buttons to pop up a form if the user wants to add data. (This will not make the main form so large and ugly)

I seem to be able to code the button to open the proper form, and can add data, but the link field (LodID) is not carrying over to the form just opened. This form will only be for adding new data.

How can I get the LocID from the main form and into the new form that opens?

Also, is there a way to keep the main form maximized while opening the new form? Both forms go into 'restore' when I click on the button?


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Forms :: Closing Opening Form With Timer Then Opening Main Menu

Apr 7, 2014

I have a Form opening from Access Options. I would like to close this Form using the Timer. The following is the code I have used but it is not working.

Private Sub Cover_Page_Form_Load()
OpenTimer = Timer
End Sub
Private Sub Cover_Page_Form_Timer()
If (Timer - OpenTime) = 5 Then DoCmd.Close acForm, "Cover_Page_Form", acSaveYes
End Sub

Next question. If I can get this to work can I then use a DoCmd to open new Form within the code above or do I need a new process.

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Opening Forms Directly (instead Of Opening MS ACCESS)

Apr 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is there a way that when the user clicks on a database file, the form pops up without opening MS Access window.



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Opening Forms Directly (instead Of Opening MS ACCESS First)

Apr 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is there a way that when the user clicks on a database file, the form pops up without opening MS Access window.



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Forms :: Linking Data Between Multiple Tables / Forms

May 27, 2013

I am a girl guide leader trying to make a faster way to keep track of my unit's completed badge and program work. I have made tables for every area I need (I started with one table but it was too large to change into a form).

In total I have:

- Basic Member table (main information like their name and how many years they have been in, whether they are still in the unit, etc)
- Program area tables
- Interest badge tables

What I want to do is be able to "add/edit" members from the main form, then go to all the sub forms for their program and badge work -- problem is, how to link them!

I am using Access 2007-2010.

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Forms :: Opening Form Based Off Another Forms Combo Box Value

Nov 5, 2013

I'm trying to get a combo box & button to work together. On the main form of the attached database, I just want the button to go to the associated record based off my selection (or entry) in the combo box.

I've tried the following:

- Looked through the Northwind sample database for a close example. Tried my best to replicate the functions but it didn't work
- Looked through other examples posted and tried to manipulate the code to no avail
- Tried using [Forms]![Main Form]![cmbLastName] in both the filter & criteria section of the macro

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Forms :: Forms Not Opening In Modal / Dialog Mode

Aug 7, 2014

the forms are not opening in modal/dialog mode when they should be.The forms' pop-up and modal properties are set to "yes"..The code specifies to open Dialog so, for example:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCompanies", , , , , acDialog

Yet, the form opens behind the other form (which, incidentally, is also set to be pop up and modal in the form properties--is that the problem? If so, why wasn't this an issue until now?).

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Linking Forms

Nov 21, 2007

Please please please help me!!

Firstly to set the scene i am trying to create a training DB.

I have a form with one textbox in it which is for the course title. I then have a continuous subform with all the peoples details in it and whether they are trained or not.

There are nearly 40 courses and 33 people.

The problem i have got is that i want the list of people to stay constant in each course but this the gives the problem of the 'Course Completed' checkbox. BECAUSE if i link the subform to the mainform and a new person starts you have to go through every course and add them and if i dont link the forms the 'Course Completed' checkbox stays the same!

Is there anyway to have it so that the list of people in the subform stays constant even when one is added to the table but the checkbox gets updated?

I have tried this many different ways like adding the checkbox as a subform etc etc but with no luck!

If you can think of a better way i am VERY open to ideas - Thanks in advance!!

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Linking Forms

Dec 18, 2005

The titles a bit vague but im doing a library database and i have done everything except from the main part of a library which is taking a book out. So what i need to do is choose a specific member, then click a button that allows me to choose a book for that member, and then click another button that puts the members details and book detail into the loan table, so i can then issue the loan.

another thing i need to do is when a book is taken out, the 'available_in_library' check box needs to be unticked.

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Forms Not Linking

Mar 31, 2006

I have 2 tables Respondent & question, for a survey. THe relationship is one to many. I'm having users login on Form Login. After login the actual survey form opens and I hide the login form.
Problem is only the login information is writing to the table. I need the RespondentID to store a value in TblSurveyID.
Both forms are based on a query. I placed this on the form survey Before Update Event.

Me.ResponentID = Me.TblQuestion.ID, but I get an error message.

Any idea how to fix other than scrapping a form and using a subform(s)?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

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Help With Linking Forms.

Jul 13, 2006

I have the following tables: tblSales, tblCustomers, tblEmployees, tblInstall, tblCreditCheck.

There are 6 products in 2 categories: Sky: Sky A, Sky B, Sky C and Phones: 3G - A, 3G - B (these are related by tblProducts to tblSales)

tblSales has lngCustomerID and lngEmployeeID. I want to be able to input data into both tblSales and tblCustomers and tblInstall or tblCreditCheck at the same time.

tblInstall is only used for Sky deals and tblCreditCheck is only used for phone deals, and the data needs to be entered there at the same time as into tblSales.

However the biggest problem is creating an entry in tblSale and tblCustomers at the same time... so I want to link from frmCustomer (Having created a customer entry) to frmSkySale or frmPhoneSale where it will automatically input lngCustomerID # (The one that I have just created) into the lng_CustomerID field. Hence I would be putting the data into the frmSkySale which would correspong to a particular customer.


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Linking Forms

Aug 31, 2006

I am currently making a database where I need to make fields in various forms link to each other and create a final summary report which contains all the info found in the previous forms. Any ideas?
Thanx :confused:

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Linking Forms

Nov 28, 2006

I have a button opening a create item button on a form. This open and creates new record on a input item form. This form is also on the 1st form within a subform (dataview).

1st Problem I am having is that the 2nd form for inputing items into the DB doesn't show the current customer the items would be assigned to as it does with the 1st form.

How do I get the button to open the form and have the correct customer in the data without having to enter it?

2nd Problem is how do i grey out a box so it shows the autonumbers and does not let you edit the field?

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Help: Linking Two Forms

Dec 4, 2006

Hi, I have a question.I have a form with details of a people on (Such as forename, surname and the such like)I also have a button to open another form (which pops up on top of the original form). On this form is other details (Such as Medical Details)No matter what record im viewing on the original form the details on the medical form, when opened, doesn't change corresponding to what record is being viewed on the original form and only shows the first record all the time.My question is this:Is there a way so when the button is clicked to open the medical form, the data shown on that form is for the person/record being viewed on the original form.Thanks

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Help With Forms And Linking

Sep 27, 2004

In the past I have used basic access. I have now been set a task to create a database and there are a few things I cant quite figure out.

1. Is there a way to link text from one form to text on another form, for example if MR.A was doing a course called 'abc' could i click on abc under his details and have it open a page on a different form that shows abc's details

2. in a text box i want to hit enter and be taken to the next line in the box instead of the next field, how do change this? also is there a way to increase the maximum text in one box as there seems to be a limit to the amount i can enter

3. this is the smallest of my problems, however would still be nice if I could fix it. on a text box label when i enter the & character it shows up as _

thank you in advance for your help, it is much appriciated

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Forms :: Forms With SubForms Opening With New Record?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a main form with multiple subforms in tab view, right now the forms only open in edit mode, I would like all forms to open to new record mode. I know I can set the main form with the switchboard manager but what about the subforms?

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Linking Forms, And Data

Oct 21, 2005

Hi All, I am having a problem with linking my forms, with linking data.
I have: Main, Landscape, A,B,C,D, Q,X,Y,Z (Forms). On Main there are command buttons for Landscape, Q,X,Y,Z I have linked Q,X,Y,Z by the Code field on Main and the Code field on Q,X,Y,Z. The Landscape button will open Landscape with A,B,C,D (forms) Which all need to linked by Code there Code is ID. This is what is not working, the Code and ID is not matching up to these forms. Any Idea. *NOTE each form has a button called the same as the form, that is how the form appears. I have used SQL's for the Q,X,Y,Z forms. but that is not working for the A,B,C,D, forms. HELP!!!! :confused: Thanks

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Linking Forms/tables Together?

Dec 20, 2004

Hopefully someone can help me here. been struggling with this for a while.

Here's the brief!!
I have a access 2000Db, In it are are 2 tables, Tbl_Main & Tbl_Customer. and two forms frm_main & frm_customers based on the tables.

I have created a form called Form_main On this i have created a button which opens the form, Frm_Customers.

I want to link each record in fom main with form customers, basically so when i click on the button in form main it opens the correct corresponding record in frm_customers

Unfortunately when i scroll through the frm_main and select the customers button the customers details dont follow with each record. it only shows last record. Each record in the main form should follow with record from Customers table

I have created a relationship 1 to 1 so the data would follow each record but no avail.

where am I going wrong - If i can avoid code then that be fantastic as it confuses me! :)

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Problem Linking Forms

Jun 20, 2005

I have 3 forms bound to 3 tables . I am having trouble linking them. The first first form is a client info form which records info on a new client. I have a clientid autonumber as PK. The second is a CaseInfo form with the clientid and a CaseID as a combined PK. The third is a case details form which has an autonumber field but the clientid and CaseID are a combined PK.
I have the caseinfo table linked to the client table in a 1 to many relationship and the case details table linked to the case info table in a 1 to many. When a new client comes in We should be able to fill in the new client info, open a linked case info form and fill that in and then open a linked details form and fill that in. I can't seem to get my forms to do this with my test data. What am I doing wrong?

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Help Needed Linking Forms Together.

Sep 16, 2005

I have two forms, a main form frmProperty and a secondary form "Training Details" you access the training details via a button on the frmProperty form. This is the code for the button.

Private Sub Trainingbtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Trainingbtn_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Training Details"

stLinkCriteria = "[Property Code]=" & Me![PropertyCode]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Trainingbtn_Click

End Sub

I noticed however that whenever the user enters data no matter what the "PropertCode" of the main form it was assigning it to PropertyCode = 0 :(

So as a temp fix i have inserted the following code into the GotFocus of a text box that is filled in. This code did not help in the Form_Load section...

[Form_Training Details].[Property Code] = Form_Property.[PropertyCode]

This works, but obviously is very messy. Where am i going wrong???

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Help With Linking Multiple Forms

Nov 30, 2005


I am using multiple forms to enter some data. When I enter the data in the second form and go back to the main (first) entry form it always goes back to the first record. Also when I am at a record at the first form and go to the second form it always starts at the first record. Is there a way to make the two forms match the record I am entering. I am entering data into the same table. I needed to use two forms because I could not fit all the information on one form. Thanks

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Linking Forms To Databases

Feb 17, 2006

Extreme novice small business trying to use Access, need some help.

I want to setup a simple payroll system in Access - we have a database of 13 employees already in Access as well as a form we created with fields to enter hours and calculate total due. This may end up being very easy or very hard, but I'd like to know how to, first, set up the form so that it performs the calculations (hourly rate x hours) and then enter this information into another database that will keep track of the weekly this far more complicated than I think? Any help/suggestions/points in the right direction are much appreciated.

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Linking Fields In Forms

Nov 21, 2003

My question is this:
I have a form called Family with a RecID field. When I create a new record on this form the RecID field auto assigns a #. Then the user is supposed to click the command button which brings them to another form called Child. This Child form has the RecID field and another called RecChildID.
The RecID field is linked to the same RecID field as form the previous form. But when I enter the child form and start it's linked record the RecID field is not filling in/ copying over the same # as the previous form. How can I get it to update the RecID from the first form to the second form?

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Linking Tables And Using Forms

Nov 22, 2012

ive made a db to keep a record of my employees and then keep a record of the addresses they attend.each employee will tend to visit numerous addresses in any given day so ive made a table for employees and a separate table for the addresses they visit...i then made an 'employee form' that is generated from my 'employee table' (standard stuff like name, address etc, nothing fancy here) so it is more user friendly...

what i want to be able to do is push a button on the 'employee form' which will then prompt me to add an address that will only be linked to that specific employee.i guess in esssence im looking for a way to link a specific employee to a bunch of addresses, and be able to data entry it on a form..

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Opening Forms

Aug 16, 2005

Instead of using command buttons to open forms
I would like to open forms displayed in a list box
Is there a way of doing this, so for example the
listbox will show
When any of the above is clicked the relative
form will open.


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Opening Forms

Aug 23, 2005

I have a form with a bound combo box listing names, [myname] and a multiselect list box that lists all available forms in a database [myselections]. I am really struggling with code that will enable the user to hit a command button that will then open the selected forms to show the data for the selected individual. I have found things related to selecting items in tables etc but not related to opening forms to specific entrys and I am just not experienced enough with SQL to get this working. Can anyone help or direct me to a good example?

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