Linking Massive Amounts Of Files

Jun 10, 2005

Hi, it's me again, the guy who works with the Amusement ride industry. I'm trying to set up a way to ogranize all our saftey bulletins that we get.

I've already looked into indexing but the major problem is that the user will need to be able to search on multiple criteria (for example the Tilt A Whirl was made by three different manufacturers). Also I can't download that nifty google tool bar because we're running win 2000 without service pac 3.

Access seemed like a great alernative, but I have about 300 or so files I need to link. Is there a faster way of linking these files than going through and doing them one by one?

I have a pre-made index the guy before me made in exel. Most all the files are in PDF format if it helps at all.

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Linking Records To .doc, .pdf, .xls Files

Dec 6, 2007


First of all, apologies if this is in the wrong forum, it's my first post and I'm new to the site.

I'm currently working on an Access database that stores personal details.

I would like to be able to link the database to a network drive so a user can see all related .doc .pdf .xls files on the network that are associated with that record.

Here is the ideal situation:

User looks up record with unique ID 123456 in the database

Database then displays screen showing content of S:Users123456 (Where S: is a network drive)

User clicks database record showing "Personal Details.doc"

MS Word opens S:Users123456Personal Details.doc


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Simon Tindall

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Linking PDF Files To Emails?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a client that has several users that need to send out multiple reports that are stored on a shared server drive. These PDF's are logged into a SQL database and the location of where they are stored each day and kept for several years. Is there a way to select several of these reports and attach them to an email that they can send off easily using Access 2010 or 2007?

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Tables :: Linking To CSV Files In Back End

Aug 18, 2013

I am developing a 2010 database which is split. In the back end I am linking to csv files - with a new file every month to link to.

What I would like to do (and have not been able to find a way to do at all so far! ) is each month to add the new table link in the _be and to be able to choose it in the front end user interface to view reports on, without having to "re-programme" the underlying queries to use the new linked table.

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Querying Massive DB

Apr 5, 2006

I need to select the last 20 records from a databse that have over 1.25 MILLION records.

Obviously the usual stuff like order by is breaking the server with buffer issues.

Anybody any ideas of how to get around this?

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Second Normal Form A Massive Table

Apr 4, 2007

Hi, i'm new here and I know there's a lot going on but i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction or give me a few tips...

I've imported a very large (nearly 15000 records) set of data into an Access database as one big huge table storing various bits of information about coins. As far as I can tell, the data is in at least first normal form, in that no multiple values are stored in any columns (not yet sure of the technical term - field?)

Anyway, I've managed to use a make table query to separate out some of the content of the table into separate tables with relating entities.

One question is, and please bear with me - How do I add an autonumbered primary key to these newly separated out tables and then add these autonumbered items to the original tables as IDs so that I can set up relationships? Is there a "proper" way to go about describing this?

The following consists of ALL the fields in the original table and how i've split them up by table:





The Variety field in the Variety table is especially problematic. There were 1259 varieties stored in the original table which are now in a separate Varieties table which is great. But how do i now add an autoincrement number and call it, say, VarietyID, but then link each Variety back to the main list of coins but replace the full Variety description with the newly created VarietyID?

If any of that made sense, i'd REALLY appreciate some wisdom here.


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Access Massive Data Lookup

Sep 16, 2014

I have created a database with a list of product codes, pricing, costs, and supplier name. Now I have about 100 product codes which I would like to look up for all those information. Is there an effective way to do it in Access? I know I could export the whole datasheet to Excel to do a vLookup, but it may be lots of waiting time if the data are massive.

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Disable Filter Functionality / Massive Slowdowns

Oct 28, 2005

Is there a way to disable the filter feature in MS Access? I have several users that use the filter to find a single record when I've repeatedly told them that using CTRL-F is faster and less of a strain on network traffic.

I'm trying to eliminate all possible causes of a massive slowdown that occurs everyday at roughly 10-noon. There are several ODBC timeouts (even after including some code to have it attempt to retrieve the data 3 times prior to it allowing the timeout message to pop-up).

I have removed all linked tables/queries that are not needed and the database has been rebuilt. Compressed the database is under 2 megs and the SQL Server backend is on it's own server where the same queries return instant results.

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Positive And Negative Amounts

Dec 20, 2005

I need to make a coupel of statements that display the total (sum) of negative amounts and positive amounts from a single list of results which comtains both negative and positive values. The two answers need to be displayed in the footer of a report.

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Adding Amounts Per Record

Jun 25, 2006

Hi to all!
I face the following problem: I cannot add amounts per line!
I have one table consisting of many different columns (fields), some of them having amounts. I want to update this table by doing the following:
let's say I have the following records:
1/6/2006 A 12
1/5/2006 B 20
15/6/2006 C 21
22/6/2006 D 17
25/6/2006 E 30.
I want to use a filter (e.g. the date being between 1/6/2006-30/6/2006), sort the records descending according to the amounts and then add in another field of the table A, B or C, according to whether the total amount including the specific record is above 70% of the total or above 90% of the total. In the specific example I want the following result:
25/6/2006 E 30 A
15/6/2006 C 21 A
22/6/2006 D 17 B
1/6/2006 A 12 C
Their total amount is 30+21+17+12=80 and the percentage of each record is: E:0.375 , C:0.2625 , D:0.2125 and A:0.15. Their adding percentage is
E:0.375 , E+C:0.6375 , E+C+D:0.85 and E+C+D+A:1.
How can I do that? I calculate the percentage of each record in a query, but how can I calculate their adding percentage, so that I can use an if-clause in an appending query?
Please help!!
Thanks in advance for your time


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Rounding Dollar Amounts

Nov 9, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I'm using the following on a form in my database:


In this case, I want to calculate a total for an order. If the
LineTaxExempt field is checked (meaning tax exempt), the total is
figured by the ([Qty] field X [Price] field)+the [ShippingHandling]

If the LineTaxExempt is not checked, then the above total, including
shipping, is multiplied by 6% sales tax or 1.06. I then want this
value rounded up to 2 decimal places. This control is a running total
of the order.

This works most of the time, but I have run into a few rounding errors.

For example:

With exempt checked

1(Qty)X27.90(Price) + 6.44(ShippingHandling) gives me $34.35
instead of $34.34

With tax exempt checked (and multiple lines)

2(Qty)X141.02(Price) + 0.00(ShippingHandling)
10(Qty)X4.12(Price) + 0.00(ShippingHandling) gives me a
grand total of $323.25 instead of $323.24

It's frustrating because it seems like it works part of the time and
rounds wrong the other part of the time. By "rounds wrong", I mean I
set it wrong to round.

Is there a better formula to use in a form or query to round up to 2 decimal places other than the
=-Int(-Sum([Fieldname]) * 100) / 100 method that will give me the right results?

Any help/examples would be greatly appreciated on how to
modify this to give me the correct result each time.

Here are my field types:

Field: Double
Format: Standard
Decimal Places: 2

Format: Currency
Decimal Places: 4 (some unit prices are 4 digits--Example $1.2525)

Format: Currency
Decimal Places: 2



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Summing By Name With Dollars Amounts

Jan 10, 2005

Heelo all:

I have a form based on a query. This form has a combobox with 4 names in it. When a person is selected form the combo box, other fields automatically populate IE: room number, address, etc. Another field is a currency box which also populates automatically.

This is what I wish to happen: When I select a person from the combo box, can it show the TOTAL amount received for THAT PERSON in a separate text box?

Any help is most welcome.



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Summing Different Multiple Amounts With Grouping

Jul 13, 2006

hey all, thanks to anyone that can help

i have 5 fields facid custid empid amount invdate.

i need to be able to get totals on the amount based on fac, cust & emp based on a date range given by user, but here's the kicker.. i need to get the current month totals, month totals - 1year (so same month but for last year)
the date range totals, last yeardate range
current ytd, last ytd

i did it using code, but the performance isn't that great. there are 2800 customers it has to cycle through and figured one of the resident experts can help with a query.
i've used dsum() but not quite getting the results i should.
i think one of the problems is the user has the option of filtering the data based on the 3 fields.

anyways if you can help i'd greatly appreciate it..

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Amounts In Text For Invoices....Urgent....

Feb 14, 2005

Is there any way we can convert the amount in numeric form to text format Eg: $ 1000 as Thousand Dollars.
I need this for generating invoices.

Thanks in advance for the help...


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Queries :: Only A Certain Amounts Of Row With Update Query

Feb 14, 2014

possible to have an update query to only update 20 rows with a new data in the fields? And, how do I pass the information that I want to update only data from a certain date.If I have the word Cat and want to update it to Dog, but only with the dates 12-01-2014, where do I need to put the date part (also possible to do this for dates that are greater than 12-01-2014).

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Queries :: Show All Amounts Past Due Date?

May 10, 2013

I have a table in this manner:

Customer | Debit Amount | Credit Amount | Date of Transaction

My goal is to have the customer's name | (Sum of Debit amount MINUS Sum of Credit Amount) and it will only show if it is past a certain due date.

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Tables :: Avoiding Currency Format When Storing Amounts

Feb 15, 2013

I want to store currency amounts but not use the currency format. My DB is set to use all currencies and provide in all currencies.

Do I use the SINGLE data type?

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General :: Adding Decimal Amounts To A Percentage Expression

Jan 4, 2013

I'm having difficulty in adding decimal amounts to a percentage expression.On a form in a text box I have a percentage expression of 73.38%. In a combo box I have a drop down menu of: 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, -.25, -.5, -.75With another text box I would like to have the decimal amounts added to the percentage. For example, 73.38% + .5..Which will equal in the text box: 73.88%

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General :: Formatting Columns To Not Round Dollar Amounts

Mar 7, 2013

I've run into a situation with our Access Database where sometimes when we import information into it from an Excel sheet the dollar amounts get rounded out. For example, the amount of $726.68 shows as that in the database but when you click on the field/cell it's in it shows as $726.6799. It doesn't do this for every field which is weird. The data from the excel sheet is not roudned out either, it shows the amount as $726.68 so it appears to be something funny going on with Access. Under the formatting area, the data type is set as currency and format is currency.

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Queries :: Complex Query Sorting And Summing Amounts Breakdown

Jan 28, 2015

I have a shell of my database in the below link for reference. I am trying to create a query for a report that will allow me to track charges and payments per client. Each charge has a ChargeID and each payment has a PaymentID. Multiple payments can be applied to one charge so the same ChargeID can show up multiple times with a different PaymentID. Payments that are catagorized as Third Party Payments will have not only a PaymentID, but a TPPaymentID.

What I need to do in the query and final report is track the total charges (even though the ChargeID may show up multiple times, I only want the charge itself to be calculated once and the charge to only be listed once for each client) and track the total payments as well as sum the total payments for each charge for each client.

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General :: How To Sum Amounts In List Box Column And Show Total On Main Form

Oct 19, 2012

How can I sum the amounts in the list box column and show the total on the main form?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Files And Then Compare With Files In Database Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have to write a code for my database,i have folder with files "pending Review" and a table with column "tblExcelLocation". when i run my database all the files from pending review folder goes to "tblExcelLocation" on a click of button.But,if the files already exists it should not insert those files and insert the rest.For this i tried to write a code but i think i m unable to do that .

Loop through files in folder
folderspec = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.files


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Using MDB Files Which Are Backed Up Hourly Into Zip Files

May 2, 2012

Every hour a zip file is created in an FTP folder. The zip file contains an .mdb access database file with any changes to the data since the last hours file.

What is the best method to get access to connect to the content of the zip files and pick up the changes to the data?

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MDE Files

Jun 20, 2005

Hi guys.

Just a quick one, I couldn`t find anything on this or in any books I have.

I`m assuming I need to create an MDE file befire I can distribute my database for other people to use ?

Anyway, that I have done, but the question is, I`ve done this and have a select number of ppl using my database, entering LIVE data etc.

Once This has been done can I open this back up in access and make changes to the database, eg forms, reports etc etc ?
If not, is there anyway, I can pull the data out of this and import it into my origanal file, which can then be remade into an MDE ?

I hope I have made myself clear.

Thanks in advance for any help!!


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Mde And Mdb Files

Jun 21, 2005

Once I split up database into mde and mdb files is there a way to put them back togethere ? How can I turned linked table into table?

I would greatly appreciate your reply.


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Files Name

Oct 4, 2005

HI I hope that someone can help me, I know it's not that hard, but I have never done it. Actually, I have a folder that has like 340 excel files. Is there a way I can write a vba code in either excel or access to get the file names in like a table or so, it's gonna take for ever to type them in manually. I only need to get the file name and they are all excel files. Please Help If You Can. Thanks.

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