Load Form Music Play

Jul 26, 2006

Friend I am bigner in ms acess I have datbase .
I want when I load main page sound/music .
when i open another page I want another soundplay that music

Plz ur help
Thanks from Iraqi

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Play A Video In A Form

Mar 2, 2005

i have a series of short Avi films( they can be converted to another format is better suggestion) that are basically a tutorial films on how to use my database...

what i want is a form to have a list of these files so the user can choose which one to play the file within Access as a tutorial section...

Can this be done, if so anyone fancy helping me with this one please.



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How To Embed And Play Wav Files Into A Form?

Feb 17, 2006


This is a new area for me and I am struggling with how to approach the solution. Have searched the archives but still can't figure it out....

I have a database that stores call center coaching events. I would like to insert a wav file (recorded conversation) into each record and be able to play the wav file when the record is current in the form.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Music Collection Database - Form Problem

Apr 30, 2005

Hey guys,

Yous seem to know virtually everything about access, so hopefully some kind soul could help me out - I think it should be easy enough, but I'm a newbie.

Basically, I have to design a music collection database. I've 5 tables - Artist, Album, Recording Label, Category and Tracks.

What I want to do is essentially create a database similar to the template available on the miscrsoft website. In it, when you go into the Recordings form for example, if the artist if not yet entered (ie cant be selected from the drop-down list), then you can double click and get the Artist form to pop-up. The same goes for Music Category, which also displays a pop-up form if necessary. I'd like to know how to do this??

I apologise if I'm using incorrect terminology, not explaining this correctly, or asking this question for the millionth time, but any help anyone could give would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Play Sound With Event On Open Form

Jun 7, 2015

How can I play a sound with event On Open Form.

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Music Collection

Sep 16, 2005


I'm fairly new to Access and was wondering if it's possible to create a database that finds MP3's in a given folder and reads the ID3 details to create records, to save entering all the song details manually?


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Music Database

Nov 22, 2005

I wonder if anyone can help - i'm fairly new to access and am just starting to plan a database to catalogue my CDs. I've looked at the microsoft template and various others. Anyway, everything is fine until you get to a "various artists" CD and i'm a bit lost now about my table designs and relationships etc. can anyone help me with the best way of going about this?
Thanks in advance

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Music Inventory Database

Aug 4, 2005

hello, i am looking for a music inventory database, anybody any idea where i might get one

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Limiting Play Within The Databank

Sep 22, 2005

Hi there

This is my problem

1) I have just spilt my data base into the front end and back end. I did this not using the wiszard. What i would like to do is to limt total acess to my databank. I want guest to be able to view my data and those who are allowed to can edit the data. How do i do this exactly

2) I want to be able to watch closely and see who is doing what, i would like to record, in a table, those who edit the data and those who enter data. i would like to keep track of whats going on in my data bank. So to seen when the data was newly added and what data to my data bank and to see who and when the changes have been made.
if there is a simple way to add the password system i am all ears

Thanks in advance.


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MS Access Music Collection

Jul 8, 2006

In Office 97, Access database had a Music Collection database which I used and it was also in Sterling GBP
My PC crashed and since then I have upgraded to Office 2000, but the Music Collection database is un USD$

How can I get the Music Collection Db as per 97?

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Main Switchboard - Music?

Jul 6, 2006

Is there a way to have a song play when a form is opened?

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Cannot Play Avi Movies But Plays Avi Animation?

May 4, 2005

I'm using sample code which i will paste below, it includes in the form a comman button, animation control and activeX control. it plays clipart files but when i try to play a movie inavi format such as a movie trailer it says it unable to open..what could i do to make allow all types of avi files.

Private Sub cmd2_Click()
With Cd2
.Filter = "avi (*.avi)|*.avi"
End With
With An2
.AutoPlay = True
.Open Cd2.fileName
End With
End Sub

this is sample code from msn website and works for clipart avi files but it seems not to open normal avi movies.

what would have to be done in order to allow any avi to play and or is there any other way i can play avi (any sort) on the form and which also allows me to choose any avi file (i.e from a table etc)

cheers in advance

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Forms :: How To Play A Sound From A Subform

Sep 15, 2013

I have to tables:

Table 1 contains "cases picked"
Table 2 contains "cases required"

i have a query with info populated from those 2 tables:field "results" shows the results of this calculation: "cases required"-"cases picked"="results".In this query I have a conditional format stating: If true, displays text "ok" and the field will be green, if false, displays text "alert" and the field will be red.

Then I have this query in a subform (a form within another form),I would like to have a code or a formula for this query, where it would play a sound if (and only in this case) the value of "cases picked" is bigger than the value in "cases required"

This is how it works, you open the main form, start using a barcode scanner to scan cases, everytime you scan each case, the subform is refreshed and adds cases, and shows results, and shows how many cases you are missing or how many cases you are over, but this is only in the screen, i would like to have a sound in this subform, so in case you pick more cases than required, a loud sound is played as an alert, i still can't figure out where to put the solution, if as a formula in the query, or a code in the subform.

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General :: Access 2013 - Possible To Play Sound File

Jun 3, 2013

Is it possible to play any kind of sound file from Access?

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Insert Link To Music In Database - Access 2010

Jun 22, 2015

I am making a database of MP3 songs. I want to include a link to each song and be able to play the song from the database by clicking on the link.

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Load A Form At The Begining?

Oct 19, 2005

Hello? I did a form and I want that when somebody opens the database it opnes automatically, it has a series of buttons to open another things.


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Load New Form And Set Textbox Value...

Feb 24, 2006

I have 1 form lets call it Form1 which has a text box called say textBox1(along with many other form components), the will find record they want and then click a button, which i want to open a new different form (Form2) and set a text box on that form (textBox2) to the value of the textBox in Form1.

Dim tmp As String
tmp = VolunteerID.Value

DoCmd.OpenForm "Comment", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acWindowNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
'To obtain that varibale was read.
MsgBox (tmp)
'Not sure if this is needed
VolunteerID2.Text = tmp

Cheers in advance

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Maximize Form On Load

May 22, 2006

I have some trouble getting a form to open maximized. This form is opening from a switchboard that is centered and not sizable. After clicking on a command button in the switchboard the form I am having trouble with opens in its own window, but I cannot get it to maximize automatically. I have been to every setting I know on the form properties but for some reason nothing seems to be able to get that form to open maximized.:confused:



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Maximize Form On Load

Nov 14, 2006

how to maximize the form when you load it?

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VB Code To Load A Form

Mar 14, 2006

Hi Guys

How do I load a form from another form? I would prefer to use VB (in fact, its probably the only way you can do it!). I have tried varius commands that would have worked in VB - but dont work in Access, like...

Code:Unload MeLoad Form_tblClientsForm_tblClients.show

The above code does not work AT ALL. It gets an error at the Unload Me line, an error at the Load Form_tblClients line, and the action 'Show' does not even exist under Form_tblClients, so that wont work either!

I am aware of Switchborads, but i want to know how to load a form, and make it pop up in a new window from within another form.

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How Do I Load A BLOB Into A Form?

Oct 5, 2007


I have a OLE Object field in my Access table. It has a blob (long binary data) already in it. It is a very small .bmp image. How do I get this image from the table loaded in a form to it displays the image? I tried setting this value to a image box, bound object field on form load but nothing is working. Any help would be great. Thanks


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How To Load A Record On A Form

Jun 14, 2014

I only have one table that both forms pull from.

I have 3 forms. The only form a user will ever see is F_Main

F_MAIN (Just loads the 2 forms below within itself)
F_Data_Short (Grid View.. Rows and Columns.. All Records.. Shows some fields)
F_Data_Long (Single Record View.. Showing all fields)

-> On the left is F_DATA_SHORT
-> On the Right is F_DATA_LONG

How can I set it.. When a record on the left included form is clicked.. it loads that same record on the right included form. No pop ups...

I know I can use the On Click option for the form on the Left... and set code or a macro to the load the data on the right. I tried everything and can't seem to get the data to load on the right when a record is clicked on the left...

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Update =Date() On Form Load

Jul 27, 2007

I have a form, that when I create a new record it puts a a =Now() time stamp in the Date Field, but I would like for that time to be updated if anything on the record is changed, later on. How do I update that time?

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Form Does Not Load Until Loop Has Finished

Jan 3, 2008


I have created a small form that hold a cube of 9 boxes on it. The idea is that it will act as a small icon that indicates the system is loading. (Purely cosmetic)

I have triggered the boxes to change colour on a loop when the form loads but the problem is that the loop function is being carried out before the form actually loads. How do I get the form to display first and then carry out the loops to change the colour of the shapes?

Thanks all...

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Is There Anyway To Auto Maximize A Form On Load?

Feb 28, 2005

I want my Switchboard, and all subsequent forms to be maximized on open...so that the form name doesn't show. Is that possible?

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Open Invisible Form On Load

Mar 23, 2005

How do you open an invisible form when the database opens. In the database's startup options I have the database open a form, however, for some reason I can't set it to an invisible state.

My users run macros in their programs (not forms) the sole purpose of the form is to track which users are logged in the database or not. Therefore, when the form opens/closes, a user-table updated.

I don't want the users to be able to see this form, but I have no way to keep it hidden. More importantly because no other forms are being used or opened on load... I can't open the form hidden. Does anyone know anyway around this?

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