Looking For Access Based Smart Business Software

Mar 10, 2007

We are looking for an access based software similar to this http://www.pedyn.com/access/P2000details.htm
Could any of you can guide us to get a best suit

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Smart Access Application (vbs)

Oct 30, 2006

Hello everyone. This is my first post (for not asking help :) )
I look at topics for start up options etc and I think all of this it’s ok but there is a smarmiest way to start your application. So here we go..
We make a vbs Script

Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.Run """C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE""/RUNTIME ""C:Documents and SettingsEvalDesktopDataBaseUI.mdb"""

And we start The Access In runtime and open your Db
Note this working with Access 2003 .If you have an other version just change the access directory “C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE”
Where is your Office Access
Then you can make a shortcut of your .vbs script and rename it ass you like
You’re Application Name. You can change the Icon (If you have a Program File’s Folder Place your icon) Right Click Properties/Change Icon
Then your app is starting in Access /Runtime and everything is fine :)

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Access Data Business Analysis

Aug 15, 2007

Is there an Add in for Microsoft access that will using a gui based method, run queries, set up automated reporting (task Scheduler) in an easy to administer method. Quest Toad has a new add in Toad for Data Analysis. I am looking for something similar for access. Right now I am doing this manually via creating macros, etc. But there really should be an easier way.

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3NF Question. One For The Smart Ppl Here.

Feb 23, 2005


I have table with the functional dependencies shown above.

I would like to know if it is in 3rd Normal Form. I think it is.

The table stores data on DVDs and Tapes.

Format = "Tape" or "DVD".

Region is either "1","2","3" or "0" (If format is DVD)
or "PAL" or "NTSC" (If format is Tape).

Rarity is a rating (1 to 5) of how rare a tape or dvd is. The user uses their descretion when deciding this value, but the take format and region into account when deciding.

Price is the cost of the tape or dvd. The rarity, region, and format are considered when the user decides upon a price.

Region, rarity and format are unique, and can only appear once in the table.

Finally, Price band is the primary key of the table. It is a value used solely to identify the combination of Format, region and rarity.

Im not sure if I have done the diagram correctly. Im not sure if I need to model a dependency if it is only there because the user is using data when deciding on the value of other data.

In which case, would this be the correct diagram, and is it in 3NF?


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Dear Smart People,

Oct 11, 2005

I have a form with a textbox and a button. When the user enters in a number range, I need records to show up for only dates that are in-between and/or equal to the numbers typed in the textbox.

For example when the user types in 4-9, and pushes the button, a display of records will be displayed for only 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (if there are such records). The numbers are contained in a NUMBER field of a larger table.

This seems to be a tough question, and I've done days of research on it and can't find an answer.

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Smart Key Prompt In Combo Box

Jul 14, 2006

Does anyone know how complicated would it be too allow the user to key in the first couple letters of the last name in the combo box & have the combo box prompt names that begin with those letters?

I thought I did this before, but I can't figure out how.

I would appreciate any advice.

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Forms :: Using Smart Tags With VBA?

Jan 9, 2014

Access 2007-2010 format Form, 9 bound fields, grouped together Smart Tag = "UnitGroup"

Summary: Needing to run VBA whenever the value is changed within one (or more) of these fields. User could be placing new value (defaults at 0) or editing(changing) previous value entered.

I am not good on writing loops/next statements. But I am wanting to make an image visible to true when someone changes the value within the group.

This is what I have so far:

Dim ctlGroup as Control
For Each ctlGroup in Me.Controls
If ctlGroup.Tag = "UnitGroup" Then 'finds the smart tagged controls
If ctlGroup Then 'if any fields within group changes value then
Me.Image321.Visible = True 'show image
End if
End If
Next ctlGroup

I don't even know if I am close with my code - clearly it is not complete and lots of holes of wonderment!! Maybe it would be easier just to use the individual even (on change) with each individual field (9).

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Remove All Smart Tags

Jan 17, 2012

I have an Access template I downloaded which has smart tags. I want to remove all smart tags all of the forms but how.

It must remove all tags as other users will be using the same database on different pc's. So mustn't be a local client setting.

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General :: Smart Date Picker

Jan 5, 2013

I am operating in MS Access 2007 and unfortunately have to stick with the "out of the box" controls. I have data entries of notes in my database for "most workdays" - but not holidays or weekends. I want to allow the user to be able to edit notes for "most workdays" - but not let them pick a day to edit that doesn't have notes - by selecting them from a calendar date picker. Essentially, I want to gray-out/lock the non-workdays from editing.Is there a smart enough Active X or other control as a Date Picker that uses the results of a query to show valid/invalid dates?

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Help With Business Days

Mar 19, 2008

Good Afternoon All,

I am in need of you help in calculating this. Basically, I don't want the code to count zero. For example, today is 3/19/2008 - Date() should equal = 1 and not zero..

Here's some more examples:[lastfollowup] being 3/18/08
Date() - [LastFollowup] = 2

Here's my code:
DaysOpen: ((DateDiff("d",[LastFollowup],Date(),2))-(Int(DateDiff("d",[LastFollowup],Date(),2)/7))*2)+IIf(Weekday(Date(),2)>5,5-Weekday(Date(),2),0)+IIf(Weekday([LastFollowup],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([LastFollowup],2)>Weekday(Date(),2),2,0)

Thank you,


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Business Database Help

Jan 18, 2006

I am setting up a Database for my company, we want to do it in our local branch first then hopefully we can role the idea out to the entire company. I have started the database already just setting up the tables I need, I think my Design is slightly off though. I am asking for the forums help if that is okay, okay here is the setup.

Areas Needed:

Employee Area:
Date of Hire

Project Area:
project #
project name
budget info

Client Area:
client name
contact info

Project area is going to be the main hub for everthing else, the project number is the key to the entire database. client will be attached to a project via project number, employees timesheets tracked by project number, invoices printed by project number. timesheets will generate the invoices to the client. You guys get the idea, I hope that some of you guys can help me in the spare time you have.

Again, i am looking for Design assistance, i will post a sketch of my design in a couple.

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Business Days

Feb 22, 2006

I am trying to calualate the business from an Order Date. The Business Days are Monday thru Friday excluding Holidays. It is for a form that will Highlight (conditional Format) Order over five business days old that have not been completed. Has anyone done this before?

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Calculating Business Days

Mar 22, 2006


Is there any access formula that can calculate the net business days between two dates.



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Business Info Systm

Jan 24, 2007

Hi. I'm a freshmen currently in college and I'm taking business info systems right now... and well I'm just being paranoid. Anyway, i really hope this isn't at all too confusing or anything... but

For a hw assignment we where sopposed to like dl this database and just do random commands on it. Anyway, we're sopposed to save it at the end... and email the file to the professor who will grade it.

Anyway, I asked her how she would know if we actually did all the steps and shit... and how she could tell (esp if the directions where like... "1. filter this out." then "3. take out the filter."

she replied that access "saves" all the actions in a database in the document so she will be able to see all the actions that we took.

I did all the assignments, and I'm just being paranoid about my work right now... since it's the new semester and the teacher is SO NICE but very picky when it comes to grading.

My question is just to ask if anyone knows the "secret" command/function/button or whatever you do to basically do what the professor would do to grade my database / ie see that I did everything.

I just want to check to see all my work is good before I submit it to her.

Thank you so much for your time and reading this. :)

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Business Card Scanner

Nov 17, 2006

I want to use a business card scanner, and use the data for my Access 2000 order database. Most card scanners, can send data to Outlook, can you go from Outlook to Access? Any advise would be appreciate it . . . THANKS!:o

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Real Estate Business

Oct 18, 2006

I am building a database for a Real Estate business.

I have 2 tables tblPurchasers and tblVendors.

I intend to write a query that will match the requirements of the purchasers to the properties for sales (from the vendors).

My issue is this (best illustrated via an example);

I run my Query on the 1st April and four properties are produced as being suitable for purchaser 'A'.

Purchaser 'A' immediately deems properties 1 and 2 unsuitable and views property 3 on the 6th April. Property 3 is subsequently deemed unsuitable as well.

I re-run my qury on the 10th April and five properties are produced as now being suitable for purchaser 'A'.

Purchaser 'A' has already dismissed properties 1,2 and 3 so i don't want to show him these again ....... how do I just ensure that properties 4 and 5 appear ?

Purchaser 'A' has already dismissed properties 1,2 and 3 so I don't want to show him these again ....... how do I just ensure that properties 4 and 5 appear ?

Something involving a yes/no box on a form would be the best method for me of implementing this (as it would fit in with the scematic of the database to date).

I imagine the properties (with a small photo) appearing and tick boxes headed 'Unsuitable', 'Viewed' etc be used to dismiss properties, which do then not re-appear.


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How To Calculate Business Hours!

Oct 27, 2006

I need to calculate the difference between to datetime fields. However, i need to exclude weekends, holidays and non-business hours. I also need to return the result in hours, minutes, seconds.

can this be done. if so, does anyone know how to do this, or is there code that i can implement and save for future uses.



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Update Date With Business Day

Dec 13, 2006


I am trying to update a field on a form with a date that is +7 days from a date that is in another field, but the new date must only be a business day. Can anyone tell me how to do this?


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Business Days Caculation

Jan 22, 2007



Can someone tell me how to find the ID_CASE's where
than or equal to 2 business days (M-F) of the MaxofDT_BATCH in this query?

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Nz Function In Business Days HELP!

Aug 21, 2007

I have a query that calculates business days. However if my end date is missing the query has error codes because the date its looking for is null. Can show me were to put the nz function.

here's the module for the business days

Function Work_Days(BegDate As Variant, EndDate As Variant) As Integer

' "Calculating the workdays between Dates"
' Note that this function does account for holidays.

Dim WholeWeeks As Variant
Dim DateCnt As Variant
Dim EndDays As Integer

BegDate = DateValue(BegDate)
EndDate = DateValue(EndDate)
DateCnt = BegDate
EndDays = 0

Do While DateCnt <= EndDate

If Not IsNull(DLookup("HoliDate", "tblHolidays", "[HoliDate]=#" & DateCnt & "#")) Then
EndDays = EndDays - 1
End If

If Format(DateCnt, "ddd") <> "Sun" And _
Format(DateCnt, "ddd") <> "Sat" Then
EndDays = EndDays + 1
End If
DateCnt = DateAdd("d", 1, DateCnt)
Work_Days = EndDays

End Function

and here's the query

SELECT [Reques_ID], Work_days([Date_Received],[To_Director]-1) AS Turnaround_To_Director,
Work_days([To_Director],[From_Director]-1) AS Turnaround_From_Director, Work_days([To_VP],[From_VP]-1) AS Turnaround_From_VP, Work_days([Position_Number_Requested],[Position_Number_Recieved]-1) AS Turnaround_For_Position_Number, Work_days([Date_Received],[Approval_to_mgr]-1) AS Turnaround_EPS, Work_days([Date_Received],[JOIS_Posted_Date]-1) AS Turnaround_To_Posting, Work_days([Approval_to_mgr],[JOIS_Package_Return_Date]-1) AS Turnaround_For_Package_Return
INTO tbl_turnaround
FROM Artifact;

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Calculate Only Business Days

Feb 10, 2005

I have a date range of 1/01/2005 to 12/25/2005 for example. I need a formula to return the number of days between these dates excluding weekends. Basically I need to know how many business days are between these dates. Thanks for the help.

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Count 10 Business Days From Xx

Jul 22, 2006

I have seen a few modules that let you count how many business days between two dates. What I am looking for is how to count 10 business days from another field.

Say for example I have a txt box that auto populates =Date(). I want to have another txt box that will count 10 business days ahead and put that date in the box.

This is so I can have the db show a due date for reports sent in.

Anyone seen/done/have code for this?

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How To Update Business Name And Address In MDB

Jul 28, 2015

I have a mdb file that our company has been using for years and would like to continue. But I need to update our business name and address within the file so when I do reports and invoices it reflects the correct information. I am using Access 2013.

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Query The Number Of Business Days

Dec 8, 2007

Hello all,

I have 2 tables:
- Employee
- PackageTracker (Contains PackageNumber, date received, date sent, status)

I would like to query:
- which employee has the package
- How long have we had the package (calculate only business days)
- What is the status

I would like the things mentioned above to be ran in one query.

I am stuck with the calculations. I found a macro code to calculate the business days but I am stuck.

Please advise.

Thank you,


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Display All Records For One Business In One Form?

Sep 27, 2005

Hi dont know how im gonna explain this but here goes,

I have a table of businesses and each business has vacancies and consultancy time under it through related tables, so i have


I want to be able to display all the Vacancies for one company in a form and all the consultancy in one form, i know i could do it though querys but i have 600 companies and that would be ridiculous.

Is there any way i can do it by selecting a business and been able to see all records for that business.

Thanks for your help

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Adding Business Days To A Date

Sep 17, 2004

Is there a function in Access that will allow you to add business days to a date? I want to pull a date with a query and then add 5 business days to it to display in a report. Anyone know if this is possible?


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