Lost In Msaccess Coding..

Mar 25, 2005


I am a newbie in ms access. I am ask to do some coding to help me with massive duplicate datas in my database in access.
But i do not know where to start from?
Im very confuse.
As i do not know if ms access itsself can be program using codes?
or am i suppose to use SQL? or VB? or VBA?

I really need help urgently...
thanks alot

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I Need Help In MSAccess 2k!!!

May 12, 2005

Why it is not work???

I have got one list control and i want to populate it with values of one query

ListItem1.RowSource = "Select " & fld & _
" from " & tbl & ", Stock where ( " & tbl & "." & fld & " NOT IN (Select SerialItem from Stock ) ) AND (BIN=0) AND StockItem = '" & tbl & "' group by " & tbl & "." & fld & ";"

i try it with simple query and it is not working:

ListItem1.RowSource = " Select id from stock ; "

I try this in ms access 2k2 it work.
Or it is problem of VusialBasic ???

I need solution from MSAccess 2k.

help me plz

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MSAccess Query Error ...

Sep 15, 2005

With ColdFusion and MSAccess 2003, the following query :

SELECT A.*, B.entry_id
FROM A.blog_entries, B.blog_subscriptions
WHERE B.blog_id = #variables.blog_id#
AND B.user_id = '#variables.userInfo.user_id#'
AND A.user_id = B.user_id

returns this error :

[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find file 'C:WINDOWSsystem32B.mdb'.

Please advise. ThankYou

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Using ActiveX Controls In MsAccess

Feb 1, 2006

I need to use various activeX controls in MsAccess2003. I downloaded a few activeX controls but I am having a problem with licensing. I registered the controls and the registration succeeded but when I try to add this ActiveX control on a form in MSAccess, I get the message that I don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control and that I should obtain the appropriate licence from the company that provides the licenced OLE object or ActiveX control. Any ideas on how to overcome this problem?

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Interbase / Firebird -> MSACCESS (?)

Mar 3, 2007

Hey guys!

I got a Ibase/firebird database and I need to convert it to MS-ACCESS format.
I searched on google, on this forum but I couldn't find a solution.

I appeciate any help!

Thank you!

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Comparing Two Tables In Msaccess

Apr 12, 2007

Is there any way to compare two tables and write out the records that don't match to a third table?

thank you.

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Caption On Navigation Bar In MSAccess

Apr 28, 2005

Is there a way to change the caption "Record" to "My Record" on navigation
bar in a MSAccess Form?

Thanks in advance.

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MSACCESS.EXE - Application Error. Please Help!

Jan 12, 2005


1/ I occasionally run into this error: "The instruction at "0x77fc823" referenced memory at "0xfffffff8". The memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate program."

Do you know if this error message occurr ONLY on certain computers using Access 2000? Since this error popped up on one of my co-worker but NOT on mine. I even tried to re-install Access 2000 again, but the error message still pop up when tried to open a report. Also, the last three digits of instruction number "0x77fcZZZ" change everytime. Please help!!

2/ For some reason, I was coding VBA on one of the procedure on Form_Load, then certainly Access 2k does NOT let me go in the code of any control. WHY!! I am frustrated!! I tried to go in different way, but does not work

Thank you so much.

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Datelastmodified For MSAccess Records

Nov 6, 2006

I'd like to know when a user has modified their records on my site. Is it possible to include code to stamp the datelastmodified per record? And if so, how?

I'm using MS Access and ASP vbscript


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Compact And Repair MSAccess

Jan 26, 2007

the compact and repair on Access enable us to compact or database bec when we delete records the space consumed is not removed. in ASP my Access is increasing rapidly almost 10MB and sometimes downloading this file takes a lot of time for a slow internet. is there a script i can use to automatically compact the database?

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Converting Datatypes In Msaccess

Oct 16, 2007


my table have a a text field F1 (data ex:25%) and number field F2 . I have a query which contains a new number field based on the above fields i.e F3=F1*F2.My query is not able to retrieve the data.My data is been filled with error#.How i can convert the data types in order to get the multiplication of those two fields.

Thanks in adavance


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MSACCESS Import Date Problem

Mar 11, 2006

I'm trying to import a tab delimited text file into MSAccess and its driving me nuts!! How hard can this simple thing be? I have a text file thats rather large (300Meg in fact) and it has a field that is a date/time but msaccess refuses to import it as such. If I import as text and then change the field to date/time it will work but I can't do this on my file because access reports that its run out of memory in converting the field type (2.5M rows).

I've tried setting up the table prior to importing the data and setting the field type but it make no difference. Any help here appreciated because this should be simple!!!

The format of the data that I'm trying to import is.

28/08/2005 10:31:11 PM

You can even make this a single row and try importing it and access drops it so obviously I'm very dumb!!


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How To Create A Search Form In MsAccess?

May 12, 2005

I am using msAccess to develop a small application.
I have 2 tables, student and course, and
I need to create a form with 3 fields -
by_id, by_date, by_course_id

This form can generate a view only table according to the field the user entered.

Can anyone help me on this?
What's the step to do so?


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To Store Scanned Object In MSAccess

Apr 9, 2008

Dear Expertise..

How I can store scanned object in Access. Becuase I have a employee database. I have to store all employees signature in the database Also I have to verify thier signature with the previously stored in database when they are trying to log .

With Thanks

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Running An Automated Query Created In MSACCESS

Jul 20, 2006

Hello All,

I am new here and new to Access.

I have created a query which allows me to schedule daily events. But I want to automate this. Let me explain what i am trying to do.

Every morning at 7 am I want this query to run and the output of which to be mailed to myself. All this without me having to hit any button of sorts.

I have a long shot but very inefficient answer to this - which would be - having to leave my MS ACCESS running all night with an infinite loop checking to see what the system time is. When the infinite loop equates to 7 am it runs the query. But I think this would be a massive memory guzzler and I don't like this solution. Is there something else I can do?

Thanks for you time.


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Is There A Way Perform CTRL+' With Vba Code In MsAccess 2000

May 28, 2006

Is there a way perform CTRL+' with vba code in MsAccess 2000


CTRL+' copies data from a field in the previous record to that field in the current record.


If you receive a compile error related to DAO Recordset go to:


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MsAccess : Create Upload Image Form

Feb 25, 2007

Repected Viewers'

I'm developing small window application using msaccess database and forms.

I want to create a form where a user can upload or attached or save as images to another folder or direct to msaccess database...

"Just like a uploading profile photo"

so please let me know


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Where To Find A List Of Meaning On Event / Type In MSAccess

Dec 16, 2007

Hi there,

This may mean stupid question to you but I find that some of the events or types in the properties which give me 'no meaning' at all.

For example, has module on form, on retreat on report. THIS IS ONLY A sample, my list would be endless.

Thanks in advance

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Coding Not Right?

Apr 19, 2006

I have a Form that currently contains a checkbox that has the following OnClick event...
SELECT tblPlayerRegister.Surname,tblPlayerRegister.[Club],tblPlayerRegister.Age
FROM tblPlayerRegister
WHERE (((tblPlayerRegister.Age) < 11) And ((tblPlayerRegister.Club) = "Beaconsfield"))
ORDER BY tblPlayerRegister.Surname;

The aim of this is to select the Surname, Club & Age from the Table PlayerRegister where the Age is less than 11 and the Club is 'Beaconsfield' and then Sort in Ascending Order by Surname.
I get an error when I write this code and I don't know what I am doing wrong.
I am not very knowledgable with Coding but I have given it a go.
There will eventually be many checkboxes with different criteria and I don't want to do a query for every one.
Could somebody please advise what I have done wrong?
Thank-you for any assistance given.

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Need Some Help With Coding

Aug 4, 2005

Okay here is my code, I had thread open awhile back. In regards of exporting main form and subform to word. Here is the code, I am still having problem with it. I can't seen to take export nothing or if I switch around dbs.close and rs.close, I end up exporting whole subform (meaning all the selected text from all the records to on one word doc. I don't know what I am missing, and it has gone beyond the limits and I have turn my brain upside down, but still no answer :( It has to be something with coding. Because, I know my subform is working fine, if I print out a report on access. Help me out plz.


Private Sub Command4_Click()

'Declare the follwing
Dim dbs As Database
Dim objDocs As Object
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim prps As Object
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim blnSaveNameFail As Boolean
Dim BorrowerID As String
Dim InformationID As Long
Dim intcount As Integer

'Set word as an application and make it invisible
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True 'True is visible

'path and name of the template your are using.
objWord.Documents.Add ("C:Temp ermsheet3.dot")

'This is for the bookmark that you created in the template

'This is the field in access that containts the data that has to be entered at the
objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtCusDetails]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtcoadd]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtcoadd1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtborrower1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtborrower2]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtGuarnator]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmmoney").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtloanamt]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmpercent").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtperc]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmloanpur").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtloanpur1]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmloanpurpose").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtloanpurpose]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtterm]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtamortterm]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtinterestyear]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtinterestrate1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtsecurity1]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmsecurity2").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtsecurity2]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtsecurity3]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmsecurity4").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtsecurity4]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmworkfee").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtworkfee]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bminsurance2").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtinurance2]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtperdebt]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bminsurance1").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtinsurance1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtaudited]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtborrower1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtguarantor1]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtBorrower3]

objWord.ActiveDocument.Variables("bmaccepteddate").Value _
= Forms![menu]![txtaccepteddate]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtGuarantor3]

objWord.Selection.Text = Forms![menu]![txtbmdearmrms]

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qmakInvoice"

intcount = DCount("*", "tmakInvoice")
Debug.Print "Number of Detail item: " & intcount

If intcount < 1 Then
MsgBox "No detail items for invoice; canceling"
Exit Sub
End If
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tmakInvoice", dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
Do While Not .EOF
BorrowerID = Nz(![Borrower ID])
Debug.Print "[Borrower ID]:" & BorrowerID
With objWord.Selection
.TypeText Text:=BorrowerID
.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=2
'.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell
End With
End With

With objWord.Selection
.GoTo what:=wdGoToTable, which:=wdGoToFirst, Count:=3, Name:=""
.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
End With

'Word (or the document that you created with the template, will now open)
objWord.Visible = True

Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
'End With

End Sub

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Help - Coding

Feb 21, 2006

Hey, i need help with a code. It shouldn't be too hard but i don't know where to start as i am unskilled on this program.

I am looking for an input box saying 'enter password here' to pop-up. If it is the same as say 'customer' then i want it to let the user into another form.

Does anyone have any idea.

Please help,

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VB Coding

Jan 15, 2008


I just created a database for work, its got two fields on the form, item and Price.

What i want it to do is when I enter the amount of item, I want it to automatically work out (price = £3.99)the price per item and display it on the Price text box on access.

I done VB but cant remember much, i Know u might have to do a IF statement.

any ideas how this could be done.

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Someone Plz Help Me With This Vba Coding!!!!!

Jul 21, 2005

trying to make it so that when you open the report, it'll pop a dialog box for users to choose the dates (from date to to date. ie. 04/15/05 to 07/17/05). When I click on the report, dialog shows up fine but it finds every record... can someone please help me with this.

here's the coding for the report

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub cmdCancel_Click()
' Method in all forms to allow clean close
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
' Validate the dates
If Not IsDate(Me.txtFromDate) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a valid From date.", vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsDate(Me.txtToDate) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a valid To date.", vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.txtFromDate > Me.txtToDate Then
MsgBox "The From date must be less than or equal to the To date.", _
vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Exit Sub
End If
' Hide me so the calling report can run
Me.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub cmdToDateCal_Click()
Dim varReturn As Variant
' Clicked the calendar icon asking for graphical help
' Put the focus on the control to be updated
' Call the get a date function - date only
varReturn = GetDate(Me.txtToDate, True)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Set up the form caption
Me.Caption = Me.OpenArgs
' Set up the label
Me.lblTitle.Caption = "Select Dates for " & Me.OpenArgs
End Sub

and coding for the form i designed.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub cmdCancel_Click()
' Method in all forms to allow clean close
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

Private Sub cmdFromDateCal_Click()
Dim varReturn As Variant
' Clicked the calendar icon asking for graphical help
' Put the focus on the control to be updated
' Call the get a date function - date only
varReturn = GetDate(Me.txtFromDate, True)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
' Validate the dates
If Not IsDate(Me.txtFromDate) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a valid From date.", vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsDate(Me.txtToDate) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a valid To date.", vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.txtFromDate > Me.txtToDate Then
MsgBox "The From date must be less than or equal to the To date.", _
vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Exit Sub
End If
' Hide me so the calling report can run
Me.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Set up the form caption
Me.Caption = Me.OpenArgs
' Set up the label
Me.lblTitle.Caption = "Select Dates for " & Me.OpenArgs
End Sub

codings from Microsoft "Building Access Applications"

any kind of help would be appreciated

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Help With Where To Put Coding

Feb 28, 2006

Yesterday I was advised by 'Smart' on placing a certain code, as follows:

In the after update trigger of the combo box you can do the following

If YourCombobox = "-" Then
yourtextfield.ForeColor = vbRed
Else: yourtextfield.ForeColor = 0

End If

Please forgive my ignorance but where do I put this code... on the line for 'after update' or in the code builder. If it is the latter, how do I begin the code because it has Private Sub and End Sub. I am obviously no expert but I'm just trying to plod along and learn as I go.
Your help is gratefully accepted.

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Help With Combo Box Coding

Aug 15, 2005

Hi everyone.

Need a little help here please.

I want to track the shipping costs for my products (no commercial value) which I mail world wide. My fields are:

Product Name
Product Weight
Mailing Zone
Unit mailing cost
Total mailing cost

On my input form Product Name and Product Weight are input using a combo box.
Quantity is entered manually.

I have a table listing my products and the unit cost (best price) to send them to various world mailing zones.

I want to create a combo box on the Mailing Zone field and code it so that when I select a Mail Zone, the Unit mailing cost field is updated with the correct value for the product.

All help gratefully appreciated.


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Vis Basic Coding Help??

Oct 31, 2005

Ok I’m coding a form, heres what I have done so far

Me.FN LN =DLookUp("[First Name] & ' ' & [Last Name]","tblStaffID", "Staff ID=" & Me.Staff ID")

I have a txt box to imput the Staff ID number in to and I want it to return the first and last name in to another txt box

Am I close??? What am I doing wrong here??

The table this is coming off is just three fields “Staff ID” “Last Name” “First Name”

Can anyone help??

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