Manipulate Data By Changing One Of Columns To Lookup Field

Aug 16, 2011

manipulate the data by changing one of the columns (Customer 1) to a Look Up Field. This has created two challenges for myself:

1) The data is gone ... oops. I can solve this one.

2) More serious, that column (Customer 1) will only display primary key numbers of the data. Before the corruption, I had a combo box on a form. This combo box took its values from a Table called CustomerTable, the value in this combo box was stored in the QuoteListTable. Before it showed names, now only primary key.

I have attempted to:
-change the look-up back to a regular field (got rid of the look-up)
-exported the table to a query, turned it back into a table, no change.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Manipulate Data Export In Rows To Become In Columns

Oct 14, 2013

The key field is the specimen number and specimen type. Currently for every antibiotic there is a row with its result. My output is 3 complete worksheets so a lot of data. I need to create a database with one row per specimen number/type to include whether it is S/R/or I for each type of antibiotic. The example probably makes more sense. but I'm assuming that 65000 rows * 3 sheet can then be reduced to around 18,000 rows.

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General :: Manipulate Forms - Adding Two Columns

Jul 13, 2014

Access file attachment in the form below if you want to add two columns (like other columns with the capability to filter).

Link file attachment : [URL] ....

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Changing Data From Columns To Rows

Jun 30, 2006

Hi all,

I have a query which runs off a table. I have the following Fields as columns in query: WeekID, A, B, C, D, E

For each week, the letters correlate points given. So for week 1, "A" could have 1 point, "B" could have 3 points, etc.

I want to run a Query that will show A, B, C, D, E as rows like the following:

Letter_Week 1_____Week 2_____Week 3

I can't run a crosstab because it will only crosstab values within all of A, B, etc.

Any idea guys? Thanks in advance, as always.


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Tables :: Lookup Field Using Another Multi Value Lookup Field As Data Source

Nov 23, 2012

how to do a particular thing in Access 2010 (I don't even know if it is possible).

I have a table named PRODUCTS:
ID_PRODUCT (primary key, autonumber long integer)
ALLOWED_OPTIONS (multi value text lookup field: "Option 1";"Option 2";...;"Option 9")

So I can store, for each different product, none, one, or more options to let the customers choose from.

I have a table named ORDERS:
ID_ORDER (primary key, autonumber long integer)
FK_CUSTOMER (foreign key, linked to the primary key of a CUSTOMERS table; represents the customer that places the order.)
FK_PRODUCT (foreign key, linked to PRODUCTS.ID_PRODUCT; represents the product that the customer has choosen)
CHOOSEN_OPTION (lookup text field; the customer must choose ONE option among those allowed for the product he has ordered)

The problem is that I would like the CHOOSEN_OPTION field to show as a combobox, listing the values stored into PRODUCTS.ALLOWED_OPTIONS, so that when a customer buys a product, he can choose only among the options allowed by that particular product.How can I manage a multi value field to populate a combobox, in which every item stays on its line? If I use, as a query to populate the combobox:


I obtain an empty combobox.If I refer to the last field as [ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT], Access asks me to type a value for "[ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT]", treating it as an unknown parameter.I think that the problem is that when the combobox expands, the record is not committed yet, so FK_PRODUCT is unknown (NULL?). But this happens even if I commit the record typing something in FK_PRODUCT and then I re-enter the record and I expand the CHOOSEN_OPTION combobox, that is still empy although FK_PRODUCT exists, now.Is there a particular syntax to refer to a field in a record not committed yet (something like "THIS." or "ME.")?

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Lookup Field / Combo Box - Changing Colour Of A Cell?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a Lookup field/combo box and want to have the cell colour change if a certain word is chosen. if not then the cells stay the same.

i.e., if "cancelled" the cell turns red, if any of the other two options are chosen, then leave as is.

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Forms :: Hiding Columns On Subform Based On Multi-Value Lookup Field

Aug 7, 2013

I want to use VBA to hide columns in a subform based on what is checked in a multi value look up field.

I am creating this DB for use with sharepoint as a web database, which is why I am using the lookup field to begin with. There will be a client DB to use with some VBA code

So what I have is a lookup field with tests "Test 1, Test 2, etc" on form sample.

There is a subform called results, and I want to hide certain columns based on what tests are performed.

I tried using an If Then statement (code is being run on subform load)

If Me.Parent.fieldTest = "Test 1" Then
Me.Test1Col.ColumnHidden = False
Else Me.Test1Col.ColumnHidden = True

That is basically the code I was trying to use. I am getting an error 13, which I assume is because fieldTest can not = something since it is a multi value look up field.

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Manipulate Data

Apr 11, 2006

Please try help!

I want on my form some field to connect to field in other table. I would like, when I open form and insert txtName, verify if in field on other table precede that value, and if exist. If exist then find that recordset and open. But if that field don’t exist, open other form and fill that value.
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open "Select * from vFizickoLice"
' !DeteJMBG = Me.cmbDeteJMBG
!DetePrezime = Me.txtDetePrezime
!DeteIme = Me.txtDeteIme
Me.cmbDeteJMBG = !DeteJMBG
End With

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Tables :: Manipulate Table With LINK To Data From SQL

Feb 25, 2015

I've nearly cracked where I want to be. I have essentially had to do the core of the back-end in SQL in order to organize the data in a way that actually makes sense to ACCESS.

Following this I now have a table with the following fields

Stock No
SK Code
Free Stock Qty
Stk Qty Pd
Actual Min
Actual Max
Forecast EoM
Forecast +1Month
Forecast +2Month

Essentially this is a stock forecast sheet. It takes into consideration incoming stock and estimated usage to provide an output as a "Forecast" stock level at the end of the forthcoming months.

The next phase of developing this is to allow users to manually change the front end by Group and Part Number with Quantity entry so that it auto updates the Estimated EoM, +1Month or +2Month figures depending on which month figure they are looking at. In addition, this information would need to be retained and ideally stored as individual tables or other .

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General :: Macro To Manipulate Unstructured Data

May 5, 2015

I have some tables need to be imported to Access, which is not well structured. For example:

from SQL server
Name ID Add.....
aaa 111
bbb 222

To be more specific,I have 4 csv files, that need to be imported into Access.

1. I'm building 4 linked tables so users can update the table as needed. Then run queries based on these tables to produce report. But maybe there's a better way? the file name and location might be dymatic, so anything like 'getopenfile' would be easier instead of linked tables?

2. These data need to be clean up first to become a 'database table'. (Delete first 2 rows, delete some columns, remove duplicates etc.) I know how to do them in VBA Excel, but never used Macro in Access before.

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Reports :: How To Manipulate Zeroes In A Unit Price Field In A Report

Jul 2, 2013

I have created a report and, in the unit price field, I have set the decimal place to 5 in the report properties. Sometimes we have pricing for items up to 5 decimals long, such as $10.02985. It is rare though, so I'm to see if there is a way to have it drop the zeros down to 2 decimals when more is not needed. I'm thinking maybe a VBA event might work, but not sure.

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Tables :: Changing Field Data Type But Keeping Data

Oct 23, 2013

I have a field in a table that is comprised of mostly numerical data but some records are text.

I want to convert this field to numerical only and make a new field to put the textual data in.

However converting the field will delete the textual data. What is the easiest way to convert the field but save the textual data AND append the textual data to the SAME record that they were in originally in the new field?

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Changing Data In A Field Using A Form

Dec 14, 2005

I have made attempts at this but none have worked, so I am looking for guidence.

What I creating is a database that I can track students and their community service hours.

I have made several versions but I figured the experts could point me in the right direction.

So far I created two tables:

HOURS_GIVEN - Long Integer

STUDENT_NAME - text Links to tblStudent

I created a form "frmStudent" with the following:

a drop box to chose a student name from "tblStudent"
a text box "txtSTUDENT_NAME"
another text box "txtHOURS_GIVEN"
another text box "HOURS_REMAINING"

Then I have a subform that has two text boxes "txtDATE_COMPLETED and "txtHOURS_COMPLETED"

I need a code that will enable me to chose a student from the combo box and then have that students name and hours given automatically enter into the respective text boxes in the main form. Then I would enter the date and hours completed into the respective text boxes of the subform, which in turn would update the fields in "tblHours" at the same time subtracting the new hours from the hours given and displaying the new total hours remaining in the respective in "txtHOURS_REMAINING" of the main form. Can anyone give me any help in coding that? Thanks in advance.

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Changing Case Of Data In A Field

Mar 16, 2012

I've purchased & downloaded this Zip Code Database which has every Zip zcode in the U.S. which I use for different projects/reasons. The problem is, ALL of the data is upper case letters. I was wondering if in Access (or Excel) is there any way I could convert all of the letters (except the first letter) from upper case to lower case letters?

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Lookup Columns

Aug 22, 2006

Hello again!

How do I prevent the information in lookup columns from showing up in other tables, queries, etc... as numbers.


Lookup to Fruits. Where the records for fruits are Apple, Banana, Orange, and Pear.

The lookup column lists all the items {Apple, Banana, Orange...}, but in queries the data just appears as numbers {1, 2, 3}.

Many thanks for anyone's help in advance!

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Populate Columns From Lookup

May 12, 2005

Is this possible.
I'm filling out a table, i want to populate six other columns via the pid i have typed into the column.

Table2 (lookup)

pid | pname | paddr | Pstate | psuburb | pcode

Table2 already has this information but i need to add it to Table1 via a lookup routine.

Any help would be helpful.
Thank you

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General :: Lookup Field - Adding Another Column To Enter Data

Aug 2, 2013

I have got a a form storing all employee's information and on that form I have a lookup field which looks up all the records in the "Qualification table" and the user can select multple qualifications. What I want to add to the lookup field is a data box so you can select a qualification and then enter the date that it expires (different for expiry date for each employee) How do I do this?

I have added the date field to the qualification table but when I create the lookup field on the form it shows the qualifications and a blank column next to it which data can't be enteed into.

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Adding Lookup Columns To A Table

Sep 21, 2015

In the tutorial listed here: [URL]....

It states after opening the database in Datasheet view :

In the Navigation pane, double-click the table in which you want to create the lookup column - this opens the table in datasheet view.

On the Datasheet tab, in the Fields & Columns group, click the lookup column.

And it show you some icons.

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General :: Changing Data Type Of Calculated Field In Table

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to change the data type of a field in a table from calculated to something else. It gives me the error "this data type cannot be changed once the field has been saved"

Is there any work around to this?

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Changing Text Color In Access Table Data Field

Oct 31, 2013

I'm trying to change Selected text color in an Access data Field. I want the change to be permanent and show up in reports.

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Changing Rows To Columns And Visa Versa

Aug 21, 2007

I work at a college and have created a report that automatically retrieves the instructors name, class number, class name and the scores that instructor received on his evaluations. Right now the report is showing the questions of the evaluations on a row at the top with the numbers underneath, like this:

Code:Instructor Punctual Knowledgeable RespectfulBio1 3.4 3.7 2.8CH393094Chem1CL349750 2.4 3.8 3.7My boss is wanting it to look like this:Instructor Bio1 Chem1 CH089084 CH90750Punctual 3.4 3.2Knowledge 2.8 3.7Respectful 3.8 2.8

But no matter what I do I can't get it to change to that. Even though I've set up all the things to look like that I can't get it to work.

Any suggestions?

Oh yeah, I'm using Access 2003.

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Manipulate A Pivot Table

Apr 4, 2007

Is there a way that you can manipulate a pivot table, (example adding more item in a list) after the pivot table is created.

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Proper Way To Look Up And Manipulate Files

Mar 2, 2014

I am trying to build a DB to fix movie folders and file names and I am struggling to properly find the file names.

Currently I am using "DirectoryName = Dir(folder, vbDirectory)" to find the files and loop through them correcting the names as I go.

Works perfect.

The issue I am having is how to properly then look up the file within the folder since Dir is already in use for the loop.

The straightforward question is how does one look-up a child file when the parent is known without using Dir().

Below is what is works to rename parent folders. I am sure it is hack to the trained eye but it gets the job done.

folder = "E:Videos"
DirectoryName = Dir(folder, vbDirectory)
Do Until DirectoryName = ""
If DirectoryName <> "." And DirectoryName <> ".." Then
If (GetAttr(folder & DirectoryName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then

[Code] .....

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Manipulate Cuser Variable Through Code

Mar 1, 2007

Would anyone know if there is a way to manipulate the current user value through code. I have a database and have all users signing on via the Admin user (basically not activating the password on the Admin user). I have a form that does request a password and username, which I use to allow access to various forms, etc. I know I could have done this through access security, but I needed to add some specific rules on the sign in that cannot be done through the standard access security sign-in. I am then able to store the username given at sign in and use this to allow or disallow access to various forms. I can also track when people sign in and sign out using this method.

Anyway, what I would like to do know is be able to set the system currrent user cuser variable to the user name they signed in with , and my reason for this has more to do with possible record locking conflicts if everyone effectively signs in as admin.

Is there a way to change the cuser variable through code ??


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Queries :: How To Manipulate Find Duplicate Query

Jun 15, 2013

I am trying to manipulate a find duplicates query using the following criteria:

Fstnm L2, Lstnm L5, Add1, Zip

This is what I have done so far:

SELECT [Duplicate Identification Dataset].[FSTNM], [Duplicate Identification Dataset].[LSTNM],
[Duplicate Identification Dataset].[ADD1], [Duplicate Identification Dataset].[ZIP],
[Duplicate Identification Dataset].[ID], [Duplicate Identification Dataset].[MIDNM],
[Duplicate Identification Dataset].[SPFSTNM], [Duplicate Identification Dataset].[SPMIDNM],

[Code] .....

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Changing Data In Query Results Changes Data In Source Table

Dec 17, 2012

I have a table and a simple query that pulls results from the table. Nothing too crazy. But, if I were to go in and change some of the data/values in the query results it will change the respective data in the table. I know that this cannot be right. What do I have to do to either prevent the ability to change query results and/or prevent any changes in the query from altering the original data in the table.

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