Max # Of Rows That Will Paste Into Access

Jul 2, 2007

Anyone know the answer? I'm testing something out but I'm using another querying tool to get the data which is greater than 65k (excels limit), so I can't import the data I have to manually copy/paste.

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Copy / Paste Multiple Rows In A Table

Sep 12, 2011

I am trying to copy multiple rows (150+) and then paste them into the same table below the original 150 rows.I can only seem to get 1 row at a time.

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Prevent "you Are About To Paste # Rows Into A New Table" Message

Nov 11, 2006

Hello there! This might not be the right section to post in but it's regarding tables. Basically I have some SQL statements that copy data to a new table, which is written in VBcode and operates on the click of a button.

Basically the only problem is the messages:
"You are about to paste # rows into a new table/table"
"The existing table <name> will be deleted before you run the query"

The kind of message depends on the way I organise the SQL (either using it to append data (as in INSERT INTO tablename SELECT blah blah) or overwrite (SELECT blah blah INTO tablename).

I'd rather use the latter because it facilitates the desired wiping of all previous data and replacing it with fresh records. However I don't want to have to click "yes" every time this is done? Is there some VBcode perhaps, like the On Err code that I could use to get access to not pop up these messages? :D

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Access Changes Sort Order On Paste

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,

I'm quite new to access, and have a pretty straightforward problem (I hope):

I have a table with 300 records in 10 columns. I want to:
1. filter the data based on column A (gives me 150 visible records)
2. Copy from an excel spreadsheet which exactly matches the access table (single column only, 150 rows)
3. Paste into a new column I created in the access table

Unfortunately, when I hit paste in access, it loses the filter and pastes the data into the complete dataset (i.e. into the wrong records).

I've no idea why access won't keep the filter I set. I also tried numbering the records and sorting them based on this new column. Again, Access lost the sort order before pasting the data.


I really need to be able to paste my excel data into the table in access!

Can anyone shed some light for me?

Thanks in advance,


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Running Copy Paste Outside Of Access

Mar 30, 2005

CAn i change the name of a field in a a folder from access. or better yet can i automate a file being copyed from one folder to another.

For example, lets say i have a folder named photo. i want access to find all the items that finish with a "f" and copy them into a new folder named "f_Photos"

Any Help

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Copy / Paste From CSV To Access 2010?

Dec 16, 2011

I have a handheld that downloads a CSV file which I copy and paste into an Access database. I was using XP and moved to 2010, with xp this worked great. In 2010 some fields that text and/or numbers will only copy the numbers and the field that have text will just have a blank in access. Is there a fix for this?

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Cut/Paste When Application Running Using Access Runtime.

Mar 23, 2006

Hi all..

I have access 2003 and I package my application with Access runtime. Users do not have access installed in their computers.

The problem the users have is, they cannot Copy/Cut/Paste from the textbox controls in the application..The same application when I run using my full version of Access 2003, I can cut/paste...

Is there a way to fix it without having to get full version of access ? or I have to live with it because I use access runtime.


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Access 2003 Copy Paste Problem

Mar 27, 2007

I have several Access 2003 databases that the Copy Paste functions become disabled (grayed out) on a random basis. If I reboot, copy paste are active until they are used once or twice and then they become disabled. This happened on a client´s windows xp system and my windows 2000 system. Not sure, but it may be related to the amount of data in the copy buffer.
Has there been a recent access update that causes it to not clear the copy buffer? If so, how can I clear it without having to reboot?

Help ...

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Contents Of Folder - Cut And Paste Using VBA In Access 2007

Jul 15, 2014

I am new to VBA and I am looking for some code to use in access 2007 where I can cut the entire contents of a folder on my C: drive and paste it in a separate folder in my C: Drive

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Paste Excel File From Access

Mar 31, 2015

All I need to do is copy an excel file from a location (while coping the file, the location of the source file remains same all the time)and paste that excel file where ever I want (Browser Option) from an Access VBA.

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General :: Paste MS Word Table Into A Field In Access?

Aug 14, 2012

I'm not sure where this question belongs but I need to give users the ability to create a small table in MSWord or another program, and then paste the table into a data field. An image of the table would be fine. But it needs to be user friendly.

If that's not possible they could just create a Rich Text document with text formatted in a table form with out gridlines. I would need about a 2000 character limit. Not sure if this is reasonable or not??

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How To Copy / Paste Access Headers From Datasheet View

Jul 6, 2015

I have a question regarding copy-pasting the access headers. I want to copy paste Access headers from a design view from one acess file to another file in the same format. Currently I can only copy-paste them one by one. How to copy paste it column by column?

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Copy & Paste From Access Table To Excel Without Header Info

Dec 11, 2004


Does anyone know how to exclude the header information when copying a record from an Access table and pasting it into Excel. When I paste into Excel, it is also pasting the header information from Access which I do not want. I only want the data to be pasted.

Thanks for the help in advance.


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Modules & VBA :: Copy From Excel And Paste Directly To Access From Clipboard

May 28, 2015

I am copying a range from excel (multiple rows) and paste it directly to access table using:

Code : DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPasteAppend

Sometimes it does not work and I need to use paste special as text.

Is there any way to paste special as text using VBA ?

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Cannot See All Rows In Access Table

May 2, 2012

My work has a sql server db, and all the tables in our Access db is linked to them for reporting reasons for the secretaries. Why all the rows for one table are not showing up in Access?

I go into SQL Server Management Studio and I can see all the rows, then when I try to go into Access 2010, I cannot see all the rows. I have already updated the table in Access through the Linked Table Manager. However, nothing changes.

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Number Rows In Access Query

Dec 15, 2004

Simple question - All I need to do is display the row numbers of a query I have created....For example:

1 St. Joes
2 Holy Family
3 St. Peters

I am not looking to rank anything, I just want a constant row of numbers for about 115 records.

Thanks So Much.

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Queries :: Subtracting Rows In Access

Dec 8, 2013

I have a query with years and sales column. I need to make a column that displays the difference in sales between years. My query is named "Qry" if that is needed. "Year" and "Sales" are the column titles if you need that for the SQL.

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Insert All Rows To Access Database

Oct 6, 2012

I use this vba code to insert data in access database 2007. It's working for one row, but when I try to use for more rows and columns give me "Type mismatch".

Sub Simple_SQL_Insert_Data()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection '* Connection String
Dim oCm As ADODB.Command '* Command Object
Dim oWS As Worksheet


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Access Data In Multiple Rows In A Form

Feb 23, 2006

Hi guys ,

I'm very new to Access , but I need to do this and I can't figure it out. I have a form that looks like this : (

I'm trying to add up all the emails in a single string , but I can't access the records one after the other. The best I can do is display the currently selected record's adress ( The one with the black arrow in front ) . I tried browsing through the Fieldname.Value propertie ( in this case Me.Courriel.Value ) . I though I could cycle through all the Controls in the form , but Me.Controls.Count returns 3 , so I figured all the records must've been embedded into one control. Can anyone help me :( ?

(Sorry if this is a documented question , I've tried searching but couldn't find anything )

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Merge Two Rows Into One

Apr 26, 2013

I am creating a query to use in a Word 2007 mail merge.

For simplicity, let's say the query has three fields:

schname for school name, role for staff role, and name for the staff member's name.

The current query shows:

SchoolA, Admin, Jerry Garcia
SchoolA, President, Bob Hope
SchoolB, Admin, Janet Jackson
SchoolB, President, Mae West

I would like a query that would show one line per school like so:

SchoolA, Jerry Garcia, Bob Hope
SchoolB, Janet Jackson, Mae West

I've looked at Allen Browne's ConCatRelated function and can pull up a list of all names in a field called Expr1001, but that doesn't seem to be what I need.

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General :: Converting Rows To Columns VBA Access

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to convert a table that looks like the following...

Customer Name SumofSum of Bill Rate Reviewer
000462 John 500 Mike
000224 Mike 900 Jeff

I would like to covert it to....

Customer 000462 000224
Name John Bill
SumOfSum.. 500 900
Reviewer Mike Jeff

I don't think Access has any functions for this but I am not 100% sure. I know this can be done in a Module but I am not sure of how to code it.

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Space Between Rows In Access Report Or Subreport

Aug 26, 2012

I have a report with a subreport on it and I find that the subreport has alot of space between each of the rows of data that are shown.

How can I change the space between rows so it is not so great?

I tried "Padding" but this seems to change the distance between fields on each row, but not the distance between the rows.

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CopyFromRecordset Not Exporting All Rows From Access To Excel

Jul 14, 2014

I'm using the below code to attempt to export data from Access to an Excel template (Access & Excel 2010). The export works fine with one exception: Only the first ~150-200 records export when I'm expecting to export over 1,000.


Dim db1 As DAO.Database
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim mySQL1 As String
Dim strSheet1 As String
Dim strFolder1 As String

[Code] .....

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Access 2010 - Table With Same Fields And Rows

Aug 24, 2011

i'm using Access 2010 and i created a main form , from which i want to let users to open new table with fixed fileds and rows, also the name of the table will be as per user choice. so if a user want to open new table from the main menu, he will have the choice to press on a command button and a dialoge box will ask to name the table. the new table will then be open with the same fileds and rows names( name only) . the new table will be edited using a form.

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Need Some Important Help To Get Added/modified Rows From Access Tables.

May 23, 2007

I have a 3rd party desktop application to manage inventory. The data will be stored in local MS Access database. I want to sync any changes (insert, update or delete) made to this database to remote MS Sql server immediately or in batches using a scheduler.

Is there any method to know the changed rows in an MS Access table after x time. I mean I want to get all the rows in an Access table that have been added or modified after a particular date and time (say "05-23-2007 10:15:00") without using a user defined date time column in that table.

If i can do the above operation, i will write queries to get the added or modified rows and update remote server in batches.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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Queries :: Concatenating Multiple Rows In Access 2010

Feb 11, 2015

I have a query that has multiple IDs and different information in numerous fields. For example:

ID Field1 Field2 Field3
1 x
1 m
1 b

I need to find a way to concatenate the data so that it shows the information like this:

ID Field1 Field2 Field3
1 x m b

I'm working in Access 2010.

Yes I know this isn't the best way to set up a database, but I'm trying to make fixes to an already existing database that I can't go back and change the way it is set up. I can only find work arounds to accomplish what I need.

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