Move Queries From Mdb To SQL Server

Apr 21, 2007


I know how to move the tables from mdb to SQL Server.
But, how can I move all the queries from mdb file to SQL Server?

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Move To SQL Server

Apr 20, 2007

I'm planning make a move from Access to SQL Server.
To be honest I never used it before, but I told to my bosses that I'm a Gooroo in it.:)
So can you guys give me an idea if it is really hard to make a move, to upload the existing databases and to get used to it.
How long it takes?
What books would you recommend?
Or what forum?

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Possible To Move All References To A Folder On Server?

May 28, 2007

hi guys,

i have 20 odd machines sharing the one access front end, however i find that i have to recompile the front end on some machines as the references dont match up. i'm assuming the office install is slightly different with the paths or something. there are just 3 machines that have this error but it is frustrating as i have to recompile and have 3 different copies of the one program.

is it possible to have all of my references stored on the server and they replace the current ones? i tried putting them in a folder and using the browse button but it only updated some references and not others. the obvious error i have with the 3 different ones is the trim function, it always throws an error where i use that.


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Move Split End Back End To SQL Server

May 11, 2015

I'm looking into buying SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition.I would like to move my split end back end to the SQL Server, however I'm having a little confusion with all the different licensing out there.I have 20 computers that will be accessing the SQL Server.

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Automate User Option To Move Files From One Server Location To Another

Oct 17, 2006

I am fairly new to databases and have goolged for this question. I have a database created that will keep track of drawing files in our archive. What I would like to do is, give the end-users the option to type in the file location and click a button to copy there files from their project folder directly to the archive directory on the server.

Would this be fairly easy to do or would it require the assitance of a access database programmer? Thanks for any help.

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Queries :: Move Location Dialog Box

Jun 15, 2015

Is there anyway to choice where the dialog box from my queries will pop up on my forms?

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Queries :: Move Data From One Table To Another Automatically

Jan 29, 2014

I have a Macro Which my team members fill and submit the information of their daily workload. And the person who Submits has a Pivot table to check if the Workload that he has submitted has been QCed or not.

I have made 2 Tables one is temporary database and other is a master Database, I keep clearing the Temp Database because when users refresh the Pivot table it takes less time if there is less data and Vice Versa.

Problem Statement: When a particular Column is updated for example "QC Result" column is updated as "Green" or "Red" the entire column needs to be moved to the Master Table.

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Queries :: Form Filtering And Creating Query - Move Top X To New Table

Jan 24, 2015

Tried to find things but being a mix of a couple of different actions havn't been able to actually find it

So basically I found a awesome form somewhere that builds the SQL query based on all the users selections.

When you hit the create button it will save the query and update the sub data sheet below with your query results.

From here the part I'm lost on is getting the TOP x number of records and moving them to a new table, I wanted it to work on the 2 drop down boxes that are on the form. select your values and hit the button.

I'd imagine it would be a sub query that I'd use for the top x like I have in the past but I just can't seem to get it to work

Quick steps

1. create your query
2. check your data in the sub datasheet
3. decide the number of records to move to the new table
4. select the name
5. hit the button

This would copy the ban, xcv & dfs fields from the importeddata table to the moverecordshere table & also update persname in the moverecordshere table with the name selected in the form.

Sample db attached ....

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Queries :: Alphanumeric String Manipulation - Move Data At The Left To Right

May 23, 2013

I have several thousands of lines of data which I wish to manipulate programmatically, if at all possible. I think that all of the possible permutations are summed-up by the following examples :

123 A text string
2-8 Another text string
A-C Another text string here
3-20 And some more text
3A-126B More text
Some text without any numbers or letters at the left

What I need to do is :

Move the alphanumeric data at the left to the right. So the data would end up looking like this :

A text string 123
Another text string 2-8
Another text string here A-C
And some more text 3-20
More text 3A-126B
Some text without any numbers or letters at the left

I suppose it hinges on identifying where the first space in from the left appears, cutting the string at that point, and

Is this possible, programmatically ?

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Queries :: Drop Down List Selection - Move Records From One Table To Another?

Sep 15, 2013

Is there a way in which someone can select a table from a drop down list and then search that table for a record then move that record to another table.

For example.

User selects 'Mikey's_table' searchs for a record then move this selected record to 'Mandy's_table'

(all the tables have the same structure etc. identical apart from the name of the table and records within)

I have the list of tables that all the records will be on and the users will know which table the record is in, i basically need to know if there is an ability to search for a record over multiple tables then edit that record and move it to another Table.

I have tried to use a Union Query which works when searching but i cannot edit or move the record ...

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Using Append Queries To Move Start Date Contained Within Text Box

Sep 25, 2015

I have a text box named "scheduled_start" on my "JobsF" form.

Now what I'm trying to do is use two append query's to move the start date contained within the text box.

*The first append query will be on the before update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "old_date" field.
*The second append query will be on the After update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "New_date" field.

I'm trying to track date changes and this part of the process isn't working. For a start I don't know how to run the query on an event. I can open the query using 'openquery' but I don't wish to open it. Re query is also an option but the query I made isn't listed when that's selected.

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Queries On The Server?

Nov 26, 2007

Hi all, im using Access/Dreamweaver. Im decided to run the databse on queries this time - with no probs in ISS. As soon as i run it on the server i get this -

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e37'

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'search'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

/search.asp, line 168

The database is fine. We have a dedicated server also. Any ideas what i may need to do to set it up on the server? thx

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Queries :: How To Save Data On The Server

Sep 4, 2013

I have created several "pass through" queries in the last several years. However, Is it possible to run an SQL Procedure as a Pass Through Query. The procedure they want to run is set up to run a query, save the results to a server, and then run another query based on the saved data. I can get both queries to run as pass through queries, but I can't figure out how to save the data on the server. Is there a way to accomplish this? Can SQL procedures be run via Access?

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Upgrade To SQL Server - Forms To Be Based On Queries Rather Than Filters?

Oct 18, 2005

I am in the process of upgrading Access b/e to SQL b/e using .mdb and linked table as the front end ( as given as the best solution in many of the posts).

I remember reading in this forum ( Comment made by Pat Hartman) that forms should be based on queries rather than using a filter criteria.

I have a continuous form with project records. The user can double click one of the records to view further details of the project on a separate form. The code I have used to open the form is as follows:

strdocname = "frmProjDetails"
strParm = ""
strLinkCriteria = "[WProjNo]=" & "'" & Me![ProjNo] & "'"

DoCmd.OpenForm strdocname, , , , acFormEdit, , strParm

Would this be a reduction in performance? Should the record source of the details form be changed to a query that has a where clause pointing to the selected record?

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Queries :: Cannot Format Data From A Pass Through Query From SQL Server

Jan 10, 2014

I get a result set from a pt qry from a sql server 2008 in vba. Me.Total is an unbound field in the report foot( correct translation of german "Berichtsfu"??)

Private Sub Berichtsfu�_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
SELECT SUM((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price / 60) AS TtlPrice ...
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryPT_TtlPrice")
Me.Total = rs("TtlPrice ")

On the access report I can format me.Total as currency, decimal, integer whatever I want (unless it makes no sense exept currency) and it works.


SUM(((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price/ 60)* (case when CompanyID=1 then 1.66 else 1 end)) AS TtlPrice

The detail should be multiplied with 1,66 when the record belongs to company 1, for all others ist remains the same. In the Management Studio the results of both looks similar, same in the debug window of VBA editor, but I cannot format the result or lets say, the formating is wrong for the second example.

Neither in VBA
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "), " 0.000,00") or
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "),"0.000,00")

nor in the report int the properties of the field I can avoid this result: in the debug window of access the result looks OK, for example 29555.670000 (don't know where all the 0 come from), which should read as 29.555,67. But on the report the result with formated curreny in field property (currency, 2 decimals) shows 29.555.670.000,00

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Queries :: Converted Desktop Access Database To SQL Server

Dec 5, 2014

I have converted desktop Access database to SQL server. A medium sized app with 24 tables, 60 or so forms/subforms and about 120 queries. I created 2 split files, one containing the tables, and the other containing forms, queries, vba modules. I migrated the tables to SQL server using SSMA, and built an odbc connection for my front end. It works, except it is painfully slow. Its cos most of the recordsets that drive my front end are query based. And in many instances the queries are comprised of queries, not just tables.

Should i be creating my queries on the SQL server? Is that what people do when using Access front end with SQL server back end? Do away with Access queries? Or does the problem lie elsewhere? How do i network optimise my Access FE / SQL server BE?

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Server Side Vs Client Side Queries

Nov 22, 2005

I have split my database, the data is in a DB on the server and the forms, reports, etc is on the client desktop. My question is "Is there an advantage to having all of my combo box queries (Lookups) on the server side (defined in the table as a combo lookup) or should I put the all on the form so that they reside in client side DB.

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Move DB

Aug 21, 2007

I need to move my database from one computer to another and will need to put it on disk first. I have user serurity on the DB. Should it be ok as long as I put both files (the Db and the security) onto the disk and transfer them both?

Just asking as I cannot copy to CD from my computer and will have to put a request in so dont want to have to keep going back.

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OK - Move HELP!

Jan 10, 2006

hiya all! i need some help!

i want to make a button on my "Calls" database form, to move all "Finished" calls (calls that have been declared as completed), into a "Finished Calls" table.
I have half of it working - i have a button that DELETES all 'Finished' calls. However i now need them to COPY into my "Finished Calls" table... is it an Append Query i need?

the code i have now is as follows...

FROM Table1
WHERE Finished='Yes';

thanks in advance!

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Move Up And Down

Nov 16, 2006

Hello all

Got a question that I've never seen done in Access....
I have a DB I'm creating that creates pickup runs....(guy goes out and collects stuff) I'll need to get a subform showing the run items and be able to move them up or down according to the way in which the driver is going to do the run

Any ideas guys?
I've got no idea where to even start

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Move Records

May 6, 2005

is there a way by which i can move one or more records from one form to another when clicked on the 'YES/NO' button ??? :confused:

thanks in advance.

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Move From One List To Another

Dec 11, 2006

Hi all

Currently i have this setup


I have created a Listbox2

What id like to do is move the selected items from Listbox1 one to Listbox2

Is there any simple way to do this? I'v looked around and found some examples, but they seemed too complicated for a newbie like me.

Thanks in advance!

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Move Value Problem

Apr 5, 2005

I have a form that has two fields. now when i click a button i wnat to bring those two values to another form, so less typing for the user. Now i did this before with the close event with a populate function?

I have two forms one: CFR second: New
CFR Fields: cfr_ehpid, cfr_ offsett

i want to bring those two feild values to the from new in feild5 and field 6
so when the user clicks the button it will open the form new and take the values from cfr and place them in feild5 and field 6??

Heres my code:

Private Sub Command359_Click()
Dim strblank As String
Dim strdesc As String
strblank = CFR_EHPID.text
strdesc = CFR_PATOFFSET.text

strdesc = strdesc
Form_History.Text5 = Me.CFR_EHPID
Form_History.Text169 = Me.CFR_PATOFFSET
DoCmd.OpenForm "History"
Exit Sub
End Sub

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Please Help! - Move AfterUpdate

Aug 19, 2004

I know what I want to do...but have no idea how to get started! I'm new to coding and using macros and quesries doesn't seem to help.

When field [TermDate] is updated with a value, I want to move the record from table [BadgeData] to table [Termed]. I'm sure this is easy for someone who'll be willing to throw out a few suggestions.

Also, is there anywhere in the code builder that will help identify what code (or commands) do? (Does that make sense?)

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Move Records Between Tables

Nov 22, 2005

hiya, im new to this sql scene..!

i have an MS Access db containing a few tables of 'calls recorded' and 'finished calls'.

(i want to move all 'Finished calls' to a seperate 'Finished Calls' table)

anyway, the thing i want to do is to move records from Table1 to Table2, i am able to do this using the following code...

FROM Table1
WHERE Finished='Yes';

this code does work, however it does not delete the records that were moved out of Table1 - they are still there, its more or less copying and pasting them..

any help would be much appreciated!

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Move A Record To Another Table

Sep 8, 2006

ok ive read some responses to people having trouble or need to know how to move a record from one table to another...
i have two tables. One with member and another with thier siblings.
i have two forms. one with the member details which contain a command box to open the other form for their siblings. the siblings form is a tabular form so when i double clikc the siblings form i can all the children but when i open it from a specific member only their children are shown.
each member has a memberID (primary key). but the siblings have the same ID as their father(member)

i have put a commmand box in the siblings form next to every sibling. what i want is that when i click this button the record moves to the members column.

i only know the very basics of a step by step explination would be helpful...

this is very specific and if more information is required please ask here or ask for my msn address.

Thank you in advance

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