Multi Records

Jan 21, 2005

Is there a way to have multiple records under a record, such as top record 1 under it 1.1, 1.2 so on. then if you go back to the top record, new record 2 the records under it would be 2.1, 2.2. so on.

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Multi-table, Multi-criteria: Avoid Repeating Records

Apr 10, 2008

Hi everyone. Apologies if this has come up before, but the search terms I've tried here and on google keep turning up the wrong information.

At work I manage a large database with many tables. It stores data for participants in a research study. Each table stores the data for a different test, so one participant may have multiple records. Primary keys for these tables are defined by a combination of the participant and date of test fields. (Everything is dependent upon a table that stores the static info for participants, so the database is normalized.)

I want to be able to make a table that lists target participants and dates, and then create a query that looks at this table and pulls all the available data from various tables for those individuals that was recorded within one year of the target dates.

I've successfully made queries that meet these criteria while pulling data from only one table. The problem I'm having is that when I try to pull from multiple tables, each with it's own date field that needs to be used as a criterion, I end up excluding almost all the data, because most of the target participants do not have all the requested data within the target dates.

I've tried being inclusive with my criteria (using ORs), but then I end up with tons of data that I don't want and I need to filter through it, which defeats the purpose of the query.

Any advice on handling this issue, or do I basically just need to create a separate query for each table?

I'm sorry if this is too vague, but it's illegal for me to upload any of my own dataset. I could probably come up with an example if it's helpful, though.


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Counting Records With Multi IIF Conditions

Jun 8, 2014

I want to count the records with multi iif conditions. I am able to get one condition right but don't know how to put more than 1.

Eg: =Count(IIf([Step #]=1 And [Type of Work]=1,0))

But I am not able to get if I want step#1, step#2 and step#3 all together with type of work = 1

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Using Multi-Line Text Box To Pull Specific Records To A Report

Oct 23, 2014

I'm trying to have users enter multiple IDs from a table into a text box separated by newline chars, and then (once they press a button) have some sort of macro or code read each line and pull a report I've created based on the ID. Is that possible?


DataPoint 2
DataPoint 3




Text Box (User will enter values and hit OK)


ID: 2
DataPoint 1: d2
DataPoint 2: d5
DataPoint 3: d8
-------Page Break------------
ID: 3
DataPoint 1: d3
DataPoint 2: d6
DataPoint 3: d9

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Modules & VBA :: Update Table Based On List Box Multi Selected Records

Nov 24, 2014

I have database with an userform called AssignWP, combobox called WPDevBy, listbox called List352 (Multi select) and table called Justified.I am trying to update one field WPDevelopedBy of the table as combobox value based on list box multi selected records.

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General :: Split Database - Multi-Users Causing Records To Lock

Apr 16, 2013

I've got a database in Access 2007 that keeps track of client data for work. It's been working fine for about a month, and suddenly today other users can't change any information because the records are suddenly locked when accessed from their accounts.

I've already checked that they can't update forms, tables, nothing.

I've checked the database properties, it defaults to shared with no locks.

I've checked the properties of my forms - no locks.

I've double checked the permissions to the folder that the database is in - no restrictions.

The database is split.

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General :: Create Multi-select List Box For All Records In Access 2010 Form?

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to create a multi-select list box for all the records in an access 2010 form.

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Multi Record/Query/Multi Table/Going Crazy Issues

Sep 7, 2007

I have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to make this work.

I have three tables.




On the main form I use subforms to link tblIncidentDetails and tblPersonnel to tblIntakeMain. Both subforms can, and do, have many entries. This all works fine. What is not working is the search form I am using.

I am using Gromits most excellent Search Form. The problem is when I create a query, qSearch, to bring together the three tables I get a multiple records which makes the searches very confusing and near useless. Is there anyway around this? Is there something I am missing? Is there another search method I could use that would work in a similar way as Gromits? Please help before the Prozac runs out and I lose my mind--what little it left.

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Multi-MultiSelect With 'All'

Aug 27, 2005

Now i need some help here.
I adapted this code from somewhere on this forum. But iam having a problem with using the 'ALL' criteria.
It Opens a Report Dynamically from multiple selections in the two multiselect ListBoxes, but when i select 'All' and select any other item in another listbox
For Example(All in Names and Home1 in Homes) it gives me all the Results.
I have tried several criterias to solve it out but iam still failing.
Hope there will be help. Attached is a sample db in A2K and A97.
Thanks in Advance.

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Multi User (1 X Rwx, 2 X R--)

Mar 2, 2007

I have read a lot about if multiple users want to share an MDB, they have to create BE and FE and split the database.

I understand having to do that if all those users want to write to the MDB simultaneously.

I have a situation where one person will do data entry (write access), and two other users will just want to view and perhaps just search the database (read).

If only one person is writing at any time, do I have to do all that splitting and FE/BE configuration?

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Multi User

Apr 17, 2007

I've create a form with subform that work like a charm, now they want in a multi user environment. What is the best way to achive this?

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Multi Entries

Dec 5, 2004

Hi everybody

I have an assesment and need to create a database, I'm just starting with access and I need some little help if anyone has time.

I'm doing the database for an interim managment company and i have problem with the experience category. Basically because every candidate has got at least 3 or 4 different experiences, I don't know how to design the table. All I know is that I probably will have to create a separate table for this.

Thanks to anyone who will help me.


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Multi Value Tables

Oct 2, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have read several tutorials on linking tables to store data, however I cant seem to get this right. I need a little help with my table design and structure. What I am trying to accomplish is a database that captures the following:

-Group # (1-25 One person can be in more than 1 group)
-Referred By (Only one name for each Group the person is in)
-Priority # (Can be a 1 or a 2 for each group # the person is in)
-Outcome of group (Just a small text explination of the outcome)
-Date Scheduled (Can be mutiple dates scheduled for each group)

So basically what I want to do is be able to retrieve a list of what Groups an emplyee is in, Who reffered them to that group, the Priority # of that person in the group and what dates they are scheduled for each group along with the outcome of each group they have attended. I know I need to join multiple tables but I am a bit stumped on how to go about doing this. Any help with my database and table design would be much appriciated. Thanks.

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Multi Querie

Nov 7, 2006

Good Afternoon,

I need to be to create a Query that will show a 0 for no record.
My form is made up of a Name and a Course name.


Michael Underwriting
Scott Underwriting
Michael Claims
Michael IT

My End result needs to be

Name Underwriting Claims IT
Scott Yes 0 0

I have created 10 individual Queries filtering out each course
but then I join them together by Name it will only show Michael.

I hope its not a case of adding records for scott as I have 10,000 Names

Thank you

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Multi Option Box / ??

Jul 11, 2005


Still trying to figure things out with this software. Never have messed with it much. The question that I have is this. We have about 9 forms that we will be filling out. I was originally going to have it to where you swapped between the forms in order to put the data in that we needed but was wondering if its possible to create 1 single form. Have a Mult Option box in place and depending on how that box is checked will depend on where the data is going to be stored. Is this possible? As I have said i'm new so forgive me for not knowing a whole lot.


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Multi Select Box's

Jan 2, 2006

I am looking to see if anyone can help i have been able to get the multi select function part of my form working but i need another filter in the query for a date but it keeps deleting this part of the query everytime i run the report what i need to be able to do is get all jobs against a specific leadcraft that are in the past and also 31 days into the future.


here is the sql so far, thanks to those who helped already.

Private Sub preview_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("FAelecplan")
If Me!Leadcraftlist.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In Me!Leadcraftlist.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & "MAXIMO_V_WORKORDERS_FA.LEADCRAFT = " & Chr(34) _
& Me!Leadcraftlist.ItemData(varItem) & Chr(34) & "OR "
Next varItem
strCriteria = Left(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 3)
End If
"WHERE " & strCriteria & ";"
qdf.SQL = strSQL
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "elecplan"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview
On Error GoTo Err_preview_Click
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_preview_Click
End Sub

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Multi-column List Box

Apr 19, 2006

Hi there,

I'm sure I'm not being dim, but I really can't figure how to do this.

I have a list box with two columns. One column (bound) is a name, the other is a unique ID. I need to transfer both the Name and the ID to a second list box (again, two columns).

I can get it to do this with single selections, but not multiple ones, and this is what I need.

Any ideas?


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Multi User Capacity

Sep 1, 2005

I plan to create a multi-user application on access 2000. There would be more than 20 users simultaneously logging in the database. The database would be kept in Server with high config. The users would work on the database (server) from their workstations. Forms/Queries/Reports ... are in the workstation (client). The database may growup to 70 MB every 3 months. The application will run on the database for 3 months which will be replaced with a new one after that period. Is it a good plan to do so on Access 2000. Am worried about the network traffic. Will the users face it as a very slow application ???

(SysConfig workstation: Win2K Pro/ 128 MB RAM/ 40GB HDD/Pentium-4)

Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanx in advance.

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Multi User Access

Sep 5, 2005

If I want several users to access a database from their network pc's, should I place the access database .mdb file on the server and set the Sharing properties, then install the access application on each of their stations.

They need to each be able to use the database when they need to and read or add data, reports etc.

I am using access 2003.



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Multi-User Recommendation

Mar 10, 2006

I maintain a database that is used by several people in my office. Only about 4 different people actually use the database but I would like the database to have multi-user support. As of right now the tables, forms, modules, etc. are all in a single mdb file. Can someone recommend a method for making this database accessible to several users at once? My main concerns are accuracy (changes commiting in the proper order) and low chance of corruption.

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Problem With A Multi-TAB Form

Oct 12, 2006

Hi all,
I have a form with three tabs.
Problem is that when user opens the form - it navigates to the first tab BUT navigates so far down that user cannot see the tab headings.
Although all tabs first item is as close to top as possible.
BTW - last two tabs are based on subforms.


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Multi User Problem

Feb 7, 2007

Hey everyone,
I am in desperate need of your help. I have a split database that I am trying to enable multi users access to the database. I created a folder on the share drive with the front end and a folder on share (BEN) with the backend. I have changed the settings via options, advanced options, and checked that shared box however it will still not allow everyone into the database at the same time. Is there something that I am missing? Should I then right click and copy and paste the front end to local PC since the tables are split and still on the share drive???? I plan on using security in the future will this cause a problem???Thanks

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Multi Users In Access

Apr 19, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm having some issues with a database that I have created. All this time only one user would be in the database. But now I have 2 to 3 people at a time in the database. I get an error and its not letting the users put any information in.

I have it split into a FE and BE. I have it set to share. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks a lot!

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Multi User Environment

May 22, 2007


I need to allow my MDB to have 15 users accessing at the same time. They will be updating different parts of the same table using different forms. The system will also do an automatic update from another system in 15 mins interval.

Is it possible? If so, how do I configure my access database?

Please help.


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Multi List Box Filter

Jun 7, 2007

I appreciate your help in advance. I am new to most of this and I need a little assistance. I have searched the web and found some articles etc... I am just not sure how to apply it to mine because I am unfamiliar with some of the wording etc.. I understand a very little of what people are saying but I can't quite put it all together.

I have a form called "reportfilterfrm" in this form I have 3 list box's. On 2 of the list box's multi select is selected to "None" and I have them bound to the criteria field in my query and that works perfect. The 3rd list box multi select is set to "Simple" and I am not sure how to get the query to refrence this.

The query is called "reportfilterqry"

listbox #3 is called [opponent] I would like it to be the criteria for [opponent] in the "reportfilterqry" It is a text field.

Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it!

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Multi-Criteria Filter

Jan 3, 2008

Good morning everyone,

I use this code to filter a subform with multiple criteria.

Private Sub Filter_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Not IsNull(Me.Coordinator) Then
'Create Predicate
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & "Orders.[EmployeeID] = " & Me.Coordinator & ""
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Customer) Then
'Create Predicate
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & "Orders.[CustomerID] = " & Me.Customer & ""
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.Supplier) Then
'Create Predicate
strWhere = strWhere & " AND " & "Orders.[SupplierID] = " & Me.Supplier & ""
End If
Me.Track_All_Orders.Form.Filter = strWhere
Me.Track_All_Orders.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub

This Code works great, however i want to use it to filter my report as well, so I put strWhere as a global var and i wrote this code to generate the report with the same filters criteria as the subform:

Private Sub cmdGenerateReport_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Statement"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strWhere
End Sub

Nothing happen when i click on cmdGenerateReport!! any clue?

Million thanks in Advance,
Best Regards,

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