Multiple Control Sources On One Form

Feb 22, 2006

hi guys, im doing a uni project in access for a small business and the problem i have is that i am making a booking form, and on there needs to be
owner details,
animal details, and
booking details.

these all need to be entered when making a new booking, the problem i have is that i can only seem to be able to use one control source (from the owner table) how do i use multiple control sources on that one form? :confused:


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Form With 2 Different Control Sources?

Dec 14, 2005

I have just split up a table into tables so that has interfered with the form I had created for it. I have 2 main tables:


Drawing num

I split them up because there was alot of dublication. One drawing can have many different revisions. So I think it was better to split it up like this?

Anyways the form allows the user to add this information so some of the controls are bound to one form and the others to another. I know that I could do a query to combine the two tables but is that the best way to do it from an optimisation/ good database design point of view?

From a layout point of view I would prefer not to use a subform.

Thanks for your time,

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Modules & VBA :: Assigning Control (sources) To A Form

Oct 3, 2014

My scenario is that I am using a one time table that is a copy of my real transaction table (called GLAcTranLine) to enter general ledger transactions. Both my form and my sub-form are unbound. The form is called GLFI50 and the sub form is called GLFI50TranSub on disk and inside the main form. That is, both the sub form and its description inside the form (in the label that appears when I build the sub form with the wizard) bear that name.

So in the load for the main form I carry out these job steps.

1. I take a "No Data" copy of the transaction table GLAcTranLine, to get the structure. That works fine. The name I give to it is prefaced with GLFI50 and ends with a random number. That works fine too.

2. I insert a blank record into the new table. That also works fine.

3. Assign the control source to the Sub form and to its individual objects. That just dies in a crumpled heap. Neither the form not the individual columns code works.

The error I get (in both cases) is the Run-time error '2465' Application-defined or object-defined error.

I believe this means that it just cannot work out what idiotic error I have made. The code all passes the compiler test.

Here is the SUB.

Private Sub Form_Load()

'STEP 1. I take a "no data" copy of Create the Work Table and assign it as a control source to the sub form
'================================================= ======================

'(Copies the structure of the source table to a new target one. It isn't a temporary table so I need to
'find a way of assigning a temporary name and then using that name on this prog.
'The True on the end says "Do not copy the data)"

'GLFI50Work is the Global variable that holds the temporary table name.
Dim RandomInt As Single

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Multiple Data Sources For Tabs On A Form

Jun 24, 2013

Please see the screen shot attached.

I have a single form with multiple tabs. At the top of the form appears the name of an individual and below the name are multiple tabs containing information specific to that individual. Each tab has a separate underlying table, which is the data source for the information contained on that tab.

As best as I can tell, I can only use one single data source (a query at the moment) to populate all the data that appears on all the tabs. Is there a way that I can have a separate data source (namely, a table) for each tab?

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Forms :: Integrating Multiple Record Sources Into Form

Oct 28, 2014

I have a reservations form, which will be used to store the checkin and checkout dates for customers; these are related to the reservations table. On the same form I also want room details showing such as room number, this is on a separate rooms table. I believe that the room number will be a query to show which rooms are available and therefore display the room number on the form. So I need integrating this into the form. Also I have not set it as a subform, the reservations form carries on from the customers form, as a new form.

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How To Add Record Sources To A Tab Control Containning Several Pages?

May 14, 2007

my tab control contains several pages and each page contains several

controls. i set each control it's control source. but i couldn't find the

record source in the Tab Control Page Property. because of that problem i

couldn't see any records displaying in it's controls.

Answer for this problem is greatly appriciated....!

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Concatenating Values From Unbound Sources And Bound Sources

Jul 6, 2005

I know that it isnt advised to store the concatenated value but in this case, I have a memo field which is the description of a particular system component.

i have Unbound Combo Boxes for descriptive elements such as COLOUR, SIZE, CONNECTIVITY, MAKE.

ALL of these i would to store in a field in my table and called Description and separate them by colons or the actual words which describe the category.

Please Advise

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Linking To Multiple Sources

Jul 2, 2012

I work for a small manufacturing company and have been asked to set up an access database to track production. The end goal is to have a touch screen at every machine where operators will input data. This data will then dump to a different workbook for each machine. My question is: Is it possible to link one access tables with multiple xls documents so that, as data is added to any of the workbooks, it is then updated to a single access table? I also will need to find a quick way to link new files to the table as new parts are put into production.

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General :: Creating Report From Multiple Sources?

Jan 28, 2013

i want to create a summary report from multiple queries.

what are the best possible methods for this ? should i need to use subreport function or anything else?

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Creating Report From Multiple Sources In Access 2010

Jun 12, 2013

I am trying to create a columnar report that relies on information that are expressions in various queries. Unfortunately, I can't seem to create them in one query because the criteria is mutually exclusive. I used the report wizard to start the report based on the single expression in the first query. Now I want to start adding the other data but I can't seem to get it to work. All I really want to do is include fields that have the have the value, which is already summed, from the other query. When I try that I get error messages like "you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'expressionName' as part of an aggregate function' and it just goes further downhill from there. What is the easiest way to get this simple values into the report? Is there a way I can create a field in the report that uses a SQL statement for just that field so I don't have to have the report linking to 50 different queries?

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Universal Form For Different Sources?

Jan 27, 2015

I have an option group where the user reads a question and either has to select yes or no. There are multiple questions on this form. If the user selects 'No' I'd like a "why" form to pop up and allow the user to write a reasoning down and have it saved in a record in a table (the same table that the yes or no answer is saved in).

Right now I have it working, but my method will force me to make a specific why form for each question (which will be over 50). This doesn't seem very efficient.

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Forms :: Form With Tabs But Separate Sources

Dec 29, 2014

I am creating a database in which to store my data collected in my research. I have 8 tables that are linked by a SampleID number. I have created a form which has tabs, the first tab contains the information required for entry on table 1; how I am going to add the controls from table 2 onto the second tab.

I know how to make additional tabs and I have created a separate form for table 2 with the form wizard, cut and pasted the fields into the second tab on my first form BUT how to establish the source for those controls back to the second table. To make matters worse (of course not to be too dramatic here) I can see the other table in my Field List of related tables.

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Obtaining Multiple Report Parameters Via Menu Form Lookup Control

Feb 11, 2015

In our Student Administration database, we have a Student Evaluation Report which prints a 1 page per student report in memo like format. The instructor had previously input rating numbers (4=Best, 1=Worst) for 9 categories for each student via a database form into the Evaluations Table.

Two other elements of the rating are an Attendance based on number of days absent and a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated from the student's test scores. The instructor then prints and reviews the report with each student.

There is an Evaluations Parameter table which has the following fields:


The autonum key field.

eg., 2015-1

Evaluation Number
A single digit (eg., 1, 2). There may be more than 1 evaluation for each class.

The "as of" date of the evaluation.

There are then several other tables that are input to a query that will be the record source for the report:


Student Name, Class

Has a record for each student's absence with date and a 1 or .5 indicating a whole or half day absent.

Test Grades
Has a record with each student's test results with date and score.

Holds the rating score for each of the 9 rating categories.

The Student Evaluation report is launched from an unbound Reports menu form via a button. On the Reports menu form I wish to have controls for the user to select which evaluation to report on. The Absence and Test Grade information needs to include records that are <= the EffectiveDate in the Evaluation Parameter table. The Evaluations records need to match the Class and Evaluation Number in the Evaluations Parameter table.

I would like the user to be able to select the Evaluation Parameter via a combo box vs. specifying the Class, Evaluation Number and Effective Date separately and then have the query record source for the report use those two fields as criteria. But my limited understanding of the Combo box indicates that only 1 field from the lookup query of the Evaluations Parameter table can be stored in the control whereas I need 3 (Class Evaluation Number and EffectiveDate).

How the user can select the desired Evaluation Parameter record on the Reports menu form and use the 3 fields from the selected record as criteria in the report's record source query.

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General :: Form Control To Combine Multiple Field Values Into A Single Text Box?

May 10, 2013

I'm trying to set the control source for a control on my report that describes the number of portions that goes into a box. Sometimes there is a specific number of portions per box and sometimes it's a range. When the number of units is specific, then it is entered into the MasterCaseMinUnits Field. If there is a range of units possible than the min is entered into MasterCaseMinUnits and the max is entered into the MasterCaseMaxUnits.

I want my report to look at the mastercasemaxunits, if it is blank it will only display what is in the MasterCaseMinUnits field. If there is a value in the masterCasemaxUnits field, then it will display the masterCaseMinUnits & " - " & MasterCaseMaxUnits. this is the code I'm Using:


=IIf(Nz([MasterCasemaxUnits],[MasterCaseMinUnits])=[MasterCaseMinUnits],[MasterCaseMinUnits],[MasterCaseMinUnits] & " - " & [MasterCaseMaxUnits])

When I run my report, the control displays: #Type!

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Query Sources

Apr 24, 2006

Hi, I have two seperate sets of data which have been made by queries... These two queries are called "qryTopHalf" and "qryBottomHalf," and I wish to combine one field from each of these two queries by making another query... The SQL code I have tried to use is:

SELECT qryTopHalf.PlayerID, qryBottomHalf.PlayerID
FROM qryTopHalf, qryBottomHalf

I do not get an error message but I do end up getting duplicate values in the results from the new query I have made using the above SQL code... It doesn't seem logical for me to be getting 4 values in each field of the new query results when there were only 2 values in both qryTopHalf.PlayerID and qryBottomHalf.PlayerID.

Any suggestions/solutions? :-)

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New Field Does Not Show In Control Source For Form Control

May 28, 2015

I have table that I had to add a new field to which we update with a form. I tried to add a control for the new field but the field does not show up in the list for the control source. I am trying to add a list box to the form with a blank and 5 options.

I have attached screen shots of the table design and the form. The table has the field in datasheet view and I have manually entered a few entries in it but it still will not show in the control source for the form control. The top section of the form is where we enter and select the data for the new records. The bottom section (circled in red) autofills the matching record, from separate tables, for updating with the new entries.

I have added form controls for modified fields in the past so I am confused about why this is happening.

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Data Types From Different Sources?

Jan 31, 2008


Wondering if anyone has a solution for my problem.

I have 2 data sources, one which is an ODBC and one which is an import table. I have a 2 queries each querying the 2 data sources seperatly.

My problem is... One of the fields which I need to do a join to a reference table has a different data type in each of the data sources. I have tried changing this in the imported table NO JOY!! You cant change the data type in the ODBC link.

Is the anyway round this?

Any help appreciated...

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Total Count Of Sources Query

Jun 29, 2006

Hi everyone,
Managed to build an Access database with switchboard, forms, reports & queries but I'm left with two annoying problems:

1) I have two columns in my main table called "SOURCE" and "SOURCE 2". They both take their data from a table called "SOURCE". I run a weekly query so that the jefes (bosses) can see the fruits of their advertising so I get the the advertising source and the number of times it was used by a client, grouped according to number of times used. My first problem is knowing how to produce a TOTAL at the end of the report of ALL the sources as well as the individual count.
In design view I have the following:

CRITERIA: Between [Enter the first date:] And [Enter the last date:]

I haven't used the "SOURCE 2" column due to problem nš2:

2) How do I combine "SOURCE" and "SOURCE 2" columns in my main table in a query? Is it possible? EG on my form a client may have contacted us via GOOGLE the 1st time and then by YAHOO the 2nd time. I want to reflect that in the query, which at the end of the day uses the same table ("SOURCE") to get it's values and then store them in the main "CONTACTS" table.
Hope this isn't too complicated and that I'm explaining myself well. Well done to all those experts whose comments to others have already helped me make some great tweaks, especially with mail merging. Thanks. Chris.

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General :: Unique Identifier From Different Sources

Nov 27, 2014

I'm looking into create a small unique identifier to put on top of each invoice generated by the database. (.MDB A2010)where '000' its just 3 zeros added for extra badassery, '1' is the actual ID from the database table and -2014 its the current year when the record was added...So maybe I have info from 2 fields (ID, YEAR)... but How do I add the ceros to the ID field... so its 0001 not 1 or 0135 not 135... ???.

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Collecting Data From Different Sources Using Access

Sep 12, 2012

I am working on a project where I have data coming in from about 70 different sources across my state... but right now, they're all submitting their data in different ways (some through websites, some through databases, and some through excel spreadsheets they send monthly). As you can imagine, this is a nightmare for trying to get all of the data in one place to do some statistics on.

My question is this - if I were to set up an Access form where each client could fill in the blanks with the same information they've been submitting to all these other sources, could I send it out to them and have it all compile in one place? The last place I worked, we used Access to manage all of our on-site stuff, but we were all on the same network. Could it work the same way if everyone is spread across one state?

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Unable To Open ODBC Data Sources

Aug 5, 2006

Hi, I'm trying to connect to SQL Server Express from MS Access 2003.

I've created an ODBC data source and tested it within the ODBC Wizard. It successfully connects to the SQL Server database.

From within MS Access, I choose File > Get External Data > Import and I'm presented with a dialogue for choosing the data source. As soon as I choose ODBC from the Files of Type drop-list, the dialogue disappears. No error-message, nothing!

Has anyone else had this problem?

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General :: Importing Data From Two Excel Sources To One Table

Nov 16, 2013

importing data from two excel sources to one table. I have a table with: Unit, Info1, info2, info3, info4, info5, info6, info7. I have been able to import from the first file which has all of the unit information-'info1-5'. I need to import another file to fill 'info6-7' based on specific unit numbers. I have created two excel tables the first with the headers "unit, info1-5" and the second with the headers "unit, info6-7." The first works fine and adds all the data I want it to, but when I try to do the same with the second it doesn't add any new data.I cannot add the last two fields to my first spread sheet because it would involve sorting through 700+ units and adding the data manually to 400+ of them.

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Displaying Multiple Records In Control

Aug 3, 2005

At the moment I have a field 'Author' which is displayed using a subform. The user can cycle through the many authors that are associated with each record in the main form. However, what I'd like to do is to display each record simultaneously in the same control, and with a little bit of playing around in VB get the form to work out how many Authors there are and display the names in a particular format. I.e.,

Bloggs, Jones & Smith
Hank & Mason

See what I mean? Does anyone know how I might refernce the records. So logically it would be:

lblAuthor = Record1 + "," + Record2 + " & " + Record3.

If that makes sense...Sorry if this is in the forums somewhere...

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How To Control Multiple Databases From One 'master' Database?

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, i hope this is posted in the right place first of all :) apologies if not..

I have about 8 individual databases which will be used simultaneously by users. I wish to be able to have full control over these databases from a 'master database' including being able to delete the data in there (possibly import fresh data but not 100% needed) and export data to be analysed in Excel etc
I figure this can be done with access but if i'm on the totally wrong track i would be appreciative if someone could give me a push in the right direction..

If any more infomation is needed then let me know.

Thanks :)


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List Box Control With Multiple Values Allowed

Jun 8, 2014

I have a Table with a short text field, field size: 20. The row source has been set up ie "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", etc. Allow multiple values IS allowed.Once I drop a control on a form (list box) to represent the aforementioned field, I realize I can put a checkmark in many items. Why? I add up the total length of the items text at 40-50 characters, yet the field size is only 20. To check my sanity, I open the Table in Datasheet view and lo, I can see all the Items spelled out, in clear violation of field size constraints

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Forms :: Using Multiple Calendar Controls With Same Control Source?

Feb 26, 2014

On the form I need to give the user the option to select a 'from date' and 'to date' and for this I have put in 2 calender controls which have the same control source(same table column). The problem I am facing is when I select a date from one calendar, the other calendar control automatically populates with the same date and vice versa.

I need to have a functionality where 2 different date can be selected and then when the Search button is clicked, then data within the date ranges should be displayed.

what changes I need to make to acomplish this ? find a screenshot of the form attached.

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