Multiple Field Search With Access.

Dec 17, 2004


I am trying to make a multiple field search function with VB in access:
private sub search (table1.field1,table1,field2....)
end sub
I Would like to know how i can send a field of a certain table as a parameter of a function?

also how i can know that i have arrived to the end of the column in the table?

Thank you all.

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Can't Add Field With Multiple - Search Key Was Not Found

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to add a field with a combo box which allows multiple values to the back end of a split database. When I do this and then open the form on the front end I get the following error:

"The search key was not found in any record." The values are chosen from a value list that I created.If I add a combo box field that does not allow multiple values I can open the form fine.The database was created in Access 2007 and is now running on Access 2010.

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Help Creating A Multiple Field Search Form

Nov 2, 2007

Hello, i have a database that simply holds all the information on one table at the moment and what im trying to figure out is how to create a form that i can enter data onto that searches all the different fields at once, instead of one search for one thing and another for another. Some of the fileds are Headset number, gasket number, make, model, engine cc, etc.. so what i want to be able to do is have a form with a text box for each of these fields that then searches the table to narrow down the search results. at the moment i have a search for each, say for one i enter the headset number, it searches and pulls up all records with that headset number, then i have a search for engine cc, but what happens is it searches all records again for the engine cc not following on from the search for headset number so i end up back with a load of records with diferent headset numbers but with the searched engine cc. Basically the search form needs to take data entered into each text bow for each field then the combined results from each, narrowing down the results. can anyone help? in laymans terms!!

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Search Multiple Tables From One Form Field

Feb 18, 2006


Stuck on a problem and was wondering if anybody has a possible solution. I currently have the beginnings of a database setup that uses a search field on a form to find a reference listing using a part number input by the user. It finds the part number, and then displays all the information about it on another part of the form. My question/problem is, I now want to expand this database to multiple specialties, all with different parts in their respective listings, so they would have different tables. The tables would be the same format, just different information. No one table would ever contain the same info.

Q: How would I set up a form to search for a unique part number over multiple tables, and return that parts info?

It works great for one table, but I am stuck on the multiple tables.

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Multiple Field Search In Combo Boxes?

May 1, 2013

I would like to have 5 combo boxes from which users can choose fields to search, e.g.


criteria are stored in txtbox1, txtbox 2 etc. so the search string could be

WHERE cbo1 = txtbox1 AND cbo2 = txtbox2 etc.

If the user doesn't choose anything for a combo, the search should ignore that field.

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Forms :: Search For Multiple Values In Single Field

Apr 21, 2013

I have a table in which there are approximately 15k records. The name field has approximately 2500 unique values. I need to search the table for multiple names and return the results from the table. This would then be used as a report. Due to the users being very novice, a form is needed for the search.


Search for Smith, John; Wilson, Bill; Jones, Jeff

Name Year Brand Make
Smith, John 1999 Oldsmobile 88
Smith, John 2001 Chrysler 300s
Wilson, Bill 1994 Porsche Carrera
Wilson, Bill 2007 Kia Sporty
Jones, Jeff 2004 Chevrolet Camaro
Jones, Jeff 2011 Chevrolet Impala

My knowledge of forms is basic, however, I can be a quick learner if on the right track.

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Queries :: Search Multiple Tables In Access?

Jul 19, 2013

I have a database built in Access 2000. It consists of the following tables:

45 tables each containing the same fields - ID, Vehicle, Fit, Part No, Qty, Level, Higher Assembly.

1 table containing the fields - ID, Part Number, Description, Issue No.

The 45 tables are each for a different vehicle build of materials, whilst the single table contains the additional common data that each vehicle form pulls in when the build of materials part number is added.

I want to be able to undertake a search across the 45 vehicle tables to look for a specific part number that I enter in the search box, and then if any is found, for all those vehicle to be displayed, along with the part number, description and issue number from the single table.

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Modules & VBA :: Search 1 Field Based On Multiple User Input

Jul 4, 2013

I have a search form that looks up a value in a field and lets the user know if it is there or not, they have now asked to put in multiple values to search... eg. searching containers number, I will put user input box where they can put these numbers


This will search my container number field and show a pop up message box saying..
Please note below
NYKU023561 - has been found you cannot use this container
TRLU102356 - has not been found please check internal system
TCNU123023 - has beeen found you cannot use this container

Below is the basic search I had before which was all I needed.. how can I adapt this?

Private Sub Command256_Click()
If (CntSearch & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim CNT As String


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Queries :: Sort By Percentage Match To Multiple Field Search

Mar 19, 2014

We're trying to create a database to read quotes from a system based on changes made to components.

We have the database set up to store the quotes happily. We're pleased with the input forms and data capture however we are struggling with a query to get useful data from the database.

I have a main quote data table listing all the required fields such as costs and supplier data for the quotes, a table storing components that may be changed as part of a quote and a table listing alterations that could be made to these components. Each quote could have a number of changes made to a number of components. All these changes are stored in a changes made table which lists the quoteID, ComponentID being changed and The AlterationID of the alteration being made.

I want to be able to input a varied amount of changes via a form and be shown a list of all quotes where at least one change matches. I've managed to get this far using a lot of OR statements however the complexity is introduced as we need to sort these by an extra column produced by the query displaying the percentage the changes made in the quote match the search input.

If a quote appears matches my changes and there are no other changes on the quote - (100%)

If a quote matches all changes I have input but I input 5 changes and the quote has 6 - (5/6 - 83%)

If I input 1 change and a quote matches but has 8 changes on the quote - (1/8 12.5%)

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Combo Box Search Multiple Fields - Show Heading Of Each Field

May 3, 2012

I have created a combo box search for my form based on three categories, 'Student Name', 'Nationality', 'Age' using the wizard. When I click on my combo box in form view, I see 'Alex', 'UK', '19' and 'Stephen', 'Sweden', '22' in the dropdown list, but I do not see the headings 'Student Name', 'Nationality', 'Age' as the first item on the list.

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Forms :: Multiple Field Screen Search - MSG Box Not Coming Up If No Records Found

Aug 18, 2015

I have created a multiple field search screen. The script is attached.

I would like to add a MSG Box "No records found" when the user types in information in any field where no records are available.

Just cannot get this working.

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Access 2010 - Search Field On Main Menu?

May 7, 2014

Currently I have a basic database with the following

Table 1 = "EmployeeT" with fields "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name" etc.
Table 2 = "NewLabReportT" with fields "Report_ID", "Report_History", "Submitted_By", "Reviewed_By", "Date_Submitted", "Report_Title", "Abstract"

Form 1 = "MainMenuF" this is where I would like to have the search
Form 2 = "NewLabReportF" with fields "Report_ID", "Report_History", "Submitted_By", "Reviewed_By", "Date_Submitted", "Report_Title", "Abstract"
Form 3 = "EmployeeF" with fields "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name" etc.

Problem:I would like to have on the Main Menu a drop down list with all of the fields described in NewLaBReportF ("Report_ID", "Report_History", "Submitted_By", "Reviewed_By", "Date_Submitted", "Report_Title", "Abstract") and then allow the user to click a button to the side of it to alert a pop up.

In this pop up:

If they originally clicked "Report_Id" then have the message prompt then to "Enter a Report ID"
If they originally clicked "Submitted_By" then have the message prompt them to "Enter an employees Last Name"

Further More, after they enter the respective value in this box, have a FORM not a REPORT generate that lists all of the records that match the criteria. This way then can specifically click on each record individually and have it open directly up to it.

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Multiple Joins In Multiple Table Search Query

Sep 21, 2004

I am trying to create a simple Search form in Access where a user can select a desired record and query multiple tables using the inputs.

I would like them to be able to query Retailers, Distributors and Products.

The 6 tables are linked as follows:
Although some of these tables are not included in the query, they are required to ensure relationships.

Retailers -- Uses (RetailerID,DistributorID) -- Distributors
Retailers -- Orders (RetailerID,ProductID) -- Products

All retailers have at least one distributor BUT a retailer may or may not have ordered any products.

I have created my form but the query linked to the form is having some trouble. It is only selecting those records that have ordered products. For example, if I query a retailer name only and it does not have any ordered products, it will not display. Is there a problem with the table joins? The SQL for the query is displayed here:


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Using Subform For Search Criteria And Relating One Search Field To Several Columns

Apr 21, 2015

1. I created a form with some search-fields which are related to a query. Then I added a Subform in which I put some more Search criteria (So that I can easily hide and unhide those additional searchfields). It sounds strange but is necessary ;-). Now I related those searchfields in the subform to the same query. When I run that query a window pops up that I should put in a value in all those searchfields which are in the subform. But I told Access that it should display all rows, if there is no value in those searchfields. Just as I did it with the Searchcriteria in the Main form. Do I have to do something special, when I have a query which is related to two Forms?

2. I want a searchfield to search in three different columns. Usually the value will just be found in one of those columns. As the Table I search is very long and has many searchfields and multiple of those will relate to more than one column, is there an easy way to do it in VBA? As I did it by using the "or" field when designing a query, but this seems very slow and unstable.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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How To Create Search Button Using Access 2007 That Can Search From Form

Jul 10, 2012

i need to create a system that can search data using i want to create search button that i will create it at form. currently i have 1 table and in that table i have 10 fields which are project_name, doc_ref_no, doc_title, volume, book_no, author, doc_status, box_barcode, filling_location, doc_availability.

i have create 2 forms, one form for user to add new record and another one is to search record. the user can search by enter project name, doc title, volume and box barcode. for project name and volume, i use combo box and for doc title and box barcode i'm using text box.

i want to create search function that can detect from user keyword and even user did not fill in all the form, the system still can search the record.

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Multiple Field Line Relationship In Access

Jun 29, 2015

Why and where do we create a multiple field relationship in Microsoft access.

The relationship between CompanyContacts and CompanyProducts.(Adopted from Microsoft access 2013 inside out by John Viescas).

What was the main purpose of using such a relationship here and where are such relationships frequently created.

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How To Search For Words Out Of Order In An Access Search

May 15, 2006

So basically, what I have is a bunch of words in one memo field, for example:

dog cat cowboy tree flower

To search it, this is the code I have now.

' Check for LIKE Last Name
If Me.txtLastName > "" Then
varWhere = varWhere & "[LastName] LIKE """ & Me.txtLastName & "*" * " AND "
End If

The only problem is what I search for needs to be "in order", for example, if I search for dog, I'll get the table. But, if I seach for tree, I won't because tree was not place first. Can you please help me? Thanks a lot!

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Multiple Search Criteria

Apr 26, 2005

Wonder if you guys can help me with something. I have a table with about 1200 guests, what I want to do is to search the table base on different criteria (or combination of criteria), namely phone #, name, street name, and postal code. Not everyone has all this info, and their names aren't separted into proper lastname or firstnames (old data).

What I want to do is to be able to type in a person's first name, last name, or both (an maybe other info if the first search wasn't successful).

What should I do to implement this? I was thinking of running 4 different queries, and interesect them into the final query. What do you think?

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SQL To Search Multiple Fields

Jul 24, 2006

I have a search form, and it has 2 combo boxes, and 3 textboxes. I would like one of the textboxes to search 10 different fields for the inputted data. Along with that search all of the others must be able to be used to narrow down the criteria. How can I do this with SQL? Right now I have a select distinct, where, and I use And to include all 5 parameters. What can I do to use the one box to search numerous fields and still return options when coupled with the other search parameters. Thanks


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Multiple Search Criteria

Jul 25, 2005


I have a form on which I have about 6 combo-boxes and a set of 3 radio buttons.

I'm to the point that all the querys that fill these combo-boxes are in place.

What I want now is a search button that updates a datagrid under it when clicked. The query in this datagrid needs to be parameterised with the selected values in the comboboxes or radio buttons.
It should be possible to only select one combobox before pressing update.

At this point I placed a subform in the form to bind this query to. ( the datagrid I need).
Is a subform the correct object for this or are there other possibilities?

For some boxes only a line to the where clausule of the SQL statement needs to be added. For some other (one) and the radio buttons a join needs to be made with another table.
So I will have to build my sql statement dynamicaly in some vba code, run it when the search button is clicked and refresh the datagrid.

Does ab has a sample database in which such a search form is being used?

I must have downloaded like 10 sample DB's now but nothing I can use...

all help or advise greetly appreciated.

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I Need To Search Multiple Fields

May 1, 2006

Hey guys I need some help, I have attached my database.

I need to search multiple fields.
I need to search from field strserialone - strserialtwelve.

Thanks for taking the time..

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Using Multiple Search Options

May 14, 2006

Hi guys,

I made a form to search some values in a table and print them in a report.
The form looks like this:

When clicking the "show report" button a macro is executed. In this macro I have the following code:

OpenReport -->
Report name: main
View: print preview
Where condition: [name]=[Forms]![searchfeedback]![namebox] And [week]=[Forms]![searchfeedback]![week]

Now what I want is a bit difficult.
I want to give users the ability to search by each option and by using multiple options.
- When filling in the name and click the show button it gives all reports for that person.
- When filling in the name and selecting the weeknumber it gives all reports for that person in a particular week.

and so on with the id field, the date field and the supervisor field.

How do I create something like that?

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Multiple Search Criteria For 1 Query

Jun 29, 2006

Hi all
I have a query linked to a report that prints a worksheet specific to a individual work item. This report/query picks up the Work_ID value on a form. I have 2 other forms displaying the same work with different amounts of detail. Rather than create a new report/query to run from each form, I am trying to use the one query/report from each form.
The problem is that I cannot get Access to recognise the Work_ID value from the other forms. I have tried the following:

In the Work_ID criteria field building an SQL statement as below
[Forms]![frmVCRUpdate]![Work_ID] Or [Forms]![frmVCRShort]![Work_ID] Or [Forms]![frmVCRLong]![Work_ID] - This does not work, it keeps asking for the frmVCRUpdate Work_ID value when I try to run the query from the other forms
Adding 2 extra Work_ID Values to the query and on the 2nd and 3rd criteria lines specifying that it look for the Work_ID value from the other forms but I get the error above.

Any suggestions on how I can make this work would be appreciated, I'm not sure what else to do.

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How To Search Using Multiple Keywords At The Same Time?

Dec 23, 2007

I would like to make an Access database for my collection of scientific papers. From that database I should be able to find articles using descriptive keywords. The problem is I haven’t figured out how I could search for the articles needed using multiple keywords at the same time (eg. papers that fill the criteria: <keyword a> AND <keyword b> AND <keyword c>).

What kind of tables and queries I have to create to do that?


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Multiple Word Search In Code

Apr 17, 2008

Hi everyone. I have the following code attached to a text box.

Private Sub txtsearch_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstsearch.RowSource = "Select [R&D ID#], [SKU#], [Project Name], [Construction level], [Manufacturer], [Hobbico Status], [R&D Work By], [Product Manager], [Desktopper]" & _
"From [Project Main]" & _
"Where [Project Name] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [SKU#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D Work By] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Product Manager] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Desktopper] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D ID#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'"
End Sub

This code searched for matching text strings in a few different filed. It is working really well, but it would become much more helpful if instead of searching one single text string, I could enter two in the same box and it would perform the search based on matching both strings, that is, list all the records that have xxxx and xxxx in any of the fields checked.

Can the above code be tweaked to do this?


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