Multiple Items Selected From List Box Through A From Not Passes To The Table

Nov 23, 2006

Can some one tell me why, on the attached database example, I can select multiple items from list boxes
"TipoCliente" and "FaixaEt" through "frmClientes" form but they are not passed forward to table "tblClientes" ?

Try to onpen attached database example and use form "fmrClientes" and select multiple items at
"TipoCliente" and "FaixaEt" list boxes by entering them with mouse click and Ctrl key pressed .
Select also single item from
"NivEns" Combobox and write anything on "Nome" and "Apelido" fields .

Go to the table "tblClientes" and you can see text fields "Nome" and "Apelido" and also the item "NivEns" from Combobox "NivEns" are all there but not the items you selected from "TipoCliente" and "FaixaEt" list boxes .

What is happenig ?

Lots of thanlks


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Listbox That Passes To Database Values That Are Different From Shown Items?

Sep 11, 2012

I am trying to create a list box that passes to the database a value that is different from what shown in the drop down list. For instance, I want to show the users a drop down list with "Yes" and "No", but then storing into the database "1" when "Yes" is selected and "2" when "No" is selected.

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Modules & VBA :: Sum Of Items Selected In A List Box

Sep 10, 2013

how to get the sum of column 2 of a list box total bags is in the second column, i only want the total of bags of the ones selected

I can get the sum of all the boxes but only want highlighted ones

Public Function SumListBox(sForm As String, _
sCtrl As String, iColumn As Integer) As Variant
Dim frm As Form


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Modules & VBA :: Using Array To Store Selected Items In List Box

Apr 10, 2015

I want to use an array to store data from a list box into a variable. I want it to be able to store one value, or multiple values, depending on what is selected.

Main problem: this list box feeds off a table which has employee names and their e-mails. The list box itself only shows the names, and when I select what I want the array to store is their e-mails, not their names.

Dim strNames As String
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim intCount As Integer
For Each varItem In Me.lstNames.ItemsSelected
intCount = intCount + 1
Select Case Len(strNames)

[Code] ....

That code successfully displays the item I selected, but only displays the name. I need to make it look in the table and get me column #2. I also want it to be able to select more than one item at a time.

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Queries :: Limit Query To Selected Items In A List Box

Nov 27, 2013

I want to limit the results in a query to the selected items on a list box - how do I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box To Become Visible Based On Selected Items From List Box

Oct 13, 2014

I have the code below and am trying to have a form allow Text Box to become visible based on selected items from a List box. Why I am getting the error listed?

Compile Error: Invalid Qualifier

Private Sub specific_opt_Click()
Dim users As Control
Dim ctrler As String
Dim xx As Long
If Me.specific_opt = True Then GoTo 169

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Remove Multiple Selected Items From Listbox

Jul 24, 2013

How do I remove multiple selected items from listbox.

Noticed it is a table/query listbox, not value list.


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Select Multiple Items From Dropdown List

Mar 24, 2006


I would like to be able to select multiple items from a dropdown list like we often see on web forms. The kind where you hold down the control key to select up to 5 items. Is this possible on an access form? If so, how would do we implement, and how is such data be stored?


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Forms :: Show Selected Subform Items In A Table Field

Dec 9, 2013

Given a subform that lists items:


Given a table that contains a coverage field

customer coverage
smith a, b, d, g

How would I create a relationship between a subform and a coverage field such that when i multi select items in the subform, it will show what items are selected in the coverage field as in the example.

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Modules & VBA :: MDB File - Deleting Multiple Items In List At Once

May 28, 2014

In appendix is .mdb file with this thema.

Inside you can find one form with listbox (with multi selecting ability).

I use this code :

Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Variant
With Me.se1
For Each i In .ItemsSelected
SQL = "DELETE '*' FROM [t1] WHERE [id] = " & .ItemData(i) & " ;"
CurrentDb.Execute (SQL)
End With

Result is this one :
1) If I delete only one item in list, it is ok. I can do it again and again and it is working fine.


2) If I delete more items in list at once, it is ok - but if I will try to do it again then there is an error because .ItemData(i) value is Null.

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Forms :: Right Click Listbox To Copy Selected Items To Temp Table

Mar 7, 2013

I'm trying to create a right-click event on a listbox that will copy selected listbox item(s) to a temp table. So far, I've got this code to acknowledge the right click:

Private Sub List0_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
Y As Single)
If Button = acRightButton Then
MsgBox "You pressed the right button."
End If
End Sub

Problem is the selected item on the list box doesn't move until after the mouse down event so whatever code I would run would involve the wrong record(s).

I'm using Access 2000 and 2003. How to get the the correct record selected on mouse down, or point me to a working example of right-click functionality on a listbox.

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Forms :: Select Multiple Items By Pasting Comma Separated List

Apr 30, 2015

I have a list with 50 items in it, I would like to select some of these items by pasting in a coma separated list, is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Inventory - Show List Of Items That Aren't Already In A Table

Jun 19, 2015

I have a list box that allows multiple selections [Inventory]. I also have a combo box that has multiple selections [Shows].

Right now, user selects from list box and from a combo box and clicks a button. On button click, the items from the list box are associated with the PK from the combo and stored in a junction table. This allows me to quickly associate many inventory items to one show.

I realized that there I currently have no way to prevent duplicate Inventory+show records in the junction table besides having a composite key. This would be fine except no records get inserted into the junction table if there's a duplicate entry.

Ideally, I think that the user should select from the combo box [Shows]. This should narrow down what shows up in the list box [Inventory] in a way that Inventory items already associated with the show are not displayed.

If I have 10 Inventory items and Inventory items 1-5 are already associated with Show 1; after I select the combo box, the list box only displays Inventory items 6-10.

Here's the associated code

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAddRecords_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Values From A Table Selected From A List Box

Mar 19, 2014

Im trying to delete values from a table based on the selected values of a listbox. The listbox values have a hidden column which related to the ID on the table to which I am trying to delete from (if that makes sense).

If I use the following code:

Set ctl = Me.Results_listbox
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemSelected
CurrentDb.Execute "Delete * FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.ID = " & ctl.ItemData(varItem)
Next varItem

I get an error stating Object doesn't support this property or method.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Table Based On List Box Multi Selected Records

Nov 24, 2014

I have database with an userform called AssignWP, combobox called WPDevBy, listbox called List352 (Multi select) and table called Justified.I am trying to update one field WPDevelopedBy of the table as combobox value based on list box multi selected records.

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Linking Multiple Items From A Table To One Item In Another In Forms

Mar 4, 2015

I have what should be a really simple database to build. In table tbl1PlanHdr is the header item. Many items in tbl2MaintItem will then be allocated to each header. MaintItems items will be allocated to more than one Header.

I want to set up a form that has the tbl1PlanHdr as the main part of the form and tbl2MaintItem as the subform. Possibly as a datasheet, or continuous form.

I need the ability to update items in the subform back to the orginal table.

I have a relationship of one to many from the tbl1PlanHdr to tbl2MaintItem using the primary key in tbl1PlanHdr.

But should this be a one to many from tbl2MaintItem to tbl1PlanHdr

The end result required is to be able to get a data dump of all the tbl1PlanHdr items with the corresponding tbl2MaintItems items.

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How To Determine Whether Or Not A Listbox Has Items Selected...?

Oct 6, 2006


As my title states, that is my problem! I'm building search criteria from a form and have multiple list boxes... I want to be able to determine whether or not a list box has items selected or not. I have tried as many things as i knew how to with no luck...

Also, i searched the forum but could not find what i was looking for -_-

Thanks for any and all aide!

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Cascading Combo Boxes - Open A Form And Add Multiple Items To A Table

Mar 12, 2011

I have been trying to modify a sample database to suit what I want to do but I am getting stuck on the very first part cascading combo boxes i want to open a form and add multiple items to a table - first i want to select, from a combo box a department - then select a supplier from all the suppliers/manufacturers related to that department then select a stock item based on the description from all the items available from that supplier

I have attached the database I am using to modify and my database.

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Recall Selected Items From Listbox Selection

Oct 24, 2005

Hi all, greate site and i have been able to solve most problems by using the search box although this problem is doing my head in...!!

I have a db that records project numbers and their details. I am using a listbox to allow a user to multiselect Project Involvements Tasks(ie Documentation, Build etc) against a project number.

I am able to read the selections into a separtate table with two columns which is structured as:

ProjectNo - InvolvementType
123 - Testing
123 - Build
123 - Documentation
456 - Build
789 - Testing
789 - Documentation

as you can see I dont have a problem getting the Itemsselected into a table... the problem that i am having is getting them out again when the record is displayed - ie marking them as itemsselected.

I believe that the event would be onCurrent which would loop through this table pick up the project number and recorded invovements and mark them as selected in the listbox. if there is no invovement then the listbox would show no selections.

I am using this code to read the selections in

'Records project involvements against project
Public Function AddInvolvements(ctlRef As ListBox) As String
On Error GoTo Err_AddInvolvements_Click

Dim i As Variant
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strDelete As String

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set qd = dbs.QueryDefs!qInvolvement
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset

'Delete records where project number exists against an invovelment incase of involvement changes
strDelete = "Delete Project_Involvement.ProjectNo " & _
"FROM Project_Involvement " & _
"WHERE (((Project_Involvement.ProjectNo)=[Forms]![Add_Project_Details]![ProjectNo]));"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strDelete
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

For Each i In ctlRef.ItemsSelected
rs!InvolvementType = ctlRef.ItemData(i)
rs!ProjectNo = Me.ProjectNo.Value
Next i
Set rs = Nothing
Set qd = Nothing

Exit Function

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3022 'ignore duplicate keys
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddInvolvements_Click
End Select

End Function

Any help would be much appreciated - also thanks to Pat Hartman for his excellent examples esp


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A Tex Box Shoud Disable Once A Certain Dropdrop Items Is Selected

Nov 4, 2004

have a drop down menu on a form. When it has been updated to a certain value I want some of the field on my form to be disabled.

I am thinking it is a afterUpdate event, What would be the code to disable another field on the form

would it be something like this

If Forms![frmPlacements]![CostType] = "consultant" Then Forms![frmPlacements]![Wages].Disabled

CostType is a drop down menu with entry as follow: consultant, permananent, none and when consultant is selected the Wages text box should be disabled

Please look at the following post in a forum

[link] [/link]


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Forms :: Move Selected Items To And From Listboxes?

Dec 11, 2013

I have 2 Listboxes the first list is based on a query I need to select items from this box or part of each item and move to another listbox. the items in the second listbox will be used in a report. I have previously posted on another forum with no real luck fyi. the query is put straight in the RowSource.

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Forms :: Count The Number Of Items Selected In Listbox?

Nov 1, 2013

I'm creating an employee audit database, and, in the audit form, the user (ie. supervisor) can select a number of items from a listbox. Each item selected corresponds to an error that the employee has made, and, as such, the employee's Audit Score has two points deducted for each item that is selected.

Incidentally, there are other, solitary elements to the form, but this particular listbox houses a collection of items that are related under a single category.

The score is displayed at the bottom of the form, and it needs to update in real-time.

The problems that I am encountering are that I am unable to count the number of items selected and then I am unable to multiply that count by 2 (the point-value of each item on the list.)

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Query To List Multiple Records In A List From Multiple Queries

Jul 11, 2013

I have a DB where you there's 5 tables all linked together by one project ID

tables below

Project , Staff, Asset, allowances, travel, mark up

What I can do is create a new project, then add records to each of the other tables on what different items I require,

i.e. I create a new project - called project one, in the project table I create a record stating, name, time scale, client and location, then I add different records to each of the other tables on what I require all linked to the same project ID. (probably not explained that too well)

Now I want to create a query that lists all the requirements one after the other this will make it easier to create reports and to calculate costing's.

At the moment I have made 5 different queries listing all the data, then have one report containing 5 sub reports to display the data, no this does work.

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Adding Items To List Boxes

Oct 4, 2006

This is a somewhat complicated question to explain, so please bare with me.

I have a form with a ‘list box.’ The box is populated using a Table/Query Row Source Type method. The table I am grabbing the list from is “Department,” where it contains a list of my company’s departments(ie. Accounting, HR, Payroll, etc.).

Now, the only thing this table does not have is the word “ALL.” I need this word in the “List Box” because I want users to have the option to select ALL.

Is there anything in VBScript code wise or in Row Source that I can do to include this word?

I know I can manually go into the Department table to simply add the word, but this is not the point, because there is more to that(I have different list boxes that are grabbing lists from different tables, AND I have to refresh these tables twice a week). Please help.

Thank you.


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List Of Tables And Items In A Database

Nov 7, 2004

Hi just started working for a Company and I found they have tons of
databases but no structure or standard, so I would like to build a tool that will go thrue a list of databases and get all the table names, the items and type. Is there functions in vba that can get me a list of the tables in the database and the get all the items in the database ?

Thanks on any input

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Forms :: Moving Items From One List Box To Another

Jul 16, 2015

I have a form where there are 2 list boxes: Part_List and acbPartList. acbPartList has multiselect enabled and what I want to do is be able to select multipler records in that list box and then press a button to add those selected records into the other list box. Here is my code for my button:

Private Sub addItemButton_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
With Me.acbPartList_Existing
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
Me.Part_List.AddItem (varItem)
End With
End Sub

I'm not sure if passing varItem is correct, but regardless, it isn't working because Part_List is based off of a query, its not a value list.

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