N00b Question. Input Forms...

Aug 31, 2006


When I open an already created form just linked to a table to input new information. At the bottom is says, for example, 1 of 30. How can I make it so that it just adds a new entry at the end of that 30, being 31? And then, perhaps sorting the table... after all the data has been entered. Your help would be much appreciated!!


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My God I'm Such A N00b

Sep 13, 2006

In Access 2000 I need to create a primary key out of elements from two different tables across several different fields. So the first question is how do I do this? The second question is where do I do this, i.e. is there a wizard of sorts that can walk me through this? I thought I'd checked everywhere and I just can't seem to find anything. If someone could let me know I'd appreciate it so much.

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N00b To ER Modelling, Please Help!

Dec 8, 2005

Okay, can anyone help me with the following:-

I have to create a database on theatre booking system. So far, ive identified the following entities:

Customer(Customer ID, Title, Initials, Surname) Customer ID is PK
Play(Playname, Playwright, Number Of Characters, Length(min)) Playname is PK

i do not know what to create as attributes for the bookings table, especially seeing as the attributes have to relate to customer and play. for the actors table i was thinking of putting in the following attributes:-

Actor ID, Name, Age, Playname, Role (Actor ID is PK)

but i was unsure if they worked, although i think they would, because playname from the play table would be a foreign key in the actors table. this is where i come into conflict with the bookings table, ie what could add to teh custoemr table as a primary key that would make a suitable foreign key in the bookings table, and what could be a suitable primary key in teh bookings table, and also a suitable foreign key in the play table? please help, its an urgent issue. thanks very much for your time.


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N00b...query Parameters

Oct 1, 2006

Hey guys, I have a simple design question I hope someone can help me with. I have little to no experience with Access, but I know enough to get around. Anyways, I'm working as an extern for a rock band. One of my assignments is to create a publicity contact database. I have all my forms and tables set up but I'm having some trouble creating my query. There are about 10 fields in the contact table. I want the user to be able to search any one of those 10 fields OR any combination of them. Is there a way to do this with only one query, where it willl prompt the user for only the fields they have selected to search?

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N00b Question. Button Won't UNPRESS?

Aug 31, 2006


So, basically I have an input form. I disabled pretty much all of the controls and instead of using the left and right arrow buttons I wanted to create my own ones to go to the next record. What happens is that the button pushes down, but doesn't unpush. And then if i push it again it pops back up.

This is what is in it, as far as code goes for my button:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

... so, yah. It seems kind of idiotic, but i hope someone can tell me what's up because it's really annoying!


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N00b Question. Query Criteria.

Sep 1, 2006

Okay. So, this is my set up.

I have a form that has various input fields that are connected to my main table. What I want to do is have my form allow the user to enter information, leaving some of it blank if they don't want it, and then press a button and it will open the query with the arguements given. The problem i'm having is... when i leave a field blank, it doesn't pull up anything, but if i fill everything out then it's fine. Right now my criteria on my query sections just link directly to the combo boxes that i have created on the input forms. I believe i just have to have additional criteria, telling it to ignore null or something like that... but i'm not sure how! Please aide?


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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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Forms :: Permit Only 50 Group Leaders To Input / Edit Data On Password Protected Forms

Jul 29, 2015

I am building a very comprehensive Membership Management Database with extremely useful facilities initiated by some 20 or 25 Queries..

The database includes 5 Tables which store data relevant to members, another which stores details of Interest Groups and a 3rd which stores which members are affiliated to which Group or Groups.

Currently the database is accessible only by a very limited number of persons and data can be entered/edited by only one person. The database, using Access 2010, is maintained on a desktop computer and synchronized to a copy on a Cloud.

My requirement is to permit some 50 Group Leaders to input/edit data on a Password protected Group Members Form such that that is the only element of the database that they can access. The Forms would have only 2 fields from which the user would select entries from drop down lists.

My query is ; is such a procedure feasible in principle and would I be correct in assuming that the user would require to have available a copy of Access.

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Calculated String Input Field In An Input Form.

Jan 30, 2005


I need to create a field in an input form that is simply the concatenation of two other text fields. I have tried all sorts of things, but when I look at the data in the table that field.

I have a field called ID that I want to be created like this:

=Format([UniqueID],"00000") & "-" & [Mosque]

This works well in my output fields, but does not work the same way on the input form. It needs to be based on the currently input values from the current record. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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Forms :: User To Input Data Into One Box Or Another Not Both?

Mar 10, 2013

I have a form, and on the form there is a Provider Rate which is a combo box, if the user select a zero rate, then it has the description please enter manual rate in box below. There is another box which the user can enter a manual rate.

how I can limit entry into these boxes, as currently a user can select a rate in the provider rate box and still enter something into the manual rate box. I want it so that if a rate other than zero has been selected in the provider rate box, then they can't enter anything into the manual rate cell.

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Forms :: How To Save Two Input Into One Field

Feb 20, 2014

How i can save two textbox into one field

I am totally green and using unbound form

Year - Period - Month - # of working days
2014 - 01 - January - 22
2014 - 02 - February - 20

would like to save the record as follows
2014-01; January; 22
2014-02; February; 20

means input "2014 & 01", become one "2014-01"

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Forms :: Validating User Input?

Apr 17, 2013

I have two check box controls on a form, and I would like to set some sort of validation rule to make sure that one of the boxes is checked before the form is closed. I also have many other forms with text, radio, etc. controls that I would also like to set the same rule for.

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Forms :: Input In Pivot Like Form

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table like

date1 sensor1 value
date1 sensor2 value
date2 sensor1 value
date2 sensor2 value
date3 sensor1 value
date3 sensor2 value

How to create a pivot like input form with for example

SOURCE date1 date2 date3 ... date7
sensor1 value value value ... value
sensor2 value value value ... value

So that we can enter all the details for one week on one form.

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Forms :: User Input Form

Jul 29, 2014

I am working on a database that uses a form requiring personnel to log in. This information comes from a user table and is something that I have added on numerous occasions to various databases. The question I have is in relations to a "lockout." How do I set it up so that someone gets locked out after so many attempts loging in on this form?

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Forms :: Numeric Only Input For Text Box

May 26, 2013

I want numeric only input for a certain textbox. I can use a ISNUMERIC function to test this, but prefer to use the Keypress event. So far got the following:


Private Sub txt_Position_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 8 ' backspace
Case Asc("1") To Asc("9")
Case Asc("-")
If InStr(1, Me.txt_Position.Text, "-") > 0 Or Me.txt_Position.SelStart > 0 Then


It is working alright, except I want to avoid input that has multiple leading zeros, such as 00000 or -00000 (i.e. minus sign with mulitple leading zeros).

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Forms :: Date Input Mask

Jul 23, 2014

I have a date field on my form and used

Input Mask L<LL-0000;;* and
validation rule <=Date$()

I want the user input to look like 'Aug-2010' for example.but I get error: The value you entered isn't valid for this field

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Forms :: Hide Password In Input Box

Sep 9, 2013

I have written the following code on a command button to set up a basic password for deleting current record. What I really want to do is hide the password being typed into the input box with asterix's. Here is the current code and password:

Private Sub Toggle33_Click()
Dim strPasswd
strPasswd = InputBox("Enter Password", "Restricted Form")
If strPasswd = "" Or strPasswd = Empty Then
MsgBox "No Input Provided", vbInformation, "Required Data"

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Search Box Within Same Form As Input?

Jul 27, 2014

Im trying to have a search function in my Access database but as of yet nothing has worked!

The search box will go in the header of the main form .

So basically the form is for recording faults with systems.However i want a search funtion on the same form so i can seach by a reference number and close the ticket.

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Forms :: Input Multiple Records At Once

May 22, 2014

A little bit of context first: I am producing a database to store information on overhead line structure renewals.

I have a table called tblStrucTasks with four fields; Task ID, Structure Type, Create (specifies whether the structure is to be created or removed) and Task. I need to enter multiple records which will have the same Structure Type and Create fields but different Task fields. There are many tasks for each structure so I'd like a form where you only have to select the Structure Type and Create fields once. Some sort of list where the tasks could be typed in would then be perfect.

I'm not sure whether this should be done with VBA or queries. I'm new to databases so I don't know a lot about queries but I have a little bit of experience with VBA from Excel.

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Forms :: Using Form To Input Data?

Oct 29, 2014

I am having to develop a form that we can use in case in our web based inventory systems crash. I am not good with forms at all.

I'd like the data entered to go into a table I've created with 4 fields.

So Field1 and Field2 will stay constant until we hit a button that does a whole new person we are issuing equipment to.

Field 3 and 4 though will need to generate a new record each time we scan data into both those fields.

For example the data table would look like this

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4

Person1 IDNumber SerialA SerialB
Person1 IDNumber SerialC SerialD
Person1 IDNumber SerialE SerialF
PERSON2 TheirID SerialG SerialH
Person2 TheirID SeriaiI SerialJ

If it makes a difference this form will be done in Access 2010. Once I get the data into the table, I can do whatever I need to do with it.

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Structure For Using Input Forms To Main Database

Feb 18, 2005

Note: I put this in General original but it is rmore likely to be a table structure problem

I have a single table for storing the main data, this is fed by input from 3 forms. I have been asked if the forms can be used independantly and remotely as input forms.

My solution was to simply send out a database with just one form and created an append query so that when it is returned with completed information it would simply append the database to the main database. In itself this works fine however, what is happening, of course, is that when I get the other forms back I end up with triplicate records, that is instead of the information from the 3 forms being stored as one record it is now split over 3 records.

I have to be careful in what I do as the original database has been running for over 6 months now and has a lot of stored data and because of established queries/calculations/reports the last thing I want to do is change or split the main data table.

Is there anyway I can get the three records to concantenate on one line. The three forms all have separate fields as they were taken from the original database.

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Forms :: Input Masks For Access 2007?

Nov 23, 2013

I have a field in my table called SATS. This is then on my form as a control bound to the SATS field in my table. The application is for a surgery where the person doing vitals ( blood test and HPpressure testing) need to enter the redings. The norm is 96%RA80 tHE 96 never goes beyond 100. The RA will always be there and the 80 can be higher up to three digits.

What i manage to do so far is this 99\%LL999;;- the problem is that the R has to typed everytime. How can i set it to __%RA__

I have is that if we want to scan the past consults and link it to a patient. What are the requirements?

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Forms :: Max Length Of Text Box Input Mask?

Jul 9, 2013

I'm trying to apply a custom input mask to a text box control. The text box must contain a 43 character string, broken into sections as follows :


(The format is quite strict and always comprises alphanumeric characters , hence I figured an input mask would, if nothing else, support the user to key the string accurately from its constituent parts...)

However, when I try to apply the input mask to the text box, I seem to run out of characters - I get as far as the below but the input mask wizard won't let me extend the mask to the final 8 characters


Are input masks restricted to 35 characters in length? And if so, how else could I make this, admittedly complex, text input more manageable for end users?

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Forms :: Data Validation After Record Input

Dec 17, 2014

When I learnt to use vba in excel (to basic level) I was always advised in a userform to validate data at end of record input i.e. when pressing enter and next. Is this true also with access or should i be putting validation rules at the afterupdate stage of a particular control?

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Forms :: Textbox That Get Value Both From Calculations And User Input?

Nov 7, 2014

I have a form bound to a table, with a subform in there, and I have a textbox with a source one of the table's fields. I would like the value of this textbox to be calculated based on the values of some boxes in the subform, but I also wont to be able to edit the value on the textbox myself.

Is it possible to have a textbox that get its value both from calucaltions and user input?

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Forms :: Input Box Will Not Display Or Stop At Command

Jun 18, 2015

NO matter what I do I can't get the InputBox to work


NewEmailAddress = InputBox("There is no Client Email Address on file would you like to enter one?", "Information Required")

It just won't display or stop at the above command.

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