Need To Remove Breaks From Paragraphs

Feb 8, 2006

I'm having big problems exporting and converting data in Access. I have a large source of records that I want to manipulate and then export from Access into delimited text files. The problem is, I need to remove some spaces from a memo field. While the trim() function will remove a lot of spaces, it doesn't remove breaks/hard returns/whatever-you-call-it that breaks up the paragraphs.

Here's and example of what it looks like when I export it now:



I want it to look like this:


How do I get rid of the breaks? Thanks!!

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General :: Code To Remove Line Breaks In Table

Jun 20, 2014

I programming a eBay upholder, and having an issue with the description, as there cant be any line breaks in the column. I have little knowledge of Vba programming. I think I can use the replace command to change the line breaks to spaces.

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Editing Of Standard Paragraphs

Jan 17, 2005

From a form build a report using standard paragraphs using a combo or list box . Paragraphs may vary in length but must format correctly on the report. NO SPACES MUST BE LEFT BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS. Also the form must allow editing of the standard paragraph. ie where there is perhaps a change of name etc: ALSO is it possible to exceed the 255 characters in a text box ?

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Paragraphs In Text Field And Using Quotes

Jun 14, 2006

I have a button that generates text according to information in different fields. The text has multiple lines and when I select the button to generate the text it puts all the lines together when I need it to do a new paragraph after each line.

Me.GeneratedCode = "This is a test for " & Me.ServerName & "." & _
"The server " & Me.TestResults & " the test."

The above shows up in one continues line.
This is a test for shankserver. The server Passed the test.

I what it to look like this

This is a test for shankserver.
The server Passed the test.

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Reports :: Paragraphs In Rich Text Memo Field Not Showing In Report?

Mar 14, 2013

I have an Access 2010 database with a memo field formatted for Rich Text.

I created a simple form. It accepts and shows paragraphs, i.e. I press Return and a new paragraph appears (with a blank line in between paragraphs).

I then created a report based on the same fields. In the memo field it shows the text entered in the form, but not the paragraph breaks. It just shows one big block of text without any paragraph breaks. I have looked for a field property in the report design and layout views that might affect how the text is displayed in the report but I cannot find one.

It is not much use if you can input paragraph breaks in a form but not see them in a report.

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Line Breaks

May 16, 2007

I'm not sure if this is the right section for this question, but not sure where else to ask it.

We have a database and a query that is run that creates a table for a webpage.

The webpage (created in FrontPage) displays the info we need, but what we have 1 field that we would like to have display in a certain way. What we would like is, instead of having this 1 field string all the words out in a row.
For example:
word 1 word 2 word 3

Is there something we could either do in the query or within the webpage, that will force each word to a new line within it's table cell on the webpage

So would look something like this.

it makes it easier to read on the webpage.

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Adding Page Breaks To A Report???

Aug 16, 2007

I have a list of jobs for a report in which there are multiple jobs per page. When there is a page break in the report some jobs are being cut off and then started on the next page. I do not want any information from a job to be seperated by a page break. I just want a page break to occur after a full job listing. I don't mind if the page is short, just don't want any jobs broken up. Is there a way to accomplish this??? Thanks.

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Compacting Database 'breaks' SQL Code

Sep 22, 2005

I had someone write some code to access an Access database. The code works with the database as is, however if I choose to compact & repair the database to minimize its size, the code no longer works. What could be different about the database once it's been minimized using the database utilities?


P.S. Does compacting the database make it more responsive to users on the web that query the database, or doesn't it much matter?

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Page Breaks In Sub Report Not Working ?

Dec 15, 2004


I have a report that has 3 sub reports in the main report but for now I will just concentrate on my main report and my first sub report. My first subreport is a bit of a nightmare as it pages and pages of just text well 3 pages. I have typed all the text in labels n the sub report and I have inserted a page break control when I run the sub report without the main report the page breaks are there when I run the sub report from the main report the breaks have gone. Any idea's how to fix this one. So I have a hughe details section with 3 page breaks that only work on the sub report that has not been opened from the main report. Once I try to open the sub report from the main report I lose my page breaks in the details section of the sub report. Hope this make sense. Thanks PWF

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Reports :: Page Breaks At The End Of Each Manager

Jan 22, 2014

I have a report based on main database that list all "Sites" by Manager, when i open the report it gives me all the details that I want, what I would now like to do is page break at the end of each manager, in addition the each record as a "completed" and "active" field I only want to show on the report the "Active" Records. ie:- After it reports all the Active marked sites for 1 manager is starts the second manager on a new page, can this be done? and how do I do it?

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Line Breaks In Data Imported From Excel

Jan 12, 2006

I have imported an Excel spreadsheet into an Access database. In Excel, a line break in a cell is entered by ALT+Enter. After importing my spreadsheet, all my line breaks appear as "□" and the text all runs together (no line breaks) in the table. The "□"s are also printed in reports. I need a way to either (1) make the "□"s appear as line breaks (e.g., by changing some Access property) or to convert the "□"s to something that shows as a line break in an the Access table memo field (e.g., CNTRL+Enter). Can anyone tell me how to make this happen?

I've tried to copy/paste the "□" into the Find/Replace dialog, but nothing appears when I paste. I understand the memo field is unicode, but I have not been able to determine what the "□" character actually is. It is not the same as the only similar squared shaped character I find in the Arial character map (U+25A1: White Square). I can copy and paste the "□", if surrounded by some other text, e.g., "xxx□yyy", into a Notepad document and it shows up as "xxx□yyy". Pasting the same into a Word doc and I get
yyy" with the line break properly displayed. I can copy and paste just the □ itself in Notepad.

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Removing CR, Line Breaks, And Tabs From Data

Oct 31, 2005

I'd like to run a search and replace on a query result to remove carriage returns, linek breaks and tabs from the data. I know that MSWord has character aliases that will allow you to do a search and replace - does Access have an equivalent for these?



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Update Memo Field With Line Breaks

Jan 6, 2006

I have a memo field that contains several text strings separated by line breaks. I would like to write a query to add another text string to the end of the field. How do I embed a line feed in the SQL?

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Continuous Form Breaks Control Buttons?

Dec 18, 2005

Hi folks,

I've got two control buttons ('OK' and 'Cancel') on several forms. They work on the forms in Single Form view, but not on the one form that is in Continuous Form view. I couldn't find any mention of this behavior on this forum, but on another forum somebody mentioned that Continuous Form view makes control buttons do odd things. Any ideas on how to handle this?

Here's the code:

Private Sub OK_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OK_Click
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
Me.Visible = False

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OK_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Glossary"
End Sub

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Queries :: Changing A Join Breaks The DLOOKUP?

Nov 20, 2013

Bit of a strange question / problem. I am using a Dlookup between two queries. Everything runs fine is I leave the join as option 1: only include rows where the joined fields in both tables are equal. But if I change it to number 3 Include ALL records in right table in left it returns a syntax error on the query.

I can run the same query with same relationships of another table and it is fine!

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Reports :: Line Breaks In A Memo Field In Report

Mar 21, 2015

I created a form with a memo field. Data is entered. How do I get the data to print on the report on separate lines rather than one continuous paragraph? For example: Entered in form:

2/1/15 visit to house. 2/2/15 ordered new locks for doors. 2/5/15 Locks installed.

Print view on Report:

2/1/15 visit to house.
2/2/15 ordered new locks
2/5/15 locks in stalled.

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Forms :: Adding Breaks On A Form - Start And End Time

Jun 18, 2014

I have an input form for production. I need to be able to have a unbound box look at the start time and end time. I need it to determine if the times fall during a break or lunch. My fields in my table are - ID, Start Time, End Time. Example of what I need the control source formula to do is this. If I start at 6:00 AM and work till 10:00.AM and my break is Start Time 9:00 AM... End Time 9:10 AM. I need it to then show 10 in the box as result of the break. I have this so far as in my formula builder.

IIF([Start Time]<9:00 AM AND [End Time]<9:10 AM, 10, 0)

When I press enter it says I have an syntax error and I have checked to make sure the fields are correct. Also how would I go about adding on to this formula to add a lunch break on to it.

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Path To Linked Images Breaks When Close Database

Jan 16, 2015

I have a report in Access 2010. The report contains some images in the main report area and in sub reports. I have The queries that feed the report and subreport contains the name of the pictures that are loaded into its image controls. I added the following code to my form in order to control what image is displayed for each record. Id like the form to work even if the database is moved as long as the subfolder and photos are moved along with it (thus using relative path).

Private Sub Report_(Current)
Dim ImagePath As String
Dim ImagePathInt As String
Dim ImagePathPlanV As String


The problem seems to be that the routine doesn't seem to initially recognize the path. I have a blank photo in the folder containing all the images called NO PHOTO.jpg. If I open the report in design view and browse to this image in the picture parameter of any one of the image controls and run the report, then everything works perfectly even if I close and reopen the report. The report shows the right pictures even in the subreports.

The problem is when I close the database and reopen it, then the link is lost again, forcing me to do the process of browsing for the NO PHOTO image again. I already try to do an open form procedure to automatically reset the picture property, but although it resets the picture to the picture I set (I verify this by setting a different picture instead of the NO PHOTO) it does not make things work correctly as it does when I manually browse for it in design view. I also try to run the code above under the Report (Open) instead of the Report (Current) but that didn't work either.

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Queries :: Count Function Breaks Form When No Records Meet Criteria

Aug 10, 2015

I have the following code

WHERE (((T_STUDENTS.res_vrijstelling)=False) And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_year)="1") And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_coach)=forms!F_cboCOACHING!cboCOACHING))

It runs fine, untill the moment the count is 0. At that point it breaks the form. How can i tell access to deal with this? Somehow i need to replace the count result with 0 if there are no records that meet the criteria.

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Forms :: Adding Field To A Form Breaks Entire Database Record Source?

Sep 26, 2014

I am building a database where one Form displays records from 14 different tables. For some reason, when I recently try to add a field on to a form from a new table, the ENTIRE form loses the record source, and every single field that is already on the form gets that green dot in the corner with errors surrounding a record source that cannot be found. What am I doing wrong? Am I exceeding some limitations with forms?

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Reports :: Force Actual Page Not Column Breaks In Label Reports

Jul 19, 2013

I print a report onto labels (Avery 5960: 3 columns of 10 labels on a letter sized piece of paper). The report and labels print fine BUT...

I need physical page breaks between certain sections. When I click on "keep whole group together on one page" in the "group by" section of the report, it starts a new COLUMN of labels (which Access sees as a new page), but does not force an actual new piece of paper.

How can I force a real page break?

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Sum Of Remove

Dec 7, 2006

Hi i have created a plotchart and at the bottom of the chart it is displayed as SUM of SUM of apr 05 etc for all the months is there anyway i can remove the sum of before each month??

thanks :)

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Can't Remove Security

Jul 24, 2005


I just went through the User-level Security Wizard and added security. I now can't log on using a username I created.

How can I get my database back? I have the back up file but how can I get all the stuff back without this security on the database?




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Remove Software

Oct 17, 2005


Need a little help with the following, running windows ME on a Compaq Presario Desktop, connected to Blueyonder Broadband, Blueyonder have provided a new anti virus and firewall package free of charge to broadband users, you need to remove your existing Virus and firewall package(McAfee) to load the new, which I have done, it appears that I still have remnants of a previous Norton Firewall, the only reference to it is when you access through the control panel and the add/remove programme, I have tried many times to remove it but the text is still there.

I have searched for it but nothing comes up as found.

Many thanks


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Remove Space

May 20, 2006

I have an enormous Post Code Table 1.7 million records, which I must update every month into usable sectors for our carrier cross refs, the UK postcode is in the format CB6 3HQ, CB6 3HR, CB6 3HS, CB6 3HT, CB6 3HW etc I need to be able to remove the space then only use the first 4 chrs ie CB63, in the above examples I know I could do a search and replace " " with "" but I need this to be run automaticly where would be the best place to do this and if coded how?

Any help or alternative suggetions appriciated

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Remove 1 Set Of Dup Records

Jul 22, 2005

:confused: I am importing a file from excel into access. The table has about 6300 records. Some records are duplicates or even triplicates. How do I write a querie to leave only 1 of of these records and rmove the duplicates.

Second, I will be importing new files weekly that after I do the above I will need to append to the first table and then remove duplicates. How dod I do this.


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