Noobie Question That Ive Been Struggling With

Jan 29, 2007

Is there any clear cut way to directly access a cell in a table via code?

Ive looked as far as my eye can look to try and find something quick and easy that allows me to cherry pick data out of a table, but ive had no luck.

For instance, I have a table named tblSANConnections with a field in it named fldServername.

I want a command button to go into tblSANConnections and snag information from fldServername of the current record displayed on my form, and hell, I dont know put it into a variable.

Can someone toss out a few key codewords that I can lookup to accomplish what im after? thank you

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Noobie Question About Dates And Between Or >= And <=

Dec 1, 2007

Hello there,

I have been bashing my head off of my laptop trying to get a query to return records where a date field is between two dates.

1. The field has a datatype of date/time
2. There are only two records in the database where the field Client.Refdate of record one is equal to 05/12/2007 and record two is equal to 05/01/2008.
3. The SQL was like this:

SELECT Client.clientMarital, Client.clientFirstname, Client.clientMiddlename, Client.clientSurname, Client.clientGender, Client.clientAddress1, Client.clientPostcode, Client.clientRefdate
FROM Client
WHERE (((Client.clientRefdate)>(#04/12/2007#) And (Client.clientRefdate)<(#06/12/2007#)));

However when I ran the query no results are returned.

I searched the forums and found this post:

So amended the sql like so but to no avail:

SELECT Client.clientMarital, Client.clientFirstname, Client.clientMiddlename, Client.clientSurname, Client.clientGender, Client.clientAddress1, Client.clientPostcode, Client.clientRefdate
FROM Client
WHERE (((Client.clientRefdate)>DateAdd("d",1,#04/12/2007#) And (Client.clientRefdate)<DateAdd("d",1,([Client].[clientRefdate])<#06/12/2007#)));

Can anyone point out my error, or any potential things I have missed...I am going bonkers!


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Total Noobie Question Here.

Dec 4, 2007

Hi Folks

I need some help with this issue at the office.

I use Access to lift data from our departmental mailbox and put it onto an Excel sheet, this process was created by someone who no longer works for us so we don't have any help from that source and our IT bods seem to be avoiding our queries. The problem I have is that due to a recent e-mail server switch, Access is looking for the older server address and obviously can't find it so I need to find the part of the script where Access is calling the e-mail server so I can update it with the new one.

So far I haven't had any luck in finding this info and as I have no experience in using Access other that other peoples completed modules I simply don't know where to start. Can anyone please give me some pointers with this?


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Struggling With TimeValue

Jul 6, 2006

I have a query that I'm trying to run.
The first field is a date/time field (tbotime) which is updated hourly
I want to get the results to show just the data from 07:00 and no other times, although I need it to show for each day. So I'd get the data for 07:00 yesterday, today, tomorrow and so on.
I'm beleive the criteria should be some sort of timevalue but everything I've tried either throws up and error and returns no data. I've searched the forum most the afternoon but still seem to be getting no where and now I'm rather confused as to whether I write some code or just put a line into the query criteria.
Currently I have my criteria as TimeValue("07:00"), yes all afternoon for this, I got fed up of seeing errors on my other efforts and this just gives me no data.
Any help greatly appreciated, thanks

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Dlookup & Iff Help! Really Struggling

Sep 17, 2006

Hi all,

I'm new to Access and I've been struggling with this matter for a really long time and would really appriciate any help. Anyways here goes,

I am trying to make a field ( [NIVEA1A] ) become visible in a form where particular Products selected in the combo box [cboproduct] ( located in [colproducts] ) is selected. The [colproducts] is located in [tblProducts] and I would like those values that contain a "yes" value in the [NIVEA1] coloumn make the [NIVEA1A] field appear. The [NIVEA1A] Field populates a [colNIVEA] located also in tblProducts. So what I have so far is as follows:

IIF(Dlookup("colNIVA1]" , "[tblProducts]", "[cboProduct] = [colProduct]").Value = Yes, [NIVA1A].visible = True, [NIVA1A].Visible = False)

I hope it all makes sense

And any help would be really appriciated!

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I Think This Is A Real Noobie Question But Can Someoen Explain?

Sep 16, 2005

Hi, i know i have done this before but its been so long and i know its real simple so here goes:

Say i have a record in a table and i want to add records to that record in another table does simply creating a relationship between the two tables make sure the information is relevant to that record and how do i add more than 1 tables information to a form so i could show the record from the first table and say all of that persons orders from another table?

Thanks for your assistance

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Still Struggling With Bound Forms

Jun 22, 2007

Can someone help, please?

I have a simple form to add a new record.

Form is
DataSource is a simple select query which includes all records in a table.

All I want to do is validate what is typed into the textbox.

I have the following code in the BeforeUpdate Event of txtTest:
Private Sub txtTest_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.txtTest = "Test" Then
Cancel = vbCancel
End If
End Sub

It works fine on an Edit but when I type "Test" into a new record and try to move or save I get the error: The value in the field or record violates the validation rule blah blah BLAH.

Why doesn't vbCancel kill this nonsense?

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College Student Struggling With Simple Combo Look Ups Arggh!

Mar 9, 2006

Hello people,

I'm not a programmer, I am infact a 17 year old College Student from the United Kingdom - Studying ICT!

For my major project I have to design, build and test a camera loans system for my photography department. Except, I am having problems with Combo box lookups. It's been over 6 months since I learnt this, and it's all a blank. Something as simple as this is simply not working...

e.g. in the Studentloans table, I wish to enter the Student ID number from the student ID card inside the combo box, and hit enter so that it brings up the relevant specific loans of that student.
I enter the id, hit enter and the student name, class etc does not change. Why? The same goes for my Camera Maintenance Table, Camera + Maintenance tables are combined to a CAMERAMAINTENANCE TABLE - Therefore I wish to enter the Camera ID number so that if i hit enter, it brings up the relevant service histories of that specific camera...

The relationships are all ok, the fields for Student ID are lookup, etc.

I don't understand. It's driving me insane. I need help with this, I'm struggling so much.

Help much appreciated.

Thanks - Neil.

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