
Jul 27, 2007

i understand normalization is something that you get trained with after working for a whilie with databases

i have a member db
and i made a table for the country,state,city,zip

this tale is used by other tables like the member info.
how far does the normalization go?

should i make a table for country, state , city, and zip by themselves? or is that "normalized" enough???

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Migrating An Unnormalized Db To A New Normalized One...

Jul 25, 2006

Hello all...

How do you merge / append records from one database into another? The old database was very poorly designed (i.e. no normalization), but much of the data is the same.

Instinct from what I have learned says do this:

- create a query in each database that joins all fields together into a flat table
- run an update query that migrates the source data to the new database.

I really have no idea though, and to be honest... even if this is how it is done, I am very unsure how to proceed!

All help is very appreciated!

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Importing Flat Spreadsheet Into Normalized DB

Nov 29, 2004

So I’ve been assigned to develop a database in Access which will house information on students who are participating in an internship program sponsored by my employer. I was given a spreadsheet with roughly 40 columns, so it is pretty detailed info about the students. For example personal student info (DOB, email, phone, etc), as well as school, major, year rank, school address, permanent address, etc.

Importing this given table is easy, just by using the import wizard. However I am faced with a challenge. The info I have is up to date at this point however in years to come there will be a need to import new student info. The only way my employer wants that to be done is by taking the new excel spreadsheet and importing that data into the already created database. Now this wouldn't be a problem if the DB is one flat, non-normalized, table because the columns would line up. However I feel that the DB needs to be normalized because of the vast amount of data that is repetitive, such as State or Major.

Is there a way to import an excel sheet into an existing normalized access database? Or even a way to automate it so that the excel columns would be broken up into the separate corresponding normalized tables?


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General :: Using Datediff In Non-normalized Database

Mar 12, 2013

I have a SharePoint list that tracks the date/time of each stop of an order from its origin to its destination. The number of stops varies depending on the type of order (you can use train as a metaphor). The goal is to calculate the average time between each stop (we're trying to figure out where orders typically get held up).

Let's say there are stops A, B, C, D, and E. Every order starts at A and ends at E. If they all made every stop, I could easily get the average of datediff("d", B, A) etc.

However, since they make different numbers of stops, what I need is the difference between the stop and the last stop they actually made. I need a crosstab query (or report) that lists the OrderType as the row, the StopName as the column, and the average(datediff) as the value.

In a perfect world, this would be normalized and I'd have separate tables for the stops and the order types, but trying to do that through SharePoint is Not Fun and is going to confuse the end users.

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How To Prepare Normalized Data Model For Forms...

Jul 10, 2006


I have a fairly complete data model, my question is, how best to create tables for entry where I do not have subform after subform, and subforms in subforms. With subforms for the subforms and subforms on top of that.

I am about to start pulling out some teeth because at this point it sounds fun compared to this!

Do I need to use a query to base my table off of to build my Customer entry form? Or is my only option to use 15 frikin' Subforms? I I use a query, does that cause problems with data integrity?

I am having trouble finding useful reference to this, both online and in books I have purchased.

Normalization is fantastic, I understand.... But besides the crumby Northwind sample DB that everyone and their brother directs you to, is there an actual useful sample to look over that illustrates the use of a normalized data model?

I have grown more than a bit irritated with this, mainly because of my own inablilty to make progress in putting this project together.

I would like to create a simple to use, streamlined systems that promotes efficiency and speed, not a super convoluted system that has 85 subforms on every form in the DB.

I would REALLY appreciate some feedback/direction here, I am about to give up on normalized data and go with a simple flat table approach.

I would rather have redundant data than indecipherable forms that I have to answer incessant questions about.

Thank you,

- I am Rick's Utter Frustration

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Importing Or Appending Data To Normalized Tables

Jul 16, 2005

I'm fairly new to Access, but have set up a database containing 8 normalized tables. I would like to know if it's possible to update all those tables by importing an Excel file into each table, or importing the Excel file into one Access table and then appending that table to those 8 tables. AND STILL MAINTAIN THE RELATIONSHIPS. The Help directory only talks about importing or appending into one table.

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What's The Best Way To Add A Record To A Normalized Database Utilizing Combo Boxes?

Jan 30, 2006

I have four tables with unique records as shown below. I'd like to add a record for a new item to the database by selecting the values from combo boxes for Supplier, Item and Unit. If the values do not exist the user would then type in a new value. SuppliersItemCode and Cost would always be new values. What's the best way to go about this? I am unsure how to add a record to a normalized database where you sometimes have to use / reference existing unique values in multiple tables via foreign keys for the new record.

The logic of the form would be:

1. Select existing or add new Supplier.
2. Select existing or add new Item.
3. Select existing or add new Unit.
4. Enter new SuppliersItemCode
5. Enter Cost

SupplierID (primary key)
Supplier (indexed unique)

ItemID (primary)
Item (indexed unique)

UnitID (primary key)
Unit (indexed unique

SuppliersItemCostCode (primary key)
ItemID (foreign key)
UnitID (foreign key)
SupplierID (foreign key)

Any advice or assistance is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Forms :: Normalized Relational Database With Cascading Combo Boxes - Field Validation

Aug 7, 2013

I've been able to make a normalized relational database with cascading combo boxes, etc.

How to validate a field? The format needs to be according to the following:

<0 AND <=9999 [Optional: followed by a capital letter]

Examples of Valid Data:

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Join Tables SQL = Problem = My Tables Are Not Normalized

Dec 15, 2005

Okay - the other database is in the works and is going sloooow (the one that is being created with normalization).

Meanwhile, my other database that has no normalization I am having a problem running a query (now I know why its so important to have good structure).

To give you an idea on how bad this is...:o .....

3 tables - 94 fields to each table - each table has identicle fields, just different data. :eek:

Anyways, I have students in each table (each table is an Annual Report). I want to be able to run a simple query and combine all the students into one.

How would I achieve this?

Thank you!

And for all who are thinking about designing a database - READ READ READ and do some more reading on normalization!!!

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