Omitting Unwanted Results

Apr 26, 2005

I have an inventory checklist being done up now.
After the item info has been typed in (price, part number.. ), below i put in the transaction info (4 sold today, 2 recieved yesterday..)

I need by report to show the total number of all stocks and how much they are all worth.
The report does that, no problem.
Only thing is that instead of the end product,
Eg: Product X, 5 pieces, $10

it also prints the transactions in the report.
Eg: Product X 4 pieces, $8
Product X -1 piece ($2)
Product X 2 pieces, $4.

What should I do to make my report -not- print all this useless junk, but just the end product?

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Query Returns Unwanted Results: Please Help

Apr 9, 2007


I'm trying to create a database project for college and have run into a problem with a query. I am trying to find all bookings that have taken place in the last month, but with added details from other tables.

I have taken the job details and date (with validation for the last month only) from my Jobs table, and this works perfectly. However, when i try to match customer IDs to their names (stored in a seperate table), Access returns the same job multiple times with every customer name possible.

Any help you can give me to return just the one result needed would be greatly appreciated.


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Unwanted Extra Results From Select Query

Mar 9, 2006


I am a novice with Access and would like a steer with what I am sure is a simple issue but I can't find an answer. :confused:
I currently have 2 queries based on 2 separate tables.

SELECT [996_Table].Unit, [996_Table].Location, [996_Table].hiredate
FROM 996_Table
WHERE ((([996_Table].hiredate)=Date()));

SELECT SQTU_Table.Unit, SQTU_Table.Location, SQTU_Table.hiredate
WHERE (((SQTU_Table.hiredate)=Date()));

When run separately the first query returns 2 results and the other 1 result - fine so far.
I am now trying to combine the results for display in a report so I have a third query which takes its info from the first two -

SELECT DISTINCTROW Ops_Log_996_Query.Unit, Ops_Log_996_Query.Location, Ops_Log_996_Query.hiredate, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query.Unit, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query.Location, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query.hiredate
FROM Ops_Log_996_Query, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query
GROUP BY Ops_Log_996_Query.Unit, Ops_Log_996_Query.Location, Ops_Log_996_Query.hiredate, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query.Unit, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query.Location, Ops_Log_SQTU_Query.hiredate;

This displays the 2 separate records in the first 3 columns ok but in the last 3 columns the info in record 2 is a repeat of record 1. :confused:

Can anyone help me out please ?
Thanks, Oscar

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Query - Omitting A Record

Mar 15, 2007


Wondered if SKS can help. I have a query which I have used for a mailing list (in report). However, there are a couple of records I do not want to show. (I just don't need those addresses at this time) How do I go about omitting these two from the query? Is this to do with crosstab queries??

Many thanks


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Forms :: Omitting Records From A Combo Box?

Aug 3, 2015

I have an update form where a fail is displayed. The user can, using a combo box, change that fail.They can also add new records and pick the fail from the combo box.

The form is bound to query1 and the control source for the combo box is a field from this query which effectively come from a table, table1 The row source is another query, query2, that displays all fails.This works perfectly fine.

I now have a requirement not to display fails that have become redundant in the combo box (row source) but want to display them from query1 (control source). If I filter out the redundant fails in query2 then those that are on table1 are not displayed.

I presume this is because they don't appear in query2.

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Queries :: Omitting Fields From Query Based On Value

May 13, 2013

I am making a parameter query that looks up quality data by lot number. For some of the lot numbers certain fields of data may be null. How can I omit these fields in the query if they are null?

OR automatically omit them when exporting them data to excel?

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Reports :: Omitting Black Fields From A Report

Aug 21, 2013

I've created a report based on emergency contacts however some fields are blank as there isn't a "contact" and rather then have lots of empty fields all over the report is there anyway to omit them based on whether they are populated or not? there might be 2-3 records that have "every" field filled the rest are varied as to how many contacts they have.

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Remove Unwanted Row

Aug 18, 2004

I need to remove the automatic (empty) new row that access produces under the last record in the table, because i
would like to remove it when i view a query.
Could any of you kind people suggest a way that i could do this??
thanks for you help.

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Blanking Out Unwanted Fields

Jun 21, 2007

Hi. Hoping someone can help me. Or at least tell me if this can or can't be done. I'm designing a new database at work and want to know if it's possible to blank out fields if they don't need to be filled in.

Basically in simple terms I want it so that :

For field A you have 2 options.
If option 1 is selected - fields B, C, D and E are applicable and should be filled out.
If option 2 is selected - fields B, C, D and E are unapplicable and so I'd like them to be shaded/blanked out.

Is this possible? If so how can it be done?

Thanks :)

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Unwanted Enter Parameter Value Box

Oct 23, 2014

I have a query with several different columns. One Column, CodeNum is built based on the values in Expr4. When I try to set a criteria for CodeNum (Like "8*"), and I run the query, I get a popup for Expr4 ("Enter Parameter Value | Expr4). I want to get all values of Expr4 when CodeNum starts with an 8.

CodeNum is built as follows: JCC: Left([Expr4],InStr([Expr4],"/")-1)

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Unwanted Conversion Of Date Field

Jul 21, 2005

I have an Excel file that I want to import into an Access db table. In that Excel file is a date field formatted mm/yy. When I import that file, Access converts the date to m/d/yyyy. Is there anyway to re-format that data after it's imported into Access (like a global change?)? I even tried setting up an input mask for that date field, but that only seems to work when you are actually typing data into the field.

Thanks for your help!


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Import With Unwanted Blank Fields

Sep 15, 2005

Im trying to import a spreadsheet from Excel. I use the wizard and I get the sheet imported. The only problem is that I get additional blank fields in my table in Access. How can I make sure that this does not happen? I want to keep on importing into the same table, so these useless empty fields keep on accumulating.
Any help?

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Removing Unwanted Spaces In A Text Box

Feb 2, 2006

I have two questionaire forms in a database. There are no tables or queries involved.
The answers to each questionaire are compiled into text boxes, one on each Form. On the main form I have another text box that puts all the answers together so that this can be transferred to another program. An example of what is in each text box is as follows:

Text1: IIf([Check325]=True,[Combo77] & " " & [Combo59] & " " & [Text65] & " " & [Text69],"") & " " & IIf([Check329]=True,[Combo78] & " " & [Combo61] & " " & [Text66] & " " & [Text70],"")

Text2: IIf([Check326]=True,[Combo102] & "" & [Combo188] & " " & [Combo91] & " " & [Text94] & " " & [Text97],"") & " " & IIf([Check330]=True,[Combo103] & " " & [Combo92] & " " & [Text95] & " " & [Text98],"")

These are just small extractions. My problem is, if an answer is not necessary in the first lot of text, but an answer has been supplied in the second lot, how do I remove the spacing that has resulted from my Formula in Text1. -

e.g: Normal answers would show perhaps
Yes Twice 16 25 Red Peter Ford Football 1965 - Whereby the first 4 answers are from Text1 and the remaining answers from Text2.
If some answers are not necessary from Text1 I would get the following result:
SPACE SPACE SPACE Twice Red Peter Ford Football 1965

Any assistance would be gratefully accepted.

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Query Still Pulls Unwanted Information

Dec 13, 2004

This is the code that I used to build a query. But some of the data that I thought I removed is still showing up. Any guidance on why? As always all feedback is welcome.

SELECT final.[SSN P ], final.[SSN S ], final.[SP'S SEC Y97], final.[SP'S SEC Y98], final.[SP'S SEC Y99], final.[SP'S SEC Y00], final.NCCD, final.[TC-530], final.[ DOB ], final.[ DOD ], final.[ PRIMARY NAME (ENMOD) ], final.[ PRIMARY NAME CONT'D (ENMOD) ], final.[ STREET (ENMOD) ], final.[ CITY (ENMOD) ], final.ST, final.[ZIP 1], final.ZIP2, final.ZP3, final.ZP3, final.CNLY, final.C, final.YRLR, final.[ PRIOR YEAR NAME (ENMOD) ], final.PNLY, final.P, final.[XREF SSN ], final.[INOLEX XREF CD V], final.[ INOLEX XREF TIN V ], final.[INOLEX XREF CD I ], final.[ INOLEX XREF TIN I], final.[ PRIMARY NAME (IRPTR) ], final.[ PRIMARY NAME CONT'D (IRPTR) ], final.[ STREET (IRPTR) ], final.[ CITY (IRPTR) ], final.ST1, final.[ZIP 11], final.ZIP21, final.ZP31, final.TXPD, final.[#DOCS], final.[#_SUM], final.[WAGES ], final.TX_WTHLD, final.ALLC_TPS, final.INTEREST, final.MTGINTPD, final.POINTSPD, final.PRYRRFND, final.SAV_BOND, final.DIVIDEND, final.PENS_ANN, final.[IRA_CTB ], final.NONEMPCM, final.CPTLGAIN, final.RL_ES_SL, final.GRSSDIST, final.TXBL_AMT, final.FICATXWH, final.TFICAWGS, final.MEDPYMNT, final.TFICATIP, final.FICAMISC, final.DFRDCOMP, final.UNEMPCOM, final.[RENTS ], final.ROYALTES, final.MEDCREWH, final.MEDCR_WG, final.[OR_K1 ], final.GRWINING, final.STDLNAMT, final.[ORD_DIV ], final.ROIRACTB, final.SMPL_CTB, final.[FMV ], final.CD_S_SMP, final.STK_BOND, final.[ADV_EIC ], final.FISH_INC, final.OTHERINC, final.SUB_PMTS, final.GOLD_PAR, final.CROP_INS, final.TXSTTUIT, final.TX_GRANT, final.[AG_SUBS ], final.INTFORFT, final.ORISSDSC, final.BARTERNG, final.PROFLOSS, final.AMTDBTCN, final.PATRONAG, final.MSAGRDIS, final.[TX-PRD], final.[LFRZ-RFRZ], final.MODULE_BALANCE, final.[TC-150], final.TC150_DT, final.[TC150_DLN ], final.RETRCDDT, final.[TC-290], final.[TC-291], final.[TC-300], final.DC, final.[TC-301], final.DC1, final.[TC-420], final.[TC-421], final.DC2, final.[TC-424], final.PRJ, final.[TC-425], final.PRJ1, final.[TC-460], final.TC460_DT, final.[TC-462], final.TC462_DT, final.[COLL-ASG], final.CC, final.[TC-540], final.[TC-590], final.CC1, final.[TC-591], final.CC2, final.[TC-594], final.CC3, final.[TC-598], final.[TC598 DT], final.[TC-599], final.CC4, final.[TC-610], final.[TC610 DT], final.[ TC610 AMT ], final.[TC-611], final.[TC611 DT], final.[ TC611 AMT ], final.[TC-612], final.[TC612 DT], final.[ TC612 AMT ], final.[TC-670], final.[TC670 DT], final.[TC670 AMT ], final.[TC-671], final.[TC671 DT], final.[TC671 AMT ], final.[TC672 DT], final.[TC-672], final.[TC672 AMT ], final.[TC-673], final.[TC673 DT], final.[TC673 AMT ], final.[TC-678], final.[TC678 DT], final.[TC678 AMT ], final.[TC-679], final.[TC679 DT], final.[TC679 AMT ], final.[TC-922], final.[PROCESS CDS], final.[TC-960], final.[TC-961], final.[TC-962], final.[TC-976], final.[TC-977], final.TAXPRD, final.ADJRSN
FROM final
WHERE (((final.[TC-530])<>"TC-530") AND ((final.[ DOB ])>1929) AND ((final.[ DOD ]) Is Not Null) AND ((final.[TC-150])<>"TC-150") AND ((final.[TC-290])<>"TC-290") AND ((final.[TC-291])<>"TC-291") AND ((final.[TC-300])<>"TC-300") AND ((final.[TC-301])<>"TC-301") AND ((final.[TC-420])<>"TC-420" And (final.[TC-420])<>"TC-420") AND ((final.[TC-421])<>"TC-421" And (final.[TC-421])<>"TC-421") AND ((final.[TC-424])<>"TC-424" And (final.[TC-424])<>"TC-424") AND ((final.[TC-540])<>"TC-540") AND ((final.[TC-590])<>"TC-590") AND ((final.[TC-591])<>"TC-591") AND ((final.[TC-594])<>"TC-594") AND ((final.[TC-599])<>"TC-599") AND ((final.[TC-976])<>"TC-976") AND ((final.[TC-977])<>"TC-977")) OR (((final.[ DOB ])<1987));


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Unwanted Dups - Query Error

Apr 10, 2006

What up folks?

I am getting unwanted duplicates due to a joining error, I think.

The goal is to extract a list of employees and their accosiated departments showing a field called [CTD] from qry_employee but there are employees associated with more than one department.. I have a qry_employee liked to another qry (“qry_employee_ctd”) containing the desired field [CTD] joined by [employee_name] but there are employees associated with more than one department. NOTE: Both tables contain the department.

Please let me know if more detail is needs to assist.

Any ideas? I am up for any suggestions and appreciate your help greatly

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How To Search An Access Table For Unwanted &lt;cr&gt; Characters

Apr 3, 2006

How to search an Access table for unwanted <cr> characters

Occasionally a stray carriage return <cr> Ascii 013 character finds its way into an Access table. These destroy the database when the table is processed by an outside utility for data cleansing.

To prevent this from happening, we have been told to clean the table before submitting it, i.e. remove all of the following:

carriage return, comma, double quotes, equals, greater than, smaller than

Is there any utility available which will remove all these characters when being run only once? (i.e. not find/replace which has to be started separately for each of these characters)

How do I search for a <cr>, even with find/replace?



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Unwanted Additional Recordset After Closing A Form

Nov 14, 2006

Solution is maybe simple, but I don't know it!
When I put some value in a control (textbox) on a form, and after that if I close a form (by x button) that recordset is added to a table, but I don't want to do that- I just want to exit (close) the form! How to avoid adding that recordset to a table?
Same things happens when I, by VBA, set focus to control, assign some value to it, and just want to exit the form.

Best regards,

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Remove/hide Unwanted Fields In A Query

Jan 11, 2005

I have a query which contains about 19 fields in it and some of the fields contain parameters. What I'm trying to do is to run the query using the parameters I've set, but at the same time remove fields that are empty (therefore only fields that are populated will be shown). I've tried using the 'is not null' parameter but it seems to interfere with the other parameters that I've set and as a result the query doesn't show any information. Also the field containing the 'is not null' parameter is still being shown. I'm not really sure what else to try!! Any suggestions would be most appreciated!!

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Opening Forms And Unwanted Record!

Apr 3, 2007

Hi all,

Ok, this is a seemingly VERY simple problem gone haywire!

I have a very simple database that gathers data from 50 questions. It stores these in fields as numbers (1 - 10). no problem.

However, I've had to split the questions over 3 forms and this is where the problem begins. When I reach the end of the first lot and I click the button to open the next form, it jumps to the next record. So, on Form 1 we were on record 5 and then form 2 continues as record 6 (form 3 would be record 7).

All I want is for them all to appear in the same record.

Any hints as to what im' obviously doing wrong?

Many thanks!

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Forms :: Unwanted Extra Record In Subform

May 20, 2013

I have a continuous subform with allow additions set to false. To make a new record I have used some update vba to create the record direct in the underlying query, then requery the form and the partly created record appears. The user then adds a quantity and some text. The subform still appears without the new record line.....However if I click the button again to create a second new record I end up getting an extra 2 lines.

One is a duplicate of my previous one and a new blank record. These do not actually appear in the underlying table and the subform looks ok. However this extra record confuses the end user and I want to avoid it. Refresh or shift f9 does not eleviate the problem. Sometimes I even get two "current record" pointers.

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Modules & VBA :: Function To Clear Out Unwanted Bits Before Exporting As CSV

Sep 20, 2013

I've put the following Function together to clear out unwanted bits before exporting as csv. I was just wondering if there's a way of holding the table names together with a total count of each item replaced? I wasn't sure if these were stored and could be returned?

Public Function ClearCommas()
On Error GoTo ClearErr
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tb As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Time-stamp Creating New Unwanted Blank Record

Jul 28, 2014

I am trying to do has to be done in a table and without the use of forms (becasue its what works for us) in Access 2007. I have a table where my staff records a number of different data fields for accounts. I currently have a 3 table relationship established. One of these table is our "Notes" table. My staff enters continuous notes for different accounts as new information come in.

What I have done is set my "date" field's default value to "now()" which accomplishes the time-stamp I need, but at the same time as soon as they type anything in another field in that row Access creates another row which is unwanted. follow up how can I go about also having a field that auto fills w/ the user's name/ID?

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General :: Unwanted Deletion Related To Particular Record In Conversation Table

Mar 6, 2013

I have 2 tables.
1- customers table with 2 fields : customername,customerno
2-conversationstable with 4 fields: date,customername,customerno,details

The conversations table is for keeping memo of telephone conversations with the customers.

I built a simple form deriving from the conversations table. And added to it a combobox with 2 columns from customers table to select the customername an customerno for the form.

While deleting the record in the conversations table,through the form, I saw that the customername and customerno in the customers table of that particular customer record are deleted also. I made no links between both tables.

I wonder why that happened.

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Return Weekend Results On Monday, Yesterday's Results Otherwise

Nov 14, 2007

I am trying to filter a form to show the entire weekend's activity on Monday but only yesterday's activity Tuesday through Friday. Using this code I can return Friday's results on Monday and yesterday's for the rest. How do I get the range Friday to Sunday?


Using >Date()-3 doesn't work.



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Reports :: Search Results Report Shows All Database Records / Not Just Search Results

Apr 29, 2014

I have built a custom search form in a MS Access 2010 database so that users can find specific records to edit. After entering the search criteria and hitting a Search button, another form opens up that shows the search results. This second form includes a command button for generating a report of the search results.

Right now, the custom search form and the search results form are both working properly, but the search results report is showing every record in the database instead of just the search results. This is true whether I access the report via the command button in the form or the navigation pane. I'm not sure if I need to correct my VBA code or the report's properties.

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Query Results Minus Query Results = New Query?

Apr 1, 2008

I used to queries ,1 to get items that are taken ( its all about sign in sign out for equipment) and other query is list of all items.
How can i make 3rd query which will give me all but taken items from query1?
(of course items from query 1 are in query2)
thx in advance

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