On Screen Keyboard Problem

May 21, 2006


i'm building a on screen keyboard with has to adjust fields on a subform.
When pressing a key a letter is added in a certain field like :

me!subform!field1= me!subform!field1 & "Q"

How can i detect which field has the focus on the subform and the code is only editting this field ?

I've tried to set a global variable ( veld ) when a certain field got the focus and use this value in the code like :

me!subform(veld)= me!subform(veld) & "Q"

This is not working .... what should be the correct code ?

Thanks in advance

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General :: Invoking On Screen Keyboard In Window 8 From Access

Apr 18, 2014

Is there anyway to bring up the on screen keypad or on screen keyboard from Access when running Windows 8 on the desktop? It would really be useful if someone was on a tablet wanting to input data in a text box if could automatically invoke the onscreen keyboard. By default when running applications on the desktop in Windows 8, one has to manually bring it up. I would like to include a touch option so every time wanted to enter data, they would not have to manually touch display keyboard option. A number pad like in excel for iPad would be even better. If text field would bring up keyboard, if number field, it would bring up number pad.

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A Simple Login Screen / Also Access In Full Screen

Jul 27, 2006

I have tried to make a login screen, I have also searched for information and tried some of the examples but, I just can't get one to work.
Is there someone or somewhere where I can get information on how to build one step by step in simple easy instructions....(access 2003).

Also, how do you get access to open all the windows, tables, queries etc in full screen mode.
I have expaneded them and shut it down and then reopened it but they still want to open out of full screen mode.

Thanks, everyone has been a great help in creating my first Access program.

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Keyboard Shortcuts.....

Sep 30, 2005

Hi there,

I am using access a lot these days, and try to use keyboard shortcuts where possible (leave that mouse alone....), so does anyone know a way to get to the FILTER menu when viewing a form using the keyboard...i.e without having to right click on the field and then click in the FILTER FOR box.

In more detail, the form looks like a table, and I may want to filter on one field, then sub-filter on another etc.....

Then also a shortcut to REMOVE the filters would be good too.....

If I have to create buttons on the form with code behind that ok.


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Keyboard Form

Aug 12, 2006


I have form which looks the same as a keyboard, I am trying to figure out if the user clicks on the buttons, lets say A then S and so on, it will update the text box above it with AS and so on



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Is There A Way To Use Keyboard To Select From An Option Group?

Apr 17, 2005

I have a user who can't operate a mouse and I want to make it possible for him to select from an option group using only the keyboard.This is possible if a default button is stipulated, but can it be done when there is no default?

There is no event associated with the keyboard in an option group, only with the controls within it. I tried using the Got Focus event on an option Button, but entering the control doesn't cause the options to receive the focus, seemingly.

Any ideas, (they don't have to be fully formed) would be gratefully accepted.

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General :: Put Line Break In Text Box From Keyboard?

Oct 17, 2014

Is there an equivalent to Alt-Enter in excel to put a line break in a text box from the keyboard?

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General :: How To Add Keyboard Shortcut To Button Command

May 8, 2013

I am using access 2010 and I created couple of buttons on my forms that do some stuff in vba, but beside triger them with mouse I would also like my users to be able to have shortcuts on keyboard so for example I have btnClose an I widh when user press ALT + that btnClose do the same thing as it is doing when you press mouse on it.

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Queries :: Keyboard Shortcut Closing Query

Feb 26, 2015

How I can close a parameter query without having to close the entire database and reopen again? [Alt] [f5] ??

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Modules & VBA :: When Press Space Key On Keyboard It Will Exit From Form

Jan 13, 2015

i want that when i press the space key on my keyboard oi will exit from the form. i searched on the interne t but i couldn't find the proper one. I don't know exactly what i have to write in vba.

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General :: Change Keyboard Mappings On Field Focus

Mar 1, 2014

Right I have Windows 7 Ultimate because I am learning Russian and I have created an English Russian dictionary.

Now using Ultimate to go between English Latin alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet you have to press ALT + SHIFT.

Its awkward and it often doesn't register first time.

Certain fields in my database use the latin alphabet while other fields use the cyrillic alphabet.

Is there a way that on focus of a field I can get the keyboard mapping to ensure that it is correct either English or Cyrillics?

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Forms :: Finding A Keyboard Shortcut That Simulates The Double Click?

Oct 28, 2014

Is there a keyboard shortcut that simulates the double click.

In my Sectionfrm I have a command button that opens my Ordersfrm. Because I use the Ordersfrm for reasons not always associated with the Sectionfrm I do not automatically populate the SectionID (textbox) in the Ordersfrm with the SectionID from the Sectionfrm.

When I want to link an order to a (building) section I double click the SectionID field in the Ordersfrm which in turn runs VBA code that copies the SectionID from the Sectionfrm to the Ordersfrm.

As I tab through my form I find it annoying to move away from my keyboard to the mouse to double click the SectionID, so the question is:

Is there a keyboard shortcut that simulates the double click to run the VBA code?

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"Do Not Show This Screen Again" : Splash Screen

Aug 1, 2006

Hello all,

I have this splash screen, which welcomes all the users. It has an OK command button that exits the screen, and a checkbox that says "Do not show this screen again". I still do not have the code behind the checkbox. Thus I was wondering if there is a way where I could entirelly close or "get rid" of the splash screen until the user loggs in again. Because right now there is no code behind it, so everybody that checks it and click OK, leaves the screen. But they can still open it, if they select the "splash form".

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Design View Keyboard Shortcut - Expand Columns In Design View Of A Query

Jun 5, 2014

I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut to expand the columns in "design view" of a query.

What I mean by this is rather than selecting all of the columns and double clicking to see the entire text, I'd like to be able to a shortcut.

The entire process as I see it involves 3 steps so I will need thesolution to the 3rd step.

(1) [ctrl+spacebar] to select initial column
(2) [shift+arrows] to select all of the columns I need
(3) [keyboard shortcut] will expand all of the columns "field" names to the size of the column heading

Alternatively, if you know of a shortcut that will expand the columns without having to select them first I'll take it!!

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Splash Screen

May 25, 2005

i have spash screen that runs for about 10 seconds, would like to reduce to about 4 seconds any ideas

seee script below.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Close()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Timer


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , "ASSETSonTRACK"
Resume Exit_Form_Timer

End Sub
Private Sub Command21_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command21_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Switchboard"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command21_Click

End Sub
Private Sub Command23_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command23_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Switchboard"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command23_Click

End Sub

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Splash Screen Help

Oct 14, 2005

Hi all,
I was wondering if it is possible to use a splash screen in the middle of your program? Ex. Can I have a splash screeen to display at the beginning of my database and then have another splash screen open during my program. If i click on a command button to display a form, cause I have a splash screen appear before that form load?
Is till possible while using Data Access Pages as well?
thanks in advance

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Full Screen

Aug 29, 2006


I searched in this form and on the internet on how to display a form in Full screen; however, I could not find an answer that worked.

Does anyone knows how to display forms full screen please?

Thank you,

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Flickering Screen

Nov 7, 2006


I used a tab control in a form. However, when I move the mouse over the form, the form flickers.

Has anyone ever experienced the same problem?

Thank you,

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Logon Screen

Nov 28, 2006

Hi, i want to add security into my database, but i dont want to use the built-in workgroup security.

Is it possible to create a login screen that will allow different access rights depending on the username? If so can sum1 please help me with the code?

Cheers Guys :)

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Navigation Screen

Jun 4, 2007


i build a navigation screen

the problem : i want to activate this in the tools-operation , but i can't (i dont see the name of the navigation screen there ...

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Navigation Screen

Jun 27, 2007

is there a way to put more then 8 button's operation in a navigation screen ?

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Not Go To Next Screen Without Entry

Oct 6, 2005

i am editing the user interface for operators.

here is the issue:
operators are entering data but sometimes forget to put the part serial number. they then go to the entry.

this is what i want to do:
the operator will not be able to go the next screen (complete the entry) unless they enter the part serial number. where and what should i enter that will prevent the issue?

much thanks.

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Screen Positioning

Apr 13, 2005

How to I get the screen to show the top of the form?
Solid lines and xs show what is shown on the screen.

This is used for bigger resolutions. I am modifying the layout of the forms depending on the screen resolution.
Also what is the highest resolution anyone has seen an access database running at?

Auto resize and Auto Centre are both already set to no.
Using access 2000. There are no scroll bars on the form.


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Screen Updating

Aug 3, 2006

I have a button on a form which closes the form and opens a different one. This causes the screen to "flash" as one is closed, the main menu becomes visible very briefly and then the new form opens.

In Microsoft Excel I used to use the VBA code:

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

to prevent this and only allow the final state to be displayed. I've tried this with Access and it doesn't seem to work.

Is there an equivalent?


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Screen Resolution

Apr 4, 2005

Is there a way a form can resize themselves depending on the screen resolution different computers use??

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Bar On Form Screen

Oct 8, 2011

I have a form that has a bar down the left side of my form that is right next to the navaigation bar. It has a arrow pointing toward the form. If I click on it nothing happens. Don't know what it is and would like to get rid of it if possible.

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