Open Form, Link Criteria, Filter, Cant Set Default Value To A Control.. Why?

Dec 15, 2006

Private Sub btncard_Click()
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
stLinkCriteria = "[jobref]=" & "'" & Me![jobref] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm "k_job_card", , , stLinkCriteria
End Sub

this button code opens the k_job_card form.

the form opens and says 'Record 1 of 1, (Filtered)

i have a control on the form that opens.. and i am simply trying to assign a default value to that control..

it is a textbox.. for my jobtype field (text datatype)..

is there any particular reason why i cannot assign a default value to a control if it has been placed on a form that has been opened using a form filter?

this is how the Form Data tab is set at the moment..

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Default Value On Filter By Form

Apr 7, 2008

I setup a button in order to start the filter by form action. Is there a way to enter values into the fields using VB after the filter by form action has been executed. I would like a default value be placed in a certain field every time filter by form is executed. Thanks in advance.

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Selecting Control To Link To New Form

Feb 13, 2006


Have been developing an Employee DB which includes sickness records and interview information. Have mangaged to sickness records but now I need to link interviews to these specific records which is where I am having a problem.

All sickness records are shown on a sub form and I attached a button at the end of each record so that I can can add interview information that is linked to the sick record through SickID but just cannot get it to work.

Have attached relevant forms and tables and could really do with some help as am pulling my hair out here.


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Modules & VBA :: Use Value On Form Control As Default Value In Other Tables

May 11, 2015

How I might use a value selected by a user on a database opening menu (which remains open), as a default value for records created programmatically in other tables?

I wonder if I need to write a function to repeat the value - but I cannot see how to use a form value outside of the form's own code. Some of my existing code inserts values into tables using SQL converted into VBA and I do not really want to start fiddling with that - I would rather for now use the default value of the table for the field.

My variable which will change depending upon which set of records a user is working on is a string "FullAccession".

When a user creates records in a table called tblGroups, I need the string "FullAccession" to be the default value in the tblGroups.FullAccession field. A unique integer in the tblGroups is "GroupNo". "GroupNo" and "FullAccession" are joined in a unique index for tblGroups. There is a separate PK autonumber.

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Forms :: Open Link Form From A Subform

Dec 16, 2013

I have a form containing company records. In a subform I have contact records for individuals in each company.

Each of those individuals has a child table for adding contact notes (telephone, email). I want to add a button to the subform to open a new, separate form so I am able to add notes.

I used the wizard to create a link button but I get

Syntax error in query expression

So does Access assume the button is opening from a form rather than a subform or does it not matter? Is there something I need to change to the following code?


stDocName = "Form_Companies_Notes"
stLinkCriteria = "[Company_contact_ID]=" & Me![Company_contact_ID]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

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Intermittent Form Link Criteria Fault

Dec 1, 2006

:mad: and tearing out my hair with this one...
Someone out there please help:

I have a form that should open, linking to the date on another form (that is changeable using a Calendar Control), and display records for that date.

My underlying data is available for a variety of dates but some of the dates (and therefore the records) will not appear when this form opens.

They will all show if the form is opened without the filter. Or they will show in a report.
So I know that the coding is correct.
This intermittent-type thing is really bugging me.

Have even tried re-typing some of the dates in the table in case the format has somhow got changed.

Nothing is working.

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Forms :: Command Button - Set A Default Filter And Filter On Load

Aug 13, 2014

I have a continuous form based on table "INCOMES" that shows all the payments received, which mediums can be (field "PMNT_MEDIUM"):

- check
- transfer
- taxes
- cash

Table "INCOMES" is filled using another form, but in this particular form I just want to show "check", "transfer" and "cash" (not "taxes") so that I can track all the cash incomes.

Note: taxes are loaded because they appear in my invoices and I need them there to reach the invoice total amount.So my form has a search bar which allows me to search by PMNT_MEDIUM listing all "checks", all "cash" or all "transfer". I can also search by payment number (meaning: check number). To that end I have a "search" button that applies the filter. And I have another button that "cleans" the filtering by "putting a "" in the search-bar and then calling the "on click" of the search button".

What I need is, no matter if I click over the "search" or "clean" button, it NEVER shows me the "taxes".Search button, on click code:

If IsNumeric(Me.busq_chq_med) Then
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*' or [INVOICE] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
End If
Me.FilterOn = True

Clean filter button, on click code:

Call [Search button]_click
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True

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Modules & VBA :: Default Value Not Working When User Open A Form

Sep 14, 2013

I think my issue is that when the user opens my form a record gets created. Thus default value will not work. what happens is; the user fills out form 1 goes to form 2 and on form 2 i want a check box default value to be true...but its always false.

the checkbox in question is adequite staff. the user gets the question, "was there adequate staff" if there was the "adequate staff box" would be true. what i have tried is i created a "dummy" checkbox (checkbox299) entitle no. and labled adequite staff checkbox as yes. on the form2 open insert the following

If Me.ADEQUATE_STAFF = False And Me.Check299 = False Then
End If

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Queries :: Making Default Value Of A Form Textbox Control Minimum Value Of A Field

Mar 21, 2014

Expressions in Access have given me some trouble before. Mainly due to inexperience. I hardly ever work with them. What I am trying to do is make the default value of a form textbox control the minimum value of a field A in a table A. The datatype of Field A is Date.

So far I've got:

=Min([table A].[field A])

In the Default Value of the form's property sheet, but this just returns a blank value. I've had a look in the table and there is no value that is blank in field A.

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General :: Link Parent / Child Node To A Control On Main Form In Treeview

Oct 7, 2012

I downloaded a sample treeview application I have modified most of its to suit my need, except one thing. I want link parent/child node the main form to the main form through a subform on the CategoryID.

The following is the original code where when a child not is clicked only pops up a "linked" msgbox. I need to modify the part of the code on the Select Case "C" in red:

Sub DisplayForm(i As Integer)
' for this Treeview I do not want a double-click on a parent node
' to open the applicable Category form, but pressing the shift key
' should open the marriage form applicable to the parent node. Shift
' or double-click on a child node should open the applicable
' offence form.

Dim strKey As String
Dim strTag As String
Dim strFilter As String

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Link To Open Form With Certain Record Related To Individual In Query

Dec 5, 2013

I created a query that shows everyone who has a specific date field blank. Now want to make those names clickable so that it opens a specific form with a certain record related to that individual in the query. Each line with a different individual should open a different person on the form and their corresponding record.

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Open Form With Filter

Sep 8, 2005

I have a simple bit of code below but I need something added. All the code is doing is opening a form and filtering on a combo box value. It opens all cases where the status is open but if there are no open cases it takes me to a new record, how do I get my code to recognise that there are no cases and display a message box for me instead and then close the form?

Private Sub open_Click()

Dim stDocname As String

stDocname = "frmMain"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocname
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "Status ='Open"

End Sub

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Apply Filter To Control Button On A Form

Oct 11, 2004

I am trying to create a form with control buttons on the form for all the letters of the alphabet.
When a user clicks on the button for A, I would like them to only see records that starts with an "A".
I assume that I should apply an event to the button's OnClick-property, with a filter, but I can't seem to
get it right...any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

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Form Filter With More Than One Criteria

Apr 12, 2006

Hello guys,

Hope you're all well.

I need some help with a form filter I need the form to filter out those records with a STATUS that is "OVERDUE" and a date that is < date().

I've tried...

Me.Filter = "[Status]='Overdue' AND [deadline] < date()"
Me.FilterOn = True

type mismatch ....

I'm confused how the syntax works

does anyone know how the expression should be written.


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Forms :: Filter List Box On Form By Using A Control On Form

Jan 14, 2015

On a form I have a:

control called "FilterListBox"
list box called "lstCustomer"
option Box called "optCustomerType"

When the user selects an option in the option box, "FilterListBox" is updated to either "1", "2" or "1 or 2"..One of the fields in the query for "lstCustomer" is "CustomerType" and its criteria is set as follows:


if "FilterListBox" = 1 the query for "lstCustomer" returns the correct records
if "FilterListBox" = 2 the query for "lstCustomer" returns the correct records

But if "FilterListBox" = 1 or 2, no records are returned.

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Tab Control Not Visible On Form Open

Jan 27, 2006

I've searched this forum and have been reading for over 2 hours now and still can't find an answer to this (although I have learned a bunch of other stuff :) ). So I appoligize if this have been answered before...

When I open my form my tab control is off screen (above the current view). I can use the slider on the left to move back up to the top of the form and see them... but why can't I make this happen automatically. This happens because one of my tabs is quite long (has several sub-forms on it). I even tried putting an empty label box above the tab control but it doesn't seem to help. I've turned off the Auto-Center and the Auto-Resize for the form. I can't find anything that helps.

Any idea? Please help.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Filter When Open Second Form

Aug 28, 2013

I tried Link model "bank_pay" with the main_form << to add details of information >> by "pay_num" in main_form and "num" in "bank_pay" by filter >>

Private Sub pay_type_AfterUpdate()
Select Case pay_type
Case Is = "1"
DoCmd.OpenForm "bank_pay", acNormal, "", """[forms]![main_many_1]![main_many_sub]![pay_num]="" & [num]", , acNormal

End Select
End Sub

no result :
file in attachments >>

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Not Triggering On Form Open

Jul 28, 2015

we have gotten in to a routine of copying, pasting and bastardizing old databases instead of creating new ones from scratch - and we've had a problem recently where we've started off with one master database back in 2011, which has then been the base for practically every single major DB we've created ever since.So this month we've copied and pasted (again) and started adding new features to what's already there, and the thing has corrupted. I've copied and pasted the same version three times and added all the new bits, and the same thing has happened every time.

So this time I've copied and pasted and tried my best to clean up, get rid of the dead weight and (where necessary) create completely new objects, split into FE and BE versions etc, and I've reduced the overall weight of the DB by about 50%.Due to time constraints I now need to crack on and get this thing working again and, for the most part, it does - but now I'm having trouble carrying the filter over from the OnClick Event of a form button to the next form it's opening.

We're using the DB to record attendees at an Event we're running later in the year. This is the code that I'm running from the OnClick Event of the button on Form1:

Private Sub btnBkg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnBkg_Click
Dim stDocName, vFilt As String
Dim vBkgRef As Long
Dim vContactID As Long


You can see I've tried to use vFilt instead of the actual code for frmBooking's Where Condition, but for some reason it does not carry over to the form whichever way I try - when I open the immediate window and type ?vFilt it returns a blank entry. Not sure how to show the 'Where Condition' in the Immediate Window?Before Update, Open and Activate of frmBooking, but I'm hoping that the problem lies with what I've posted up here, as I don't want to get into posting the frmBooking code...

It may be worth noting that the button resides in the Header of a continuous form, with conditional formatting that changes the button caption depending on whether there is a value in the BkgRef text box of the record that has the focus.

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General :: Modal Form - Open Concrete Form And Pass Value To Control

Jun 21, 2013

I have modal form - frmZlecenia

I would like to copy one control, then close this form, open concrete form and pass value to control.

My code is

Private Sub Menu_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"
Forms!frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD.Form!Imie = Me.Imie
DoCmd.Close acForm,
End Sub

The problem is, still opens the previous form, not form "frmZlecenia"

e.g If I open form x then from this form I open my modal form "frmZlecenia" and then I will click "menu" button - now form "x" is open :/, but should be "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"

There is some way to open concrete form from modal form?

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Filter Form Based On Subform Criteria

Feb 28, 2005

I need to open my form with a filter attached that is based on criteria already existing in the subform. I've tried putting the following code in the OnOpen event of my main form :
Code:Dim stDocName As StringDim stLinkCriteria As StringstDocName = "Campaign Form"stLinkCriteria = "[Campaign - Last Contact Status subform].Form![Communication Response] in ("2","4","10","11")"DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, acFormPropertySettings, acWindowNormal

Basically I want to open my main form (Campaign Form) and only show records where the "Communication Response" is 2,4,10 or 11(a variable on my subform "Campaign - Last Contact Status subform"). Which in itself is a problem because I can't seem to code all of these variables- it will only accept one.

When I run the above code I am getting asked to enter a parameter value for "Campaign - Last Contact Status". I'm not too sure where this is picking this up from or how to fix it. I've even tried to run this based on the underlying query of "Campaign - Last Contact Status subform" with the same results.

Can someone help me? All I want to do is open the form based on the criteria I specify which is contained in a field in the subform. It doesn't sound that hard but it seems to be getting the better of me!

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Criteria On Open A Form

Nov 16, 2005

I was wondering if it was possible to add a parameter to the record source Query of a form depending on the value of an other field on the open event of the same form?
I was thinking to use 3 Sql statment SQL1, SQL2, SQL3, on the open event of the FrmOpen.
On Open then the RowSource of FrmOpen =SQL1
If field? = "A" Then
the RowSource of FrmOpen=SQL2
the RowSource of FrmOpen=SQL3
End If
I did try but it doesn't work so I needed to know if it was possible to achieve this or not?

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Filter Master Form Based On Subform Criteria

Jun 12, 2012

I have a Master form which includes tabs within the tab I have subforms. I am looking for a way to filter my master form based on data found within my sub form.

I have a check box within one of the sub-forms called "softwareInstall" if yes the box would be checked. I want to filter all customers within my main form with a check box in my main form to turn on and show all customer who has this box check within the subform SoftwareInstall=True.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Form And Setfocus To Specific Control

Feb 24, 2015

I have a from that has information icons that opens a separate form to support users make the right choice on a form. With each information form users are able to choose "Yes" or "No" and then it returns them back to the form they started. I am having trouble setting the focus to the control the user original left the form from.

Form A
Control 1
Control 2
Control 3

Form B
Information for Control 1

Form C
Information for Control 2

Form D
Information for Control 3

For Forms B - C I would like the form to close, open Form A and then set focus to the control that the form was providing information for.For example, if you are on Form C and you make a decision, I want Form C to close, Form A to open and focus to be set to Control 2.

Private Sub image5_Click()
Dim sWHERE As String
Criminal_Background.Value = "Yes"


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Reports :: Using Command Button In A Form To Filter And Open A Report?

Jun 26, 2014

I'm trying to use a command button in a form to filter and open a report. I am able to get it to open the report, but I cannot get it to filter the report based on a combobox in the form. I've tried every combination of code I could think of and find. Here is what I currently have:

Private Sub FilterReport_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report", acViewReport, "First Name='" & Me.FName & "'"
End Sub

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = Me.FName
End Sub

"FilterReport" = Form Button
"Report" = Report
"First Name" = Report Field
"FName" = Form Combo Box

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Modules & VBA :: Using Form Control Value To Determine Query Criteria

Jan 26, 2014

I'm working on a report called Open Orders and when the database loads, it takes you to a Navigation Form. You make some selections mostly from combo boxes, then click run report which runs a query then launches the report.

I want the user to be able to click a check box called "Ready Only". If the checkbox = True, then I would like the field "Ready Pieces" in the query to have the criteria ">0". If the checkbox = false, I want that field to show all values (*).

I have no problem setting the criteria of a query field to equal that of a combo box value (Warehouse Like ([Forms]![Process Form]![Warehouse] & "*") but have problems when the criteria isn't the exact same as the value of the control.

Things I have tried to no avail: Putting a Iif statement in the query criteria: gives an error that criteria is too complex Creating an invisible text box whose value is determined by the checkbox to ">0" or "" then basing the Ready Pieces criteria equal to this....doesn't work Trying to use the DoCmd.RunSQL with my SQL code that changes via VBA when the checkbox is changed...Get an error and the SQL doesn't run

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Queries :: Criteria Referencing Control On Form Not Working

Oct 10, 2013

I have a form (named frmAddSession) with a combo box (named Band_Name) and lets say i have it displaying the band "Band A"

I have a query where the criteria is [Forms]![frmAddSession]![Band_Name]. when i run the query the results are blank. but if i type ="Band A" it works just fine.

why won't my reference to the combo box on the form work?

In a series of deductions to try and figure this out, my form only has the one combo box, and my query is based on only one table and only has the one field.

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