Page Colour Name Change

Apr 25, 2005

page colour name change

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Change Background Colour !

Jan 24, 2007


I'm currently using MS Access 2002.

I use forms to display client info and i would like to know if the following is possible, and if so, how ?

When a clients installation date is older than 6months old (date is in a text box) i would like the form's background to change colour for that paticular client.

eg/ if the clients installation date was 7 months ago, the form's background would change red - but only to that client.

Kinds Regards

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Change Label Colour

Nov 3, 2006

Ok what I would like to do is have a switchboard with a number of command buttons on, each button opens to a form with a few fields within them.

Is it possible for the initial switchboard labels to be 'red', then as the related form is opened and populated the switchboard label turns 'amber' and once the form is complete the switchboard label is 'green'. See example piccie attached, to get a better understanding!

This is to enable multiple users to see at a glance the status of various jobs.

If anyone knows how I can go about this or suggest any alternatives, I'm open to suggestion.

Thanks in advance

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Change Text Colour

Feb 8, 2006


I would like some help with my form.

I would like the following:

If txtname is null (without data), then txtdob font is changed to colour white.

Any help?


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Change Colour Of Image Border

Apr 14, 2005

...but I'v got a picture and I want to put a red box behind it so the picture looks like it has red borders, the problem is that the box always appears above the picture, I'm sure there must be a way to prioritize them or something but I can't find it!

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Change The Font Colour For The Whole Form?

Jan 17, 2006

I've been working on a database for quite a while now, and i've now given it out for testing, and i've come across a little problem. One of the users is colour blind, and the colour theme i've used throughout this database is causing him problems.

I have a function that can single him out when he logs in, question is, is there a way i can change the font colour for the whole database in one go through code??

I have around 12 forms with many controls and labels, i'm kind of hoping i don't have to name each control and label separately to change the font colour.

Please tell me that there’s some clever piece of code that can change the font colour on a form in one hit…..



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Change Colour Of ALL Labels In Database

Feb 6, 2006


I have a problem where the user has certain contraints in colour.

I am trying to change all the colours of labels in the database to purple.

Is there any way to declare it once in the database and all label statements will pick up the new colour. Saves me going through every form. Also there are other users who want to use the database with black.


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Change Colour Dependant On Field Value

Jun 28, 2006


First please accept my apologies if this has been done before. In the attached database I am going to have a form which is continous what I am looking to do is change the colour of the box which is in the background to the associated colour from the quote table for example

if they choose water then it will look at the TBLQuoteType and change the box colour to the colour which has been assigned to that value.

Hope this explains it ok I will continue to try and figure it out but I thought I could also use your expert knowledge.


Thanks again

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If NULL Then Change Background Colour

Aug 26, 2004

Im trying to change the background colour of some fields if the value is null or missing, but I'm not quite sure how to handle the coding. The fields in question are title, given name and surname, and if they are empty I want to change the background colour to highlight to users that they need to collect this information.
Any help that you can provide would be great!

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Automated Field Colour Change

Apr 17, 2005

Is it possible to get Access to automatically change the colour in a form field via code etc. My problem is that i would like to easily pick/see any out of date quotations for my customers, so when the quotation date is 30 days old the text changes to red. Any advice would be gratefully received.

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Need To Change A Box Colour If Chkbox = True

May 30, 2007

I have a report which i am trying to format, I want every other row's details to alternate colour which i have done (See below)

I also have on my report, a checkbox and a text feild (not sure if i could use a rectangle and format that instead , it doesn't do anything i just need it to change colour)

chkbox name = "chkClean"
Text box name = "txtclean"

I just want the back colour to go red if the check box is true and white if the check box is false

Please help


Code:Option Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitPrivate m_RowCount As LongPrivate Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)m_RowCount = m_RowCount + 1 If m_RowCount / 2 = CLng(m_RowCount / 2) Then Me.Detail.BackColor = 15263976 'Change value to the color you desire Else Me.Detail.BackColor = 14811135 'Change value to the color you desire End IfIf Me.chkClean = True Then txtclean.BackColor = 255Else txtclean.BackColor = 16777215End IfEnd Sub

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Reports :: Colour Change In Bar Graph

Jan 30, 2015

I have a bar graph on a report in ms access that represents 4 different risks ie count on the y axis and risk type on the x axis (low, moderate high and extreme)

Question: How do i get the each bar to automatically represent the colour based on the risk colours below?

Low: Green
Moderate : Blue
High : Yellow
Extreme: Red

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Change The Colour Of A TextBox / Field Depending On It's Value?

Jun 7, 2006

Hello fellow programmers, I have a tricky one for you. We have decided to split our local City up into different zones. Giving each zone a number and assigning it a colour. I have a form with all the customers who want jobs done in different parts of the city. This form has a text box on it called: Zone - (which has a 3 digit number it it). I want the colour of the text box to change depending on the Zone number, in the continuous Form view. So all the customers living in Zone=111, will have a Red background colour (color), all living in Zone=222 will have a Green background colour. I know conditional formatting through the properties of the Form can be used, but it only allows me to select 3 different situations. I have many more than 3 colours that I want to assign. I am working on a VB module to define what colour numbers from the MS Access Colour Map will be assigned to each Zone number. How can I now apply this module to the form, so when it opens, all the customers who live in Zone=111 will have a Red coloured background, those living in Zone=222 will have a green colour background, etc?

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How To Change The Colour And Other Format Properties Of A Menu/ Toolbar?

Oct 9, 2007

Hi All,

If it is possible to change the format properties of a menu/toolbar could someone please point me in the direction of some guidance/ let me know how to go about it I would appreciate it.

Specifically I'm trying to change the menu bar's /database window's property to match my forms (and company branding).

I've Googled various phrases in both UK and US spellings (to be on the safe side) and searched a few forums (this one included) and cannot find much beyond creating customised menu/tool bars.

Many thanks

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Auto Colour Change Depending On Text Selected

May 5, 2005

:) Hello

Is it possible to change the colour of the text in a table. For example the word "URGENT" is selected from a combo box, and when viewed in the table it appears red.

Thanks inancipiation


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Datasheet Change Single Row Colour Based On Attribute

Jan 16, 2007

I am running Access 97 and I was wondering if it was possible to change the colour(background or text) of a single record based on an attribute

I was hoping that my subform, viewing all of the records (datasheet) would look like this based on Task Des column
eg Condition = red, Awaiting = Blue
(Below is ment to look like an access datasheet view)

Property No | Task Des | MCU/ROL
PN1234/DA1 | Condtion | MCU
PN1235/DA2 | Condtion | ROL
PN1994/DA1 | Awaiting | MCU

Thanks heaps for your help

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General :: Using A Toggle Button To Change A Label Colour?

Feb 27, 2014

Is it possible to use a toggle button to change the colour of a label?

I assume the code should be something like this:

If Me.ToggleButton = 1 Then
Label.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
ElseIf Me.ToggleButton = 0 Then
Label.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

But I've tried it in the "On Click" sections and it doesn't work.

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Change Colour Of Entry To Differentiate Between Students And Parents Results?

Oct 7, 2011

I have a large database of students and parents which charts their weight, waist circ., lifestyle etc. When I then create reports, is it possible to change the colour of the entry so that I can differentiate between students and parents results? In other words, can I have all student entries in red and all parents in black, for example? At the moment, when I try to change the colour of one of these, the entire column changes to that colour and I don't know how to amend my reports to do this. Please see attached.

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Forms :: Change Textbox Background Colour Pending Value Of Two Textboxes On Form?

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form with two textboxes that get their values from two different queries that counts records from table. If textbox1.value equals texbox2.value the textbox2.value back ground colour is green. If they are not equal textbox2.value goes red. Itried with using conditional formatting, but it doesn't work all the time as the form is not updating when it is opened.

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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Font Type In Form Changes When Change Font Colour

Aug 1, 2014

I am experiencing a problem in MS Access 2013. I have a form which was working just fine until now. It has form labels in Calibri font and their font colour is one shade lighter than black. Today, I changed the font colour of the form labels to be Automatic - black (shows as 'Text 1' colour in the form properties). I did this in Design view.

I find that when I switch to layout view, the font of the labels appears as Century Gothic. This is the font that appears in the Form view. So while the font colour is correctly changed, the font name is not what I had set in the Design view. When I go back to the Design view, and change the font colour back to the original colour which was one shade lighter than black (Text 1, Lighter 50%), the font is correct in the Layout view and the Form view (Calibri).

So it seems that there is some sort of binding between the font colour (black) and the font name (Century Gothic). When I change the font colour, the font also changes. When I restore the original colour (one shade lighter than black), the font Calibri is correctly retained.

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Reports :: Allow User To Change Where On The Page Label Print

Mar 19, 2014

I've got a report that spits out a barcoded label for items on my inventory. What I'd like to know, is if there is a way in 2010 to allow the user to select where on the page for the label to print.

I found a way that looks like it worked for 2007, but it required enabling ADO, which I am not able to do on my work computer.

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Forms :: Tabbed Page Change When Data Entered?

Mar 15, 2013

On that form we have 4 tabbed pages, 3 of which get used regularly. Unfortunately though, the Notes page does not get used very often. The reason is because people say that they don't want to click on the page if there is not going to be any information there to read, and they don't want to enter information if no one is going to read it.

Therefore, I was wondering if there was a way to have the page name, "Notes", change color if notes have been typed? Or, maybe an asterisk (*) shows up next to the page name if notes have been typed.

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Reports :: Breaking To New Page If Subreport Cannot Fully Print On Current Page

Nov 12, 2013

I have a report which includes several subreports. There will be times when a subreport prints partially on one page and completes on the next. I don't always want to break to a new page with this subreport. However, I would want to break to a new page if the subreport cannot fully print on the current page.

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Section Header At Bottom Of Page And Detail Lines On Next Page

Nov 22, 2004

I have a report that lists states and cities within the states. When a state name happens to be at the end of the page the individual cities appear on the next page with no State heading. I solved the second page problem by setting the "repeatSection = Yes" in the Section Header (though I haven't shown that in the example below).

But the previous page (which just shows the State Name and no cities looks dumb. Is there some sort of solution.??
(Actually I would also like any State that continues to a next page to not just have the state name but something like
" Colorado (Continued)" Is there anything I can do in VB to make a page break if the section is going to print but therer isn't enough room for one detail line?

This is what I currently see

Prudo Bay


------------------------Page Break ---------------------------------
Colorado Springs



Thanks !

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