Partial Sum

May 14, 2007

I wan't access to calculate partial sums based on dates(formatted american style here), in particular, the amount ordered of a certain product until a certain date instead of the amount ordered at a certain date. So:

product date amount
a 01-01-2005 1
b 02-01-2005 1
a 07-01-2005 2
a 10-01-2005 1
b 01-02-2005 4
b 01-03-2005 1

Should become:

product date amount
a 01-01-2005 1
b 02-01-2005 1
a 07-01-2005 3(=1+2)
a 10-01-2005 4(=1+2+1)
b 01-02-2005 5(=1+4)
b 01-03-2005 6(=1+4+1)

I have done it with the following query:

SELECT tespartialsum.produkt_nr, tespartialsum.transdate, tespartialsum.amount, Sum(tespartialsum_1.amount) AS SumOfamount
FROM tespartialsum AS tespartialsum_1 INNER JOIN tespartialsum ON tespartialsum_1.produkt_nr = tespartialsum.produkt_nr
WHERE (((tespartialsum_1.transdate)<=[tespartialsum].[transdate]))
GROUP BY tespartialsum.produkt_nr, tespartialsum.transdate, tespartialsum.amount;

it works, but only on a restricted version of the table. I want to do it faster to be able to do it for the entire table(70000 products, 1000.000 lines).

Please help..

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Partial Data

Apr 21, 2006

I have a form where I enter the students lastname, firstname
I need a field that just pulls the first 2 letters of the lastname as well
Is there an easy way to do this

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Partial Data

Apr 21, 2006

I have a form where I enter the students lastname, firstname
I need a field that just pulls the first 2 letters of the lastname as well
Is there an easy way to do this

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Partial Data

Apr 21, 2006

I have a form where I enter the students lastname, firstname
I need a field that just pulls the first 2 letters of the lastname as well
Is there an easy way to do this

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Partial Replication

Feb 9, 2006

I've been reading about this alot today but can't decide for sure if I should replicate my database or not. The users will have a front end installed on their local drive and the back end is on a shared server.

Basically the users will not be able to add or delete records. However, they can update one column- its a checkbox that allows them to select a record or records in a continuous form. I imagine that if 2 users were using it simultanuously and one de-selected all the records, they would be deselected on the other persons form? This is why I think I need a partial replica. That way when the user opens the database they get a fresh copy of the new data and can select and deselect drawings without interfering with others.

All records are automatically selected when the form is opened so updating changes in the master is not an issue.

Please let me know if I'm on the right track here..

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Partial Dates

Jan 4, 2007

I have a database with fields for dates but formatted in "text" so as to allow for partial input of a date. (ie. 12/00/1990 or 00/00/2001) I now need to extract data prior to an exact date and after an exact date. Due to the text format, I am assuming, I cannot create a query to do this.
I have tried the expression below but of course it does not give me what I need.
< 5/1/1995

I have also tried to create a new field formatted for date/time but I cannot get the date to copy into it since some of my dates are partial.

Can someone please tell me what I need to do so that I can extract the data I need? Any help is appreciated as I have a deadline for this report.

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Problem With Partial Replication

Mar 2, 2007

Hello everyone.
Your help is very much appreciated.
I am trying to create partial replica from the design master.
it all goes well until I try to set the filter using:
repPartial.Filters.Append "Customers",jrFilterTypeTable,"Customers.Region = 'CA' "
It throws an error:
"Invalid expression in the ReplicaFilter property".

The replica db, does contain "Customers" table, which has "Region" field.

Thank you for you help.
The code, looks like:

dim repFull as new JRO.Replica
repFull.ActiveConnection = "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11SAMPLESorthwind.mdb"
Call repFull.CreateReplica("C:MY_REPLICA.mdb", "description", jrRepTypePartial)

Set repFull = Nothing
' open the partial replica in exclusive mode and apply filters
repPartial.ActiveConnection = "Data Source=C:MY_REPLICA.mdb; Mode=Share Exclusive"
repPartial.Filters.Append "Customers", jrFilterTypeTable, "Customers.Region like 'CA' "


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Partial Field Filtering

Dec 15, 2006

Is there a way to filter based on a partial field match. I couldn't find anything posted before, but it doesn't seem like an unusual problem. I have an inventory database and have a field for part number. I would like to create a filter that would display only part numbers that begin with "FNQ" for example. The entire part number would include other numbers and letters, of course. How can I do this?:confused:

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Partial Entry Query

Jul 11, 2006

When i go to input my query, firstly it doesnt display results half the time, secondly it is normally very problematic in terms of being case-sensitive, exact word matching etc.

What do i use (criteria) to program the query to let me use partial and non case-sensitive search methods?


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Delete Partial String

May 15, 2015

I have a column in my databse that has random numbers. There are some numbers in the database that have .0 at the end of them. For example: 44551 .0. I want to create an update query that will delete the .0 from the values.

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Criteria To Include Partial Year(Now())?

Apr 25, 2007

I have a table with a field QuotationRef containing a series of values which include a year indicator (eg Q11101/06, Q11102/06, Q11103/06, Q11105/07, Q11106/07, Q11108/07) - where the characters after the / denote the year a Quotation was started. I need to be able to setup a criteria filter expression in my query design view that will allow me to select just the values in the QuotationRef field that relate to the current year.
I can set up a query that picks up this year's Quotations by using "Like "*/07"" but that will only solve the problem for this year and I need to setup a query that will change when the year changes. How could I do this, I have tried incorporating "Year(Now())" in the expression but this would filter on /2007 rather than /07.
Any advice please?

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Partial Text Compare Across Two Tables

Jul 20, 2007


I'm trying to compare partial text records across two tables.

The first table simply has a description, such as:
Bone Saw
Power Saw

The second table is a list of terms and a category, such as:
Term, Category
Hammer, 1
Saw, 2

I'm looking to build a query will compare the two and assign each description a category based on the partial match. It seems like this should be fairly easy to do, but I'm struggling to find anything to point down that path.

Any ideas?

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Partial Text Search Facility

Feb 28, 2008

I’m trying to provide the users of my database with a text search facility.

The database deals with documents, and I’d like the user to be able to search by title of document, with partial text matches. E.g. a title might be ‘Health and safety at work act’ - so searching by Health and/or safety gives this document as a result.

The table is called ‘tblDocTitle’ with the field ‘Title’ containing just that.

Ideally the search facility would be some sort of text box in which the text, and then a button to initiate that search.

Hope you can help

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Hide Partial Command Bars

Sep 15, 2005


How can I hide all the command bars except my customize tool bar ? I have hide all my command bars by the following code :

' Hide all window bar

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = False
Next i
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide

I can change “CommandBars(i).Enabled = False” to “CommandBars(i).Enabled = True” but I want only my customized tool to be appear. What is the solution?



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Modules & VBA :: Searching For Partial Primary Key?

Jan 8, 2014

I am trying to search for a partial number in the primary key field. I have based my search off Allen Browne's search form [URL]

I have posted my full code below. I am having trouble with the portion searching the Member_ID field.

My first version:

I would get a Run-time error '3464':

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

If Not IsNull(Me.txtMember_ID) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Member_ID] = """ & Me.txtMember_ID & """) AND "
End If

My second Version: (I was searching for 54)

I would get a Run-time error '3075'

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '([Member_ID] = Like "*54*")'

If Not IsNull(Me.txtMember_ID) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Member_ID] = Like ""*" & Me.txtMember_ID & "*"") AND "
End If

Version 3:

If I use this the search works when the Member_ID matches exactly

If Not IsNull(Me.txtMember_ID) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Member_ID] = " & Me.txtMember_ID & ") AND "
End If

Private Sub Member_Search_Click()
'Purpose: Build up the criteria string form the non-blank search boxes, and apply to the form's Filter.
'Notes: 1. We tack " AND " on the end of each condition so you can easily add more search boxes; _
we remove the trailing " AND " at the end.
' 2. The date range works like this: _
Both dates = only dates between (both inclusive. _
Start date only = all dates from this one onwards; _
End date only = all dates up to (and including this one).


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Queries :: Sum Based On Partial Field?

Aug 1, 2013

I'm trying to build a query that groups data by a code that is six digits. however, I only want to consider the first 4 digits when grouping by. (ex. table has code 100023 and I only want to group by 1000). Is there a way to do this within a query instead of modifying the table itself?

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Wildcard Searching / Partial String Matches

Apr 8, 2008

Hi there,

I've successfully created, for the first time, a database with many attributes that is searchable by most of those attributes as well. I've finally gotten the swing of how tables, forms, queries, and macros link up and am understanding how MSA works.

I can't seem to find any information on here that tells me how to do wildcard searches. For my particular application, people enter items into the database in a nonstandard fashion, i.e. "oring," "o-ring," and "o ring." I need to enable the capability to search "ring" so my search functions are fully maximized.

Can anyone help?


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Modules & VBA :: Report With Partial Open Records

Nov 26, 2013

I have a database as follows: Date1 Name Issue Action_Item1 Status1 Action_Item2 Status2 .....

with up to 5 max action items/status; where Status is a checkbox.I ONLY want the report to return records where there is text in an action_Item input AND the corresponding status is FALSE. The issue I'm having is that there may be ACtion_Item inputs withOUT text; so I can't simply query the Status checkbox for to get started.

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Queries :: Return Records With Partial Match

Feb 14, 2014

I understand that a query can accept wildcards in the search criteria but this is different.

I have a form on which a user selects a [product] part number in an unbound combo e.g. "12345-V111".

I then need a subform on the form to list records where the relevant field matches the left most part of this part number but is not necessarily complete. e.g. records with "12345-V1" would be returned, records with "12345-V2" wouldn't. The number of characters recorded in this field will vary, but if the characters that are entered match, then the record should be listed.

In other words, the record entries themselves need to be treated like wildcard entries.

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Queries :: Update Query For Partial Data

Oct 23, 2014

How do I get an update query to only copy part of a fields value?For example: The original field has a date in month, day, and year. I only want to update the new field with only the year.

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Queries :: LEFT JOIN On A Partial Match

Apr 9, 2013

I have a table with Part No. and their correlating descriptions. I have a second table with a Product Number and its assosciated Part No. I want to view all of my Part No. with descriptions and IF there is a match to the Part No on the second table, I want to see the associated Product Number. Below is the layout and SQL on my test tables.

Test_Items1 (My Table)
Part No = 1317667223606 Desc1 = ABC123
Part No = 1317667223614 Desc1 = ABC456

Test_Products1 (Customer Data)
Product Number = 14_01 Referenced Item = 1317667223606 1317667223735 1317667224517 1317667225406

SQL (Which isn't working for me)
SELECT Test_Items1.[Part No], Test_Items1.[Item SX Descrip1], Test_Products1.[Product Number]
FROM Test_Items1 LEFT JOIN Test_Products1 ON Test_Items1.[Part No] LIKE "*" & Test_Products1.[Referenced Item] & "*";

The Desired Results from my above scenario would be this
Part No = 1317667223606 Desc1 = ABC123 Product Number = 14_01
Part No = 1317667223614 Desc1 = ABC456 Product Number = Null/Blank

The Part No from Test_Items1 may not always be the first string from the Test_Products1.Referenced Item. It may appear anywhere withing that group of Part Nos. The customer has them separated by spaces.

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Import Partial Excel File Into Database

Apr 12, 2012

I have created a database with approximately 30 columns, 1st column being a primary key. At the end of the database there are 5 columns. We will call them VWXYZ.

One of my users wants to be able to update VWXYZ via importing an Excel document to the existing table. He does NOT want fields 1-25 updated. He is editing his Excel document to only include the primary key and then VWXYZ with the same exact column names. When he imports, it sets 2-25 to blank and updates VWXYZ to the updated information.

How can he import an Excel document that only updates VWXYZ?

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Memo Field, Will Show Only Partial Contents On Query

Mar 24, 2008

Running 2007

I never ran into this problem before.
I have a qry, with showing totals (group by). One of the fields is called comments, which is a memo field. I am only seeing partial comments.

When I redesign the query and take out the "totals", I see the entire comments.

Is there a fix to this?

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Query For Late Payments - Partial Payment Quandry

Jan 4, 2008

Hi all:

Well, as part of my new job I get to revise a current database for a client and I am hitting a brick wall in my mind at the moment and could use some ideas thrown my way on how to deal with it.

First of all I have two tables -

Table AR_Due
AR_Due_ID - Autonumber (PK)
Entity_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Due_Amt - Currency
AR_Due_Date - Date/Time
AR_Due_Waive (boolean and if checked the amt due is forgiven and not due)

Table AR_Pay
AR_Pay_ID - Autonumber (PK)
AR_Due_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Pay_Date - Date/Time
AR_Pay_Amt - Currency

Now, I have to pull all AR_Due where the payments are late (past the AR_Due_Date) and have no in the Waive column and, if partial payments were made those payments can't be past the due date or else they need to be included as late (that's my main issue - trying to figure out the logic on that one).

So, any ideas on how that might be best accomplished? I need a report that shows all late payments (not counting lates more than two years ago) including any where there were partial payments made but the total partial payments were not made before the due date.

I'll take any ideas, although I might not be able to use some of them due to having to follow certain standards here (don't know all of them yet but I've kind of figured a few out based on the existing db). And, I didn't put this all together so there are some things I can't change (at least at this point), but I'm happy to get any ideas that might spark the "aha" moment :).

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Microsoft Access Linking Tables With Partial Primary Key?

Feb 26, 2008

Hi there,
was wondering if there is way to link tables in Microsoft Access, if the primary key is not matching 100%, for example lets assume that we have two table, with fruit type as their content.


Table 2

as you can see the content in the second table is somewhat incomplete or corrupted "Orange" is missing an "E", "Apple" is missing an "A", and "Pear" is missing a "P".

Thanking in advance

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Queries :: Date Range Calculation Including Partial Months

Aug 28, 2013

Trying to get a formula or function for calculating profit for each month between selected dates. Partial month calculations are required.

Source Data (record) examples:
Contract1: Startdate = 6/30/12; EndDate = 9/22/12; DailyProfit = $500; MonthlyProfit = $9500
Contract2: Startdate = 7/7/15; EndDate = 12/17/12; DailyProfit = $600; MonthlyProfit = $11400
Contract3: StartDate = 8/1/12; EndDate = 6/30/13; DailyProfit = $350; MonthlyProfit = $6650

User Query #1:
ReportStartDate will always be entered as the first day of the month;
ReportEndDate will always be entered as the last day of the month
The report will always show 6 consecutive months

User selects
ReportStartDate = 7/1/12;
ReportEndDate = 12/31/12

Notable conditions:
-The calculation for Contract 1 will have a partial month profit calculated for September 2012. The other months can show the MonthlyProfit value, with October and December being $0.
-The calculation for Contract 2 will have a partial month profit calculated for July 2012 and December 2012. The other months can show the MonthlyProfit value.
-The calculation for Contract 3 will have no partial months since the StartDate is on a month beginning, and the ReportEndDate is prior to the EndDate. July 2012 will show $0.

Request: I either need a super complicated IIF statement for 6 fixed columns in a query (one column for each month) or a smart function, neither of which I can do.

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