Picture As Background Problem

Jun 22, 2006

I have created a db with a picture linked to every form as a background.
The mdb file and the jpeg file are on the server but if it is open and someone else tries to open it it will give an error and the bg won't be linked to the forms.
If the picture is embedded the db becomes sooo large (from 700 kb to 43 mb!!!!) so that's also not the solution.
Hope that someone can help.


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Oct 20, 2005

I'm just wondering, is it possible to put a graphics in the code? the reason I want to know is that I will put a sad face on each customer every time they call. so if they will call me 5 times i will see a 5 sad smiley face on the customer information. Can you please help me with this one. or if you know any way to do just let me know. thank you so much.

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Picture Box

Jan 24, 2006

Here is my situation. I have a database with a table in which contains all of the names and members of our club. Every member in our club has a rank, the rank is held in a field called "rank". I also have a form which is used to add and edit the information into this table. The form that i have create is a bog standard form with nothing special on it. What i would like to be able to do is when the form loads and the information from the table populates it, i would like a picture box to hold a picture that represents there position like an avatar. I have tried doing this myself however my attempts just resulted in errors about not have the form focus. I use the code editor to do this. I know this is possible to do as i have seen it on some other projects.

If any one has any idea or hints about how i can do this please reply.
As an added thing i would prefer if it was done in the code editor as the machine it has to run on has macros disabled.

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Feb 27, 2005


I have a form, which users print out. On the screen, it has a light grey background, but I do not want this to be printed as it is just a waste of ink

Is there anyway of making the background colour "screen only"?


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Mar 4, 2005

hello friends
if anyone of the access gurus here had a chance to download and use the Form demo from Microsoft website you would have notieced that the background is actually a bmp picutes of cloudes. Can anyone tell mehow they manage to put that pictures in the foms. i tried using the autoformat but the autoformat has specific formats and not the one i saw in Forms Demo from Microsoft webiste.
Please tell me how to include pictures like these in the form.

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Picture Advice/help

Aug 23, 2005

Hi guys.

I have been told to make my database look 'sexier' but I am a bit worried that the pictures may slow it down or increase it's size unneccesarily.

Speed is an issue because we have some offices that dial in and access it that way and as such are limited to their connection speed.

So what I want to do is created a few images, link to them, and put in code that can 'turn them on'.

The question is how?

I have created a new image object. Changed it's properties to linked.

Now I need some code that reads:

If myvalue = "Yes" then
myImage.visible = true
'code to delete image
End If

I am a bit worried because that means that the images will always be there on load up, so loading the form will be just as slow because the images are there.

Or maybe I can do

If myvalue = "Yes" then
'code to create image
End If

Please help.

Edit - Part two to this question is: How do I use relative links for images? I have a folder of images and I want them to work no matter where the database sits.

Edit again - Just another question: Is it possible to have Images appear and disappear depending where the mouse is?

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Insert A Picture

Feb 27, 2005

Have a database that stores information about jewelry. The user wants each record to have a picture of the item. No matter what I try I can’t put a picture field in my table. All help is appreciated. tillessal@yahoo.com :confused:

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Form With No Picture

Aug 29, 2005

I have a form which brings up another form like this

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmImage"

stLinkCriteria = "[ProductID]=" & "'" & Me![txtProductID] & "'"
Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , , , "SELECT ProductID, Description, Path FROM tblProducts WHERE " & stLinkCriteria & ";"

However, on the frmImage there is also an ImageControl that may or may
not have a picture. The name of the path and filename is stored in a field
in a table (not OLE).

I do not want the frmImage to open at all if no image can be found under the path and name specified. The file/picture name is exactly the same as the ProductID in the link criteria above.
Perhaps a message to say that no image was found.
At the moment the form opens up regardless.

By the way, the Me.Visible = False refers to the form that opens the
frmImage form, so will have to become True if no image found.


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Need Some Help On Displaying Picture

Sep 14, 2005

I have set up a bound object frame on a form, everything works good, only problem i have is the picture doesn't display but the name of the picture does, ie...picture.jpg. if i click on this the picture is displayed in microsoft office picture manager, I think I'm close..maybe just a shove away..

Please help if you can,,

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Update Of Picture

Sep 27, 2005

I need very very urgent help in database forms. I have 2 pictures. Active and Inactive. How do I go about where when there is no record, the inactive pictures shows, but when there data is entered into the db, the active pictures appear. Can someone please help me??

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What Is The Best Way To Store A Picture??

Jan 12, 2005

In everyones opinion what is the best way to handle picture uploads in an Access database?

One picture for one employee, where should I store the pictures. I know that keeping pictures in the database eats up space and really can slow ya down. Make a new folder just for pictures??

Thanks fellas and ladies.

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Picture Name As A Field Name

Jan 2, 2005

i have a folder called photos and i have all the pictures named properly, and i would like to be able to creat a table with each picture in this folder and have there picture name be the fields unique Id. im not sure how to import so many pictures and how to give there name.

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Access Background

Dec 20, 2005

I would like to change the color of the actual access database background. I've done my forum searching and found many many threads explaining how to do this but i cant open any of the sample DB's. Access says the file is readonly and you need to be able to edit upon the first opening or something to that affect. I assume its becuse the sample is a newer or older access than im running(XP)

Sorry to rehash old threads but i cant get the info from them.
Can anyone help..Grey sucks ha


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Run Pop Up Message In Background ?

Sep 9, 2006

I want to run a pop up message "invisibly".

I have a flash file that jerks when run in access
but if i run it with a pop up it runs fine so I want
to run the pop up but, keep it hidden.
Without using minimize.

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White Background JPG

Jul 30, 2007

I am trying to put a jpg of a logo onto the top of a form and no matter what I do, it is imported with a white background! I have put it on a transparent canvas in Adobe photoshop, which usually works when I import it into word and other programs, but not access. I have tried looking at the properties of the image in access, but it says that the background is transparent. Help!

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Run Query In The Background

May 26, 2006


I am looking at being able to run a query but would like the results not to be displayed. Ie I would like the query to run in the background. I open the query using a command button from a form.

thanks for any help


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Row Background Colors

Feb 13, 2007

I have a subform that returns a bunch of records. Each of the records returned has a LANE_ID, so in this example, there are 10 records returned, 5 with LANE_ID = 11111and 5 with LANE_ID = 22222. Is it possible to alternate the backgrond color for each of these groupings?

I have found examples of how to change the color of alternate rows, but I can't find anything that would tell me if what I want to do is possible.

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Background Problem

Apr 6, 2005

I have a .gif I set up as the background, but it doesn't stretch for the full length of the form. As you can see in the picture, at the bottom where the record selector/scrollbar would be, my background picture is not filling.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Form Background

Aug 3, 2005


How can I use/set an image (picture) as a background in a form? I can't seem to find this option...

thank you

regards, Miha

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Tab Background Colour

Apr 26, 2006

This should be an easy one for somebody. I'm a newbie to access and I'm experimenting with a tabbed form. My problem is if I create a new form with (say) two tabs, the area to the right of the tabs(where more tabs would be inserted) is white and I don't know how to change it to blend in with the rest of the page. Hope I'm making myself clear.:(

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Background Of A Form

Jul 6, 2006

pls Help,
I knw how to change the background of a form. but i need a particular file for the background. and i want to knw where the file is stored?
the file which i want is a texture file in a WORD. i.e. in word when we try to set the background of a page, the option Background gives us some textures for the background. i want a file called "water droplets" as a back ground in access form.
from where can i get the texture file?
i searched the whole Microsoft Office folder in c:program files. this file is not there. then where are this texture files stored? can anybody help me to find this file pls?

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Background Colour

Oct 18, 2006

We have created some forms using (in some cases) the form wizard.
As you may know you have to select a "Background Style" when using the wizard.
Now we want to change the background from one of these styles to a colour - but when we select it in Properties and try to apply it, it seems to flicker but does not seem to have any effect.
Can anybody help us out please ?
many thanks

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Form Background

Nov 23, 2006

I have a master form with a picture as the background with a timer event that fires every 5 minutes. I have a subform (a clock) with a timer event every second to update the text. How do I make the sub form background transparent so that I see the master form back ground?

I did it this way so I didnt have to update the master form data every second.

help would be much appreciated.


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Background Color

Dec 13, 2006

hi every one

i have an application and the user was asking me to give him the ability to change the backcolor of the main form
i had done that with one color option.

but now he wants to mix two colors together
any one can help me with that , if code or sample would be posted, that would be appreciated .

thanks in advance

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Change Background Of Txt Box

Feb 28, 2007

I have some code here that is changing the color of a txt box in my form based on the value in the text box. Everything is working great. The only problem is that I have a sub form with many tabs and many, many txt boxes. I would have to replicate this code hundreds of times....

Does anyone know a better (LESS CODE) way to look in the form and change the color of a txtbox based on a value. Something more generic. RIght now I am targeting specific txt boxes...

I just want a general statement that targets the entire form



Private Sub Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS_AfterUpdate ()
If Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS = "2" Then
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.ForeColo r = 255 'The New color.
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.FontBold = True
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.BackColo r = 65535

ElseIf Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS = "1" Then
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.ForeColo r = 0 'The New color.
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.FontBold = True
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.BackColo r = 255

Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.ForeColo r = 0 'The New color.
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.FontBold = False
Me.Lower_Level_Concession_Inside_COUNTERS.BackColo r = 12632256
End If
End Sub

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Adding A Picture To The Body Only

Jun 28, 2005

I have searched (not knowing what to search for), tried Access help and most importantly experimented, but alas no luck.

I have a header section and body/main section of a form.

I want the background image to fill the body/main section only, but instead it seems to cover the whole form, including the header section.

Is it possible to limit an image to the body section of a form only.

Thank you in advance

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