Playing With Commandbars

Aug 10, 2006

Hi all, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm testing the code below that's supposed to enable all commandbars and make them visible if appropriate- but it is causing access to shutdown whenever I run it. If I can get it to work I want to be able to reset a users toolbars after my app has changed them-not perfect, I think this still dumps any customization the user had previously.

Public Function enableTools()
On Error GoTo Err_enableTools
'enable all toolbars
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = True
Debug.Print CommandBars(i).Name
DoCmd.ShowToolbar CommandBars(i).Name, acToolbarWhereApprop
Next i
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_gottaGo
End Function

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Playing Mp3 Files From A Form

Mar 10, 2006

I'm new to Access but have made a database of my music collection. Is it possible to get the selected mp3 file to play on the click of a button directly from a form? My music collection is store in several sub directories on my hard drive.

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My Main Tables AutoNumber Playing Up.

Jan 5, 2007

OK, My main table has an autonumber field in it to make records unique.

At the moment, the number 5-34 are all in use on active records. But when I create a new record either in the front end form, or the back end directly in the table, it attempts to start the record off with an already existing number.

No idea why this is doing this at all.

Is it possible to reset the autonumber to say 50 so all new records start at 50, then 51 etc.

I really dont want to lose the numbers already assigned, as there are other tables that rely on that autonumber as the clients ID to record all the other data.

Its probably something very simple, but I cant carry on with my data entry at the moment.

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Jet Not Playing Nice With ODBC And Server

Nov 14, 2007

I'm a bit frustrated with how Jet is behaving with the server (MySQL).Apparently it loves to issues commands like those: 48 QuerySELECT `city`.`ID` FROM `city` WHERE ( 'ABW' = `CountryCode` ) 48 QuerySELECT `ID`,`Name`,`CountryCode`,`District`,`Population` FROM `city` WHERE ( 'ABW' = `CountryCode` ) limit 10071114 13:44:25 48 QuerySET AUTOCOMMIT=0 48 QueryCOMMIT 48 QuerySET AUTOCOMMIT=1 48 QueryCALL BEGINTRAN 48 QuerySELECT `Code`,`Name`,`Continent`,`Region`,`SurfaceArea`,` IndepYear`,`Population`,`LifeExpectancy`,`GNP`,`GN POld`,`LocalName`,`GovernmentForm`,`HeadOfState`,` Capital`,`Code2` FROM `country` WHERE `Code` = 'ABW'071114 13:44:27 48 QuerySET AUTOCOMMIT=0 48 QueryUPDATE `country` SET `Name`='Aruba' WHERE `Code` = 'ABW' AND `Name` = 'Arubz' AND `Continent` = 'North America' AND `Region` = 'Caribbean' AND `SurfaceArea` = 1.93000000000000000e+002 AND `IndepYear` IS NULL AND `Population` = 103000 AND `LifeExpectancy` = 7.84000015258789060e+001 AND `GNP` = 8.28000000000000000e+002 AND `GNPOld` = 7.93000000000000000e+002 AND `LocalName` = 'Aruba' AND `GovernmentForm` = 'Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands' AND `HeadOfState` = 'Beatrix' AND `Capital` = 129 AND `Code2` = 'AW' 48 QueryCOMMIT 48 QuerySET AUTOCOMMIT=1071114 13:44:28 48 QuerySET AUTOCOMMIT=0 48 QueryCOMMIT 48 QuerySET AUTOCOMMIT=1 48 QueryCALL ROLLBACKTRANI want to use transactions, but with Jet's behavior, it's useless because Jet insists on committing every update it does. Disabling transactions in the ODBC driver didn't stop it. (This is why you see "CALL [Transaction method] in the query- I figured that if I made a stored procedure, disabling transactions, Jet would STFU and let me decide when to commit or rollback the transaction, but it blithely ignores the setting...)There's no "Safe Transactions" value anywhere, and I don't know where I'd look to alter Jet's behavior, already having looked at regedit and reading the whitepaper on JET and ODBC.I also seems can't to use ODBCDirect workspace for bound forms, and even if I set the recordset to a ODBCDirect workspace, I lose all Jet's intelligence in selecting only needed records (in which it does a wonderful job, I'd think). I also can see that if I create a ODBCDirect workspace, I would be creating one more (unwanted) connection to the server, which indicates to me that Jet/Default workspace will connect to the server anyway, and because the default workspace isn't an ODBCDirect, I can't modify/view connection properties.Can I please have my cake and eat it? Anybody knows whether the behavior can be altered?

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Switchboard Items Playing Dead

Oct 2, 2004

Hi - would like some help.

I have a switchboard on which I have items which when clicked should bring up forms or other switchboards but do nothing. They just play dead. They did work in the past (i.e in the last hour) but don't anymore. I haven't edited anything on the switchboards or the forms beng called so am a touch puzzled

Any Ideas or answers much appreciated



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Playing A Flash Animation Full Screen

Apr 18, 2006

My database would like, to make itself feel complete, a rele snazzy opening form.
I have flash 8 and I've created a 1024x768 movie with some simple animation on it.
I've managed to add the movie to the database as a ActiveX flash object and the animations play.
The problem is making the object larger! It's staying very small no matter how I change the properties of the control.
Any help would be much appreciated. For the sake of my databases mental health... of course. :cool:

To attach the movie I did so:


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General :: Playing MP3 Files From Command Button On A Form

Apr 3, 2013

Beginner using 2010. I wish to play MP3 files from a command button on a form. I would like to avoid third party / ActiveX controls if possible.

I am aware that use of "CurrentProject.Path" will be useful to locate the MP3 file within a directory within the Project Folder.

But have be baffled by the sparse previous postings about this subject (going back to 2004). Searching this forum yields zero results on the term "MP3".

This accdb/e will be used to present historical information to a small number of people and will be used with runtime without user input.

And all I need is Play / Pause / Stop. No other functions required.

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