Please Help! - Filtering Combos On Forms

Nov 22, 2004

I've asked this question before, but no one's answered it yet. How do I create a form where I can enter many records for projects (from tblProjects) and associated workstreams (from tblWorkstreams), so that I can select a project from a combo and then pick a workstream from a filtered list?

With help from Colm, I've been able to set up the combo's and get the filter to work, but unfortunately, the Project combo (cboProjectSelect) filters the cboWorkstreamSelect for ALL records! This means that only one project can be selected for ALL records.

The way it's been set up so far, is there is a query which lists Workstream, WorkstreamID and ProjectID, and the criteria for ProjectID in that query is: [forms]![frmTshtEntry]![frmTshtProj]![cboProjectSelect]. The cboWorkstreamSelect combo is then based on this query.

I am really stuck on this, and any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Cascading Combos On Continous Forms

May 12, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have two unbound cascading combo boxes on a form that limit the data for a stored field.

I am designing this as a subform to show software installed on a PC (hence the need to have a continuous form). As the manufacturer, software package and edition are already stored in my database, I am storing only the ID of the edition to limit duplicating data.

I would like to show the values in the cascading combos that relate to the edition ID stored as well as filtering the edition ID using the combo boxes (i guess a filter and a reverse lookup)

Please see attached pic. First record was entered as Microsoft Autoroute. New record for Manufacturer Frontier, change the previous records combos.

Thanks for you help


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Forms :: Cascade Combos With Union

Sep 19, 2014

I'm trying to filter a combo based on the selection in another combo.The twist is that I need the row source of both combos to include an "*", "(All)" selection, as I am using these combos to filter a listbox. When I add the Union query with "*", "(All)", the row source in the 2nd combo is ignoring the where clause.

After making a selection in the Comp combo, the Emp combo should be filtered. It works with no Union in the row source, but does not work with the Union in the row source.

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Forms :: Combos With Tens Of Thousands Of Records

Aug 27, 2014

I'm trying to follow Allen Browne's - Combos with Tens of Thousands of Records [URL] ....

However, I keep getting the error...

Compile Error:
Invalid use of Me keyword
(This being a new module)

That's how it shows in his code (the use of me.comboname.rowsource) but it's not working for me.

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Cascading Combos On Many-to-many

Mar 11, 2005


I am trying to find a solution for this many to many relation and combos! I ve managed to do the one-to-many as the Mile-o example but i have trouble getting the same result right on many-to-many relations

as you know access needs us to create an extra table for many-to-many relations! but the example talks about the current an the previous table! how can i have 3 cascading combos with many to many relations to each other???

i also have a fourth but this one is related as one to many with the 3rd!

for more information i have:

Many Cars-to-many Categories of brands of parts
Many Categories-to-Many Brands of parts
One Brand-to-Many parts

the many parts combo is also a record selector!

In the beginning I had one table of parts with 4 foreign keys then i changed it to the current one with the previous chain of relation ending to parts with one foreign key! is this better???

Thanx! I hope I made my proble as clear as i could :)

Please Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp :) :)

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3 Cascading Combos

Sep 28, 2005

Can anyone kindly help me with the attached
database. I need to synchronize 3 combo boxes.
based on the choice made in the previous box.
I have seen it done before using text fields but
not using numeric fields as in my case here and
without using queries.

I have set the RowSource for the 3 boxes on the
OpenForm event and have removed all my code

Thanks for your help

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2 Combos In A Form

Mar 1, 2006

I got a database with two tables in it.
Site table has following fields: ID,SiteID
Customer table got following fields: DropID, Dropname, SiteID.

These two tables are connected in a One-to-Many relationship.

I got a form with two combo's . I want to select "SiteId" from the first combo and based on the selection i do in the first combo i want the second combo to just show the relevant data (dropid and dropname) for that "Site".
I got one table named "Site" and one table called "Cutomers".

The database contains alot of other stuff and much of it is in norwegian so im not sure how usefull it would be if i posted the mdb here but if someone think its usefull then i will post it.

I can choose from the combo boxes and it works fine but the connection between the two are not working. Not matter what i choose in combo1 i get all recrods in combo2.

Can anyone help?


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Cascading Combos

Apr 2, 2006

I am new at programming in Access and I am writing a database for our church. I have 2 tables, one called “Donators” and the other “Donations”. In the Donators table I have their Last Name and First Name along with their address etc. In the Donations form I use a combo for the Last Name and a separate combo for the First Name. I did this so the person entering data doesn’t have to use a mouse but simply tab and type. Both combos are bound to the ID number. Without using a cascading combo, all First Names appear not just the ones relating to the Last Name. I checked the examples on cascading combos and tried them but without success. I could really use someone’s help. Thanks.

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Depending Combos

Aug 16, 2006

I am making a Invoice DB. I have made a combo for Suppliers which takes data from SuppliersTable and data is recorded in InvoiceTable. I have another Combo for Services which takes data from SuppliersTable and records up in InvoiceTable. And I have another field (PaymentPeriod) dependent on ServiceCombo

I want to make Services Combo dependent on Supliers.

How can I do that?

Combo 1 = SuppliersCombo
SuppliersTABLE: suppliers data origin Field: SupplierMaster
InvoiceTable: supplier data destination Field: Supplier

Combo 2= ServiceCombo dependent on Suppliers Combo
SuppliersTABLE: suppliers data origin Field: ServiceMaster
InvoiceTable: service data destination Field: Service

Form Field: PaymentPeriod dependent on ServiceCombo
SuppliersTABLE: suppliers data origin Field: PaymentPeriodMaster
InvoiceTable: paymentperiod data destination Field: paymentperiod

How can I do these dependent?

I hope I explainned myself clearly, I am access first timer.

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Annoying Combos

May 27, 2006

Hi There,
I know this subject has been beaten to death, but I have searched the forum and cannot find a post relating to my particular problem.
I have three cascading combos on a subform that work fine and dandy when I open the subform on it's own, but when I open the main form that the subform is embedded into, I get the following message [IMG]cascade[/IMG]
I know I am missing something simple.
Any advice would be most welcome.

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Combos And Tables - I'm Confused!

Dec 7, 2007

Ok I just cant get my head round this stuff!

I have created 2 tables
TBL_ObjectList contains data for objects in the night sky
IDMessier_IDNGC_IDCommon_Name Type DistanceConstellation Apparent_Mag
1M1NGC 1952Crab NebulaSupernova remnant6.3Taurus9

TBL_Observations contains observing data where the Object field looks up the data in TBL_ObjectList
1M122/11/2007blah blah

I created a form FRM_Observations with a combo box to select the object e.g. M1 and it fills in the rest of the data for the object in the form.

My question is: How does this then relate to TBL_Observations?
When I switch to a new observation record the object selection stays at the one for the previous record.

I know this is probably basic stuff but I just cant see it.

Is there a simple online "how to" for this stuff? as I just cant seem to get to grips with it.

Many thanks for your patience :P

(No scripting knowledge)

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Cascading Combos With Many Entries

Feb 25, 2005

Right i have a project form which has a sub form of location

One project can have many locations

therefore it is nescarry to enter more than one location

Problem is with the cascading combo boxes i have for country to region to sub region, is that you can enter one fine, but if you enter another is deletes the information from the first entry

can anyone fix this please

i have uploaded a sample

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Multiple Cascading Combos

Mar 3, 2006

Hi All,

I have a query about cascading and combo boxes, which I was kindly, advised about previously. However, I’m stuck as to how to cascade using the selections from more than one combo box. Here are the tables involved

fld LineID (PK)


LineMachineID (PK)
LineID (FK)
MachineID (FK)

DTCategoryID (PK)

DTReasonID (PK)
CatReasonID (PK)
DTCategoryID (FK)
MachineID (FK)
DTReasonID (FK)

What I’m trying to do is create a form to enter downtime incidences and would like the downtime reason to be selected following a series of combo boxes. The first combo box selects the Line on which the downtime has occurred, using this, the next combo box selects the machine. I would like the category selected independently but then need the Downtime Reason selected based on the selections in the machine combo box and the category combo box. This is where I am having the problem.

I can get the machine combo box to display machines dependent on the Line selected and I can get the downtime reasons combo box to display machines dependent on either the machine selected or the category selected, but I don’t know how to get it to do it based on both.

e.g. the category may be mechanical, but there are reasons that are mechanical and specific to each machine.

Any help with this would be most appreciated.



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Cascading Combos Issue

Feb 9, 2005

Hi,I shall be grateful for any help.

My problem

Tbl Model

I have used cascading combos for Make and Model. They work fine. I have set up tblMake as follows:
I have make tblModel as follows:
I use these cascading combos on a form. The data from this form goes into the "Cars" table. I have set the "Column Bound", "Width" etc. to show the name of the car, not the number.
However, I have created a search form. This uses a SELECT...... case in the Row Source. The details of each car are shown in a unbound listbox. This select case is supposed to show "Make" and "Model", which it does, however - they are numbers!!!
Please can anyone let me know how to change it so it shows the actual names of the car.
Thank you

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Cascading Combos In Datasheet View

May 5, 2005

OK, here is the problem. I have the following tables:


and I am creating a form to view the items currently on consignment with the customer. I have the main form 'Consignment' that holds the CustomerID, ConsignID, DateStarted, Employee (SalesPerson), Inventory Interval, and Closed (Y/N)... The subform lists in datasheet view the records in form 'ConsignDetails' that have the same ConsignID. The controls on the subform are :


The ProductID is selected in a combobox from all products. The UnitPrice defaults to a DLookup() from the products table based on the ProductID, but can be changed and stored. The Quantity is a manual entry field. Color and Size are both supplier-dependent fields, in other words, the supplier of the product has unique Size and/or color codes or descriptions. I have no problem creating a combobox either in the AfterUpdate event of the ProductID or in the MouseDown event of the Color or Size field to limit the drop-down list to only those Colors/Sizes from the CompanyColors / CompanySizes tables with the same SupplierID as the Product in the first control.

So far so good, but here is where I am beating my head against the wall. Every time I choose a product from a different supplier, the Color and Size controls display ONLY the items from the current Supplier, not the items from the Supplier of the Product on their individual records. I have seen ways to make the combo popluate a locked textbox, hide the combo, and display only the text, but in a data entry application the user will be primarily on the keyboard, and the solutions seem to make it almost impossible to do without using the mouse over a continuous form.

I am using Access 2002 (ver 10.6501.6735) SP3 to create an ADP using MSDE to link to SQL7 tables....

Any help will be appreciated, I have spent almost two weeks trying different approaches and may be too close to the forest to see the trees.


Bruce Davis

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When Using Cascading Combos - Requerying Other Fields

Oct 6, 2005

OK ive got my 2 vaguely working combos which select the surgery, and the staff.

On the same form I want a couple of tickboxes which show for example, whether a person attended the course, if they had to pay etc (all yes/no answers).

How do I get the tickbox to update? i have tried to requery it but nothing happens, it just stays as what the last thing done to it was.

SHould i be using a subform here do you think?

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Cascading Combos Not Working When In A Subform

Oct 7, 2005


Ive got my combos working fine now (thanks to all you kind folk on this forum!) but now that I have opened the main form (in which the combo box form is nested), once I have selected an item in the first one, and then click on the 2nd combo, a parameter box comes up saying "Forms!Training Record!Course_title_combo" and wants a value.

I cant see why this doesnt work when the form is nested, any ideas?


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Cascading Combos With Subform Problem

Oct 22, 2005

Hello to all !
I have this db where i wantto include 4 and if possible 5 cascading combos where the user can select records from a table and view them in a subform which is in datasheet view.
All is going well until i try to add the 4th combo.Then when i select the 4th combos selection the subform displays nothing.
If someone could point me to the right direction i would be most thankful.
I have attached the db.
Thx for all replies :)

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Filtering Sub Forms?

Apr 9, 2005

I would like to be able to apply more than one filter to a subform. It seems no matter how I try I can only have one filter affecting the records in my subform. I have had zero luck getting the child / master link on the form to return a satisfactory result in the subform as soon as i try to apply a second master / child filter. It seems the filters I'm trying to apply aren't 'stacking' and I seem to be getting either one or the other judging from the reports that are being listed in my sub form.

My data table consists of a few details concerning offices. Namely what Region the office is in, how many staff at particular grades, the office location / address contact details, and wether or not they reside in a 'strategic zone'. I've used check boxes on my data table to indicate wether an office is inside a strategic zone or outside a strategic zone.

My combo box is currently working great, it filters out all the records and only shows the offices that match the value in the 'Region' field in the subform. I just can't figure out how to get additional filters to work at the same time.

Ideally I would like to have the combo box which is working great, then a couple more conditions that the user can select to apply additional filter, especially the 'inside strategic zone' check box and the 'outside strategic zone' check box. I would also dearly like to have another combo box that will let users select 'Clusters' that an office may belong to and filter out those records that don't match.

I can use the right click on a field in my form and 'apply filter by selection' and of course that works great! Filtering all the way down until I'm left with a very short list that matches the same value of many filtered fields I've right clicked upon. But ewwww...that is not what anyone wants to have to rely on to give them data on the screen that conforms with the filter criteria they wish to apply.

Secondly, (sorry almost done!) how can I show the number of records that have a particular Yes/No check box ticked. Was thinking along the lines of having a couple of text boxes that count all the 'inside strategic zone' check boxes that are ticked and the same for 'outside strategic zone' How can I do this?

As I'm sure you will have picked up on, I am just setting out on my Access Database Learning curve, I have very limited experience but I am hoping to develop my own skills over the next few years. I have been humbled by the knowledge of the patrons here and warmed by the goodwill shown to helping the novices like myself who come here asking for your assistance.

Thanks for reading and cheers to you all.

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Query To Only Show Exact Match Combos?

Oct 8, 2007

i'm not sure how to write a query, maybe it'll take VBA function to accomplish this, but I need to display the results for all invoices for an item.

Little background:
1. This set of invoices are of only one particular product line as it's this product line that needs this special handling. These are Guitar orders.
2. Each guitar item can have option items on the same invoice. So basically these are all considered item numbers.
3. The guitar starts as the bare / basic guitar. The customer can choose to select one or many options for a custom guitar.
4. These orders will need to have special guitar programming codes that need to be entered into their guitar programming machines. Call these "Codes".
5. Depending on the option items for the various guitar items, the Codes could vary.
6. Need to be able to display ONLY the Codes specific to the guitar or guitar and option combinations.

I have several tables:
1. Guitar for all the guitar items
2. Options for all the option items
3. ProgrammingCodes for all the programming Codes
4. ProgramCodes for creating the above combinations with a field named ComboID.
5. GuitarHeader - the invoice number and guitar item
6. GuitarDetails - the invoice number and option item (invoice number to invoicenumber link to the GuitarHeader)

Then there's a main form and a sub-form for the end-user (guitar programmer).
1. The main form is the Guitar items
2. The sub-form is the ProgramCodes fields
this form is used for this end-user select the Guitar and options (where necessary) and select the Codes and enter the ComboID for all.

for instance:
These are all the possible codes for AE185.
AND depending on the Options selected for AE185 on invoices, the Codes will differ.
The ComboID is the differentiator.
Code:GuitarOptionCodeComboIDAE185 185RR 1AE185 186RHT1AE185 187RT 1AE18538185RR2AE18538186RHT2AE18538187RT382AE185BB185RR3AE185BB186RHT3AE185BB188RT-B3AE18538185RR4AE185BB185RR4AE18538186RHT4AE185BB186RHT4AE18538188RT38B 4AE185BB188RT38B 4

so for the Codes that repeats in the ComboID is only because the Option(s) also requires that Code as well as the other Codes.

for instance, if the invoice ONLY has Option 38 from the Options defined for Codes, then the result would be:


Code:Invoice Guitar Codes123456 AE185 185RR 186RHT 187RT38 <-- say this invoice had Option 38 that was the only match234567 AE185 185RR 186RHT 188RT-B <-- because BB was the only one that matches345678 AE185 185RR 186RHT 188RT38B <-- because both 38 & BB matches

So guess the question is how do I write a query or function (VBA) to be used in a query to get the results for ONLY the matching options so the correct codes for just these options are displaying?

It's difficult to me in figuring that out. how to make sure that the result does not show the ALL the codes that match but ONLY the codes in the combinations. Again, hence the reason why I got to the point of having Combination IDs to differentiate that.

hope I made sense here. Not sure how else to ask the question other then to try and provide examples
let me know how else to explain if this is not helping.

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Forms :: Filtering A List Box?

Jun 15, 2013

I have a list box which gets it's data from a query. I would like to filter this query to show only those rows matching a value displayed on the form.

The form displays data from a table and has a text box named PIDLocal.

The query returns a list of PID values and some text SELECT PID, Country, RefCode FROM Query1 The PIDs are integers.

I want the list box to contain only those rows where PID = PIDLocal.

I have tried setting the criteria in the row source query to PID = [Forms]![Show_Details]![PIDLocal], but nothing is returned. If I 'hard-code' a value (eg PID=247) I get the desired result.

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Forms :: Filtering On Combo Box Value

Jul 2, 2013

I have a form that is bound to Table1 and I am using the value from a Combo box to filter the records. The Combo Box is populated with values from a different table.

The SetFilter macro is triggered using the AfterUpdate event. When the macro fires, Access asks for a parameter, so I know it's not getting what it needs to complete the macro action. When I provide a value, the macro works fine and returns the appropriate subset of records. I think the problem might be in the WHERE clause of the SetFilter statement; here is what I have.

[ComboBox value on Form]=[Table1]![Field]

Could it possibly be anything to do with using a different table to source the Combo box?

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Cascading Combos: Changing Which Field Is Displayed Once Selected

Oct 6, 2005

I have set up a form which has 2 combos.

Combo A pulls from a query which gets surgery address1, address2, and surgeryID. It displays only the first 2 fields.

Combo B gets info from a query getting staff firstname, surname, title, staffID and surgeryID, and shows the first 3 fields.

I have the following code in the afterupdate of box A (surgery_combo)

Private Sub surgery_combo_AfterUpdate()
staff_combo = 0
End Sub


The queries seem to work fine, as box B displays the staff that work at each surgery. However on selecting a staff member, you can only SELECT the ones who have a salutation (mr/mrs etc) in the first column. And when you DO select this - the combo shows a most unhelpful "Mr" whereas I want the name there.

How do I change the column that the combo displays once selected?

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Forms- Subtable Filtering Controls

Apr 28, 2008


I'm new to Access and am having trouble designing a database that houses application details.

All applications have a list of unique wrap id's but have different tables housing different details for these wraps.

I have a main table which is for data entry and lets me input whether or not a piece of software is Vista compatible (yes/no) etc.

I also have a field in this table showing which analyst is responsible for researching compatiblity of an application.

I have another table with different regions i.e. london, manchester etc that has the region/city listed as the field heading and then contains a list of wraps used in that city under the relevant field.

My main entry form is linked to the main data entry table that holds specifics for an app, name, vista compatible etc. This form is used for data entry. I want to add a subform on this form which shows a list of all applications, in table format, but I want a drop down list so I can select an analyst name / region so that analysts can update details for a specific area assigned to them. In the table I want all of the records based on this criteria to be displayed.

I guess I need to make a filter button on my subform but do not know how to do this. I put in a button control for apply filter by form but then dont know what to do.

I'm new to access and don't know much VB - e.g. the only thing I can do in VB is a make a message box that says hello world on the screen.

Any help is sincerely appreciated. Apologies for the Essay.

Kind Regards

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Forms :: Filtering (All) From Combo Box Value List?

Jul 19, 2013

I have a combo box on a form which has a row source type of Value List in which I've manually typed in 2 entries: Owned, Leased.

I have a query which filters on the results of the combobox, and works fine for when I select either option Owned or Leased.

Is there an easy way to filter all (both Owned & Leased)? I've tried leaving the combobox blank, and tried entering a * in the value list, but they both return no results.


SELECT Assets.*
FROM Assets
WHERE (((Assets.Possession)=[Forms]![Home]![Combo56]));

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Forms :: Filtering On Form Load

Aug 9, 2013

I am having a problem filtering a form on load.What I am trying to say is if the role = Agent then filter on todays completed records and records that have a completed date of Null for the particular agent.

Here is the code:

If Me.txtRole = "Agent" Then
AgentFilter = "(CASEOWNER ='" & Me.txtName & "')"
DateCompletedFilter = "((DATECOMPLETED = #" & Date & "#)OR (DATECOMPLETED Is Null))"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , AgentFilter & " And " & DateCompletedFilter
Exit Sub
End If

The filter on the agents works and the filter on the completed date of null apeears to work however when a record is completed it diappears on refreshing of the form even though the record has been completed on todays date.I have investigated the code an the issue appears to be with the DATECOMPLETED = #" & Date & "# part of the code.

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