Populating A Text Box

Mar 30, 2006

Hi guys ( and girls)

Ok so Im a noob but I have a problem with populating textboxes

This is basicly the code

' dim some variables
Dim var1(10)
Dim var2(10)
Dim var3(10)
Dim var4(1000)

w = 290
y = 0
For x = 1 To 10
y = y + 1
w = w + 1
var3(x) = y

' set focus and get some data

Set ctl = Combo277
var0 = IIf(Nz(ctl.Value) = "", "", [Combo277])
var1(x) = DLookup(var3(x), "variable type", "[machine] = [machine]")

' compair the data and do some more stuff

If var1(x) = "" Then var2(y) = ""
If var1(x) = "1" Then var2(y) = "Set"
If var1(x) = "2" Then var2(y) = "Act"
If var1(x) = "3" Then var2(y) = "Prod"

' this is where I am having trouble- var 4(w) holds the name of the text box that I wish to use on my form
' and var2(y) holds the data I wish to place in the text box
' so how can I tell the code that the data in var4(w) ,290 for example, is actually a textbox name instead of
' just a numeric variable??

var4(w) = var2(y)

Next x

So any help would be excepted with blind thankx

Tankx in advance Chris

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Text Box Not Populating

Mar 16, 2005

Dear All:


Private Sub text458_AferUpdate()
If Graduation_date = 2/1/2005 Then


End Sub

The Graduation_date is a combobox where the dates are selected. In a textbox titled "TEXT_GRADUATION_DATE", it should return "DATED AT THE CITY OF NEW YORK THIS FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY TWO THOUSAND FIVE."

This text box is blank.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Many thanks in advance,


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Populating Text Boxes

Aug 13, 2006

I have a list box and three text boxes on a form. the list box contains data about an individual.

I want to be able to select a certai individual and populate the text boxes with info from the list box

any ideas on how i go about doing this?

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Populating Text Boxes

Aug 17, 2006

I have text boxes in a form displayed in a continous form with rows and columns. For ex. I populated textbox in column1, then edit some textboxes in column1. Once I go the column2 to populated textbox in column2, textbox1 is default to its orginal data, it doesn't hold the data I made changed to.

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Populating An Editable Text Box

Sep 22, 2004

I have a complex problem:
I have a form that displays the result of a query in a listbox (lst_dp_results).

Upon selecting a result in the listbox other data about the selected record is displayed on the same form in listboxes
Code:Private Sub lst_dp_results_AfterUpdate() With Me.lst_dp_productname .RowSource = _ "Select M_Paint.Product_Name FROM M_Paint " & _ "WHERE M_Paint.Catalogue_Code = '" & Me.lst_dp_results & "'"End Sub
As all these fields are listboxes displaying a single value based on the "rowsource" string, they are not editable.

I will like to have these as textboxes instead of list boxes but I guess textboxes do not have anything like 'rowsource'...

Can anyone suggest some method to display value from a field in a textboxt AND be able to edit it??

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Populating Text Boxes

Mar 23, 2007

I have a text box that I'd like to update from a table like a combo box. I text box is for a order type depending on the order type there can be a sub order type. How I would like to handle this is to have the list box with the primary order types and after the user chooses a primary they can type a semicolon and are given a list of sub order types. Is this possible?

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Forms :: Text Box Not Populating

Jul 31, 2014

I am new to access but I am creating a form on access 2010 for a Pass Request. On the form so far I have two cascading combo boxes that work great so far. The problem is that once a name is selected from the second combo box(cboFullNames) I want a textbox underneath to populate(txtOrg). I have tried using requery and refresh but it never works. The only thing that seems to pull up the information is pressing the refresh button.

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Combo Box Populating Text Fields

Jul 19, 2006

Hi All

Been having trouble setting up a combo box in a form that displays data from the same line in the table into a text box.

I am trying this with a memo field without any luck. I am using a 2 column query for the combo box, the first column contains the name and the second contains the requirements (memo).

I have put in the after update code:

Private Sub CustName_AfterUpdate()

Me!CustReq = Me![CustName].Column(2)

End Sub

Can anyone please shed light on what I'm doing wrong?


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Combo Selection Populating A Text Box

Nov 13, 2006

Probably an easy one here...I have a series of cascading combo boxes where once the last once it chosen, I'd like some sales info to populate in a group of text boxes. What command would I use for this?

Also, I have a checkbox that I'd like to use to either enable or disable a textbox as well. Any ideas?


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Populating A Text Box Using Combo Box Filter

Nov 18, 2004

This is my first time posting here and I hope someone can help me. I am not experienced with coding in access and only recently started using forms.

I am trying to create a text box that automaticly fills in once a selection is made in a combo box.

There are only 2 tables and 1 form I am working with. Table 1 has columns "code" and "bu". The second table has several columns, all blank, that the form fills in.

The combo box is working correctly, it displays all the "code"s. Once the code is selected I would like a text box to display the "bu" column.

Any suggestions are much appreciated.

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Populating A Text Field From A Combo Box Selection.

Apr 28, 2005

I have a combo where the list is populated with a bit of VB code to create a two field list. When the user selects the item they want from the list it displays the item in the combo box and should populate a text box in the same row with the value from the second column.

This combo is part of an orders subform and the user is selecting a product from the list which displays the product_name and the product_id.

The problem is that the product_id is not filled in and access returns the following error:
Run-time error ‘3101’:
The Microsoft Jet database cannot find a record in the table ‘product_table’ with key matching field(s) product_id.

This is the VB code that populates the list :
Private Sub comboCatagory_ID_AfterUpdate()
Dim sProd_description As String
sProd_description = "SELECT products_table.product_id, products_table.prod_description " & _
"FROM products_table " & _
"WHERE products_table.prod_catagoryID = " & "'" & Me.comboCatagory_ID.Column(0)
Me.comboProd_description.RowSource = sProd_description
End Sub
[end code]

What am I doing wrong?


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Populating The Text Box’s That Relate To The Chosen Combo Box’s With The Sum Of A Cal

Sep 29, 2005

Hi, I'm in the process of building a program in access 2003 for estimating roofs, I've ran into a little problem, as described below. any suggestions would be very useful

Populating the text box’s that relate to the chosen combo box’s with the sum of a calculation.

In other words if X combo box is chosen (There are many combo boxes to choose from) populate xx text box with the sum of a calculation.

Refer to the print screen example of my program: http://www.roofmart.net/Rest.asp

Notice under the label felts the 15lb 36” felt combo box is chosen and it displays the value of 11 and next to the combo box is a text box that displays the value of 25 The calculation will be (11*25) = 275 this value of 275 must be added to the text box values that are being shown in the forms header under 30yr where it reads $4,606.80 and 40 yr $6002.80 only, this is because the 30yr comp and the 40 yr comp combo boxes are the only chosen roof types under the label roof types above the felt label.
Hopefully this makes sense.
Thanks -- Any help with be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Populating Combo Box Based On Text Box

Nov 19, 2013

I have a text box that displays a name of a law from one table, based on that law name I want to populate a combo box with different options on how to comply with that law that come from a different table. The compliance options I need to pull in are different for each law. Finally I would like to have the selected option saved in the table the laws are coming from.

I have tried using a rowsource query [Form]![form1]![Law] for the combo box of law options but keep getting errors.

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Populating Multi-select Items To A Text Field

Nov 27, 2005

I'm new to access. Hope someone can offer some help!

I have created a simple database to better organise some day-to-day office data management. For instance, I have a form (just) to record event attended by staff. The data would then be output as a brief report on overall office activities. Since it's event-oriented, staff attendance is just one complementary information. I went through most of the post re multi-select. I understand that it may not be a good idea to return values from multi-select list boxes into a text field, as it would be problematic for using data-analysis in the future.

In my case, I just need to have a text box, neatly (and easy for user, too) shows who attended. As suggested in one of the posting, I follow the instruction of http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;210203. But it doesn't seem working. I attach my databsae (sorry, it's very simple, as I want to test whether the multi-select work).

Your help would be greatly appr:confused: :confused: :confused: ciate!

Also, what about if I group option button, will it allow multiple return by the way?


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Filtering With 2 Combo Boxes And Then Populating Text/memo Fields

Dec 14, 2004

I have two questions.
I have a form with 2 combo boxes. The first pulls from a simple list. Once you make a choice, the second combo box is then filtered by the first. This works correct, except that once a choice is made in the first, the filter is locked. If you change the first combo box's value a second time it does not effect the second box. The query that I am using for the second combo box has two columns that pull the first 50 characters of a pair of memo fields. Quote: SELECT MSSS.SS_ID, Left([Application_Name],50) AS Expr1, Left([Description],50) AS Expr2, MSSS.Site_Code
WHERE (((MSSS.Site_Code)=[Forms]![Edit or Delete Requests]![Combo6])); These fields are then used to populate 2 text fields using an event procedure. Quote: Private Sub Combo10_AfterUpdate()
' Display Partial Application Name and Description based on choice
Me!txtApplication_Name = Me!Combo10.Column(1)
Me!txtDescription = Me!Combo10.Column(2)
End Sub This is working fine, but it starts the next problem.

I need to change the form to include the entire memo field into a text box. I was using the columns of the second combo box to fill them in. Since the combo box is limited to only 50 characters, i could only grab part of it. I am guessing there is a much better way to accomplish what I need, but I am too inexperienced with forms and vb to come up with it. Below are the fields I need from table MSSS

Thanks in advance to any help!

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Forms :: Populating Text Box Upon Selecting Multiple Items In Combo Box?

Nov 28, 2014

Now I have a combo box "cbo_items" and a text box "txt_selectedItems", I want to populate text field with items selected from the combo box, every time i select an item it appears in text box and to be separated with comma, so text box appears like this ( item1, item2, item3), and after finishing the whole thing the result appears in lable "lbl_result" as "total items selected: 3 items".

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Reports :: Populating Text Box With Field From Query That Is Not Record Source

Aug 3, 2015

I have a report based on a query. I want to populate 6 Text Boxes with Dates from fields in another query. The date fields I want to add will be headings for columns that represent weeks (they change all the time so can�t be hard figures). The two queries are not really related by any common field. I am not able to get this working because the fields I want are not part of the query that is the Record Source for the Report.

Is there any way that I can do this? Can I change the record source of just the text boxes?

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Forms :: Populating Text Box Based On Combo Box - Separate Form

Aug 14, 2015

The main issue I'm having is trying to populate a text box based on a combo box selection. I've found threads on that - the twist that is throwing me for a loop is that I'm dealing with two different forms.

I have a main/welcome form with two combo boxes on it. Based on the user's selections in these two combo boxes, two different forms are opened for data entry. For instance, box 1 has A, B, C and box 2 has x, y, z. If a user chooses B and z, then form B and form z are opened. What I want is for a text box to be populated on one of the opened forms, not the same (main/welcome) form. In other words, when B and z are chosen, I would like there to be a textbox autofilled with "z" on form z.

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Self Populating Form

Jun 20, 2006

I am new to database and hope this is a simple problem.
I have a few thousand products each with their own code and description.

I would like to create a form that when I type in the code the description self populates in an adjoining box. I would like to enter at least fifteen codes and their descriptions per form.
Have tried related tables using forms and sub forms with child/parent link but any editing of code changes the information back on the table.
Tried parameter query but how can I get more than one code on a form at a time?
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.:confused:

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Populating Fields

Mar 12, 2008

I am looking to populate fields of one form based on another table with about 100 records.

Table Name: 1) StaticInfo
2) Data

Form Name: EntryForm (Based on the Data table)

I want to be able to select a value in a combo box in the EntryForm and have certain fields populated in that form based on the StaticInfo table.

Want to use all of the fields in StaticInfo to populate the same fields in Data. Historical data in the Data table needs to remain intact, meaning that if something is changed in the StaticInfo table, the historical records will remain unchanged in the Data table.

So, if I am able to select a department in a combo box in the EntryForm and have the fields populated in this form based on the StaticInfo table, will the records in the Data table change or not change if there are changes made to the fields in the StaticInfo table?

Also, could someone provide a method as to how I would go about populating these fields from table to form.

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Table Not Populating

Jan 26, 2005

I created a form and in form I have created a combo box, and I can make as many selection I want through multiple box properties; however, its not populating in the table. Now if I keep select non in multiple menu I can input the value in table through that form. How can I make this field populated with more than one value.

Need help urgently. Thanks in advance :)

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Populating Dates

Sep 19, 2006

I have two tables. One is a simple two column table with Short Date and the corresponding Day of Week. My second table is an employee schedule based on Day of week. I bring the two together by the "Day" variable to generate a schedule for a specific time period, but I also want it to return the days where there is no data.

For example, I have a schedule listing like this:

J SMITH MON 8:00 16:00
J SMITH TUE 8:00 16:00
J SMITH WED 8:00 16:00
J SMITH THU 8:00 16:00
J SMITH FRI 8:00 16:00

My result is this:

J SMITH 9/18 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/19 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/20 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/21 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/22 8:00 16:00

I want to see the following:

J SMITH 9/18 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/19 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/20 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/21 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/22 8:00 16:00
J SMITH 9/23
J SMITH 9/23

Is there any way that i can see this without manually entering the "Days Off" in the main table?

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Populating Listboxes

Feb 11, 2005


Trying to populate a listbox using a .txt file created used WORD. This is the code i'm using:

Private Sub cmdDisplayFile_Click()
On Error GoTo text_open_error
Dim sTemp As String
Open "m:myaccessumber.txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
MsgBox ("in loop")
Line Input #1, sTemp
lstShowTextFile.AddItem sTemp
Close #1

I'm getting nothing in the ListBox. Any hints would be much appreciated.
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume text_open_exit

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Populating Forms

Jun 5, 2005

I need to find out how to populate a blank form with the results of a query i.e. by selecting an item in a combo box and populating the form with the results.


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Populating The Form

Jul 14, 2005

:confused: I recently added a find button, using the wizard in access, i am searching three feilds ( Id, Last name & first name) when i type in these feilds and want other info to populate on the same form. now i need to update the code, so that when i hit the find button it does populate.
can anyone help


PS the form is based on a table and not a query, I saw some info in the forum about using a combo :confused: box, but i don't want to do that.

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Populating A Combo Box

Nov 23, 2005

On my form i have a list which takes information from a table. I have set column headers to "on". What i want to do is populate my combo box with the column heads in my list box. Anyone have any ideas?


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