how can i get a form to print "Original Copy" Delivery Copy, Sales Person copy and so on?
I want to be able to click the print button a form and have it print a determined number of copies for that record and have it distinguish between copies by printing something different in them?
In A2010 I maintain a database originally created in A2003. The original version was locked down tight. In A2010 I struggled to do the same but got there in the end, as well as allowing me a back door way in.
Now I have an unexpected problem - in the object browser (or whatever it's called) on the left hand side I can no longer copy any object. EG, I want to copy a form for safe keeping while I edit the original.
I have searched all over google for help on this one, so now I enlist help from the good folds at the MS Access Help Center...
I have been given the task of updating a particular form our company has been using for over 10 years. The form was originally created to print on color coded carbon copy form with 5 sheets of paper. The form gets printed via a dot matrix printer (which pounds thru all 5 sheets). At this time, the form is done in MS Access 97 - and simply prints all fields via the print command.
Certain sections of the form do not print on all copies because the carbon copy paper masks the fields. I.E. the bottom sheet does not show the 'bill to' information but all other copies do.
So, I was asked to make the existing form print to our standard Laser Jet printers - but to hide certain items per page. I have determined how to print the form 5 times by simply adding some basic VB code to a command button. What I can't figure out is how to hide certain fields as the old carbon copy form once did. I.E. Print the same page of a form 5 times, but each page has different information on it per page.
I'm not sure if this should go in here or in VB Programming, because it's to do with an Access Database but it's VBA code. But I understand that VBA and VB are different in the way they work.
I think this may have been looked at before, but I'm not very good at using the search function. I've looked on google, but all I've seen doesn't seem to be for my use, so I came here as recommended by "RadioActive Frog" who I believe is a member here.
Right, basically, I am writing an Access database for my company's ordering system.
I have a form called "Enquiry" which has many tabs, one of these is the "client" tab in in here are many fields:
Firstname Surname Company Addressline1 Addressline2 Town County Postcode Phones Fax AltMobile Email ContactType
Now, there is an option to enter a new client or search the database for an existing client and it is basically the "new client" which I'm having issue with at the moment.
Basically, clicking the button "New Client" opens another form called "Client". Here, the user enters the data into fields which are the same as above (but on this contact form).
When done, they click a button called "Save and Close" which then asks the user if they want to paste their entered data into the original main "Enquiry" form.
It's this last bit, the transferring of this data I can't get my head around and would be incredibly greatful for help with.
My Code is below:
Code:Private Sub Save_Click()On Error GoTo Err_Save_Click ' On clicking save, a dialogue box will open asking if you want to paste this data ' into the enquiry form. Clicking yes will do this. Clicking no will just close the box 'declare intpress as an integer Dim SavePress As Integer 'Save Command DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 'when save and paste is clicked, ask if the information should be pasted into the form or not SavePress = MsgBox("Would you like to paste this Contact Information into the Enquiry Form?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Paste details") If SavePress = 6 Then 'If the enquiry form was the form which initiated the cotact form, then copy and paste 'the informtion into the enquiry form and the close the form 'If "Enquiry" = Me.OpenArgs Then <------ I have decided not to use this, as it doesn't seem to work. (I'm probably not using it correctly) Enquiry!FIRSTNAME = Me.FIRSTNAME Enquiry!SURNAME = Me.SURNAME Enquiry!COMPANY = Me.COMPANY Enquiry!CATEGORY = Me.CATEGORY Enquiry!ADDRESSLINE1 = Me.ADDRESSLINE1 Enquiry!ADDRESSLINE2 = Me.ADDRESSLINE2 Enquiry!TOWN = Me.TOWN Enquiry!COUNTY = Me.COUNTY Enquiry!POSTCODE = Me.POSTCODE Enquiry!PHONES = Me.PHONES Enquiry!ALTMOBILE = Me.ALTMOBILE Enquiry!EMAIL = Me.EMAIL DoCmd.Close acForm, "Contact" Else DoCmd.Close acForm, "Contact" End If Exit_Save_Click: Exit Sub
But It's not working. It's giving an error saying "Compile Error: Variable not defined" and it highlights the word which I've mad RED in the code above. Now, I tried changing the exclamation for a fullstop, and I also tried writing "Form.Enquiry.FIRSTNAME" (and also with exclamation marks). None have given a working result.
I'll try and get some print screens too for more visibleness (new made-up word there) so you can see what I mean.
Here is what I am trying to do: I have form, and a table which is created from this form. The data is entered a second time using the form to make sure there are no discrepancies.
Any easiest way to implement this? (create a new table (which is duplicate), and then compare them?
The underlined part (acCmdRecordsGoToNew) is false part of this code, because it copies the Adress Info to a new record, instead of copying it in the same.
-Is there someone that can help me with this problem, to make the copy-button in the Form run properly?
-Are there other options to achieve te same?
I have put in a attachment, to give you guys a visual example of what I mean.
I was having trouble just setting each report with a particular print method - for some reason they just kept forgetting their individual settings and resorting to default on the machine.
This meant reports were printing on the wrong paper, or the wrong size paper, the wrong orientation and some times refusing to print if it couldn't find the paper (which is useful in runtime as it doesn't display error messages)
So I used Reports(rpt).printer properties (I forgot where I found this) to hard code the printer properties into each print command... this meant I had to use another function to insert the variables.
So all I had to do was say:
Code: PrintMe("Invoice","InvoiceID",iID)
and a report would print to exactly how I wanted... but it's just too slow!
See attached for full code, I have a niggling feeling it may be the function: PrinterOK, to make sure the printer exists or not.
Code: Function PrinterOK(sPrinterName As String) As Boolean Dim MyPrinter As Printer PrinterOK = False For Each MyPrinter In Printers If MyPrinter.DeviceName = sPrinterName Then PrinterOK = True Exit Function End If Next End Function
I know it's the printing code, because if I stop the printing and just preview then it shows up almost instantly.
So I have a list of records in a continuous form. Within that record is a checkbox called GRT. GRT stands for Gross Receipts Tax, when it is checked I have an after update event that adds a new auto-generated record for the GRT entry. The new record copies the date from the origional record, calculates GRT from the origional records amount field and some other things like that to create the new record. Creating the GRT record entry has went well.
But, if the user removes the GRT checkbox from, or deletes the origional record, I need to delete the corresponding auto-created GRT record. I thought I could do this by simply grabbing the origional records ID and copying it into the auto-generated records field called "AssociatedID".
Problem is, when I reference the origional records record ID, it always comed in as "-1". I can display the ID on the form and it shows correct, but if I msgbox the records ID, it shows as "-1". I cannot figure out how to capture the origional records ID so I can insert it into the new auto-generated record so the two records are linked so I can later use that link to delete the proper associated record.
I maintain a large database of employees. I have a form with a combo box (cmb_department) which I can use to select a particular department. I have written an After Update event procedure which updates the relevant fields on the form after I've selected a department - e.g. their new manager's name, phone number, etc. based on my departments table.
Here is my code, which works well:
Private Sub cmb_department_AfterUpdate() If (Me.is_leaver = "" Or IsNull(Me.is_leaver)) And (Not IsNull(Me.employee_number)) Then MsgBox "This member of staff is an internal HEY employee. Their departmental details will not change to that of the department, however they can still be set up with GP Browser access."
[Code] ....
However, I'd like to do two things which I'm currently unable to get working...
1. If I delete the department name from the box, or select a NULL value, I get a VBA error - run time error 94, invalid use of Null. I will sometimes want to select a Null value to "unassign" a person from this particular type of department but I'd like a way of selecting a Null value and having it simply set to Null which if the form's default value for this field.
2. As you can see I have a MsgBox which checks to ensure you want to overwrite the existing data for the member of staff. If I select Yes then it overwrites. If I select No I'd like for it to set the value of cmb_department back to the PREVIOUS value. At the moment my script sets it to NULL which doesn't really work - for example, say someone is currently set to the Sales department, and I accidentally click to change them to the Warehouse department, I'd like clicking "No" to revert them back to Sales...
I would like to execute a code to remove the duplications in the MS Access Query but keeping one one data of the duplications.
For example, in the below data, I want to check for the data in the column Part No. The part number 123 and 234 are repeated twice so I want to delete the part no 123 and 234 that repeated second time and keeping the one data.
How can I enable a user to click a thumbnail image or other object on a form that will open the bigger orginal image file in a separate browser window (or other photo viewer)?
I concatenated 2 fields CR_Numbers: = CR_Number & [Sub Number] to display 12.01: from 12 and 1. I am now wanting to lookup the CR_Numbers to edit or add information into other fields.
I want to use a pop up form to edit/add data without having the form add an entire row to the table. How do I reference the Table ID so that it will go to the equivalent row to add the data in?
Main Table = Change Request Email Table = AORB_Email Fields in Form!AORB_EMail: Change Request (CR_Numbers), Priority (Pri_Name), Hours (Hour)
I plan on using the Priority and Hours in the email to set some dates and expiration times as well as in the subject of the email. I have figured out the email setup, and if I manually fill in the Priority and Hours fields everything works as it should.
Hi I have some drop downs on my form, which has some code that decides which recordsource to use. When I first select an option from the drop down, the query takes 10 seconds to load data. I then select another option, which runs a different query, which takes x seconds. If I then select the original option from the dropdown, the data loads onto the form in less than a second.
Why is there a delay the first time round and not the next? Has Access saved some kind of query plan? If so, why doesn't it save it permanently?
I've been making small changes here and there to my database in Access 2013. I have left the original database in place and it has acquired many new records from the last month. I'm ready to start using the newly updated design version of the database, but I do not want to have to type all those new records into the new database to get it up-to-date. There has to be a way to import the data from the original database to the newly updated one.
Most, If not all of the fields have the same names, but some of the fields have changed, like to Combo boxes. I removed two or three unneeded fields, and added two or three. I understand the new fields will need to have data enter to them, but the remaining would be redundant and inefficient if I have to reenter all the recent records again.
How do I import the data from the original two tables to the new updated database? I only have two tables and they use a One-to-One relationship in both databases. The table's names are different, but as I mentioned earlier, the fields are mostly the same. Do I need to import into Excel, and then modify the data slightly, and then import into my new database?
I have a form with multiple subforms. When I hit print selected record I get a blank sheet of paper. What could be set to not allow the data or the background of the form to print?
If I just print the subform out by itsself it works good. However when I have the main form open then try to print I get blank pages.
I am sure someone changed a fairly small setting, but I do not know what has been changed. Thanks.
:eek: When I go to print the form, it repeats the detail section over and over. Instead of being one page, it is 1414. How can I fix this problem? Thanks
I thought I had solved my initial problem of removing the apostrophe character for each zip code field. Most of the fields have data that reads '12345-1234'. I want to remove each (') character and the "-1234" so I end up with a zipcode of 12345.
I created 2 queries for this process. I first run a query with the following statement "Left([ZIP],Len([ZIP])-6)". That gets rid of the "-1234' ".
The I run the second query with this statement "Right([ZIP],Len([ZIP])-6)".
These 2 queries work perfectly if the original zipcode is " '12345-1234' ", but if it is " '12345' ", the entire zipcode is deleted.
I have attached 3 (.jpg)'s to show you what I am talking about.
I have a table [PickData] in a WMS (Warehouse Management System) database, that records details of each item picked. The key fields are;
[Movement] - a unique ID for a collection of items to be picked. [ToAssignRef] - the order ID [Product] - the product! [Picked] - the date/time the item was scanned [Pick Actioned] - the date/time the [ToAssignRef] was completed [Reason] - A code to indicate why an item could not be picked - AKA F3'd
An operative would be allocated a movement, connected to the [ToAssign Ref], containing a number of products to pick. If an item can not be picked for some reason the operative presses F3 and selects a reason (no stock, damaged etc). These F3'd items (other stock allowing) will later be picked on a different [Movement]. I need a query to identify the subsequent [Movements] and the associated fields following the occurance of an F3'd [ToAssignRef] & [Product].
I have a query, but it runs very slowly (perhaps due to the DB size currently 780K records). Is this the right approach, is there a better (faster) way to do this?
Code: SELECT PickData.ToAssignRef, PickData.Product, PickData.Picked FROM PickData GROUP BY PickData.ToAssignRef, PickData.Product, PickData.Picked HAVING (((DCount("[Movement]","[PickData]","([ToAssignRef]='" & [ToAssignRef] & "') AND ([Product]='" & [Product] & "')"))<>0));
Is it possible to once you have run a query be able to somehow double click on the results in order to either go to original record or see more details? Similar to "show details" in excel?
I have made some queries that are working well however they are specific in nature and once found display a list of results. I have left a field that uniquely identify them and are after a quick way to view the details of the results from the query rather than take the ID# and manually search the original table.
I'm pretty new to all of this. I've set up a simple database. I have a form in it for inputting information and then there is a command button on the bottom which prints out a report I've created with the information on it. This is all working great except it prints evey record and I only want the current record printed out.
I've tried the help and it goes into detail about OpenReport and PrintOut in macros. I have no idea what a macro is or what to do with it.
Can anybody please help me and give me step by step instructions as to how to print out only the current record in the report from the command button.
I have a form (entry screen to enter data) I then created a report in the layout I need for my order form. I want to creat a button that a user can press and it will print the current record to the report (order form layout)
Here is my current code for the print button on the form page: Private Sub btnPrtOrderFrm_Click() On Error GoTo Err_btnPrtOrderFrm_Click
The only problem is when I tell it to print if I am on record number 2 on the form, it prints both record 1 and record 2. I only want the current record i am in to print. Any ideas much appreciated
Hello all- New here and working with a database for my boss. I did not create this rather am modifying it. I have a table (vehs) that contains information for three different departments regarding their vehicles. This database also has a form that prints (when clicked once) all of this data to the local printer. I need to make three sub forms to print similarly but just by department number (in other words only department 1's vehicle data) I'm not too big an access guru so if I need to supply any more data please let me know
I am trying to print a report from a form. Once i enter an order detail i finish off by printing a letter. At the moment we are doing this via a query by entering the order id.
I want to automate this so for the form record i am in i want a button to print a report for that record only.
I know this can be done as i rember doing this in college but i cant get my head round it at the moment.