Printing Form On One Page

Aug 22, 2006

After having designed a series of forms, I have just been told that users would like to occasionally print the data.
On testing this, it seems that the data does not print onto 1 page.
Are there any settings to fit data to 1 page wide only?

Aternatively, is there a better way of doing this? Perhaps by using a report or something like that?
The form has a whole load of calculated fields (calculated control boxes with expressions) so would I run into any problems doing it ths way ?


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Forms :: One Page Form Printing Blank Second Page

Oct 21, 2013

I have one-page forms which print a second page, blank except for a block of grey shading at the top. I have tried moving the content of the form up but that doesn't eliminate the second page. If I look at print preview, every second page of the entire database shows up as blank, regardless of where that happens to appear in the record.

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Printing A Stock Ledger Page

May 26, 2007

I have created a report in MsAccess for a typical stock ledger page as is shown below:


TRANS DT <------- RECEIPT -----> <---- SALES ---> BAL
25/05/07 0278 27/03/07 10 ---- ---- ---- 10
25/05/07 ---- --- --- 07/01 25/05/07 4 6
26/05/07 ---- ---- --- 07/02 25/05/07 6 0
26/05/07 0291 12/05/07 27 ---- --- --- 27

I wish to print the stock ledger from one transaction date to another with the last balance qty appearing as the first row with the “brought forward” message. The report would look like this:

TRANS DT <------- RECEIPT -----> <---- SALES ---> BAL
Brought forward 6
26/05/07 ------ ------ ---- 07/02 25/05/07 6 0
26/05/07 0291 12/05/07 27 ------ ------ ----- 27

Require expert advice & help.

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Reports :: Printing Signature At The End Of Last Page

Sep 19, 2014

I have an excel sheet having coloumns as under

Payee_Name Amount CHQ# Date

There are about 100 record in my excel sheet and the i have import report by linking from desktop for updating purpose. when i tried to print report its result came not as i desired.

These words i like to print on last page of report but the words like:

( Cheque writer Accounts officer Zonal accountant) print on each page.

How can i print these signatures at the end of last page.

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Printing A Stock Book Type Page

May 26, 2007

I have created a report in MsAccess for a typical stock ledger page as is shown below:


TRANS <------- RECEIPT -----> <----- SALES ----> BAL
25/05/2007 0278 27/03/2007 10 ------ ------ ---- 10
25/05/2007 ------ ----- ---- 2007/0001 25/05/2007 4 6
26/05/2007 ------ ------ ---- 2007/0002 25/05/2007 6 0
26/05/2007 0291 12/05/2007 27 ------ ------ ----- 27

I wish to print the stock ledger from one transaction date to another with the last balance qty appearing as the first row with the “brought forward” message. The report would look like this:

TRANS <------- RECEIPT -----> <----- SALES ----> BAL
Brought forward 6
26/05/2007 ------ ------ ---- 2007/0002 25/05/2007 6 0
26/05/2007 0291 12/05/2007 27 ------ ------ ----- 27

Require expert advice & help.

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Printing A Two Page Report On Both Sides Of A Piece Of Paper

May 11, 2005

I have a two page report (it is formatted to always be exactly two pages) and I need to print it on the front (page one of the report) and on the back (page two of the report) of the same piece of paper. The less user input the better.

Is this an Access thing or a printer thing (We have a HP 6P).

Anyone doing this ???



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Reports :: Each Event Report Printing On Separate Page

Dec 3, 2013

I have a database of musical events. Now im creating flayers for each event. My Q is how the Information for each event should fit on one A4 page and should start on a new page of the report.

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Reports :: Printing Labels - Report Producing Blank Page

Aug 13, 2015

I have a non standard size report (for printing labels)

The report is just over 10cm wide and just over 15cm deep.

I have solved the blank pages caused by exceeding the width but I'm still getting a blank page when I move some data down. I am still within 15 cm but it's throwing me a blank page. Even if I extend the in design mode depth to say 20cm (ie the height in Detail) it's throwing a blank page (I can see this in print preview).

I initially set up the report (it's a long time ago so memory fades) using the label wizard setting up a label 4*6 inches (10.16 * 15.24 cms) and it is this i'm trying to tweak. Is there a property I'm missing somewhere?

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Reports :: Stop Report Footer From Printing On Separate Page

Apr 20, 2014

How do I stop the report footer from printing on a separate page. I have seen several suggestions but nothing seems to work.

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How To Continue A Form Page After Page Automatically

Jul 9, 2005

to automatically create a second, third, fourth... page depending on how many characters are in the narrative. The only other thing needed to be changed is the page# of Page#.

So right now my form looks like below

Person name


Officer name date page # of #

Thanks in advance.


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Calendar On Page 1 Also Displaying On Page 4 Of Form

Sep 3, 2006

Hi All

I have added the Allen Browne Calendar 2k control to my form.

My form consists of 4 pages. On pages 2 and 3 I have subforms and on page 4 I have Personal data. Page 1 is general data and the Calendar is on Page 1.

What is happening is that the Calendar is also being displayed on my 4th page, in the same position as page 1. When I try to move it, cover it or delete it from page 4, it is also gone from page 1.

Any suggestions please?

Many thanks
Tee :(

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Going From Page To Page In A Tabbed Form

Oct 25, 2005

I have a form with six tabbed pages on it. Since data entry follows in a logical order I would like to put a command button on the bottom of each page (subform) that can be used to go to the next page. What I am going to though? If i put a command button (open form) then it opens the whole form not as a subform on a tabbed page. if I try and put a command button (open page) then it will not let me enter the page number. Hope that makes sense! Any ideas

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Code Slowing Down Printing Reports?

Feb 25, 2014

I was having trouble just setting each report with a particular print method - for some reason they just kept forgetting their individual settings and resorting to default on the machine.

This meant reports were printing on the wrong paper, or the wrong size paper, the wrong orientation and some times refusing to print if it couldn't find the paper (which is useful in runtime as it doesn't display error messages)

So I used Reports(rpt).printer properties (I forgot where I found this) to hard code the printer properties into each print command... this meant I had to use another function to insert the variables.

So all I had to do was say:


and a report would print to exactly how I wanted... but it's just too slow!

See attached for full code, I have a niggling feeling it may be the function: PrinterOK, to make sure the printer exists or not.

Function PrinterOK(sPrinterName As String) As Boolean
Dim MyPrinter As Printer
PrinterOK = False
For Each MyPrinter In Printers
If MyPrinter.DeviceName = sPrinterName Then
PrinterOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

I know it's the printing code, because if I stop the printing and just preview then it shows up almost instantly.

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Reports :: Breaking To New Page If Subreport Cannot Fully Print On Current Page

Nov 12, 2013

I have a report which includes several subreports. There will be times when a subreport prints partially on one page and completes on the next. I don't always want to break to a new page with this subreport. However, I would want to break to a new page if the subreport cannot fully print on the current page.

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Section Header At Bottom Of Page And Detail Lines On Next Page

Nov 22, 2004

I have a report that lists states and cities within the states. When a state name happens to be at the end of the page the individual cities appear on the next page with no State heading. I solved the second page problem by setting the "repeatSection = Yes" in the Section Header (though I haven't shown that in the example below).

But the previous page (which just shows the State Name and no cities looks dumb. Is there some sort of solution.??
(Actually I would also like any State that continues to a next page to not just have the state name but something like
" Colorado (Continued)" Is there anything I can do in VB to make a page break if the section is going to print but therer isn't enough room for one detail line?

This is what I currently see

Prudo Bay


------------------------Page Break ---------------------------------
Colorado Springs



Thanks !

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Reports :: Page Header - Don't Display If No Detail Records - On Last Page

Jun 13, 2015

If I have a report and it has controls (labels representing column titles) in the page header. Now when I print the report - if it happens that the last page has no detail records - but there is text boxes and so forth in the report footer. Is there a way to not display the page header on the last page?

I have a report where the last page shows the page header - and the field/column labels on the page header - but for which there is no detail records left to display - on the last page. There is report footer information that should display. It just looks weird because the field/column labels show at the top of the page - but there is no data remaining to print under them on that last page.

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Printing Sub-Form

Apr 12, 2006

i have a search form with a sub form displaying the results, how can i send the results to a report to print out or just print the results?:confused:

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Form Not Printing Anything

Apr 26, 2006

I have a form with multiple subforms. When I hit print selected record I get a blank sheet of paper. What could be set to not allow the data or the background of the form to print?

If I just print the subform out by itsself it works good. However when I have the main form open then try to print I get blank pages.

I am sure someone changed a fairly small setting, but I do not know what has been changed. Thanks.

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Printing A Form

Aug 9, 2006

:eek: When I go to print the form, it repeats the detail section over and over. Instead of being one page, it is 1414. How can I fix this problem? Thanks

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Data Access Page Filter Refresh The Page

Dec 30, 2007

Hi All,

I have a data access page needs a filter by a dropdownlist, the dropdownlist used is a html control and I use javascript to filter the data programmaticlly in the onchanged event of the control.

MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Filter="AppID = 3";

My problem is, when this statement runs, the page refreshes. But I don't need the page refreshes, it set the dropdownlist text to the default text, not the value user select. The browser is IE7.

How can I stop the page refresh itself?

Thanks and Happy New Year!!

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Reports :: One Page Report Showing Second Blank Page

Apr 20, 2014

I have a report that should only show 1 page yet I have 2 and one is blank . I cannot find out why?

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Printing A Report From A Form

Aug 30, 2006


I'm pretty new to all of this. I've set up a simple database. I have a form in it for inputting information and then there is a command button on the bottom which prints out a report I've created with the information on it. This is all working great except it prints evey record and I only want the current record printed out.

I've tried the help and it goes into detail about OpenReport and PrintOut in macros. I have no idea what a macro is or what to do with it.

Can anybody please help me and give me step by step instructions as to how to print out only the current record in the report from the command button.

Your help is greatly appreciated:)

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Printing A Form To A Report

Nov 1, 2006

I have a form (entry screen to enter data) I then created a report in the layout I need for my order form. I want to creat a button that a user can press and it will print the current record to the report (order form layout)

Here is my current code for the print button on the form page:
Private Sub btnPrtOrderFrm_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnPrtOrderFrm_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "rptOrders2"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnPrtOrderFrm_Click

End Sub

The only problem is when I tell it to print if I am on record number 2 on the form, it prints both record 1 and record 2. I only want the current record i am in to print. Any ideas much appreciated


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Printing Form From Table

Dec 10, 2005

Hello all- New here and working with a database for my boss. I did not create this rather am modifying it. I have a table (vehs) that contains information for three different departments regarding their vehicles. This database also has a form that prints (when clicked once) all of this data to the local printer. I need to make three sub forms to print similarly but just by department number (in other words only department 1's vehicle data) I'm not too big an access guru so if I need to supply any more data please let me know



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Printing Report From Form

Jul 28, 2006

I had made my own database for my own business.

I am trying to print a report from a form. Once i enter an order detail i finish off by printing a letter. At the moment we are doing this via a query by entering the order id.

I want to automate this so for the form record i am in i want a button to print a report for that record only.

I know this can be done as i rember doing this in college but i cant get my head round it at the moment.

Please help

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Printing Filters In A Form

Oct 25, 2006

Having trouble printing after I performed a filter. Have a subform with continuous forms that I put various filters on..., however when printing, all the records print and not just what was filtered...Is there a way around this. Basically, I would like to be able to print out only the filtered records in my form view.


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