Problem Scanning Over All Non System Table

Jun 23, 2005

Hi guys i wrote a vba code that supposed to
go find all non system tables in access 2000 db
and generate corresponded create table statements for them.
Unfortunately when i run the program it misses one of the
tables called committee members and also uses one of
table names 2 time.Furthermore, instead of using table names it
uses first columns of each table in generating table name for createing table statement.I be happy if some expert help me fix this bug in my vba program.Thanks ( teniss club db reletions ) (genrated create table statements)

Code:Private Sub CreateTableButton_Click() Dim T As TableDef Dim db As Database, cont As String Set db = CurrentDb() For Each T In db.TableDefs If Left(T.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then ' 'If T.Name = Me.ComboBox Then pk = Left(GetPK(T, db), InStr(1, GetPK(T, db), "<-") - 1) cont = cont & ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & pk & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ''MsgBox ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & pk & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ''End If End If Next T MsgBox cont Call createTextFile("C:createTableStatements.txt", cont) End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Scanning Table And Plotting The Path To Right Value

Aug 3, 2015

I have a table that contains passive and active devices. I want to find correct active device to which passive device is connected. However passive device can be connected to another passive device and after that to an active device - could be endless times a passive device is connected to passive device and then in the end to an active device. So the code needs to plot the path from beginning passive device to the correct active device.

I will include excel table with data and wanted result.

The criteria for passive devices that need its active device found, is i think something like this:

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE [TYPE] = "D3P" AND NOT [Mark] LIKE "*ZUUM*" AND [Sort] = "Passive"

I got the result via doing excel function index-match for like 5 times and excel stalling. However I would like it to be done automatically.

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Creating A Register System/table

Sep 7, 2006

Ok, firstly im sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I say this because my problem first begins with the tables but then i need to sort a problem out with the form aswell, but i will put it in here.

Here is the problem. Im sorry if im not too clear with this.

I need to create a register system E.G. A child comes into a club, he is registered. At the end of the session the child leaves the club. His depature is registered and his departure time is also recorded down.

Like a paper based school register but electronically.

How would I go about implementing this into a system?

Would I need a child table (with fields such as Child ID, Forename, Surname etc.) and a register table (not sure on the fields)?

k, this bit below probably goes in the forms section...

How would I get this to work on a form so there were boxes to check for arrival and departure, and when a button is clicked the depature time is filled in for each day of the term?

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Table Design For A Clock Card System

Jan 8, 2005

i'm try to create a database to record staff sign in and out times and to get reports but i cannot for the life of me get it working after many many efforts. can any one help me?

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Table Layout For Airport Minicab Quote System

Jan 3, 2006

ok basically im creating a quote system that will show users prices from one destination to the other destination based on the size of the vehicle..

you can see a similar quote system used on the following website..

there will be three main tables..

Airport Table
airportID - primary key, autonumber
airportNAME - text

the airport table will consist of 5 records..Heathrow,Gatwick,Stansted,London City, Luton

Town Table
TownID - primary key, autonumber
TownNAME - text

the town table will contain a list of postcodes, maybe 50 or so (n1,n2,n3,n4,e1,e2...)

Car Table
CarID - primary key, autonumber
CarNAME - text

the car table will consist of 4 records..Saloon,Estate,MPV,Executive

now what i need to do is create a similar quote system like there is on the url above..

my original idea would be to do something like this..

Have three tables that contain the quotes for each type of car..the first two listed here will work i think..

Airport2TownQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
airportID - the airport Pickup, foreign key
townID - the town Destination, foreign key
price - currency

Town2AirportQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
townID - the town Pickup, foreign key
airportID - the airport Destination, foreign key
price - currency

however.. for airport to airport quotes.. the resembling table would look something like this..

Airport2AirportQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
airportID - the airport Pickup, foreign key
airportID - the airport Destination, foreign key
price - currency

but you cannot place the airport id twice in the same table..(this maybe a case of simply renaming the airport fields in this table such as airport1, and airport2.. but can you still link them and enforce integrity if the fields have different names?)

also one example may be Heathrow to n1 is £30... this does not mean however that n1 to heathrow will be £30.. this is why i need to separate the quotes in this way.. for the 3 possible journeys (airport to airport, town to airport, airport to town).. also the quotes will be different for each car type..

anyway.. i shall be using asp to create a similar quote system on my website.. but i just need to get the final layout of the database sorted.

thanks in advance for any help.

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Bar Code Scanning

Jul 28, 2005

I am using Access '97 (hope to upgrade at some stage)! Wondered if anyone can recommend any bar code generating software that easily integrates with Access 97?


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Barcode Scanning

Nov 2, 2007


I need to be able to run my database in the background but i still need to be able to input data from a barcode scanner is this possible. I have worked out how scan bar codes but when the application is minmised it no longer accepts the barcode data.

Cheers Phill

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Barcode Scanning

Mar 25, 2008

Hi All

I am wanting to use a barcode scanner to input data into a field and bring up details based on the barcode. This is simple enough as long as the field you want to scan into has focus. Is there a method which will automatically populate the correct field with the scanned data no matter where I am on the form.

Thanks in advance.

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Scanning Documents Into Access

Apr 13, 2007

I need to be able to scan documents into individual records in access and I was wondering if this could be done.

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General :: Work Order System - Empty Records Showing In Table

Apr 3, 2014

I have a work order system that people use but it somewhat randomly puts blank records into my table. I've added a lot of validation checks when submitting, closing and resetting the form and limited the way people can exit out of the form to fight this issue but it still happens.

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Scanning Documents Directly In To MS Access

Jul 18, 2006

Is it possible to scan documents directly in to MS Access and store them in a field in a table please??

If so how??

Thanks for your help

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Scanning A Barcode Into Access 2003

Jun 6, 2007

My client is a baseball league who started a Kids Club which has membership cards that have a barcode and their own specific number to monitor the number of times that the KidsClub members come to the games. They don’t have any software to go with the cards though. They asked me if I could help. I created a simple table in Access to capture the name, address, telephone, email, number of games attended. The cards have a barcode on them, and they would like to be able to scan the card with a USB handheld scanner and have the number of games attended field to be updated by the scan. Each card has its own number that is programmed into the barcode, which could be the primary key for Access. Can you offer any assistance in how to get the scan of the card to update the "number of games attended" field I created based upon the barcode number?

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General :: Scanning Barcodes Into A Database

Oct 15, 2012

I'm looking to create a database in order to scan a barcode on a packing slip to be automatically entered into database and update an inventory file.

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Populate A Database Via Scanning In A Paper Form?

May 18, 2005

Hi folks,

Just wondering if it is possible to populate a database by scanning in a form into a scanner? For instance, if I had a standard paper form with typed data inside of the paper form's fields, to place that form into a scanner and have a program extract the characters in each one of the fields and place them into the appropriate fields in a database. I have heard of some agencies doing this, but don't know the names of software packages that would make this possible. Can anyone suggest some software packages or methods of doing this?

Thank you,


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Scanning Hardware Linked To Access Database

Nov 21, 2007

Wondering if anybody has any information about this.

Backgound information: My access database information comes from a 'card' where somebody has manually put crosses in a number of boxes. This information is currently being manually inputted into the database...

I know you can get scanners to pick up information from a document...but is this possible with microsoft access?

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General :: Evaluation Form - Scanning Documents To Get Counts

Nov 6, 2013

Once a year we have a conference that has about 400 people attend. These people will participate in several classes, randomly, over a four day period. Each class hands out an evaluation form. This form has six categories and asks you to rate each from 1 to 5. This is done with a grid on the form labeled with 1 2 3 4 5 across the top and the attendees will put a checkmark or X in the appropriate box. This results in approximately 3000 evaluation sheets.

I will take these and manually enter the scores into a database I created in order to tally the results and generate reports. I have been asked to see if this process can be expedited by using a scanner to pull the scores from the sheets.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanning Into Combo Box - MS Access 2003

Jul 31, 2013

I designed an inventory control software and we are managing our stock through barcode scanning, it is working well although i have a problem to solve that i have put a combo box for scanning code 39 barcode, upon scan the barcode a code is entered into combo box and then we need to press the "ENTER" key to go for new record, we would like to ms access form to automatically go to new record when a code input from scanner.

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General :: Scanning Directly From A Button In Access 2010?

Jan 24, 2014

Is there a way to directly access a TWAIN compatible scanner directly from a form button in Access 2007/2010 so that it will add one or more images to the specific table?

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Modules & VBA :: Scanning Multiple Pages Into Access 2007 Form

Aug 8, 2013

I have been asked to create a database very quickly for a small group that needs to scan multiple pages into an Access 2007 form. They they would like all scanned documents to be converted to PDF and stored on a shared network folder which can be accessed by their group. I have tried several ideas posted but, I have been unable to get any to work correctly. Any sample of working database that the scanning portion is working? I am so involved with other projects right now that I just don't have the time to create a scanning process on the database.

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Modules & VBA :: Automate Scanning From Access To Specific Folder On Server

May 16, 2014

I have some code set up to automate scanning from access to a specific folder on the server. I have searched the web for different codes and have not come across anything that will scan an unknown amount of documents. The best I found was the code I am currently using, that will scan up to 10 documents separately, then convert these documents into 1 PDF. This is not ideal, however, because it would require the user to scan 1 document, wait, than scan another, wait, etc. Also, the code I am currently using will only scan from the glass, not the auto feeder, and I am unsure how to change this.

Private Sub cmdCOC_Click()
'scan COC
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Const DEVNAME As String = "Brother MFC-7860DW LAN"
Dim ComDialog As WIA.CommonDialog

[Code] .....

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General :: Scanning Barcodes To Track Items While Using Other Database Functions

Feb 5, 2013

I can use barcode scanning to track items through the process, on the condition that the relevant field on a form is highlighted.

The issue is I want the scanning/tracking with wireless scanners to be going on in the background while an operator can use the other functions of the database.

I'm thinking the solution is two computers, one to run the barcode scanning & tracking the other for the rest of the database functions. The problem is we only have one work PC and getting money for a new PC will be like pulling teeth.

Is there a one PC solution?

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Scanning Barcode Into Search Box Works But Causes Multiple - Cannot Open Any More Databases - Errors

Aug 5, 2014

I'm scanning bar codes into the record search box, most of the time it works as it should but occasionally I get multiple "cannot open any more databases" errors. It still finds the product record but the error messages are super annoying. I am sure to clear the memory on the scanner each time before I scan in a new barcode but it doesn't seem to matter. Also sure to only have one or 2 forms open at a time, that doesn't seem to matter either. Most of the time I don't get the errors but when I have to click through like 10+ error messages (all identical). I only have one database open so I'm not sure what it even means. Also I have tried this in 2 different forms and it's the same for both forms. Seems like I get the errors in my initial scan and then after clearing them it seems to work without errors.

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Spa System

Aug 19, 2007

I am new to Access and Ive created adatabase to control a spa system.
I have several tables: Customers
Types Of Haircut - Their prices
Types oF massage Their Prices

Now I want To create a form where i am able to choose customer, the employee performing the haircut or massage
The price should be displayed and the total AMount

How can I do that?
Should I create a Query and based on the query I create the form?

Please Help!!!

Thanking you all

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System.MDW File

Jun 18, 2005

I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file.
I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place
FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.

I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.

My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?

Does the shortcut have to reference Jobs.mdw?

I need to understand this.



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Payroll System

Sep 27, 2005

Hi All,

Need your expert advise. Is it ok to develop a simple payroll system using MS Access or do i need switch to Visual Basic?

Also, is there anybody can help what tables do i need to produce a payroll system, i.e. tblEmployee.



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