Query Of Deleted Enterees ?!

Jun 28, 2005

how can i have a query of deleted enterees ?!

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String Found In *deleted* Query/form

Aug 20, 2007

I've created a function to search for a string in SQL definitions:
Public Sub SearchInQueryDefs(strSearch As String)

Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim qdfs As QueryDefs
Dim blnFound As Boolean

Set qdfs = CurrentDb.QueryDefs

For Each qdf In qdfs
blnFound = InStr(1, qdf.SQL, strSearch) > 0
If blnFound Then
Debug.Print "Searching : " & qdf.Name & "...";
Debug.Print " - found"
If vbNo = MsgBox("Found!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "" & strSearch & " found in "

& qdf.Name & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & qdf.SQL & "" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Click 'Yeah' to

continue search, 'Duh' to stop", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "SearchInQueryDefs") Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next qdf

MsgBox "Done searching.", vbInformation, GetAppTitle()
End Sub

Using the following statement (in the immediate window) i get the following result:
SearchInQueryDefs "Queries"
Searching : ~sq_cfrmReports~sq_clstQueries... - found
However query "~sq_cfrmReports~sq_clstQueries" doesn't exist.
It is probably a query which populates the listbox "lstQueries" in the "frmReports"

form. But that form doesn't exist in my database. I have deleted it some time ago. I

thought that Compact and Repair got rid of stuff like this.
I found the definition in the MsysObjects and with this Id also in the MsysQueries.
So my question is obvious: what is this, why is this and what can i do about it?


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Can I Get Back Data Deleted By A Deleate Query

Feb 7, 2008

I accadentally deleted data when I ran a delete query. Is there any way of retrieving this data?



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Error In Update Query: Record Is Deleted

Jul 16, 2007

While executing this query, I get this error code:

Record is deleted.

UPDATE [MDL-10] SET [MDL-10].[File Path] = "Download#\ driveNTPC SIPATDMSSDocuments" & [ProjectNo] & "" & [Client Drg No] & ".pdf#"
WHERE ((([MDL-10].[REV 00 SUBMISSION]) Is Not Null));

I tried all but could not find any reason. Please help

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Queries :: Exporting Query To Excel Causes SQL To Be Deleted

Jul 10, 2013

I wrote a SQL query that works fine. But when I call a custom function to export it to Excel, my query SQL will get deleted (not consistent). All that is left of the script is SELECT;

MS Access 2007, Windows 7.

Here's how I call the function:

Private Sub exportQryCustStatusAnalysisLite_Click()
Call ExcelSmsOutput("Query", "qry_custStatusAnalysisExport", "qry_custStatusAnalysisExport", Forms![frm_main].[filePath])
End Sub

Here's the custom function:

Public Function ExcelSmsOutput(objectType As Variant, prefixFileName As Variant, objectName As Variant, filePath As Variant)
Dim outputFileName As String
outputFileName = prefixFileName & " " & Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd hhh mmm sss")

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Form Still Prompts For Parameter After Query Deleted?

May 15, 2013

I had created a query that I was attempting to reference a text field in a form that was open when the query is run. It wasn't working and whenever I opened the form it would prompt for the parameter before opening the form.

I ended up deleting the query to try again from scratch. But the form still asks for the parameters whenever I open the form. Why is Access still prompting me for the parameters?

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Deleted BE!

Aug 7, 2006

The BE of my db is located at my PC.
FE are then accessed by 3 of my staff on a shared folder.
To check how high the security of my dbase is, i opened the folder where the BE lies on one of the user's workstation and tried to delete it. Can't believe IT WAS DELETED!!! Why??? It should have been addressed by "User-Level Security Wizard", right???
I'm using Windows XP, Office 2003.


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I Just Deleted It All!!!

Mar 17, 2005

I am so stupid! I just deleted the whole code for a form!! I had two days of work in it! I was creating a new form similar in layout to the original and had copy-pasted. i then deleted all the code from one of them, and then the other one by mistake!

Does windows store this stuff temporarily anywhere? can someone please help!??

I will be infinitely grateful!

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Records Deleted

Feb 13, 2006

I enter records into MS Access and then when I close it and reopen it, every once in awhile records that I entered previously are deleted. I am new to Access so it may be a simple problem such as saving the database but it is extremely frusturating when I enter customers into a database and then reopen it to find out voila half the customers I entered are not there. If anyone can help me it would be really appreciated. Thank you.

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Problems When A Row Is Deleted

Jul 5, 2005

Screen view of Database Diagram (

Screen view of problem view (

I am working with a Access Data Project and MSDE database server. In the image you can see the tables that I am working with. I have a table, tblShifts, that has all of the shifts with clock in and out times for all buildings. I am trying to downsize this list to include only buildings that the user is matched with in tblManagerBuildings by using SUSER_SNAME() to get there current username. Seems easy enough.

Only I can't get it to work. It does give you only shifts in the buildings that you are assigned to. But when you go to delete or insert wierd things happen. If I have the query set up as it is in the "Screen view of problem view" link I get an error "The field 'shiftnum' is read-only" when I try to insert or delete. So I tried another way. First I set up a view that gives you all of the buildings that you have access to.

View all of the user's buildings (

Then I connect that to tblShifts and get all shifts in the user's buildings:

Shift table connected to user's buildings (

If I output the BuildingNum column when you go to delete a record nothing happens. If I output the username column I get the "The field 'shiftnum' is read only" error. If I don't output any of the columns from viewMyBuildings then when I delete a row it Deletes the Building and the User from ALL of the tables. Including all of the shifts associated with the building. AWWW! I know that this is possible. My problem is probably with having a many - to - many relationship, but I have been working on the for a day and a half and I think I took care of the many to many relationship properly. If anyone has any input PLEASE HELP!

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How To Get Deleted Records?

Mar 6, 2007

Hi everyone
I have a problem that I have deleted some records from a table in my database and now after one week I need these records again. Can someone tell me how to get them?

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Records Getting Deleted

Feb 16, 2005

This has got me stumped.

We have a massive db and on one of the screens the users can scroll through the records and view information they can also add new records. When the users enter the new record and go back to it it has been successfully stored in the relevant table even on exitin the form via the exit button (DoCmd.Close). However from time to time when the user enters the new record and closes the for via the close form button the new entry is not stored in the table and seems to have been deleted or not appended to the table.

We have no idea why this is happening as it doesnt happen all the time just from time to time.

Can anyone help please or has anyone come across this before !

Thanks for any help !

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Form Is Deleted But Is Still There

May 11, 2005

Someone created a form and then deleted it. When we try to use the find button on other forms, it keeps looking for the deleted form. When I look in visual basic, I can still see the removed form listed, but it is not visible on the form page for me to delete. How do I get rid of this residue.



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Deleted Some Code, Now Nothing Works

May 12, 2005

Can someone please help me. I was in the code view of my database and accidentally deleted a few lines of code and now everything i do is coming up with the same error message

Module Not Found

For every form I try to open it does this and even my buttons to close form and to exit system do not work.

Has anybody had this problem before?

Would anybody mind taking a look at it if I sent a zipped version? my email and msn is nicholaseary@hotmail.com

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Preventing Certain Rows From Being Deleted

Sep 7, 2005

I would like to prevent the first 24 rows in a table from being deleted by the user, after these 24 rows they can be deleted. Is there anyway of protecting them etc without putting them in a separate table?

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Record Is Deleted Message?

Aug 29, 2006

Hi All,

This is my first post here and I imagine there will be many more as I have only just started out using Access to create a database at work and I am sure that I'm breaking many rules along the way.

Anyway, over the weekend, my boss tried to add some information (to the "Memo" field) in a form that I have created from a table, went to close the form and got a message saying something along the lines of "this record cannot be saved, if you close it, information will be deleted.

Now, in the Memo field, is the text "#Deleted" - when I try to overwrite this and come out of the record, it comes up with the message "record is deleted". If I put information in any other field in the record, there is no problem.

Also, in the table, if I try to sort by the Memo field, it comes up with same message, "record is deleted".

Does anyone know what I've done and how I can solve this?

With thanks in advance.


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Recovering Deleted Records

Nov 29, 2006

can anyone please help me out with suggestions of how to recover records that have been deleted accidentally. :eek: thanks.

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Recovering Deleted Data

Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have deleted certain content from a table. After it I have compressed and repaired the database but later I found out that I need those deleted data. But now they are gone. Is there any possibility to recover it? Are there any tools or something?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Preventing A Record From Being Deleted

Jan 31, 2005

I have a table with a blank record at the begining and populated records thereafter. I used the cmd button wizard to create a delete button for that table. Is there a way to prevent the blank record (record 1) from being deleted by the command button but still allow all other records to be deleted?

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Show That A Record Has Been Deleted

Mar 14, 2006

Hi All,

Is there an easy way to show that a record has been deleted (besides "audit trail")?

for example:

if record_id 2 was deleted, the fields can show "deleted"


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Recover Deleted Data

Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have deleted certain content from a table. After it I have compressed and repaired the database but later I found out that I need those deleted data. But now they are gone. Is there any possibility to recover it? Are there any tools or something?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Recreating A Deleted Record

Jan 3, 2008

Hello, I've got a table that looks something like this:
deviceID | name | ...
1 | a
2 | b
3 | c
4 | d
6 | e

where deviceID is an autonumber. Clearly device 5 got deleted, but if I go to "add record" I end up adding record 7. There are still other records in the db which need to link to device5, and I have all the info needed to recreate them, how do I override the autonumber and create a record with a specific deviceID?


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Subform Shows #DELETED

Jun 14, 2005

I have a textbox on a Subform which is updated when a record is double clicked in another Subform. This works fine until i move the mouse over the updated subform. Then the updated entry is replaced with #Deleted. The data is still in the table that gives the subform its value.
Also another form running has the same subform and it and the updated value is shown perfectly in this one.
Anyone know why this may be happening?

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Queries :: Why Is Data Being Deleted

Jan 30, 2014

I have the following set up:A table in access for PurchaseOrders

-A table in access for ShipmentDetails, PK linked to PurchaseOrders OrderNumber
-A table in access for payments, an index linked to the PurchaseOrders OrderNumber
-An SQL database table of purchase order details from our existing system, linked to PurchaseOrders OrderNumber

Now, I create a new record in PurchaseOrders with OrderNumber="ABCD01". All good.I create a new record in ShipmentDetails with OrderRef= "ABCD01". Still good, creating a form and adding fields shows the data is linked correctly.

I now add the CreditorCode field from the linked SQL DB, it automatically shows like it should.I try to use the form to delete the "ABCD01" record from the PurchaseOrders table and it deletes the record FROM THE SQL DATABASE! It's basically acting like Enforce Referential Integrity is turned on with deletes. This backend DB is used by other programs. I don't ever want my app to modify it.

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Tracking Deleted Records

Mar 29, 2014

How to track deleted records? I have a database that users login to and it tracks which records they make changes to but I do not have a way to track a deleted record. I read online about doing like an archive of the record to a table that will hold the deleted record and that made the most sense to me.

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Deleted All Records From A Table - Cannot Add New Ones?

Apr 12, 2013

I created a simple database with a single table and a form so I can track patients enrolled in a study. I added a few test records to make sure everything was working properly. Now I'm ready to use the database for real. Only trouble is, when I erased the test records I find that I can't add new ones.

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