Query Only If Failed To Meet Requirements

May 23, 2007

I am tyring to set up a query, that runs from a selected date range, to return only the records that don't meet the requirments. For example, I have four fields:


I want to start the query from a date range usesing Between [StartDate] And [EndDate]. There are mulitpule records containing the same date. Then from there I want to return only the Names that don't attend the required number of sessions.

Attended = 2; Required = 4; Return name
Attended = 3; Required = 3; Don't return name

Would this be possible with one query? If so, how would I go about setting up the criteria. If not then how would i link the 2 queries together?

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Access 2007 Upgrade Requirements

Jun 6, 2007

I've got Access 2000 and was wondering what I needed to upgrade to Access 2007. By this I mean, front page of manual, ID code, etc. And is it something I have to present at purchase or something that Microsoft validates online. Does anyone know?

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Conflicting Requirements Between Popup Forms And Main Form's Fields

Jan 23, 2006

I have set certain fields on my main form to be required to protect from accidnetal skipping which has occured in past. However, in middle of form, there are a group of checkboxes, which opens their correndsponding popup forms for more details. Right now, I get an error if it try to pop up a form because not all required fields are filled in.How do I make Access suspend the requirments whenever the checkboxes are checked and additional info are being inputed?Edit= tried setting it as dialog boxes, but to no avail.

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Odbc Call Failed When Entering Query Parameter

May 12, 2005

I have a query that uses an odbc table.
The query prompt for a date: [Enter Date]
After entering the date, I get error: "ODBC Call Failed"

Yet...when I set the criteria to the date I want: #01/01/2005# I can retrieve the data, no problem.

Any idea why I get the ODBC Call Faile error when prompting for the date?

BJS :confused:

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A Form W. Critera For A Query/ODBC Call Failed

Oct 26, 2004

Hi! I have a query setup that feeds off of three combo boxes on a form. It is setup to allow a user to search and calculate revenue for a selected time period by company, then department, then page. If all three or just company are selected, there are no issues running the data. However, if only company and department is selected I receive an 'ODBC--Call Failed' message. The issues seems to be stemming from the department field as I can link the department table to the main table and the query will run without error. The problem with that bandaid is that the query takes more than 15 minutes to run that way as opposed to about 2 minutes to pull more data at the company level.

Any suggestions on why this is happening or a fix that can be put in place? Any help is greatly appreciated.

I can provide more details if needed. Thanks!

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Queries :: ODBC Call Failed On Query But Form Works

Aug 7, 2013

When running a query in Access 2013 or 2010 we get an ODBC call failed. However when we run just the form, which the query connects to, it works just fine.

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Queries :: Parameter Query Failed Based On Selection From Drop Down List

Feb 23, 2014

When creating a query I have set up a parameter query as instructed (in this case searching for a name) but when I run the query it returns the error 'this expression is typed incorrectly etc.'

I have worked out that this must be due to the fact that the names are not typed in by a front-end user but need to be chosen from a dropdown list (which i have stored in a separate table) - So, the query seems to fail based on that.

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Displaying Items That Don't Meet Criteria

Dec 22, 2005

Hi, here is my query:

FROM tblvisit
WHERE (((tblvisit.[Visit Date From])<=[forms]![fRMBOOKINGAVAILABILITY]![From]) AND ((tblvisit.[Visit Date To])>=[forms]![FRMBOOKINGAVAILABILITY]![To])) OR (((tblvisit.[Visit Date From]) Between [forms]![FRMBOOKINGAVAILABILITY]![From] And [forms]![FRMBOOKINGAVAILABILITY]![to])) OR (((tblvisit.[Visit Date To]) Between [forms]![FRMBOOKINGAVAILABILITY]![From] And [forms]![FRMBOOKINGAVAILABILITY]![to]));

This successfully finds booked pens in a cattery. How though, can I get to see the pens that are free? Is there a feature that will allow me to conduct this query before conudcting another one to show the values which didn't appear? Thanks:D

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Reports :: Nested IIF Statements With 2 Criteria To Meet

Dec 2, 2014

I have a report based on a query and in that report I added a text box to be yes or no depending on 1) the number of days to complete and 2) the type of urgency. There's 3 different urgency levels so I was trying to create iif statements based on each one with the corresponding days using the OR operator between them like below:

=IIf([t_Days]<=2 And [Urgency Level]="Expedite (1-2 days)","Yes","No")_
Or IIf([t_Days]<=7 And [Urgency Level]="Normal (5-7 days)","Yes","No")_
Or IIf([t_Days]<=30 And [Urgency Level]="Low (14-30 days)","Yes","No")

Any 1 of those by themselves works fine but I need it based on all of that. So with that said, is there a way to do this? I tried using VBA code, but I think with the type of report I'm running that that wont work. It has a repetitive one line detail section with the data I'm trying to view.

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Deletion Or Changes To Records That Meet Certain Conditions

Jun 14, 2013

Been experimenting on some code to prevent deletion or changes to records that meet certain conditions.

The problem I am having is the code is contradicting each other preventing some of the records to be locked down.

Private Sub Form_Current()
'Code 1 - Prevent edits if 21 day period has lapsed
If TestDate2(Me.txtStartedHidden) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Editing NOT allowed - 21 day time period has been reached"
Me.txtBasic.Locked = True

[Code] ....

Rules are:

Edits allowed if invoice date not reached
Edits allowed if within 21 day but NOT if invoice date is reached

Edits prevented if invoiced date reached and if records still within 21 days
Edits prevented if invoiced date reached & records past 21 days

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Queries :: How To Open Report Of Records Which Meet Certain Criteria

Jun 3, 2014

I have a table called estimates and a field in that report is called RFA and this is a checkbox. How can i open a report i created (called EReport) for all rhe records in this table that have the RFA field checked (therefore true).

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Forms :: Value Missing When No Records Exist That Meet Filter Criteria

Dec 17, 2013

I have a main form with 3 subforms. Each subform is identical except for the value of the filter property. The filter is for the same field, but with a different value for each subform. So, for example, the first subform has a filter of:

[WBS Element]="DEF" And [Period]=Forms!frm_ProjectFinancials!Period

while the second subform has a filter of:

[WBS Element]="PPE" And [Period]=Forms!frm_ProjectFinancials!Period

and the third subform has a filter of:

[WBS Element]="EXP" And [Period]=Forms!frm_ProjectFinancials!Period

The recordset for each subform results in a single record with numeric values in each field or no records at all. When the resulting recordset is empty (no records), the bound text fields on the subform display as blank. I want these fields to display 0 instead of blank so I can use them in other calculated fields. Functions such as Nz or IsNumeric do not work since there are no records and the values are neither null nor numeric.

How I can display zeroes in the bound fields when no records exist that meet the filter criteria? Or is there a way that I can dummy a resulting recordset to have all zero values when there would otherwise be no records?

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Queries :: Count Function Breaks Form When No Records Meet Criteria

Aug 10, 2015

I have the following code

WHERE (((T_STUDENTS.res_vrijstelling)=False) And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_year)="1") And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_coach)=forms!F_cboCOACHING!cboCOACHING))

It runs fine, untill the moment the count is 0. At that point it breaks the form. How can i tell access to deal with this? Somehow i need to replace the count result with 0 if there are no records that meet the criteria.

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General :: IIF Statement With Ending Result - Default To 0 In Field If Meet Criteria

Oct 30, 2012

I have a text box with the following statement:

Summary detail: Sum(IIf([dacthc]=0,Null,Fix(100*[dqty]*([dstdhc]*[drate]/[dacthc]-[drate]))/100))

My question is, if it meets the criteria, is it possible to make it default to a "0" in the field.

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ODBC Failed

Feb 9, 2006

i am using access as a front end to SQL Server 2005 and link tables via ODBC.

Today when I run a query (normally works fine) I receive an ODBC Failed message box. I have tried opening each link table connected to the query and can open fine.

can anyone suggest other reasonf or this failure?

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ODBC Failed

Mar 17, 2006

I am running a report that is built up of several backend queries.

I have identified the query that is causing the ODBC Failed message to appear, but cannot identify what is causing the problem.

I have tried to recreate the queries starting form the base query (which works fine).

Cannot anyone suggest anything?



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Cascading Failed

Jun 24, 2005

I have three cascading combo boxes that, when a selection is made, will auto-fill 3 following text fields. So I had it working just beautifully, with the data pulling from the correct columns. All of a sudden, they stopped working, and the text fields are displaying #Name? instead of the appropriate data. Nothing has changed on my form, and I have really been struggling to determine what happened and to fix it. Any help or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.

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Failed Math Can't Add

Dec 4, 2004

I have 6 fields that display a price based on a combo box selection
I can get one to subtract from another but not all add up
It should also be a running total so it updates as I pick more options

And how can you get the combo baxes to start out blank they all have
selects already made when I open the form

Thanks I'm fairly new to access

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ODBC Call Failed

Jul 16, 2007

I have a new user who is trying to connect wirelessly. I set up the ODBC connection on his laptop but when he tries to run a report that uses queries looking at linked tables he gets ODBC call failed. Is it because he is trying it wirelessly. I'm just the data guy so I don't know too much about networking.

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ODBC Call Failed

Mar 7, 2007


I have a standalone Access DB with 4 linking tables therein. They all point to tables that are stored in a server Access DB. I can open 3 of these tables in datasheet view without any problem, except one.
Whenever I try to open it, I am prompted following msg "ODBC call failed etc... server API error (#669) etc..."
And when I click OK to close the Error msg box, then another msg box appears with the msg: "Microsoft Access can't open the table in Datasheet view"

I've deleted the link table and recreated it. But I still can't open the table in datasheet view.
Does anyone knows what's to do? :confused:

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ODBC --call Failed.

Feb 22, 2007

This error comes when try to run a query in Access. Does someone knows how to fix it?

ODBC --call failed.
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01013:user requested cancel of current operation (#1013)

Any help on this will be greatly appreaciated. Thanks a lot.


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ODBC Call Failed

May 31, 2007

Using Access 2003 and SQL Server 2005.

The Access database uses linked tabled to the SQL Server.

I have a 1 table query where I am trying to return data for a search form.

Here is the query:

CaseID = Forms!Search!cboCase

This works fine. However, when I try to get the query to return all records when there is no case selected using:

CaseID = Forms!Search!cboCase OR Forms!Search!cboCase is null

I get an ODBC call failed.

query itself doesn't work.

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Failed Math Update

Dec 5, 2004

Its in the control source of the text box I want the total stored in
=Forms![Estimate Maker]!Tank.column(2)+Deck.column(2)+[Internal Valve].column(2)

The data entry setting did the job thanks much

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Open Method Failed

Sep 27, 2005

Getting an error on the rst.Open statement of
"Method 'Open' of object '_Recordset' failed"

I am using the same code that I have used before, just tweaked some. Earlier I had an error because the ActiveX control was not checked off for the ADODB connection.

Below is the code...any ideas? THANKS!

Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim lg As String
Dim frmOffset As String
Dim tagnm As String
Dim sql1 As String
Set Conn = CurrentProject.Connection

frmOffset = "3. Offset Printing"
lg = "PT"
tagnm = "Label22"
sql1 = "select translation from translation where lang=" & "'" & lg & "'" & "and formname=" & "'" & frmOffset & "'" & " and tagname=" & "'" & tagnm & "'"

rst.Open sql1, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Me.Label22.Caption = rst!translation

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Save Operation Failed

Feb 24, 2006

anyone know of a reason for this error: "The save operation failed"? I attempted to edit some code and tried to save but got this error. Also been getting some out of memory errors. Not sure why though. Thanks

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ODBC Call Failed - End Users

Apr 18, 2006

I am running Access as a front end to SQL and maintain all reports and forms from a .mdb. I then release an .mde to a different location for end users to use.

Each time I release an .mde and a user attempts to run a report an "ODBC call failed" error appears. So I have to re-link tables on users pc's. The Users ODBC connections are set up the same as mine.

Has anyone any ideas why this may be happening?



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