Query Works But Not With Command Button?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a query: qryNoSurgery with linked tables tblSurgery(many) to tblPatients(one) where tblSurgery!SurgeryDate criteria = Is Null. When I run the query by itself, it works perfectly. I get all the tblPatients data where SurgeryDate field is null.

I created a command button that opens a form, frmPatients, If I enter qryNoSurgery as the filter argument in the embedded macro and run it, I get a Msgbox which wants me to enter a parameter for qryNoSurgery!SugergyDate.

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Forms :: Command Button To Populate Unbound Text Boxes From Subform Only Works Once

May 22, 2015

I have a tabbed form from which the user can select a contact's record from a subform on the first tab, click a edit command button, and the unbound text boxes on the top of that tab populate. The user can then click the second tab with employment history which has blank unbound text boxes and another subform which is linked by the contact id to the first tab.

The user can select a record in the second tab, click a command button and the text boxes populate no problem. The problem comes when the user changes the contact on the first tab, and then tries to edit a record on the second tab. Then I get a run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)' saying the value you entered isn't valid for this field. Why it would work the first time by not the second?

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How To Query The Caption Of A Command Button

Jan 24, 2006

G'day all

I want to create a form that will be the layout of my storage warehouse. I actualy have a layout on paper but was thinking of doing it on a form for the users to have a better view. The location of the inside warehouse have 60 location or Bin. The outside one has 80 Bins.
This will need 2 query. 1 for the inside Bins and 1 for the outside Bins. They are both the same query except for the caption of each command button.

What will be the beast way to create the query as to the criteria is to read from thee caption of the command button.
If the caption is 50 then give me everything in 50.

Hope this make since.

Thanks you so much.

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Command Button That Shows A Query

Aug 4, 2005

How would I go about in making a command button bring up a report to show a result of items for the end of the month?
For example, when a user clicks on this button it will bring up a report showing all the items that are out of date for the end of the month. I am having problems with the query as for months have different lengths e.g. 28/29/30/31 days. How would I make a query show the end result for each month correct as February if going to be different each time i.e. when it is a leap year. I have got far but having trouble with this part.
Hope you can help.

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Run Delete Query With Command Button

Nov 11, 2005


I have a delete query in my database which I would like to run from a command button on a switchboard. When I use the command button wizard, it does not show delete queries in the menu of available queries. If I create a command button manually I will need VBA code for the event procedure.

Can someone give me an appropriate code for running a delete query with a command button?


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Can I Place A A Command Button In A Query?

Apr 13, 2007


I have a query that is run off a form. When the query opens up there is a field you can enter data into. Once you close the query the data saves into the proper place in the table. That all works great.

I'm trying to make this as user friendly as possible. Instead of having someone go up to the "x" in the top right hand corner to close the query can I place a command button in the query that is very noticeable?

Any thoughts are most welcome



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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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Making A Command Button Of A Delete Query?

Feb 16, 2006


I'm having problems making a command button(Ta bort från engelska till svenska) of a delete query.
The name of the query is"Ta bort från engelska till svenska", which is also the name of the button on the form(huvudformulär)

Could someone please help me.
I'll enclose my zipped database.


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VBA Code To View A Query From A Command Button Within A Form

Dec 20, 2005

I have set up a command button within a form and wish to output results from a query for a specific company. The query has been set up.

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Modules & VBA :: Append Query On Click Of Command Button

Oct 18, 2013

I would like to make an append query to piece together multiple tables into a holding table, once the command button is clicked.

a) how to make an append query in vba,
b) How to call an append query on click of a command button?

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Have Subform Display Query Results With Command Button

Nov 13, 2014

I have a form with a subform (FindBuffer_Form) which I built from a Query (FindBuffer_Query) within the query criteria I have the following (Like "*" & [Select the main Batch Number] & "*")in order to search a particular number.

I want to be able to run the Query from a command button on the main form and have the results appear in the subform, If I have the Source object of the subform set to Query.FindBuffer_Query I get prompted twice to answer the Criteria before the form opens, after the form opens the subform is generated as per the search criteria.

Ideally, I want the form to open with no data in the subform run the query from command button and have the result in the subform.

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(Hopefully!) A Very Easy Question To Answer - Running A Query From A Command Button

Dec 27, 2005

Hi all

I'm currently working through developing my first database.

Basically, what I would like is for a query to run from a command button.

The query should look at a field in a table (a yes/no field) and report back the ones that have been filled in.

I know how to run the query from the access 'Query' window, BUT, I would like this query to run from a click of a command button on a form.

I've looked it up in a book, which explains about SQL, and didn't really understand it. I've also searched on here, but people talk about Macro's, and I don't know anything about them.

Can anyone help?


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Reports :: Create Query From Command Button And Export To Excel

Apr 22, 2014

In Access, it is possible to create a query from a command button and export to excel?

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Change Value In Query From Command Button Based On Selection In Combo Box?

Jun 3, 2015

I have a dashboard-style form that has a list box with tasks connected to a query with line items of those tasks.

I have another query that will only show the line item selected from the list box. This means the query will only have one line item.

I want to have a command button below the list box that, when clicked, will modify the solo item in the second query to change a yes/no field from no to yes.

How can I accomplish this? Also, how can I make a button that deletes the selected line item?

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Reports :: Automate Printing From A Command Button With Selected Data From A Query?

Jul 15, 2013

How can I automate different printers for different reports on the same MS Access 2007 database, without having to select the printer each time?

There are two reports that are printed on the same database. Previously, I had automated form buttons to print the reports, without having to select the printer each time. This was about 8 years ago, but I don't remember how I did this. Also, I don't know SQL. Nothing against code, but I did not know how to program, and just MS Access 2007 access itself.

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Forms :: Change Records Source And Run Query - Onclick Event Of Command Button

Apr 8, 2013

I have a tabbed form in a navigation form with a chart on it. The records source of the chart is a query. The query runs when you click the tab and takes a long time. I changed the Row Source of chart to "" and that eliminates the query running on form load. I've read many posts on changing that row source when a command button is clicked. I tried

Me!Suspend_Trending_Dashboard![chart].RecordSource = suspend_trend_CHART

in the onclick event of the command button. This doesn't work. I've tried many variations of the syntax. I don't know if I have to tell the query to run after the row source is changed.

On a side note, the query criteria is based on beginning and end dates entered into text boxes on the form. This all works if the query loads when the form is opened.

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Forms :: Command Button To Unlock And Lock Fields / Edit Button?

Feb 19, 2014

I have created a web-database (? - There are globes over all the forms and tables icons) based on the Issues & Tasks template. This means that most of the data is entered and seen on the "Main" form, which has two tabs - Open Issues and Closed Issues. I have created a form that allows people at my work to input the necessary data and save it, so that it will show up on one of the two tabs. However, once a record has been created, I want to be initially locked if the ID/PK is clicked, so that data can't be changed or entered inadvertently.

SO, I changed the code so that when the ID/PK for a record is clicked, it brings up a different form, but one that looks exactly like the one that is brought up when entering a new form, but I locked all of the fields so that the information cannot be changed. It seems from what I have read that I can create a button on this form so that when clicked, it unlocks the fields on the form so that they can be changed, and then when clicked again it will lock the fields again. Is this true? If so, how can I do it? Or is there something similar I can do? I have seen codes that I could copy and paste, but I cannot figure out the place to copy and paste codes in Access 2010.

I have changed the Form properties so that Data Entry and all the "Allows" are set to No...

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Difference Between A Command Button And A 'label' Button

Aug 12, 2005

Hi, I have got a small problem and maybe someone could advise me.
I am creating a customised command button from a label button. The new button works fine but I can't apply the 'requery' function to it, if i do an error occures and i am being prompt to save the data first???? :confused: :

Private Sub Labelsearch_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Labelsearch.SpecialEffect = 2
Me.Labelsearch.BackColor = 255
Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 10092543
Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = True
Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True
End Sub

Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 255
Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = False
Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True
End Sub

Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Come back to initial state when button release'
Me.Labelsearch.SpecialEffect = 1
Me.Labelsearch.BackColor = 16373685
Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 8388608
Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = False
Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True

If I create a command button with the wizard and assign the code :
me!itemquery.Requeryto the on_click event my form is working fine.
Why is his code is not working if I assign it to a label? :o

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Subquery Works Alone, But Not With Query.

Oct 4, 2006


I have written a subquery that works fine alone, but it returns -1 when with query.

The subquery is supposed to return a total of type currency.

Any help/suggestions will be very much appreciated.

SELECT tblSite.Name, tblPhase.Phase_No, tblVariation_Order.Customer_No, Exists (SELECT Sum(tblVariation_Order.VO_Price)
FROM tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblVariation_Order ON tblCustomer.Customer_No=tblVariation_Order.Custome r_No
GROUP BY tblCustomer.Customer_No;) AS Expr1
FROM (tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblVariation_Order ON tblCustomer.Customer_No = tblVariation_Order.Customer_No) INNER JOIN (tblSite INNER JOIN (tblPhase INNER JOIN tblHouse ON tblPhase.Phase_No = tblHouse.Phase_No) ON tblSite.Site_No = tblPhase.Site_No) ON tblCustomer.Customer_No = tblHouse.Customer_No
WHERE (((Exists (SELECT Sum(tblVariation_Order.VO_Price)
FROM tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblVariation_Order ON tblCustomer.Customer_No=tblVariation_Order.Custome r_No
GROUP BY tblCustomer.Customer_No;))=True));

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Query Works But With Errors?

Jun 25, 2007

I've got a number of different append and delete queries running on command on one of my forms, in which it makes a copy of all of the data on that form and included subforms, copies them into another table, and then deletes all of the data from that record. When this runs, I get an error saying "record deleted" and then another error message. Now it is deleting the records and it is moving them, however when i go onto one of the subforms, all the fields in the subform show "Deleted#" until i go back to the previous record or forward to the next, then they clear, but everytime it brings up the other error message it says "end or Debug" which I don't want it doing.

Is this the query? Or the coding?


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Command Button To Set Value

Apr 20, 2006

I have been working on this for awhile, and can't figure it out for the life of me!

I have a form set up with a drop down box that lets me pick from values from a table based off of the Primary Key of that table (Row Source = SELECT Order.OrderID, Order.OrderName from Order). I have a button on the form that I want to set a value (Closed) from the table entry based off of the order selected.

Pseudo code would go something like this.

Closed.Value = True Where Table.Order.OrderID = SelectedOrderID

Table.Order is a Table Named Order (obviously)
Closed is a yes/no field in my Order table
OrderID is the primarykey of the table Order
SelectedOrderID is the drop down box.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Command Button?

Apr 26, 2005

I, unfortunately, have been singled out as the Access guru in my work area. We have 223 people and the Information Manager has tasked me to modify a database he "found" to be able to track a number of things, but most important to him: performance reports.

I have posted the sample of what I currently have. What is being asked of me is a way in which to have a button or by double-clicking a block where a date would go for all other dates on the form to become non-visible while the current date stored in the computer the database is being worked from be entered in the block where the button or double-click happened. All this links to a report for the IM to be able to track what performace reports are out, and when they are due back to his section. He also wants me to be able to show which are overdue and where they are at. I am not sure if it is at all possible, but with me having spend most of last week purusing the articles on Access here, I know now that nothing is implausible if you happen to go about it the right way.

Since I have read the rules on posting, here is what I have done. I searched the forum for command button and got a lot of really cool ideas to use elsewhere in the database. I looked up the help in the program itself for command button, and got some good information on how a command button works, but I cannot make it put a date into a block. I can enter the date in any block that is a date format, but then I have dates in every block. He only wants to see the most current date in any of the blocks.

Any assistance at this point would be appreciated. If I have missed something in another thread, I apologise in advance.

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Command Button %

Apr 28, 2005

how can i assign a formula to a command button?

also can anyone give me specific advice about calucalating the % of check boxes ticked across multiple records.

thanks in advance

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Command Button

May 25, 2005

A couple of weeks ago I asked the question of how to send a single record from one table to another (Archive table) using a command button. I got a response. I have had time to work with this a little. My problem is I keep getting a error message "Run-time error '3075'; Syntax error (missing operator) in Query expression "[New ID]='. I wanted to mention that the archive table has an "archive ID" field as well as "New ID" that links the tables. I have the following code. Please help with this if possible.

" Private Sub Command667_Click()
' Save the main record if it has not been saved.
If Me.Dirty Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSave
End If

If MsgBox("Do you want to archive this record?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Dim SQL As String

' Move main record to Grants Activity Archive.
SQL = "Insert into [Grants Activity Archive]" & _
" select * from [Grants] where [New ID]=" '" & Me.ID & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute SQL
End If

End Sub "

The error seems to refer to the & Me.ID section. I have tried putting Me.New ID and also Me.Archive ID. The Grants Activity Archives is the subform where I want the record to go. This subform is set up like a form with many fields so it is a lot of work to type the main record from the Grants table to the Grants Activity Archive table every time you want to archive a record. I hope that makes sense.

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How Can I Use One Command Button Only?

Feb 26, 2008

Hi all

Can any one correct my attached program to make it works with one command button only please?

Using two buttons make conflict.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thank you


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Command Button

Apr 7, 2006

Hi I can't seem to be able to find any option to open a table from the command button wizard how is this possible. Thanks

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