Relationship JOIN TYPE Dialog Window

Jan 28, 2006

I have created two table in my database listed below

EmployeeID{Primary Key, Auto Number}

EmployeeID {Foreign Primary Key}
Organization {Primary Key}

I am creating a one to many relationship with the tblEmployee EmployeeID and tblWorkHistory EmployeeID
because one Employee can have many past jobs

where I run in a cloud is that in access under the edit relationship dialog window it has an button called JOIN TYPE when I click on that button it open the Join Properties dialog window and presents me with three options

1. Only include rows where the joined fields from both tables are equal

2. Include all recoreds from the 'tblEmployee' and only those records from 'tblWorkHistory' where the joined fields are equal

3. Include all records from 'tblWorkHistory' and only those records from 'tblEmployee' where the joined fields are equal

Can someone explain what access is trying to ask me as it pertains to my example. I am new to access to a basic answer would help me with future relationship issues and a better understand of the concept


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Relationship Window - Broken Or CE?

Jun 8, 2006

I have a db with about 70 tables in it. I am trying to see the relationships among say, 40 of them, all at once. I like the view of the relationship window but: I cant scale it, select multiple tables and reposition them, use the mouse wheel to move it (only the window sliders), and, I have to click on a table entry to allow me to reposition the table (should'nt I just have to click on the table outline itself?). This is a really awakward thing to use. Also, I can't seem to 'Shrink to fit' the relationship window when I print it.
Is it cockpit error or just really broken?
Any way to make it easier to work with?
(or, did I choose the wrong DB tool for the job?)

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Open Form On Close Of RelationShip Window

Aug 12, 2005

i open my relationship window from a form and i after hide its visibility using the code below.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRelationships
Forms![frmRelations].Visible = False
I need to open the hidden form after clicking on the close(x) button of the relationship window.
Are there any ideas please.

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Make Popup Form (Dialog)'s Height As Same As Window/Montior/Screen Height

May 7, 2008


When the user click the button, then it will give out a popup form to the screen, but I want to make the popup form's height as same as the screen/window/monitor's height, because the popup form's height is larger than the screen's height, and every user's monitor's height is different. So, I have to make it flexiable change of the height of the popup form.
How can I check the screen/window height by VBA function?
In Excel, it has Application.Height to check. In MS Access Form, I cannot find one for doing that.

Please let me know if you have one.

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2 Tables, No Relationship, Need To Join

Dec 20, 2004

First time user!!!

I work for the school dist. and we have 2 tables for 2 different groups.
I need to pull data from them both and create a new Query.
Table 1:
Name, address, phone

Table 2:
Name, address, phone

(No similarities in ether database, and we'd like to NOT export data)

I'm hoping it's an easy fix that I've overlooked.

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Relationship Window, Enforce Referential Integrity Greyed Out

Mar 29, 2007


I have a simple database of 4 tables.

JobTitleID (pk)




I have a 1 to many setup between tblEmpMain and tblDateReason.

When I try to setup the relationship between the "reason" field in tblDateReason and luTblReason, Referential Integrity along with the other two check boxes are greyed out.

It still shows one to many but it will not let me enforce referential intergrity.

Why is this? Did I setup the database wrong? Or am I trying to do something I shouldn't be doing??

I have attached the db.. It is split with both the backend and the front end.


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What Type Of Relationship?

Sep 6, 2007

Hey guys-
I have a db where I'm not sure what kind of relationship I need to establish between the tables. I have a db that manages real estate properties and realtor information. Each record can have 3 separate Realtors represented (or, as little as 1 realtor). Each Realtor has their own office, or, might have the same office as the other realtors. So, one record can have anywhere from 1 to 3 Realtors associated with it.

I have a Property Table (holds all the info on the property as well as the Realtor's unique alphnumerica ID Code).

I have a Realtor Table (holds all the contact info for the Realtor, as well as their unique alphanumeric Office Code)

And I have a Realtor Office Table (holds the contact info of the Realtor's Office).

In the Properties table- I have 3 fields for the 3 separate Realtor's ID Codes (like an employee number). Let's call it Agent1Code, Agent2Code, and Agent3Code. There won't always be an Agent2 and Agent 3 in the data- but sometimes there is.

How do I set this up and establish the proper relationships?

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Join Properties Cause Type Mismatch

May 29, 2007

Okay, I apologize, I'm not extremely Access knowledgeable so bear with me.

I have an Access database I created which I thought was working okay, then I realized it was missing one vendor because we haven't started writing checks to that vendor yet and probably won't for a while.

I am using a make-table-query to create a table that combines data from two linked tables. The two linked tables have a matching field (VendorID) one linked table is "History" and the other table is "Master" (these tables are SQL data from MS Great Plains if you need to know that).

Now my problem ... not every VendorID in Master table is present in History table.

I first created the join statement to say use all records in History and only those records in Master that match. This works without any error statements, however, I discovered there is a significant field of detail that is being omitted because a VendorID is in Master, but since no checks or invoices have been created for that VendorID it does not exist in the History table yet.

I decided to change the join properties to say "include all records in Master and only those records in History that agree". When I try to run the query I receive the error message "data type mismatch". I feel certain it is because several of the fields have no information to draw from on the vendors that don't exist in the History table.

What I need the query to do is go ahead and use the information from the Master table and when there is no matching VendorID in the History table use a zero for those fields.

I used to program and know a little C+. I understand "if" statements and feel like a sql if statement could work around this (for example, if History.VendorID does not exist zero, else History.[fieldname], but I don't know how to go about doing it. Any help for a novice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Type Mismatch In JOIN Expression

Aug 15, 2005

I don't quite understand this error message, and therefore cannot begin to fix it. One of my forms will not open except in design view because of a "Type Mismatch in JOIN expression" error. Can someone please tell me where to look to fix it? Thanks.

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Changing Relationship Type

Mar 18, 2007

realtion between category table and products table should be one - many. when i make the relation, it is always one - one.

this is of course making impossible to have 2 prdoucts with same category in the products table.

attached is my current table relationships, please guid me for a fix if applicable


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Need Some Tips In Creating Relationship Join Lines Between Tables

May 16, 2005

Hi, I am new here and need some help with MS Access97. I am looking for a more convenient way to join tables together. The usual way that I know is to drag the field(s) in one table and drop it in the other table (within the relationship window).

Is there any other way that I can do the same without drag and drop (keyboard instead of mouse)? This is real problem to me when I need to do some modification and have lots of tables scatter across few pages and the vertical scroll of the Relationship window is not working properly with drag & drop technique.

Please help. Many thanks! :)

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Correct Join Type And Query Statement

Feb 7, 2006

I've been struggling with this for awhile now. I've been trying to research a solution but I'm not even sure what to search for.I have the following table structure:tblContactsContact_ID (PK)First_NameLast_NametblBidPackBid_Pack_ID (PK)Bid_Pack_DescriptiontblDistributionListList_ID (PK)Bid_Pack_ID (FK) (1-M)Contact_ID (FK) (1-M)What I would like to do is create a query to display all of the contacts from tblContacts that are not associated with a certain Bid_Pack_ID. My end goal is to create a form where I enter Distribution List Information. I want a listbox on the left with all of the contacts from tblContacts and a listbox on the right with contacts that have been selected for a particular Bid_Pack. When the user double clicks an item on the left it should show up on the right and be removed from the left. I'm looking for the same functionality as when you use the design wizard and you choose fields to include/exclude.For example, let's say I want to add contacts for distribution list "A". My thought is the box on the left would show all the contacts from tblContacts that aren't selected for distribution list "A" and the box on the right would show all of the contacts that are part of distribution list "A". As you double click an entry it would perform the appropriate record creation/deletion and each box would be required.So back to my original question, what is the correct method (relationship, join, querydef) to select all of the contacts from tblContacts that haven't been assocatied with a particular bid pack?Thanks for any help you can provide. Even a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

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Change Data Type/ Join Mismatch

Apr 30, 2006

Looks like mismatched join types has caused others plenty of headaches in the past!!
I am trying to create a query that connects 2 separate areas of our factory.
The first table (Table 1) has a field called prod_code which is a text field and this code (5 digit number) describes a manufactured product.
The next table (Table 2) also has a field called prod_code which is also a text field, is a different 5 digit number, and describes the same product but after packaging.
There is a 3rd table which I want to use to link both of these tables, but in table 3:
table 1. prod_code = table 3.item_code, and is a long integer. and table 2.prod_code = table3.item_code_prnt, also a long integer.
I need to be able to use table 3 to correlate data from tables 1 and 2.
I suspect I need to use Clng or similar but am unsure how to apply it.
Have been trying to construct an expression but continually get error (bracketing error, join mismatch etc, etc)
Any clues?

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Query Using Joins To Disply All Records From Both Sides Of Join Type

Apr 14, 2008

I have a list of PC SN#s in tbl1;
I have a list of other PC SN#s in tbl2
I want to display ALL records of tbl1, AND ALL records of tbl2, matching up the SN#s (where there is a match) - but I want to display all records whether they match or not.

How can I accomplish this?

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General :: Cross Join To Create Ledger Type Query From 4 Tables

Apr 2, 2013

I have 4 queries in which data needs to be connected from the date and shown as a single date showing each sections entry in a row and a cumulative total is maintained as the balance .

See the attached image ...

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Fields In Table Created With Relationship / Lookup Data Type

Jul 17, 2014

I created a table in MS Access using a Lookup & Relationship data-type. This means that my record cells call upon a particular table for values. It creates a LIST of values for that cell.When I query a particular value in this table I get every possible combination of the value. My query and code are below:


SELECT MainT.Content.Value, MainT.Source, MainT.[Entities Impacted].Value, MainT.Update,
MainT.[Divisions Impacted].Value, MainT.Announced, MainT.Effective, MainT.Stakeholders.Value,
MainT.[Ref#ID], MainT.[Issuing Agencies].Value
WHERE (((MainT.Content.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![ContentCB] & "*" Or (MainT.Content.Value) Is Null)

[Code] .....

This means that if I query STATES: "California", I'll get back every possible combination that exists with the name California in that particular field.The issue with this is that I'll get MULTIPLE primary key values rather than just 1. So, if one record, under STATES has California in it, but the other fields in that record have the Lookup & Relationship data-type, then every possible combination of that record will query instead of the multiple field-values form that you'll see in the table I am querying.

notice that my primary key (REF#ID) is repeated numerous times! This obviously causes problems with generating records and forms concerning information for 1 particular primary key. Is there a way around this problem other than specifying search criteria down as much as possible?! Perhaps there is some SQL code.

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Help: Pass Argument From Child Window To Parent Window?

Feb 15, 2005


I have a parent window which upon clicking on a button will pop-up a child window containing a listbox. The listbox recordsource is a subset of the parent window. I want the user to select a record from the listbox which will load the selected record onto the parent window.

How does one pass argument back from child window to parent window?

From parent window to child window, I used
docmd.openform ,,,,,,[argument] and me.openargs in the child window

thanks in advance.

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WHERE Clause On LEFT JOIN : Why Do I Get Join Expression Not Supported Message?

Nov 10, 2006

I've been toiling with the issue of WHERE clauses on the "Right" side of Left Joins. I'm aware that you need to use JOIN ON......AND.... rather than JOIN ON....WHERE.... if the WHERE relates to the Right Hand table.

I've even got an example in my DB where the above works, but now am struggling to use the same theory for other tables. Therefore, I went and created two Mickey Mouse tables to test the logic but am getting an error.

I have
Table 1 with one field called Field 1 - values A, B, C
Table 2 as follows

Field 1.....Field 2.......Field 3

I hoped to have a query that finds all records on Table 1 and records on Table 2 where Field 1 matches on the two tables and Field3 = XXX

My SQL is
SELECT Table1.Field1, Table2.Field1, Table2.Field2, Table2.Field3
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1
AND Table2.Field3="XXX";

but I get Join Expression not supported

What am I doing wrong?


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Create A JOIN Of Different Tables Called Join A Variable And List

Nov 16, 2013

And then called this join as a symbol or variable, and then have it use to select the items from these joined tables, can this be done in Access? Here is an example of a code that I created, but it has an error message saying the FROM syntax is incorrect.

SELECT firstJOIN.trainID, firstJOIN.trainName, firstJOIN.stationID, firstJOIN.stationName, firstJOIN.distance_miles, firstJOIN.time_mins
FROM (trains INNER JOIN ((station INNER JOIN lineStation ON station.stationID = lineStation.stationID)
INNER JOIN bookingLeg ON bookingLeg.startID = station.stationID or bookingLeg.endID = station.stationID )
ON trains.trainID = bookingLeg.tid) as firstJOIN

Can Access do something similar to this, in the FROM statement I joined 4 tables, because each unique fields are in each table and I have to joined them to get those fields. I called this join firstJOIN and in the SELECT statement, I list those columns in the table by calling it firstJOIN.trainID. Can Access do something like this, but syntax it differently?

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Connecting Super Type & Sub Type Entities With A Condition

Sep 21, 2004

hi friends,
i have tried had to connect sub type tabels (Saving, Checking, Loan... they have their own ids...) with super type ( has account id...) on the condition of account_type (either "S","C" or "L") attribute in ACCOUNT entity.
how to joint them??? with query or with expression??
i expect help from you.........please.

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Forms Are Opening In Same Window / How To Open Forms In Different Window

Oct 21, 2013

My application is developed in Access 2003 version. Recently we moved from Access 2003 to Access 2010. Now users are facing usability issues like - in Access 2003 all the forms are opening in different windows and they can move to forms easily. But in Access 2010 all the Forms are opening in same window, if they want to move to different forms then they need to close the current window or press ctrl+F6. How can I enable/open forms multiple window in Access 2010.

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Inner Join And Left Join

Jan 3, 2007

I am trying to do an inner join with a left join. The only problem is, I want to inner join the table that is being joined. This is how I thought it would work below, but it doesn't work.

SELECT * FROM ((Submissions LEFT JOIN Candidates ON Submissions.`Candidate Code` = Candidates.`Candidate Code`) INNER JOIN `Type Candidate Status` ON Candidate.Status = `Type Candidate Status`.`Status ID`)
WHERE Submissions.Status <> 7 ORDER BY `School Interest` DESC;

I want to get the Candidate.Status to inner join with the `Type Candidate Status`.`Status ID`.

If you can help, thanks in advance.

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Tables :: Converting Text Data Type To Number Data Type

Nov 3, 2012

I have a table with a field with names set to text data type and i want to change it to number data type but when i do it in design view the data get lost. I want to know if there is a way to convert the data in the field as number type and keep the data in the field.

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Dialog Box

Oct 10, 2005

Hi All.
I created query with dialog box in Access :
SELECT (Format([Date_P],"mmm yyyy")) AS [Date_P], Result, Count([Date_P]) AS Pos
GROUP BY (Format([Date_P],"mmm yyyy")), Result, Format([Date_PAP],"yyyy")
HAVING Result<>"neg" AND Count(Date_P>0
AND (Format([Date_P],"yyyy")=[Please, enter year (yyyy):]);
How to convert that query to veiw MS SQL?

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Dialog Box Path

Oct 21, 2005

Hi all,

Can I set the default path for a dialog box to look in when called?

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Get Rid Of Startup Dialog?

Aug 10, 2007

How do I get rid of the start up dialog? The boxes which pop up and say "Security warning, Unsafe expressions not blocked" and the other that says "warning this document may not be safe blah blah blah".

Thank you for the help :)

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