I have a table Client-Details,in which i have a record namely "bharti-chennai".this table is associated with aother table "release-details". bharti-chennai has records in relase details.i want to change the name of bharti-chennai to bharti -mumbai ..how to do it.
This is my query: Forfall: Date()+([svarfrist].[svarfrist])
The case is to use this day' date and add the number in the table "svarfrist". The point is that the user are able to change the nomber of pluss days from time to time. This qery running, but it only give bad number of days...
i have four oracle db'ses mydb_db_test, mydb_db_production, mydb_db_develop
within access i have linked tables from the first one; let's say: mydb_db_test.tblOne, mydb_db_test.tblTwo
What i want to do is: 1) import the same tables from the other trhee db'ses 2) rename the table names by vba code example: my_db_db_test.tblOne has to become tblOne and when i switch from db (to for example the production), the tblOne has to be renamed originally (mydb_db_test.tblOne) and the other has to be renamed (so mydb_db_production.tblOne becomes tblOne).
Now the question which you probably ask me: Why not by a connection string change...
Well, that's the problem, the linked tables are being set to readonly, and the property cannot be changed (at least, as far as i tried); so that's why i thought of this workaround. By linking all three databases, i also always have for those table the three connection strings, and by renaming them (i now do this manually) i always can pick the right connection.
I want to automate a find and replace process to standardize names in a table, using the value from one table to replace another. The code I have is not quite working.
Background: - Table [Checking] field [Description] has the source text field that I like to change/standardize - Table [Rename] field [Description] has the text string used to search the [Checking].[Description] values. The search should contain wildcard logic so e.g. a [Rename].[Description] value of "Mobil" would find a [Checking].[Description] value of "Mobil 123", or "Mobil 234", or "Mobil123456 AB". - Table [Rename] field [NewDescription] is the new value used. If [NewDescription] = "Mobilx", then the "Mobil 123", or "Mobil 234", or "Mobil123456 AB" would all be changed to "Mobilx".
I have the following code which partially works:
UPDATE checking, rename SET [Checking].[Description] = [Rename].[NewDescription] WHERE ((([Checking].[Description]) like "*" & [Rename].[Description] &"*") );
Problem is the original [Checking].[Description] value is not deleted in full so the replacement [Checking].[NewDescription] value is not correct.
e.g. "Mobil12345 AB" might be changed to "Mobilx AB" instead of "Mobilx" (some of the original string remains).
This works but how do I use "datecreated" to get the creation date of the table and format it. I tried to use DateCreated in place of Date but get errors such as variable not defined or .datecreated without a with block.The result I'm going for is something like "tblMstr20140603".
I am in the process of developing a pivot table with grouping per month per year which works just fine. However, I would like to rename the column header items. It will not allow me.
The scenario: the data is from a query that deprives data from two tables (Date from Table A) and (TypeID from Table B: Query will show TypeID in text format based on SELECT to show data in text format not numeric format).
The struggle: Renaming the column headers which shows the TypeID in numbers based on its ID (the first column of Table B), not its Description (the second column of the Table B).
The question: How do I make the column headers to show the TypeID in text based on its Description in the second column of the Table B?
Code to rename photos (Access 2010). The new name (full path) is listed on a table (although I would love to accomplish the task from the list query that I later used to generate the table). There is one field in the table (or query) called OldPath and one field called NewPath. The table name is RenPaths. Both paths are located in the same drive. I want to rename the file in a new folder. I created the new folder which is contained in the NewPath.
I was trying to accomplish this using the Name function
Name OldPath as NewPath
Here is the full code:
Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database Dim OldPath As String Dim NewPath As String OldPath = "Select OldPath From RenPaths"
[Code] ....
Here is an example of the paths in my table:
Old Path is - C:UserskcrespoDocumentsFulcrum to MACPFulcrum_Export_a97dee97-ba92-455e-9d5c-3b35617ad357SAA Inspection Form367e14e0-439b-4a50-99e1-9154bcc9e3f7.jpg
New Path is - C:UserskcrespoDocumentsFulcrum to MACPFulcrum_Export_a97dee97-ba92-455e-9d5c-3b35617ad357SAA Inspection FormimageswwMH51856_A3f7.jpg
Im getting an error: Run time error '53': File not found
I checked the OldPath and everything is correct so if the code is working correctly it should have found the file.
I am tring to seperate a field using a query that has data like this: 02 04 08 18 20 25 31 32 35 39 41 45.... (10 sets of numbers) into there own fields... I cant seem to find something along those lines!
How to use like to search for items containing filed
I have a table as such and want to have a select statement look for instances where the RequirementName has Evaluation>Child this is used as the row source for a combo box.
Here is what I have so far and it does not seem to return anything.... this line is where i haveing trouble "AND RequirementName LIKE '%" & subcategory1.value & "%' " Private Sub Subcategory1_AfterUpdate()
Hi im having issues runing a query on a short date field in my works database calls [Date Logged] I am actually running the query from PHP/ODBC but have tryed running it in acess also..
I am using this query: SELECT * FROM Maintenance_Dbf WHERE [Date Logged] = #$date# ORDER BY Maintenance_ID ASC
Where $date is i have replaced with all of the following date types..
2007-05-21 2007-21-05 21-05-2007 05-21-2007
07-05-21 07-05-21 21-05-07 05-21-07
2007/05/21 2007/21/05 21/05/2007 05/21/2007
07/05/21 07/05/21 21/05/07 05/21/07
yet i cant get any results returned..
Here is an example date from RAW tables 26/04/2007 12:25:33
Any idea's? even the query builder in access doesn't pull up any records :S
Is there anyone who knows how to help me with this matter. I have a form that I can search for first and last name in. But when I try to do the same with the field for Social sequrity number I don't get it to work. Can anyone have a look at this attached zip database and help me? Sorry for the social sequrity number beeing named "personnummer" (it's in swedish.
In Access 2003 when you rename a table any queries that the table is in will be renamed aswell, which is usually very useful.
However, is there a way to turn this property off, because I am trying to run over a hundred of the same query that use different tables? In Access 2000 I renamed the tables and used the same query, because it is much quicker, but I have just noticed that the data I am extracting is inaccurate, because when I undo the rename, the table names change in the query.
Another question on how might be the best way to do things with dates ?
I have a simple database which is a fault database.
I get an email request to investigate something and I log it and give it a ticket number. If I email back , I put the comments that I sent in the email in the update field on the database.
When I create the ticket its in an open state with a date and time stamp of now()
When I close (drop down box with open and close as options) the ticket it automatically updates the time in the closed filed to Now()
What I want to do is when I updated my comments field , this sets a date value in a hidden field on the form of Now()
So then I need an expression that looks at the difference between the updated time and the now time
i.e. I update a call on 29/7/2006 at 10:00 am
Its now 30/7/2006 at 10:01
i.e 24hrs and 1 minute later
As its more than 24hrs this flags and output to a filed e.g. 1
I then total all the "1" and therefore I have a ticket count of how many calls have not been updated in 24hrs.
So Im assuming I will need an after update event on my comments field put today's date in this hidden field ,and then maybe some sort of code which is maybe on my switchboard which looks at the difference of these dates and if greater than (or equal too) 24hrs it will output a value of 1.
And If I can do this I can also have a flag if its more than 2 days , then clear the 24hr flag an increment a 24hr flag etc.
My tickets should all be closed with 24 hrs , so this is something to capture anything that is open and hasn't been updated in 24hrs
Id appreciate some guidance on the best way to do this ?
How do I get access to auto fill a text (supplier)? I realize that for a new supplier I would have to input the supplier name, however my question is what should I do for Access to enable auto-fill so that the next time I have to input that supplier it would auto fill for me. This is happening in a single column.
For example: In the supplier column, I typed Dell in the first row, Apple in the second row, HP in the third row. Now when I start typing 'Apple' in the fourth row, I want it to autofill 'Apple' because I have already input that once.
I have built a fairly large access database (office 2003) and unfortunately I was a bit careless about naming my controls and macros. I would like to go back over all of my form controls and macros so that they have more descriptive names, but I'm afraid this will break alot of dependencies. How can I have the macros autoupdate to compensate for renamed controls and vice versa?
This is a strange one. I have a VERY simple query that runs directly off a single table which contains about 7 fields and one PK. I am pulling through 4 columns from this table including the primary key. I am renaming the columns using the format "NewName: Record_Id" format. I have also tried changing the caption on the query column properties. Basically, the problem is that I save and close the working query but when I either close the database down or make a change to another form or query, the column names all get changed to a single value of the table, currently "Report Title". When the query is run, all the columns are shown with the same header name and the data results are all the same. I have checked my relationships and they are fine and I have also done a compact/repair but without any luck. Can anyone please help me?
I am trying to email a report and rename the report after the referenced NCR# currently selected on my form. My codes works for putting the referenced NCR# in my email subject, but I am having issues renaming the report and the error is with the SetProperty line bolded below. When I click my email button, I get Run-time error 32004: The control name "Supplier Chargebacks" is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exists.
Private Sub Command587_Click() Dim stReport As String Dim stWhere As String Dim stSubject As String Dim NCRNum As String NCRNum = Forms![NCR Input Form]![NCR #]
I am developing code to trawl through the tables in a large number of databases that I am working on for a client and rename tables that have spaces in the name.
I tried using the following but get a 7874 error when the new table cannot be found.
DoCmd.Rename strExistingName, acTable, strNewName
I then tried copying the table using the following but get the same error message.
I haven't used FSO before, and it seems that the syntax is a little different than typical VBA for strings, but I can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong here... I keep getting a "file not found" error on the "FSO.CopyFile..." line. I have printed all of my strings to the immediate window to check that they're printing correctly. It all looks good. My code is as follows:
'Copy file 'Set up strings for coding file names Dim FilePath As String FilePath = Me.txt_FilePath Dim FileName As String FileName = Me.txt_FileName
I have a database that is saved as an accdr so it can be compiled for distribution as an exe..I have just found the accdr the exe installed and renamed to accrb and was then able to open it and view all the tables, forms etc.Obviously I cant stop someone renaming but if there was a way to stop the forms, tables etc opening.
I understand the principle of renaming the above of using the navigation pane and selecting the object but what is happening in my case is that when I select the specific table/query I wish to rename, the text is highlighted as per normal but the instant I move the cursor onto that cell that whole panel highlights in red and then reverts back to the original state of just the text in that panel (now highlighted).
I do not know if this is related to the problem but I have a text box with the "code" =Count([tblEntries].[CageNo]).
This was working perfectly okay but both this and the renaming appeared to happen about the same time. I have opened other Access files and the same re the renaming occurs. I have secure security running and do not think this could be the problem but anything is possible.