Reposted- Form With Popup Criteria

Jan 27, 2006

Hello all, I have edited my question to be clearer as I realize some might not understand what I posted earlier.

I have a form with the source from a query.
I have about 15 fields in my query, but users of the query regulary use about 5 of the fields.

How can I design my form such that on clicking the form, a set of text boxes comes up with fields from the query.
I found a post that I could use something like this in my query but that I needed to create a button on the form that would run the query.
Here is an example of the criteria I put in one of the query fields:

[Forms]![Manager]![Vendor] or Forms![Manager]![Vendor] Is Null

The problem is, on opening the form, I get a Name# error on each of the fields that have criteria in them.

Also, is there a way that I don't need to use a comman button on the form form, just by doubleclicking it will bring up text boxes and then I can put in the criteria needed.

What happens if I don't fill in one of the text boxes, would it only return results when that field is blank?

Please help,urgent.

Thanks again.

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Update / Refresh A Form Upon Entering Data In A Popup Box / Form

May 24, 2005

I apologize if this has probably been asked countless times; however, in my search of this forum I could not find something that seemed to work for something so simple.


I have 2 forms. The first form is my main form and the second form is my "popup" form. Both of these forms access the same table. In my main form I have it so people can not enter in a ID so it reduces accidental data entry. Therefore, I created a "popup" box that allows ID entry.

Everything works great except when I close out of the popup form, the newly entered data is not available unless I close the main form and reopen.

Million Dollar Question:

How do I refresh or requery (dunno the correct term usage here) the main form to reflect the addition I made in my popup form. I would like the refresh event to happen when I click the close button on my popup form.


Again, I know this is probably simple, but I cannot find it anywhere or most likely I am blind :cool:

Thank You

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Forms :: Requery Form And Subform After Popup Form Close

Aug 19, 2013

I tried all sorts of permutations of the requery command but apparently I'm too dense to figure it out.

Form 1
subform 1 > button to open pop up form
subform 2
subform 3

I'm trying to requery a combo box (inside of subform 1) based on a table that is updated from the pop up form.

On pop up form close, what's the correct syntax for re-querying subform 1?

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Popup Form?

May 17, 2006

I'm working on an invoice system for a company and they reqiure notification when an account is called up on a form that has an outstanding invoice.

So I created a query that locates all unpaid invoices, I made a form using that query, and I want to use it as a subform on my main invoice page.

But I'd like this subform to only popup when the criteria is met, that is the name on the subform matches the name on the current invoice called up.

Right now the subform is blank when the criteria is not met, and fields are filled out when they are...but I'd rather a nice big popup that can really get their attention...any idea if this is possible on Access 2000?


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Popup Form

May 9, 2007

I have made a message service in access db using a pop up on timer even.

It works fine but sometimes it does not load. My db is split db and so what ever I am doing, doing on my machines only. So is there any way to check if a form is loaded and if its loaded then do requery.

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PopUp Form

Dec 20, 2007

On opening the form, i want to give a command with Move To command to move to the right upper corner. Is there any such command ?

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Use Popup Form To Select A Record On Main Form

Sep 2, 2006

I'm not sure how to search on this, even in the advanced search. If this has been answered, could you point me in the right direction?

I have a main form AddNewCompany (the infamous tab control that now works - thanks to your combined efforts). On it I have a command button that pops up a form of continuous forms with all the companies in the table (the query calls the CompanyID and CompanyName fields only). I have attached an image of the interface.

This means the user can see if the company already exists and doesn't enter it again. (I'm sure there are more effecient ways of doing this, but this is simple and it works. I also know key fields should be autonumbers instead of text, but I have reasons for doing it this way).

What I would like to be able to do is click on the CompanyID field and have the companies information show up in the main form.

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Use Popup Form To Select A Record On The Main Form

Sep 4, 2006

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

I have a main form that has a tab control on it. The main form is called frm_AddNewCompanyContacts. It is opened in edit mode. To see if a company exists I use a command button to call a popup form with a list of all companies' IDs and names. I then want the user to be able to click on a commad button on the popup form to take the main form to that record. After an intial post, and subsequent search, I found the appropriate code. This is what I am using for the onclick event of the command button on the popup form:

Private Sub cmdGoToCompany_Click()
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = Forms![frm_AddNewCompanyContacts].RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[CompanyID]='" & Me![CompanyID] & "'"
If rst.NoMatch = False Then
Forms![frm_AddNewCompanyContacts].Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If

End Sub

When I click on the command button I get an error message:

"The expression On Click you entered as the even property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Microsoft Office Access was communication with OLE server or ActiveX Control (I don't have an ActiveX Control).

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Even Procedure].
*There may have ben an error evaluating the function, event or macro."

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Forms :: Button In Popup Form - Set Focus To Another Form?

Jan 28, 2015

How can I make a button in a pop-up form to send enter key to a text box in another form? Do I need to set focus to the other form first? And how?

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Modules & VBA :: Linking Popup Form To Main Form

Jan 23, 2015

I have a 'main' table with a Project_Number that links all the data in my db together. I have another table that uses that Project_Number as a lookup field to connect that tables data to the main data. I created a 'main' form that has the ability to enter data for the 'main' table. I want to be able to press a button and have the second tables form pop up and add that that specific Project_Number. I added the button and went through the wizard process. I then added the linking info through the builder. It works fine if there is already data entered for the project_number in that specific field. but if the field is empty, the popup window doesn't recognize a project_number and doesn't add it to that record. below is what I am using. The project_number in the 'main' table is text and the Project_Number in the 2nd table in a number since it is a lookup field.

Private Sub CongressionalDistrictCmd_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CongressionalDistrictCmd_Click
Dim stDocName As String


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Forms :: Pre-populate Popup Form After Update To Another Form

Aug 27, 2013

I have two tables - Interviews & Placements.these tables have multiple foreign keys which pull information from other tables (CandidateID,ClientID etc). I have designed queries and forms (datasheet view) which display all the values that I need, For example:

The interview form shows the following fields:
CandidateName;Company;consultant;1stInterviewDate; 2ndInterviewDate;Offer;Accepted

the placements form shows the following fields:
PlacedCandidate;Company;Consultant;PlacementDate;F ee;

This query "qry_Interviews" populates these forms using the foreign keys:

CandidateID from candidates table
CompanyID from companies table
consultant from consultants table

Ideally what I'd like to happen, is when the "accepted" field is updated on the interviews form, the placements form opens as a pop up and is auto populated with the values (CandidateName;Company & consultant).So far I have tried setting the value directly, i.e on the "on Open" event of the Placements form I entered:

Me.Txtcontactname = Forms!ISISnavigationMain!navigationSubform.Form!DS .Name

This does not work. Should I be populating the placements form with the actual Foreign key values rather than the resolved names? Ideally I'd want the pop up placements form to display the actual names rather than just ID numbers.

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PopUp And Select Value From A Form

Jul 3, 2005

Hi All,

I have a form that has a combo box and a subform. After a choose the value of the combo box I want to start adding values into the subform, and I want to be able to select the values that are to go into the subform fields. Now I am thinking of using a pop-up subform which shows the values that I can choose from and then as I close the form it will populate the fields of the main subform.

Is it possible and has anyone got a little example of form that can do that. If so can you put it as an attachment to this post.


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Form Popup Size

Feb 23, 2005


All my popup forms come up at the wrong size. I have popup = yes, modal = yes, border = dialogue box settings. I have tried this with both autoresize on and off. One form comes up to small and one comes up to big. I've tried changing the size of the form in design mode, but this has no effect.

Could someone please help me pls?


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Popup Form Problem

Jun 22, 2005

I have a [frmMain] form which i would like to run maximised.
I also have a button on the [Main] that opens another form [frmAdjust]
in Popup mode, because i do not want this form to be maximised.

The problem i have is that when i return to the [frmMain] after closing
the [frmAdjust] i want to update a subform [subAdjustment] on return.
The Event i would like to use, the Activate event is not fired on return
from a form with the popup property set. The GotFocus event of the form does not
work either.

Which event would i use for this or how could i get around this.

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Subform With A Popup Form

Dec 6, 2005

I can't seem to get this to work. I have a Mainfrm with a Subfrm. On the Subfrm I have a field that has to be a concatenation of two inputs. To do this I have created a PopUpfrm for that field that has two list boxes. The user then chooses one from ListA and one from ListB. This populates an unbound field (fldCode) on the PopUpfrm. I need to pass this data to the original field on the Subfrm.

I've tried:
Forms!Mainfrm!Subfrm.Form.Field1 = me.fldCode
and every possible iteration of this that I can figure out.

Any suggestions on how to pass this information back to the Subfrm.Field1?

If I run just the Subfrm, w/o opening the Mainfrm everything works great. I guess I just don't know how to reference that field when it is actually in the Mainfrm.

Thanks in advance

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Search Using Popup Form

Dec 26, 2005

Greetings all!
I am new to access and trying to build a database but having some real issues with the pop up search. Its a database with personal information so I created three forms
1. FrmMain = The initail navigation page which has just buttons and no records. When you click the cmdFind Resident button, it takes you to the second form...
2. FrmPop Up Resident with Record Source: Resident Name (from FrmResident Parking) . This form has 3 controls; 1textbox (Type Resident Name with Control Source: Resident Name from FrmResident Parking), 2 cmd button (OK and Cancel)
3. FrmResident Parking. This form is supposed to open the Resident Info based on the info entered in the 'Type resident txtbox in the pop up form but does not work.
I have been trying to get this work in Design view but no luck.
I created...
A macro: Find Resident with the following properties...
Form Name: Resident Parking
View: Form
Filter name: Left blank
Where condition: [Forms]![Resident Parking]![Resident Name] Like [Forms]![Pop up Resident]![Type Resident Name]
Data Mode: Left blank
Window Mode: Left blank

In summary what I want to acheive is that; when a person opens the database, they get the FrmMain and if they click find resident to main page, the Pop up form comes up and they type in a name then click ok. This then should open the record on a new form (Resident Parking).
I dont have any queries just one table.
I am not good at VB so any help especially in design view will be very much appreciated

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PopUp Form Help Needed...

May 20, 2006

I'm sure this is simple and I searched the forum but I was unable
to find an answer so..please help! (btw, newbie here);)

I have two tables with a 1 to many relationship.
I have two forms based on each table.
Table1 has a key field called ECO.
Table2 has two key fields, ECO and ItemNumber.

When I have form1 open I use a button to 'pop up' form2.
Form2 shows only records that have ECO value = to Form1.ECO value.

When I create a new record on form2 I would like to have form2.ECO
auto filled with form1.ECO value. This is where I'm stuck!:confused:

Btw, I cant use a subform, already have too many!


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Deleting Records PopUp Form

Mar 17, 2005

Hi All.
Is there a way show my own popup form instead of the standard "You are about to delete 1 record(s)" when deleting a record?
I have taken a look round and couldn't see that this was posted already......but apologies if it has already.

Frank. :confused:

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Add To Lookup Table From PopUp Form

Jul 30, 2005

I have a form with a combobox based on a query of a lookup table. If the name entered is not found in the combobox, I want a popup form to open allowing the user to enter a record for this new name in the lookup table, then close. What is the best way to this? A command button? The Not in List Event? A msgbox? I'm not sure.

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Close Popup Menu Form

Sep 17, 2006

I've created a popup menu form to be loaded when you cick on another form. I need to know how to get the popup menu form to close when you click off it. I've tried using lostfocus and deactivate but that didn't work. Modal is set to no. What code should i use and where would it go?

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Query Will Not Show Values In The Popup Form

Nov 12, 2005

I have a popup form called Labor that is working perfectly fine, what i mean is that it is getting populated with data from the query I built using a single table called PrimaryBid_Master. However I have had to add many fields to this table before invoking a query on it, now I'm running close to the 255 field max limitation.
So I have created a new table called Labor_Primary with all the fields that I need and took them out of the PrimaryBid_Master table freeing up about 50 fields.

The query I made combines 2 tables: table1=PrimaryBid_Master table2=Labor_Primary, they are linked by a common field called invoice#.
But now when I’m in the PrimaryBid_Master form and click the command button to go to the popup form Labor non of the values that were populating the popup form from the primaryBid_Master form work, they were working fine the only thing I changed was the popup forms record source to the new query I built.
Here is a print screen of the new query I built using 2 tables, and I also show the old query that works fine using 1 table.

Maybe you can see some thing I did wrong; do I need some type of filter to fetch the fields? When I open the new query there is no data/values in it.

Thanks--I appreciate any help.

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Filtered PopUp Form, Multiple Selection

Jun 16, 2005

I am building a sort of property management database, and I have run into a bit of a problem. The database will store information about buildings, leases, maintenance etc..

My problem has to do with units in buildings. The tracking of units was requested near completion of the database, and now I have to somehow incorporate it into the database.

Previously, the user when filling out lease information, simply had to manually fill in the unit numbers. It was just a text box, and the user could input what ever he/she wanted. For example unit:1 or unit:3,4,5 etc.

Now since we want to monitor unit sizes, instead of having the user just manually type it in, we want the user to select actual units.

I have several tables but I think the ones that are of concer here are:


Units table right now stores the following:
(and others that aren't really important) the unit table will store unit information for all buildings and is related to the buildings by the buildingName

So when viewing unit information on the building form, the units are in a subform, and are filtered by the buildingName. Everything works here.

Now for my problem. What I am looking to do is when a user is entering lease information in, instead of choosing the buildingName from a drop downbox and then just typing in the unit numbers, I would like to have the user select the buildingName from the dropdown box, but then besides the unit field, press a button which will open a popup form, displaying all the unit numbers for that building. Then the user can select which units the lease pertains to (it can be more than one unit), and this will populate the unit field.

I want the popform to look something like this

□ unit 1 □ unit 2
□ unit 3 □ unit 4
□ unit 5 □ unit 5


I think I know how to filter the form, so that it only displays relavent units to the selected building, but I have no idea how to display multiple records on one page, and allow the selection of multiple records.

Sorry about the long post but I was trying to be really clear in what I am trying to achieve (hopefully it was clear not confusing). Any input you guys might have, is very much appreciated.


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Opening Popup Form Is Full Screen

May 17, 2006

I must be missing something simple here.

The opening switchboard of my db is set to popup but on opening the db it is showing full screen. On reopening once closed it pops up. How can I make it popup to start with?

Settings are:
Default View - Single Form
Auto Centre - Yes
Auto Resize - No
Border Style - Dialog

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Forms :: Display Value Of Control Within Popup Form

Jul 25, 2013

I have a main form bound to a query. Within that form, I have a button which calls up another form (pop up form). I simply want value of the "claim#" field-control to display in the "claim#" field-control of the pop-up form.

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Forms :: Size Of Modal Popup Form

Aug 27, 2014

I am having issues with a split form which modal and emergent (pop-up) properties are set to yes. When I open it, it is maximized or out of the size I had setup; although I saved it trying to "freeze" the height and width.

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Forms :: Filter A Popup Form With Subform?

Jul 29, 2015

I have a continuous Form [Letter Log - All] with "LetterNo" field as the primary key. What i want to do is click the "LetterNo" and a filtered pop up form with subform should appear based on what has been clicked. But i don't have luck doing that. The name of the main form is "LetterLog" and its subform control name is "LetterLogSub"

here is what i did.


Private Sub LetterNo_Click()
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLogSub", acNormal, , "LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog <-- this one works but without the subform
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, , "Forms!LetterLog!LeteterLogSub.Form.LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNo", "me.LetterLogSub.Form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormReadOnly, acDialog
DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNoFilter", "Forms!LetterLog!LetterLogSub.form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog
End Sub

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