Retreiving Current Inventory

Dec 4, 2006

I'm trying to pull out the most current inventory of 15 items I track. When items break I input a new inventory for my system (a new record.) I input the date I entered the information so show the newest record. What I'm trying to produce is an output report that just shows systems 1-15 in their most current state without showing the old inventories. I've tried to filter by date and system number but keep getting the old ones. I've also tried to hide replicates. I'm sure there is an easy SQL code that I don't know about any ideas?

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Retreiving Data From Table!

Mar 19, 2007


I would like to retrieve a field value from a table and insert into a "txtBox" which is in a form. How can I do this using Access or VBA.

thank you very much.

I apologize for for posting the same thread in 2 different forums last week. I thought that since the problem associated tables and forms I would have to post it in both forums.

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Retreiving Updated Records Old Data In Access File

Apr 18, 2008

I have a VB6 application talking to Access DB. The program was suppose to do some audit tracking but due to a bug it didn't create data in Audit table. Is there a way i can retreive data which is updated (Old values) for 2 tables.
If there is a tool/utility i can buy please let me know.



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Forms :: Goto Form With Current User And Current Date

Aug 27, 2013

What I really need is for when the form opens, it looks at todays date, then matches current user and then goes to that record for today, if no current user there, then will goto new record..

i know, sounds complicated, and probably is really easy, but my heads not with it today, as about to get drunk as its my 40th, and got people ringing and texting and still trying to get this done....

I've included a copy of this database, named Timecards..

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Jun 4, 2006

I'm curious, I need to set a database up to keep track of inventory for a new product. the product requires several materials to build the product. I would like to "forecast" so to speak, the amount of materials needed to maintain enough materials on hand for "x amount of product. Is this something I would use MS access for? Or would this be a better project for excel ? Any help would be appreciated.

If in fact ms access would work, could someone point me in the direction of an Inventory database tutorial?

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Inventory DB

Jul 7, 2006

I've been working on a new project, an Inventory DB..... Everything works well... BUT....... Now I am back to a design issue so I can deal with a FIFO inventory. I have searched the forum and every place else to try to see the prefered method for setting this up..... Can't find much. I have seen using serial numbers, or dates. Neither would work well for what I am looking at. I have thought of using a ID field for Inventory purchased.... Auto number... This would then show the first items in as the lowest number.
But........ What is the common method for setting this up? Any examples around?

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HELP With Inventory

Jul 11, 2006

Could someone PLEASE point me in the right direction.... I've designed a couple of DB,s to handle inventory. But I am still stuck on bringing one option in. FIFO! My design for the FIFO will probable end up with the "purchases" table being set up with an "autonumber" field to record each purchase. My problem is still seeing some code to get the sale of items to loop thru these purchase "batches". If anyone knows of an example of this PLEASE post a link for me.

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Mar 24, 2008

dear all

ı would like to calculate moving weighted avarage cost for inventory application

how to calculate method for query or report

please support


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Inventory DB Need Help Please

Mar 6, 2006

Hello this is my first post :)

well im making a Inventory DB and having a little trouble with adding and subtracting the units. This is what i need:

This is the command button

Private Sub Finish_PO_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Finish_PO_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Finish_PO_Click

End Sub

I need to subtract this.....

Private Sub Units_In_Stock_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub


Private Sub Units_Needed_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

Keep in mind i am a bit of a beginner but im a fast learner. Can anyone please help me with this

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Inventory DB

Jan 25, 2008

I made a seach on the internet and on the forum but I confused...
Till Monday I should have ready I DB regarding the inventory of the warehouse in the company. Till now they were using the Filemaker v.3 that it's not the most appropriate way. So I started creating a db where I have to show:

what get out and what get in,
the dates, and the person took them, and the place that the person went them,
and of course the quantities
but the inventory either gets bigger either smaller, and i have to fix it...
with what receipt no and type the items get out or in
and if we it as a sample

What I have done till now:

Products tbl product number (as listed on the computer), product number (according to the supplier), model number, supplier id, constructor id, description, comptible with (sometimes more than one product), price per item, qnty in stock, minimum stock, comments.

Customers tbl customer id, address, post code, phone number, city id

Cities city id, city

Suppliers supplier id, supplier, address, post code, phone number, city id

Constructors constructor id, constructor

The problem is how I add or subtract things from the products table?

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Inventory By Location

Nov 8, 2006

Hi all.

I have been working on an Inventory Database over the past few weeks and I have run into a problem.

Currently I am designing the database to use the common way to calculate on-hand inventory levels (Latest Stocktake(cycle count) + Received - Used). The problem comes when I am trying to calculate this value.

A solution that seems to work is to take stocktake for a given product using the ProductID and date. I have a child table linked to this one to show the quantity and locations of the product. However, with this method, I will have to count the inventory for every location the product is in when the stocktake is taken. This method may work, but accidents may happen and an employee may forget to count both locations when taking stock. Then current inventory levels will be way off.

Is there an easier or more efficient way to do this?

Table Design



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Inventory Table

Feb 27, 2008

I'm a newbie. I'm setting up a database to monitor inventory then allow users to make reservations from the items in inventory. I'm a little confused.
I have the follow tables setup.

Charger,BB Data Only, BB Phone, Broadband Wireless Card, Cellular Phone, Laptop, Laptop Accessory

BB Data Only
Device, Model#,Serial#,IMEI,PIN#,Deactivated

BB Phone
Device,Model#, Phone,#IMEI, PIN#, Deactivated

Device, MTHMID, Type of Charger

Device, MTHMID, Manufacturer, Model#, Serial#

I also have tables for manufactures and service provider, can i add a lookup to the service provider table to the bbphone table

basically i want to create a form that will change the information requested based on the type of device selected.

I'm confused about how to setup my main table, and the relationships between the tables.. please help

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Autoupdating Inventory Help

Apr 29, 2008


Im building an inventory database for my business, I am having trouble implanting an autoupdating stock level.
This is how my database looks like:

I have InStock within the Table - Products
I create sales orders through a form and that is recorded within a Table - inventory transactions.
On this form there is a box to select the type of products and also a number box to input the number of units the customer purchases

I have created an update query with the following conditions
Field InStock
update to -[Products]![InStock]- Forms![Sales Orders Subform]![UnitsSold]

Field ProductName
criteria is - Forms![Sales Orders Subform]![ProductName]

so in operation, i would select product A, enter the amount, that amount will then be automatically deducted from InStock for that particular product

I am stomped about what code to add to my afterupdate field... and where to add the afterupdate field.

any help will be appreciated!

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Inventory Supplies

May 25, 2005

I am wondering how in Acess do I create a Database with Drop Down Lists
So I can search by Furniture Brand and Catagory and by Customer Name to get the furniture each person ordered.

Would this be a one to Many Relationship.

What kind of Coding would I need I wish there was a more simpalar program then Acess

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Inventory Database Help

Apr 5, 2007

I have some basic knowledge of Access and how it works but when it comes to the SQL formulas and some database structures I have not had enough experience. If someone could please guide me in the right direction with this I would appreciate it.

I have need to setup a database of all equipment in a small room so that I can keep inventory on it. Right now I have a database with three tables in it. An Items table that relates barcodes of an item to the actual item name. A Tech table that contains all the techs that would take from or replace something in the inventory of this room. And a Transactions table where it holds what item, who, and if it was taken or stocked.

What I need the most help with setting up right now is how do I use the transactions table to total up all uses and stocks of each unique item so that I can get an idea of what is actually supposed to be in the room at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

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Inventory Pallet Control?

May 2, 2005

I am try to make an access database to create pallet tags for some package and ingredients items that we purchase.
What I would like to do is after the purchaser creates a PO in our purchasing system he would enter that information (SKU and total quantity)into a table. Someone from the warehouse would then go into this database, pull up the PO number and at that time Im guessing a query would be run on those original lines. This is where I know what I want access to do but don’t know how to get there.
Assuming that we ordered 1000 of an item, Access would look at a table with the per pallet quantities and then create the appropriate amount of pallet tags and create a line in a table with the qty and the pallet number. I would then go back at a later date and enter a lot number to go with that pallet number.

Any Ideas? I have searched and have not found anything on this.


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Music Inventory Database

Aug 4, 2005

hello, i am looking for a music inventory database, anybody any idea where i might get one

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Stock/Inventory Control - Help.

Jul 7, 2006

Hi guys,

Before you say anything, yes i have spent endless hours searching the forums for what im trying to find. The simple fact being that i can't find anything that fits my situation or i simply can't understand it.

Heres the problem -

I've been given the task, by a family member, to design and build a database. The database is for his carpet shop/warehouse. Being of such a business the warehouse always has stock coming in and going out. The manager can't keep track quikcly enough.

He therfore needs -

- A database of products in stock
- A history of old stock and who it was sold to (which customer/invoice)
- An easy, user freindly, way of entering stock as quickly as possible as it comes in
- A form for orders, which, in the top half the customer information is entered and in the bottom half a products/stock search by the stock ID/number to find the products they are buying. Also a subtotal/total box.
- The stock needs to be deducted from the stock/products list when it is bought and goes into a history database/table.
- Reports based on Orders, with only relevant information, for customer invoices.
- A stock search facility where all stock, present and past, can be searched to see what is most popular according to manafacturer, colour, quality etc.

It is not a shop/EPOS application that i am trying to create. Its simply a stock control system which, as a bi-product, produces invoices and reports etc. It goes without saying that, as staff members don;t have extensive computer knowledge, the whole database must very user freindly and simple and clear etc.

Now MY problem -

I can produce simple databases and can set up straight forward queries/reports etc. But the whole stock update thing really confuses me.

- i dont know what the set-up/design of the database should be
- i dont know how to do the stock update thingy
- i dont know how to create a search facility for products being purchased
- i dont know how to move the stock from the stock table into a history table with the customer/invoice information
- i dont know, qithout creating 10 different queries, how to make a stock search facility which the user can determine the criteria for searching
- i dont know how to make the whole thing look simple and user friendly!

What im looing for guys is for anyone to point me in the right direction. i Might sound lazy just asking for people to help a bit but i have spent weeks trying different things out, using examples, reading books, EVERYTHING. It all seems complicated until someone explains it to me. I dont mind doing it all myself but i dont know where or how to start. Can anyone suggest a suitable design/set-up? Can anyone provide a sample/example i could look at that is very similar? Can anyone help in any ways what so ever. I thought i was fairly good with computers but this proves that when it comes to advanced access im just a noob. if anyone can help a guy in need what so ever please do.

you all sounded really helpfull in other posts and i hope you can do the same for me. please remeber im a bit of a novice so be gentle! Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide me with.

All the best, James :)

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Manufacturing Inventory Database

Sep 28, 2006

I need to create a small inventory database tracking product in stock and "x" amount of raw material to create it.

Is there a way, using MS Access that I can track inventory of the product as well as update how much material was used to create the product?

I am new to access but I know how to create a database and enter the fields I want, eg: product id, model number, product color, in stock, re order, lead time.

My problem is associating another table to deduct/or add the amount of material based on totals.

In a nutshell, I want to track product inventory as well as track raw material in stock to create more.

Thank you for any help!

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PC Inventory And Allocation Database

Jun 27, 2005

Im creating a db to keep records of computers that have been assigned to persons in their various departments and also unassigned computers and spare parts.


For the machine specifications table should i put in the following fields as columns

Hard Drive 1
Hard Drive 2
Hard Drive 3
Optical Drive 1
Drive 2
Drive 3

or should i just create a field called Component and another field called type/size e.g. component would be hard drive or opticqal drive and Type/Size would be 60GB or DVD+RW

or should i just create individual tables to store the Hard drive info separate from the optical disk and separate from the memory.

The database is going to get really big which is why i wana structure it properly you r help would be really appreciated.

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Inventory Control Database Help

Nov 1, 2005


I am trying to develop an inventory control database and would really appreciate some advice on the way I propose to develop the application

Inventory Control Database.

Outline for inventory control database.

The database will have the following tables:

Supply Table

Person Table

Supplied Table

On hand table

Orders Table

The Supply Table - will store the names of the stock items available

The persons table - will basically hold information on the person receiving the product/supplies

The Supplied Table - will hold information on who is being supplied, what is being supplied, who is the supplier, how much is supplied and when.

The On Hand table - will initially store the opening stock for all the stock items available. When an individual is given some of that stock, the amount of stock given will be subtracted from the on hand total, for that particular stock item.

The Orders Table – Will be the place where we will record all orders received. Once an order is received, this figure will be added to the On Hand Total for that particular item. So ultimately the on hand table should reflect initially the opening stock figure, then the opening stock figure plus any amounts ordered. I anticipate that after the initial opening stock figure is entered onto the system, the on hand table will be automatically populated by the orders table, and the site user will only need to manually update the On hand table in case of emergency, for example if a mistake is made on the order table.

I would really appreciate some help with the table design logic here. This is the first time that I have developed a stock ordering system, and would appreciate any advice on the over all design.

Initially, I want to build this as an access application then convert it to a web application ASP/SQL Server



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Inventory Totals (sum Query)

Mar 9, 2006

I have an inventory table with the following feilds


I would like to create a query to give me an inventory for each product that i can reference to in a UnitsInStock control in a Product form.

I have tried the following with no success. What am i doing wrong?

UnitsInStock : =Sum(nz([UnitsReceived])-nz([UnitsShrinkage])-nz([UnitsSold]))

I get this error "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression <name> as part of an aggregate function." (Error 3122)

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Identify Oldest Inventory

Oct 11, 2006

I am trying to identify how long inventory has been in a specific location. The information that I have is the current inventory level and movements that have put the inventory there. Assuming FIFO I would like figure out the following.

ex: I have 4 movements with various dates AND I have 3 pieces currently on hand, how do identify the date of the last 3 movements (assuming that the one that has been moved out was the first one in)? Of course there is a long list of part #'s, on hand quantities and movements into the location so the logic should work for all.

Sample data

Part # Date Quantity
123 09/30/1999 1
123 09/01/1999 1
123 08/30/1999 1
123 07/30/1999 1
456 09/30/1999 1
456 09/01/1999 1

Part # On Hand
123 3
456 1

the Result I would like to see:
123 09/30/1999 1
123 09/01/1999 1
123 08/30/1999 1
456 09/30/1999 1

Is there a way to do this?


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Inventory Query Calculations

Jan 21, 2007

Within my "Products" form, I have a "Transactions" subform whose records are
categorized in five different type of inventory transactions - let's say "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E".

I'm using linked queries (instead of DSum) to calculate the net inventory amount (A+B+C-D-E) per product - sort of a running total.

The problem is that transaction type "E" may not appear for a particular record!

Consequently, the query calculations omit those products without transaction
type "E".

How can I include all the "Products" records into my inventory query calculations even though a product may not contain all the transaction types in their records?

Thanks, in advance, for responding.


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Inventory Forms By Date

May 25, 2005

I would like to know in Acess how to create a Form
Let's say to lookup Products you sold by date in like a month period on a form
To select the items from the list and have it display by that date.

Mike Van Der STad

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Maintianing Inventory Quantities

Jan 22, 2007

I used the Northwind database and modified it to suit my needs. This is basically just maintaining inventory, using the "Orders" form and "Orders Subform" to create records in the "Orders" and "Order Details" table which deduct quantities from the "products" table.

Our employees are allowed to use the "Orders" form to issue items from inventory, and this is the method I used for updating quantities in the "Products" table (method 1):

Here's the problem: It is entirely possible that a transaction from inventory might be cancelled, and there is no way to replace the inventory levels in the "Products" table, other than doing it manually.

I would prefer a method of maintaining inventory levels in the "Products" table based on current records in the "Order Details" table, whereas, I could merely open the "Order Details" table, delete the canceled transaction (record), and the quantities in the "Products" table would be automatically adjusted.

It doesn't seem like this should be too difficult, I just need a point in the right direction on how it should be done.

Any help will be appreciated.

Mark A.

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