Retrieving <HTML> Tags In Access Database

May 9, 2005


I have a database which I can add to, edit and delete via an page, it also allows me to add html tags.
My problem is when the data is then rebinded to the page any HTML tags are changed from '<' to '<' and from '>' to '>' this results in the tags and contents being displayed on the page as text instead of being interpreted as HTML and then formatting the page - most frustrating!

Any help is greatly appreciated, this is a relatively new area for me so many thanks in advance.


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Database With Tags For Images

Feb 20, 2015

I produce visualisations for architecture companies and use a lot of 2d images of people, cars, trees, skies, etc. As it stands now, I have a folder that contains a huge amount of images that I flip through when I create a new image. I have seen that some websites, such as [URL] .... allow you to filter through an image database based on different tags.

I would like to create a similar database, but stored locally on my computer. I have actually never used Microsoft Access before, but I'm thinking that this might be the best program for me to use. Is this true?

Essentially I would like to organize my library of images of 2D people based on things like: 'staring', 'bicycle', 'looking up', 'back view', 'crowds', 'pointing', 'sitting' etc.

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Removing Html Tags From Access 2007

Feb 6, 2008

I did not know where to ask this question or how to ask, so please excuse me.

We have an Access 2007 database that updates an Access 2003 database. My problem is, the data in 2007 is formatted and when the 2003 table is updated, it displays the html formatting tags. Is there a way to remove the formatting (convert to plain text from rich text?) during the update?

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Retrieving Database Data

Nov 18, 2005

In my employee attendance database each record contains an employee id#, a number corresponding to an attendance infraction, and a corresponding date. Each week a clerk queries the database to pull up records for all employees who have a yearly 'total number' of infraction values over a certain numerical limit.
Any suggestions as to what is the best way to:
1 - Calculate that yearly 'total number' for every employee.
2 - Retrieve the date of the most recent attendance infraction for each employee that has a total value that is over the limit?


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XML Into Access - Fields / Parameters Found Within Tags Not Importing

Apr 22, 2014

I am trying to import XML into access however have noticed that Access 2013 is not importing fields/parameters found within tags. For example:

<locationelement description="Master Location" dns="" key="M0" lastupdated="Never Updated" pdport="5555" port="5551">
<monitoringperiod days="Sunday" hours="28-95" />
<monitoringperiod days="Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday" hours="all" />

When importing, Access creates a table location element with fields for monitoring period timezone (containing EST5EDT) and monitoring period (containing nothing). I was wondering if there is a way to access fields such as description, dns, key etc or days, hours, ie fields that are within a tag.

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Newbie On Retrieving Autonumber From Access

Jun 10, 2005

Hi all, I am new to working with databases. My question is, how do you retrieve the autonumber ID of a field for a row just inserted into a database.

I have read numerous threads/articles, but none give me a clear picture of what the code actually looks like, just pieces(which is like greek to me). Could somebody tell me where I can see a working example of the code?


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Retrieving Data From Excel Into An Access Form/table

Aug 3, 2005

Hopefully someone can help me this (and hopefully the solution isn't staring me in the face)

I am trying to export data from a cell in a worksheet to a field in an Access database that I am building. The database has two tables, tblCompanies and tblQuotes. It works through a macro accessed by a command button, which should export the total of a quote into the field Quote_Price in the tblQuotes table, which the users will access through a form. The problem is that if I export the data from Excel, I get an error message saying, "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'tblCompanies'. The code looks like this:

Sub NewQuote()

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As Long
' connect to the Access database
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsDJEdwardsMy DocumentsTest Foldermarketing.mdb;"
' open a recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "tblQuotes", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
r = 55 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("I" & r).Formula) > 0
With rs
.Fields("Quote_Price") = Range("I" & r).Value
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

I can import the cell contents from Access with no problems, but I would like the user to be able to do it from Excel to simplify things.

I'd be grateful for any help!


Dave, England

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Retrieving Rows From Multiple Table To Fill MS Access Report.

Sep 20, 2006


I am using VB.NET 2003 and MS Access XP for a desktop application. While developing the application we have a reached a situation where we want to print a report which retrieves records from four tables. Till here it is easy to think that it can be done by a simple SQL JOIN query, but following is the complexity:

The first table stores a single row.
The second table stores multiple rows related to the Primary Key field defined in Table One.
The third table stores a single row related to the Primary Key field defined in Table One.
The fourth table stores a single row related to the Primary Key field defined in Table One.

The above SAVE RECORD option is performed when a user fills a Form of my application. As stated above, all the four tables are inter-related with a Primay Key field (TNo) defined in table one.

I also have a MS Access Report that will print information retrieved from all the four tables. The Report has some of the fields from each of the above table. The SAVE operation is performed in this way:

(1) A unique TNo is generated for a new record that is about to be created.
(2) All the entries are saved in their respective tables (mentioned above.)
(3) An access query will fetch the records pertaining to this TNo from all the tables to fill the report.

I want to know how to write such a query when I have to fetch multiple rows of a table in between. Is there any way that I can pass the TNO as a parameter to this query that is saved in MS Access?

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Help Tags

Mar 20, 2007

Hi there,

It would be quite useful to have a help button on my forms which when pressed, showed a short help tag for each button etc on that form. SO the user knows exactly what each function does.

Im not aware of any built in function to do this? Is there anyway to show all the 'ControlTip Texts' on the page?


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Forms :: Using Smart Tags With VBA?

Jan 9, 2014

Access 2007-2010 format Form, 9 bound fields, grouped together Smart Tag = "UnitGroup"

Summary: Needing to run VBA whenever the value is changed within one (or more) of these fields. User could be placing new value (defaults at 0) or editing(changing) previous value entered.

I am not good on writing loops/next statements. But I am wanting to make an image visible to true when someone changes the value within the group.

This is what I have so far:

Dim ctlGroup as Control
For Each ctlGroup in Me.Controls
If ctlGroup.Tag = "UnitGroup" Then 'finds the smart tagged controls
If ctlGroup Then 'if any fields within group changes value then
Me.Image321.Visible = True 'show image
End if
End If
Next ctlGroup

I don't even know if I am close with my code - clearly it is not complete and lots of holes of wonderment!! Maybe it would be easier just to use the individual even (on change) with each individual field (9).

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Remove All Smart Tags

Jan 17, 2012

I have an Access template I downloaded which has smart tags. I want to remove all smart tags all of the forms but how.

It must remove all tags as other users will be using the same database on different pc's. So mustn't be a local client setting.

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Creating A Db That Is Searchable By Tags

Apr 18, 2015

Default Searchable Tagged List...I'm trying to create a list of items that allows me to tag each item with essentially unlimited tags and perhaps a limited number of other fields. Later, I'd like to be able to search that list for specific items by the tags that they have. Finally, I'd like to either export or copy/paste the results.

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General :: How To Read / Create ID3 Tags For Mp3(s)

Aug 15, 2012

how to read / create ID3 tags for mp3's? I have found various snippets but they are mainly vb.

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General :: Using Variable Between HTML Tags?

Sep 30, 2012

TextBox1 is Rich Text:-

I want to replace my String ("Evidence required of this please" ) in this code 1) following which works fine, with a variable (textToPaste) as in code 2) which doesn't work.

1) TextBox1 = "<div><font style=""BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFF00"">Evidence required of this please</font>"

2) TextBox1 = "<div><font style=""BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFF00"">textToPaste</font>"

Can I persuade the statement to accept "textToPaste" as a variable and not a normal string?

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Remove Some Certain Words / Tags In Fields

Aug 9, 2013

We use Access to pull data from data warehouse and this year they upgraded the new system on the back end and moved old data to the new one. Problem is that in some tables having big fields such as Asset Long Description, Work Long Description and when moved to the new database system, somehow there are certain some XML tags such as <br> </br, etc.. added into the description. So when we pull the data onto the table in Access, is there a way to remove those tags out of the descriptions fields? a macro or module?

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Modules & VBA :: Modify Tags (metadata) In JPG Files

Jun 18, 2014

I've question reqarding modyfying tags (metadata ) in jpg files.

I've found some code which allow to read tags from jpg files through vba but only read - editing is not possible.

So my question is: vba code which allow modify tags in jpg files? {Below code for reading tags, requires to turn on following reference in vba editor: Microsoft Shell controls and Automation )

Public Function getFileMetadata(fileFolder As String, fileNm As String, _
metadataType As String) As String
Dim objShell As Shell32.Shell
Dim objFolder As Shell32.Folder
Dim objFolderItem As Shell32.FolderItem

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Remove HTML And RTF Tags From String

Dec 5, 2013

I'm using Access 2010.

I'm trying to append some text to a field used for comments for a Team Member profile. I don't really want to create a comments table for multiple comments regarding changes to the profile.

Some comments already exist and I want to add some more information programmatically when the profile is updated using a batch update at the end of a reporting period.

I thought it'd be easy in a query,

New Comment:[EXISTING COMMENT] & "; Additional Comment" But I was getting HTML Tags when I tried to concatenate the strings. "<div><font color=black> EXISTING COMMENT HERE </font></div>" then a linefeed and <div> </div>; Additional Comment HERE.

I found a function to kill all the html tags but the visual linefeed and the " " tag won't go away.

I'd like to concatenate two pure text strings to get one pure text string to put back into the comments field which will just be text wrapped with no forced linefeeds.

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Queries :: How To Get Newest Data From Tags Generated In Table

Aug 29, 2014

I need a Query that grabs the lastest "newest" data from the 5 tag.table tags generated from the query below and Display them in a result,

SELECT FloatTable.DateAndTime, FloatTable.TagIndex AS FloatTable_TagIndex, FloatTable.Val, TagTable.TagName, TagTable.TagIndex AS TagTable_TagIndex
FROM FloatTable INNER JOIN TagTable ON FloatTable.[TagIndex] = TagTable.[TagIndex];

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Tables :: How To Remove HTML Tags Displayed In Table When Copy / Paste Data

Jan 19, 2015

When I copy data from Outlook or MS Word that contains bullets or other HTML formatted text, into MS Access text control, the HTML tags are displayed in the tables.

The memo field in the table is set to Rich Text and so is the text control on the form.

Below is an example of the data I'm copying from Outlook email:

Fire Alarm Activation

Actual/Smoke Present
Planned Drill/Testing

2. Utilities/Power/Communication Failure

Now, below is what it looks like in my table or output in a report:

<li><strong>Fire Alarm Activation </strong></li>

[Code] ....

How can I copy and paste and remove the html tags?

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Retrieving Data

Nov 13, 2007


I am new to access and need help trying to retreive data. Basically I have a unique ID field (123545). I what a user via a form to be able to retreive data using this unqiue ID. Does anyone know the best way to achieve this in access please?



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Retrieving OLE Object

Feb 5, 2008

I have an Access2003 database that contains a table. The table has 2 fields. One is a counter and the other stores a picture which is datatype ole object. I want to do a one time export of the pictures. I want to save the pictures as jpegs in a designated directory. I know very little about working with ole object datatypes. Can someone tell me the easiest way to do this?

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Retrieving The Very Last Entry

Nov 5, 2006

Hello All,

Is there a way to retrieve the very last entry to a table (via a query) without passing a value to the query.

Lets say I have a table Pets

ID desc
1 Dog
2 Cat
3 Lizard

For example lizard was added last, is there a way I could pull just this out using a query? (keep in mind that I don't know wahat the last entry is, so I cannot pass any kind of value to the query)


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Retrieving File Size

Jan 17, 2006

Hello all,

I would like, from a form, to get the file size of a particular file.

I would really like something like: FileSize("C: estfile.exe")

I am sure I have had something like this before, but cannot for the life of me find the answer I originally got!


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Retrieving Data From A Table

Feb 14, 2005

I have created an expense database but I now want to try to add fields to the main form which will allow the users to select their car engine capacity and the price they paid per litre to establish how much VAT can be reclaimed. A small extract from the table from customs & excise is set out as below (although the table headers have moved a bit). There are 5 engine capacity headers and numerous pence per litre rows.

Pence per litreUp to 1000cc1001 to 1500cc

So if someone had a car with the engine size between 1001 to 1500cc and had paid 75.7p per litre for their fuel we could reclaim VAT @ 9.738p per mile.

Is there anyway I can get access to look up this information for me?

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Retrieving Ebay Data

Dec 15, 2005

Does anyone know how to setup an ODBC to the Ebay Web Server?

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Retrieving The Right Amount Of Records

Dec 6, 2005

I have a table containing the following two fields, one with monthly dates (end of month plus year) and one with profits (per month). However, for some dates the records are missing. For example, for the 31-1-1994 there is no record (not in the date field, nor in the profits field).

How can i create a query that will only show me the records if 10 or more monthly subsequent profits are known, so meaning that in those 10 months no records are missing? So that only the timespans without the gaps (missing records) are shown.

So if the 31-1-1994 and the 30/6/1994 record are missing, then the 4 subsequent records in between those two dates should not be shown,, since the amount of records is not 10 or more. However, if the next missing date would be 30/6/1995, then all the 11 subsequent records between 30/6/1994 and 30/6/1995 should be shown. Since the number of records is bigger than the required 10.

Thanks for helping me out!


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