"rounding Up" Calculated Expressions

May 15, 2006

I have got an expression to calculate the number of weeks between the charging start date and the dispatch date - wanting the system to round up the answer to the full week eg if start 1/Jan and dispatch 14/Jan then system correctly returns 2 weeks, if dispatch date is 15/Jan then I want it to return 3 weeks but it still returns 2 weeks and same right up to say 20/Jan difference. Is there any simple round up function similar to excel, search has proved fruitless.

No of weeks: DateDiff("ww",[charging period start],[dispatch date])

Any help appreciated thanks IW -- Cleveland. UK

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Creating Calculated Field With Two Expressions

Aug 6, 2007

Hi guys,

I am writing a select query and need an extra column which will be calculated using two tables.

The problem i am having is that i need to to say basically, return value A if value from table x < value from table y or return value B if value from table x > value from table y.

I tried using the HAVING clause but you cant use the if function with this it seems.

Your help is most appreciated.

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Calculated Field - Rounding To .99

Jun 25, 2015

So I have a Calculated Field

If the price is .01 to .08 I want it to round up to .99 if it is 1.00 to round down to .99

The current Calculated Field is this:


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Queries :: IIF Statements - Rounding Value In Calculated Field

Mar 24, 2014

I am using access 2010. I have a query with an iif statement on a calculated field im trying to round up. ex.

TotalDiscount: Round(iif([field1]="Piece",[int]-[decr],[field2]*[field3]/[field4],3))

I get an error something like "wrong number of arguments or expression on comma.

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Queries :: Rounding Value In Calculated Field In Crosstab Query

Aug 4, 2015

I have a very basic query with the following calculated field in it:

ProjRevNRC: IIf([ProjRevDate]>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1),[CurrentNRC]*[Rev Flow Through],0)

I went into the properties if that field inside the query design and changed it to Standard with 0 decimal places and it worked fine.

But when I based a crosstab query off the query that contained the above calculated field, I cannot seem to get the numbers to format correctly. 1231313.424 is shown instead 1,231,313 and I don't have a line in the Properties window to even change the decimal places. It doesn't recognize when I change the format to Standard. I have tried using Round([ProjRevNRC]) which gets rid of the decimal places as desired but does not show commas.

I'm sure it's a simple part of the Round expression that I am missing but nothing has worked.

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Tables :: Turning Off Rounding Function In Calculated Fields

Jan 22, 2013

Is there anyway to turn off the rounding function in calculated fields - I need to divide a currency amount by a whole number to calculate the number of full coin bags that will be needed (bags contain different totals according to the coin value) - a whole number.

Then the result is used to calculate how much loose coin will remain.

But regardless of the field type and/or the format, the number rounds when I reduce the decimal places to zero. I need the result to be the whole number and to calculate as the whole number.

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Reports :: Rounding A Calculated Field (Nearest 3 Decimals)

Apr 17, 2013

I have a field that sums pounds. I need to convert this to tons (rounded to the nearest 3 decimals), then multiplied by $67.50. This will calculate a fee payment.

This is what I have now:


The total pounds is 2675.

After dividing by 2000, Access generates a number of 1.3375. It rounds 1.3375 to 1.337 which generates an incorrect final total. Not sure how to alter this to round properly.

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Mar 4, 2008

I have a table that has questions that require Yes/No answers, simple done, however now for the tricky (or at least for me, VV new to Access) I need one of the fields to add up all the Yes and asign a value so for example:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Result
Y N Y Y N 3
How do I do this, I asume it is down to the expression for 'Field' Result but what should that expression be and where do I put it?

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Jul 29, 2006

Help me what is wrong with this expression:eek: :

=IIF( [eBay Method] ="Auction",
IIF( [Start up Price] <=.99,.2,
IIF( [Start up Price] < = 9.99,.35,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =24.99,.6,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =49.99,1.2,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =199.99,2.4,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =499.99,3.6,
IIF( [Start up Price] >499.99,4.8," "
IIF( [eBay Method] ="Buy it Now",
IIF( [Start up Price] <=9.99,.05,
IIF( [Start up Price] <=24.99,.1,
IIF( [Start up Price] <=49.99,.2,
IIF( [Start up Price] <=49.99,.25," "

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Unsafe Expressions

Jul 13, 2005

I'm using Windows 2K SP4 and have just installed Office 2003. Everytime I open Access I get a message asking if I want to block unsafe expressions (presumably macros). How can I turn this off?

BTW I've downloaded all of the security updates, which are recommended by MS.

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Unsafe Expressions...........??

Apr 5, 2007


Can anyone tell me why it is that when i have written a DB on one machine using Access 2003 and then subsequently put that DB on to another machine i get an error relating to unsafe expressions?

why does this happen and is there a away in which can stop this error message from appearing?

I am trying to implement the DB i have written at work but it does not look good when i get a constant error message appearing when ever i open the DB.

Thank you in advace for your help


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Question Regarding Expressions

Feb 29, 2008

1)I have a list of stock opening prices and closing prices for March. i need an expression or function that will calculate which company's stock price changed most during the month (difference between opening and closing price). 2)In the stock table, I have dates given to me in the following format mm/dd/yyyy. Lets say I want it only to display the date so it only shows the month but not the year of the day. What function will give me this result?Thanks

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Questions About Possible Expressions

Jan 8, 2007

I have a complicated question here. I am currently building a db for career development in my workplace. The main fields that i am having some issues with is the following. I have three fields labelled as the following:

1)Last Review date

2)Next review date ( i have this entered in as an auto generated date-- will add one year from the last review date)


Now here is my question:

I want my status field to auto generate as well-- say if the last review date was in 2005 and the next review date was dec.12/06-- then the status would currently be overdue.
Is there any expression to use to auto generate the status field to say whether it is overdue or completed? or is there any easier way to do this?

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Counts And Expressions

Jul 8, 2005

I’m starting to wonder how I ever made anything work, before I found this place.

I built 2 queries and put them in a query

They share a common field

The join type is all record from Query1 and Matching from Query2

Next I added a count field for each

Then I added a calculated field that subtracts the count from Query1 to Query2.

So far it all works

When I add >0 to the criteria for the calculated field a dialog box pops up asking for the values of the fields expressed the calculated field.

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Text Expressions

Jul 19, 2006

i have a master table with various lookup feilds. i want to create a querie that creates a text expression feild called description and it is based on the info provided in the lookup feild. problem is when i create this querie from the location master it provides the id's from the lookup colums and not their text.

any solution

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Help Need For Expressions Builder

Aug 1, 2006

Hi experts

I have some problems consists of using Conditions.
I have 4 tables in Access:
tbl1_School names, addresses, ID_Number etc..
tbl2_ School features with Number of Clesses, Number of Students, total Area etc.
tbl3_teaching stuff with names, occcupations, Ages ets. and
tbl4_nonteaching personal with names, occupations. ages, etc.

References is ID_Number of schools
I make Query with relations, but do know how to build Expressions Builder for this:
Question 1.
a)If school have between 300&500 Students there are ig.18 teachers,
b)if schools have between 500&800 Students there are ig.25 teachers and until 1500 Students there are ig. 50 teachers.
Question 2.
c)if school have area until 400 m^2 there are needed ig. 8 nonteaching personel,
d)if school have from 400 till 600 m^2 there are needed ig. 15 nonteaching personel.

Numbers I specified like examples ig. were prescribed bye regulation.

If someone want to help me how can I use Expression Builder or VBA Code it would be appreciated.

It means I should use Condition Commands.

Thank You for help.

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Using Expressions As Criteria

Jul 17, 2007

Is there anyway to use an if statemet to define the criteria for a query?

as in

if forms!RunReport!cboname <> "" then
query all names that equal forms!RunReport!cboname
end if

also is there any way to use a dlookup function (or another similar function)
to define several criteria for my query

i have a table, "modules", with a list of modules, each classified as "digital" or "analog" and i want to view all records containing analog modules from a different table, "info"

thanks for any help in advance

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Expressions In A Query

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all!

I'm new to this forum and could use some help on a simple Access app. I have attached the relations for the db. I need to collect some data to a subform as:
Monday (hours),
Tuesday (hours),
Wednesday (Hours),
Thursday (hours),
Friday (hours),
Saturday (hours),
Sunday (hours)
Where I have the tblEmployees.EmployeeID, tblDates.DateWeek and tblDates.DateYear as variables.
The weekdays need to be an expression with my current design, which seems to work ok from Monday to Saturday, but when I throw in Sunday Access says the query is too complicated.

I have this query to get the data, but with no expressions (can't get it to work):

SELECT tblFunctionCodes.FunctionCode, tblAccounts.AccountNumber, tblRegistrations.Hours, tblDates.DateWeekDay
FROM tblFunctionCodes INNER JOIN (tblEmployees INNER JOIN (tblDates INNER JOIN (tblAccounts INNER JOIN tblRegistrations ON tblAccounts.AccountID=tblRegistrations.AccountID) ON tblDates.DateID=tblRegistrations.Date) ON tblEmployees.EmployeeID=tblRegistrations.EmployeeI D) ON tblFunctionCodes.FunctionCodeID=tblRegistrations.F unctionCodeID
WHERE (((tblRegistrations.EmployeeID)=[intEmployeeID]) AND ((tblDates.DateWeek)=[intWeek]) AND ((tblDates.DateYear)=[intYear]));

I've been trying to use that as a foundation for other queries but I just can't get it to work. Does any of your guys have any ideas? Maybe an INTERSECT query??

Anyway I'm out of ideas and very pressed to makes this work. Any ideas are welcome!

Thanks in advance, jon.

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Help With Expressions On Forms

Jul 6, 2005

Hi all, I'm writing a database basically as a favour to someone. I'm a sql analyst/programmer so my access and vba skills are a little limited and I hope someone can help me with a problem I have.

Part of one of my forms is a flow chart style set of Yes/No questions and the user answers each question. For each question I have created a (hidden) text box which calculates a score (5 for no, 10 for yes) which I have done with a IIF expression in the Control Source of the text box. These are then totalled to give an overall score.

This score is then used to calculate a grade (A or B) and a percentage score using the same IIF method in the control source.

What I want to do though, is use this grade and percentage and write it to the individual record as data in the table - to use in reports and such like.
Is there any way I can do this? I've tried a few bits of VBA but to no avail. Is there a way that this can be done? Or have I approached this in entirely the wrong way??!!? :confused:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Expressions In Forms

Nov 24, 2005


Is there a way on Access that when a total is calculated using an expression on a form that it could update the table itself with that total?

Thanks for any help!


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Using Switch Functions In Expressions.

Oct 10, 2005

i'm trying to use a switch function in a query but i'm unfamiliar with the format a bit. here is what i'm trying to do...

switch([Radios]![Warranty] and [Radios]![HousingWarranty]=true,[Radios]![Change front housing]*(25/60*28), [[Radios]![Warranty] And [Radios]![PortableHousingWarranty]=true], [Radios]![MaterialsUsedPrice1])

basically first statement is condition second is execution. I need to add more but i'm getting an error from this much...if I was doing this in vb.net I would just do if, ifelse, ifelse, ifelse...but...


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Unsafe Expressions A2K2

Jan 9, 2007

I have recently deployed an application at work [work pcs all running A2K2], built with A2K3 on home computer.

I split the database housing the backend on our server, named server, and using frontends on users pcs.

I am running a VB script that takes information from another linked db on server (so everything would be housed together and not on users pc) this script runs a query converts to xml, opens FTP and uploads the query along with .pdfs to the internet.

I can get it to work from home, no problem. I can get it to work from my pc at work.

But when I try on other pcs it can not find the db (error msg) or opened by another user in exclusive mode, yes I explored this option I dont think this it. 1) Cause the frontend can see the backend and everything works from there. 2) That pc is the only one with an open frontend. 3) When I try opening the actual db from the networked shared folder I get an unsafe expressions alert and can not open. The VB needs to open pull from the 2nd db. Both the backend and 2nd db I get this message.

Can anyone tell me how I can change this, the msg box says its out of trusted network. So I copied and actually opened on local pc, I could open it. Move it back to server and no such luck.

Thanks for any posts, I am having to get this working before I load for other branch offices.

I have googled and searched forum, seems everything is geared towards "sandbox".

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Looking Up Calculation Expressions In Table

Feb 22, 2006

First off, I am not sure if this belongs in the queries forum but it seems most of the question is geared towards a table so I have posted it here.

At the moment I have a query that contains several fields that use nested IIf statements to determine which set of rules to apply. I was wondering if it is possible to somehow set the IIf variables up in a table and then for just to lookup the table in the query.

For example, one of my simpler IIf's looks like this...


So I was thinking could I setup a table to show:

FieldName AType StartDate AOP Calculation
Cost Skill <#01/08/2004# >0 ([BasicRate]-[Frame])/[AOP]/100*[Proportion])
Cost <>Skill Is Not Null Null ([BasicRate]-[Frame])/[OP]/100*[Proportion])

and then somehow perform the calculation rather than just look it up.

The main reason is it would be so much easier to see what is being calculated rather than try and weed my way through nested IIf statements.

Can anyone shed any light on this or maybe even a better way to accomplish what I am after?

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Query Calculation Expressions

Nov 28, 2005

Is there a way or what is the expression used if I want to do a running total in a query under a field called "Amount Donated". In addition, I would like to filter by selection using the DonorID as the primary key to show the total.


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Date Expressions For Use In Query

Feb 6, 2006

I'm trying to create a query which will retrieve holidays for a specific week, so it would allows me to enter WeekDesc (e.g. week 1) and Line (e.g. Line 1) and then retrieve some information relating to holidays. I have gotten this far already.

However, I've just realised however that for example, if I enter Week 1 and Line 1, it will only retrieve those records for which (in the Holidays Table) have Week Description as Week 1 (this other fields in the table are HolidayID (pk), PersonID (pk), StartDate (pk), EndDate and Approved (checkbox). However if the holiday runs for over a week and runs into Week 2, if i run the query for Week 2 and Line 1, it will not retrieve that holiday.

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Problem With Using Expressions With Strings

Mar 2, 2006

Im relatively new using queries.

I'm confused. I developed a subset of data in the same general format as our main database. When running select and update queries on this subset, I am able to use Left, Right and Len expressions such as "Right([Year],2)" and "Right([Latitude],Len([Latitude])-3) to update and generate new fields of edited data. However when I use the same expressions on the same tables and fields in the main database, I get a reply such as Function is not available in expressions in query expression 'Right([Year],2)'. A coworker says he has encountered the same problem. Has anyone else encountered this and found an interpretation/solution????

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