Run More Than 1 Query And Display On Form

Aug 8, 2006

Is it possible to run more than 1 query and display results on the same form?
I have 1 form with a Record source of Query 1.

The control boxes can therefore just reference the query fields.
So, Control box 1 has =[selectedfieldfromQuery1] as its control source.

I need to have a second control box displaying the value of a different query from a different table.
So, at the moment Control box 2 has =[Query2]![selectedfieldfromQuery2] as its control source but Access doesn't recognise that.

ANy ideas on how to progress?

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General :: Enter Value In A Form / Run Query And Display Result On Form

Jun 15, 2013

Is there an easy way of entering a value in a text box, passing to a query to do a count function and then return the value of count function in to anther text box?

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Display # Of Records From Query On A Form

Jan 19, 2006

I have a query that querys another query for check boxes that are checked. I would like to display in a text box on a form the # of records that the query found to be checked. I have looked all day and have found nothing that I have enough knowledge to use. I need to know how and how to apply this. If you have other suggestions to do this, I am game! :)

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Forms :: Display Value From Query On Sub Form

Jul 28, 2013

How can I display the count value from a query on a subform for the related/selected record?

I've tried a DLookUp without success (the text box remains empty):

=DLookUp("[CountOfMethodID]","Methods count","[MethodsRungVisitID] = Form![Form4b]")

Here's my table/query/form info:
Query is called "Methods Count"
Field of that query which I want displayed on the sub form is "CountOfMethodID"
Sub form is "Quarters and peals sub"
Main form is "Form4b"
Both form and sub are parent/child linked

There is a Relationship between the VisitID field in the "Visit Dates" table and the MethodsRungVisitID field of the "Methods Rung" table.

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Form With A Query To Display Result In Another Form?

May 13, 2005

First, I am a beginner with Access. I am a graphics designer that has been assigned to cover for a db programmer that quit!

Here is my problem:

I have a database that we use to hold customer information. There are 22 fields in each record, and we are now well over 3000 records.

Once upon a time, to find a specific customer, we would just go to the bottom of the page, and use the arrow buttons to scroll through them all. This is no longer possible as the size is too big to manually search.

What I would like to do:

Upon Access startup, display a form that has a single input field and a button titled "Search". The input field is titled [UserName], as this field is the unique key identifier for the record. When the user types in the UserName and clicks the SEARCH command button, another form appears to display JUST THAT RECORD in the easy to read form!

If this is really basic, I appologize. I have 20 years experience with commercial illustration and only 7 days experience with Access. I have purchased books, and hit the forums, but I am not a VB programmer, and my skills this area are REAL weak!

My resourse books include the following:
Wiley - Access 2003 Bible [Prague, Irwin & Reardon]
Osbourne - How to do Everything with Access 2002 [Anderson]
O'Reilly - Access Cookbook [Getz, Litwin & Baron]

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Display ADO Query Result In A Table Form

May 1, 2008

I would like to allow users create a query and then display the result in a new table. Just like the regular way in Access.

I know how to do it using DAO. However, I am working on a ADP, and want to use ADO for this. I cannot find a solution in ADO. So frustrated!

Any help is appreciated!

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Displaying Selection-query In Form Display

Jul 27, 2005

Hello there,

perhaps it could be a fault in my PC;
though I designed a form which depends on a selection-query and when I fill in the criteria in the selction query to look for a certain record, my form display stays empty. Even empty records won't be shown.
Is this phenomenon occuring either normal in Access or is this problem related to the configurations of whether my query or relations.

It's already pissing me off the whole day,

so I would be very eager to know what's the solution,


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Display Query Results On Form Via Text Box

Aug 27, 2004

I have created a form (Form1) based on a table (Table1) and also a Query based on this table (Query1). I calculate a field in the query (Expr1: [column1] + [column2])
Now i have created a text box on Form1 that should display Expr1.
I know I could also calculate the value directly via the expression builder, but I would prefer to simply display Expr1 from my query. Which is the syntax I have to use in the Expression Builder?
I tried "= [Query1]![Expr1]" but it does not work.
Thanks for your help

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Forms :: Display Data From Query Into Form

Mar 19, 2013

Display data from Query into Form..I am attaching the database which contains a table, couple of queries and form.I have done what ever settings I could after going thru some tutorials / discussion forums online, but to no avail.

All that I want is, when I open the form "frmtest" in "form view", and select CS in Combo 8, the corresponding fields in the form viz Item name, Sl No and System Name should get updated on the form. I want to view it in "Single Form" format.

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Forms :: Display Query Data In A Form

May 12, 2015

I have a form that displays employee details. I've also created a query that calculates the current age of all employees and updates automatically. I've also created a subform that displays the query data.

My question is, how do I get the query data to display on my main form? Can I do it directly from the query or do I have to use the subform? There are multiple columns on the form and I want to add it as a new column that displays the same as the rest but continues to update automatically.

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Forms :: Display Query Results In A Form

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to allow end-users to only use buttons to navigate and display records in my database (so they don't know access is in the background) I have query that runs when they press a button but after they run it there is no way to get back to the main interface screen i.e. there is not a place to put another button and close the query. I was looking into creating a form to display the query results in datasheet view but it is not appearing the way I want. I inserted a subform and the results got better but I also do not like the way it displays because the user can see the subform, simple solution to get my data to display in the form so a user can view the results similar to datasheet view?

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Forms :: Display Form Without Running Query

Mar 29, 2014

I have a form with a select query running as record source. Once the input for the select query is entered the form runs. Then after that there are some manipulations in the form and it is displayed. In this second phase the form must be displayed without running the same query again. How can I do this?

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Display Query Results On User Form?

Dec 27, 2013

I have created form and would like to display query results on form (in textbox), which is executed based on combobox change event on the same form.

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Standard Form Used To Display User-custom Query

Nov 15, 2006


I have generated a standard form for displaying/editing of data and I have also created a form for generating Sql query statements (The form builds a string but does not execute the query). Can I execute a query and use it with that form.

So when I generate the the SQL statement and execute the query it loads the form (With Data) instead of a query datasheet. Thank you.

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Write A Concatenate Query And Display Result In A Text Box On A Form

Jul 20, 2005

Here's the form I'm trying to Create:

A21: TC: CPT Somebody
G: SGT Someoneelse
D: PVT Noone

A22: TC: SFC Smith
G: SGT Jones
D: PVT Doe

and so on and so forth.

The VEH and POS are just going to be Labels in a prob. Each Soldier's Squad and Team (for mounted Vehicle and Position) are stored in the Personnel Table. The below query is for vehicle A7 (ACTUAL would be the same as TC above). The query works. I just need to know how to get the result to display in a text box. What I'm planning on doing is creating text boxes for each posistion with these small select queries, so when I update the SQD and Team in the Personnel Table it updates on this form. Or is there an easier way to do this?

Dim strSQL as string

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Display Field From A Query On A Form Not In The Forms Record Source

Jul 27, 2005

In short can I display a field on a form that is not in the forms field list without using a sub-form? I am trying to show a value from a query on this form. I tried this in the control source:
[qry_op500_entry_delta]![countofphone model]
I get an error stating that this is not in my field list for the form.
If the answer is No or if needed I can give more information on what I am trying to do.

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Modules & VBA :: Using DSUM To Calculate Sum From Either A Table Or Query To Display On Form

Aug 24, 2013

I am trying to use dsum to calculate a sum from either a table or query to display on a form and this needs to be for different services within a period so I am using the following:

Me.txtTotalEarnings = DSum("Price", "KatiesPeriodTakings", "AppDate" >= CDate([Forms]! _&
[frmKatiesTakings]![txtStartDate]) And "AppDate" _&
<= CDate([Forms]![frmKatiesTakings]![txtEndDate]))

But I keep getting a mismatch error

The Query is called KatiesPeriodTakings
The field I want totalled is called Price
The date field is AppDate and the 2 controlling dates are the Startdate and EndDate from the Form

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Forms :: Attempting To Have Single Query Result Display In Text Box On Form

Jul 3, 2014

I have the need to display the return of my "Sum Query" to display in a text box.

I need the attached below value (40500) in the "SumofQuery" attachment, which updates every 5 minutes to display on the "StatusBoard" attachment text box.

I have been searching for a good 10 hours on how to do this and still cannot find it.

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Queries :: Display 10 Queries In One Query Or In One Form?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a database from sharepoint which has 250 fields based on a survey. I imported the database into Access where I made 10 queries.

I want to know is there a way to display those 10 queries in one queries or in one form.

Given that some queries has result to display and others haven't yet.

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General :: Bound Form With Search Box - Select Record In Dataset And Display In Form

Aug 19, 2014

I have a bound form which is from tblEmployee, I'd like to have a dataset below (like a splitform but not a split as they have limits) so when i search in the box it gives me say all the smiths - i select for example david smith and it displays his information in the form objects above so they can be edited?

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Forms :: Create List Box To Only Display Information From Another Form Related To Current Form

Mar 20, 2014

What I would like to do is create a list box that will only display the information from another form that is related to the current form.So I have a form call Equipment Catalog and that form is related to Equipment features 1 to M relationship and the Equipment Features is related to a Features form M to 1.

So what I want to do is display all the related equipment features in a listbox that is related to the current PK of that form.So if there is only one feature on one form the list box will only display that one item however is there is 6 features on another it will display all 6.I have been trying SQL and Queries but I still can't get it to work.

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Reports :: How To Display Access Form In Excel Form

Dec 13, 2013

I have created a MS access form having a combobox,button.There I have coded like : When the user click on button,a report will be generated. I need to show the access form in the excel form.I have searched and got code,which only allows me to open the ms access not the form.

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Non-display In Sub Form

Jan 24, 2005

Hi All

My sub form appears to work fine most of the time.

But the records in the sub form (which is a datasheet) don't display when I apply a "filter by form" on the main form ?

Any clues as to what is wrong ?

I am a beginner - it could be something quite fundamental !


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Form Display

Mar 31, 2005

i have a form and it always displays the first record as it opens.
i dont want it to display any records and be just blank.

i have tried the code on Form_load
for i = 1 to col.count

i dont know whats wrong with this code.

please help

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Display On Form

Aug 10, 2005

Hi all
Quite busy these days but never too busy to visit this website.

I have a question.
I am busy create a "Logsheet" database. Where you enter all your trips done with your vehicle.
Trip;Date;Trip_From; Trip_To;Start_Km; End_KM;
I do have a textbox where get the Trip_distance.(End_Km-Start_Km)

Is it possible too display on the current form the previous page End_KM.
Previous Trip End_Km-123456 (Display from previous page)
Trip Start_Km-123456 End_KM-123466 Distance-10
Next Page End_Km-123466 (Display from previous page)
Trip Start_Km-123466 End_KM-123486 Distance-20

I tried to do this but it came out only in a mess..

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Query Display

Apr 6, 2006

Hi I was just wondering whether there was a way to display results of a query in a listbox form or similar.

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