Run Query Automatically

Nov 23, 2005

hey guys,

i'm very new to access and its functions. i need to run/update query, say weekly, and generate a report to be dispatched via email. is there any way i can do that automatically, preferably triggered by system calendar?



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Automatically Running Query

Jan 23, 2007

Behind a command button, i have 3 queries being run. 2 of these queries are append queries, copying the specified record into another table (criteria set to ID of the main form) and the other query is to delete the record from the current table once it has been copied. This is then followed by another delete (not query)

When each of these are run, boxes pop up asking if you're sure you want to do it. I was wondering if it would be possibly to bring up my own box to ask if the user is sure they want to continue, and when they click yes, all the questions that the query asks about wanting to do it, are automatically chosen as yes.

I.E there is only one option box, yes and no, and no others appear.

Is this possible, if so, how?


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Query That Refreshes Automatically

Dec 11, 2007

I have a database where students use a Form to sign in for computer help. I would like to have a queue displayed on another screen that shows the students what position they are in for help. How would I go about doing that? I thought that having a query on a seperate screen (with no keyboard lol) would be a good way of displaying the student's order, provided I can get a query screen to update automatically or refresh say every 30 seconds. Is this possible, or am I way off base?

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How To Automatically Insert Criteria In A Query.

Dec 8, 2006

hey all, In my database (For a doctors practice) I have individual patient records with information about them on there. There are 5 boxes showing the current medication, if any, that they are on. The form is all linked up and so when I go through each record for each patient all the data changes as it should. I have a seperate table with all of the drug information on it and I want to be able to click on the box on the patient form (One of the boxes that has one of their medications in) and I want it to be able to automatically put the name of that drug in a search query and bring up the results in a report or form view. Is it possible to do this?

So far I have managed to create a control button on the pateint data form and when clicked, it asks for a a parameter value i.e. the name of the drug. I'd like to be able to miss out this step and for it to automatically enter the name of the drug from the text box into the serach criteria.

PLEASE HELP! I need this urgently!

Thank you for your time.

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Query To Automatically Update Report

Oct 26, 2011

I have created a parameter query that uses a combo box form. The people who will be using it when completed do not want to see the results in query form. Is there a way to have the query update a form or report without having to create and reformat each time?

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Automatically Return Parameter Query As A Report

Mar 14, 2006

I created a combo box that runs a parameter query based on the name entered in the box.

Is there some way to return the results as a report instead of in datasheet view?

I'm wondering if inserting some sort of code into the event procedure of the "OK" button (which launches the query) would work.

Would greatly appreciate help---

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Automatically Check Query And Send A Report

May 2, 2006

Good Day!

I have a simple table where the user enter expiry date for visa. User also enter return date of visa holder.

I am looking for a way whereby, every time I start my database a report is automatically sent if Visa Expiry daye is close to departure date.

I already have the query and the report based on it, but how to have this checked and sent?
This is in my query

VISA_CHECK: IIf([Visa_LOI_end_date]-[Return Date]<7,'Fail','Pass')

If it fails this should trigger the report being sent.

I hope I have been clear and that someone can help.

Thank you in Advance


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Automatically Update Value In The Subform From Crossstab Query

Oct 10, 2006


I have a main form which has 2 subforms. The main form is the name of the Student. The first subform is the data entry form. It has 2 fields. One for the Trimester - a drop down which has "1, 2, 3" listed. And the second field is the benchmarks (again drop down). Now the second subform is a more elaborate way of viewing (only for viewing purposes) which standards have been chosen for which trimester. Now this form's control source is a Crossstab query, which updates the Trimester field for each of the benchmarks for the particular student.

Now my problem is I am trying to update this subform which is for viewing purposes only, automatically, so that the moment a benchmark is chosen on the other subform, the [trimester] field automatcially gets updated on this form. All the benchmarks are listed on this form (view form) and a field which is the trimester field. Data entry is not allowed in this form. So the information has to get updated automatically. It does when I close and open the form, but thats not how it should work.

I tried everything I thought possible (requery, refresh, a button to click) but couldn't get the form to update.

Please help! I would really appreciate if you could help me find a solution.

Thanks in advance


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Queries :: Stop Query From Running Automatically

Jan 14, 2014

I have a form with tab set one tab called "Enter Receipt" and another that houses 2 queries called "Reconcile". My issue is when I open that form, I have an On Current Macro to go to NEW record for my Enter Receipt, but I am getting a delay while the query status bar runs the other queries. I was hoping not to have those ran until i enter the parameters and hit the run button on that "reconcile tab".

Everything else works, i just need the queries to keep from running when i load the form. my queries i moved from EDITED to NO LOCKS thinking the On Current new record may affected them, not change in delay.

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Queries :: Possible To Have Query Update Only On Demand And Not Automatically?

Aug 13, 2015

Is it possible to have query update only on demand and not automatically? I have a big database and some are best run overnight.

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Automatically Add Rows To A Table Or Fields To A Query?

Mar 23, 2012

I am using Access 2007. I have an ODBC source feeding data into a table, to which I made a crosstab query that displays the useful data from that source. I need a way to add data(new field), using a form, that is a associated with the lines in the query. I've tried creating another table that uses the sample ID as the primary key, but I need it to automatically create a new row for each query line. Is there a way to do this, or better way to add data to a query. Examples are below.

The ODBC data looks something like this

SampleID PeakName Conc

sample1 THF 50
sample1 MEOH 10
sample1 propanol 25
sample1 butanol 15
sample2 THF 21
sample2 MEOH 15
sample2 propanol 17
sample2 butanol 23

I have the query look like:

SampleID THF MEOH propanol butanol (I need to be able to add a field here)
sample1 50 10 25 15
sample2 21 15 17 23

Linked table I created:

SampleID LIMS #
sample1 1234567
sample2 4567891

The problem is, for this table I have to manually select each sample ID. I want it to automatically add the sample IDs as new ones are querried.

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Tables :: Possible To Automatically Lookup Data In A Table Without A Query?

Jun 18, 2013

A field in a table can be populated by a lookup up but it has to be done manually or with a form.A "new" table can be created with a query that matches the data.

Is it possible to skip these steps and create a field that automatically populates with the data from another table based on other common data?I can do this in Excel but not sure it can be done in Access.

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Query To Automatically Get Updated Each Time A Table Is Added

Jun 2, 2014

Is it possible for a query to automatically get updated each time a table is added. For example I am looking at prices and each month a new table of information is added for that month and I use a query to view each month next to each other. Is there a way that each time I add a table the query will automatically update?

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Repeat Last Record Under Certain Conditions In A Table / Query

Jul 15, 2014

I’d like to repeat the last not = 0 record under certain conditions, in a table or in a query.What I have:

Calendar_All Dates
Calendar dateMyValue


Basically, if Calendar date > Date(), if Calendar Date not Saturday or Sunday, weekday(Calendar date<>1 and <>7), AND Calendar Date not in (Holidays table).Then repeat the last not = 0 value of MyValue. I thought of changing the default value but the value is already 0, while default is null + I need to set the default value under certain conditions.

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Way To Create A Query / Table Where Access Automatically Makes A Due Date?

Aug 11, 2015

I use Access 2013. Is there an easy way to do the following: I have a contract that starts on eg 01/07/2015. Tenant has to pay 100 each month. Is there a way to create a query/table/... where access automatically makes a due date? EG: Joe needs to pay me 100 each month, starting 01/01/2015 until 31/12/2018.

This means:

01/01/2015 - due 100 from Joe
01/02/2015 - due 100 from Joe
01/12/2018 - due 100 from Joe

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Queries :: Creating Field Names In A Query That Will Automatically Update Each Month

May 10, 2013

I am hoping to create a field name in a query that will change every month. Right now the filed name is qryTechQuintileMonth-7.am_quintile. this designates that the data is for October 2012. There are 6 other fields named similarly for Nov 2012 through April 2013.

Is there a way to name these fields with the proper month-year (mmm-yy) so they automatically update each month?

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Form Button That Will Automatically Email Each Row Of A Query Result

Jul 22, 2015

I am trying to create a form button that will automatically email each row of a query result to myself. At first the VBA code worked fine with a standard query. However when I use it with a query that contains a reference to a combobox form such as "<=[Forms]![Reminder]![Monthsleft].[Value] And >=0" I get the 3061 run-time error and "Too few parameters. Expected 1." I have included the VBA code below.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim sToName As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody As String


If you intend to renew the lease, terms and conditions will need to be submitted for ECC for approval (regardless of changes or not in lease rates). If the terms have yet to be confirmed, it is important to begin the negotiation process as soon as possible with a target to provide the ECC submission at least two months prior to the commencement date of the renewed lease. To ensure sufficient time for ECC approval before the contract expiry date, please prepare the ECC paper and obtain necessary endorsements. Submission details can be found here. The ECC submission template and PSD Questionnaire could be found from this link

DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , _
sToName, , , sSubject, sMessageBody, False, False

End With
Set MyDb = Nothing
Set rsEmail = Nothing
End Sub

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Queries :: Append Query - Automatically Update Tables Depending On Value Of Yes / No Field

Feb 25, 2014

I am giving two tables and I need to create a macro that automatically updates these tables depending on the value of a Yes/No field. If it's No, it's in the 1st table TableOne, if it's Yes it automatically updates to TableTwo.

So, the best way I saw to go about is to set up an append query and then create a macro that runs it

So my tables have the values FirstName, LastName and isValid (more but keeping it short)

So for my append query, I put TableTwo in the pop up I get. Then, where it asks for the field I put it

Criteria:[TableOne].[isValid] = 1

I do this for all (it was autocompleted except the Criteria field). I tried to keep Criteria with data only for isValid but that didn't work. I wrote it for all the field names, still didn't work. Whenever I click run it says it'll append 0 rows.

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Log Off Automatically

Oct 16, 2006


I want the system to automatically log off if user has not used it for 5 min. I am not sure how to detect that no button is pressed/ mouse has not moved.

Any suggestions please.

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Jan 31, 2007


Is that possible to set the attributes so that when I enter "Mr" to a "Title" field the "Gender" field will automatically change to "Male"?

Or is that just a data duplication?


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Not Save Automatically

May 28, 2007


I got a problem...

How do i put access to not save automatically. I want it to save only wend i click on the save button i put on the form.

How do i do that?


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Assign A Value Automatically

Apr 17, 2008

Hi Im making a database with a form,

The thing that I dont know is how to do this:
I have two fields in the table , one is a text and the other is YES/No

I want that in a form, I will use a barcode when The value was enter in the form automatically the assign YES in the other field and save it

I need help urgent

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Automatically Add A Record

Feb 17, 2006

I have a table that pulls data from a linked text file daily with an append query. The data pulled is RecDate, Description, Count, Code, Type and Category.

I'd like to pull the first two characters from the Description field to insert into the code field.

Also, every days data should have a record for each code A, BS, E, M, N, O, and RB.

If it doesn't, I'd like to automatically add a record with that code.


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Re-linking Tables Automatically?

May 3, 2005

In our company, passwords expire every 90 days (NO EXCEPTIONS) for DB2. This means that all my linked tables can't be accessed. There are many other users using the DB's and when I have to reset my password, I get locked out a lot because I can't seem to re-link the tables fast enough. It also seems that "refreshing" the tables from the Linked Table Manager doesn't work very well.

Is there an easier way??????

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Automatically Allocate Stock?

Aug 25, 2005

I have a database for taking orders for books, leaflets etc, what i want to do is this:

When I receive a delivery of stock I enter how many of each ‘Product’ I have received, I then want Access to allocate these to the various orders to make then ready for collection.

For example, if five people have all ordered 3 of ‘Product Guide’ and I only receive 15 then the first three to order are allocated three each.

Not got a clue how to do this, guessing I’ll need to code it?

Hope it makes sense

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Moving Text Automatically?

Jan 31, 2006

I have five text boxes with a separate box for the date that automatically inserts when I enter something in the text box. Is it possible to have it set up to only allow me to enter information in the first box and at a later date when I enter more info in, automatically move everything down to the next box, and so fourth.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I am not sure if this is something simple in the box properties, or if I need code.


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