Save Date In Table

Mar 6, 2008

Hi there...
I have a table which contains a field with the name "date". i have defined the property "date/time" on the data type of this field and as an input mask I have: “99/99/0000;0;_” i want the date to be saved as 02/02/2008 but every time I try to save it the zero digits are deleted and it is saved as 2/2/2008. How can I do that??

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Date(), How To Save It?

Jun 6, 2006

if i use Date() as default value at my field, can i save it? i mean it not change when next day come for some record. coz i want to use today's date as default date to some record. when next day come, date for that recoerd still at yesterday's date..

or there have any other way to do it?


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Save Date Change Record

Aug 25, 2005

In a database I want to know the when the last change of a record has been made. I know one way to do it, but is not realy efficient:

I made the folowing sub

Private Sub addtime()
Date_of_Record.Value = Now()
End Sub

I call this sub if one of the 200+ :eek: inputboxes change:

Private Sub inputbox_change
call addtime
End Sub

Is there a more efficient way to save the date the record is last modified???

thanks in advance

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Forms :: Date Edit / How To Save Changes

Aug 22, 2014

I have a field on a form that when a check box is checked then the date is populate in a AddDate field. The problem is if the user edits that field the changes do not save. Below is some of the code, how do I save the changes?

Me.AddDate = Date
If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False

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Modules & VBA :: Save NOW (Date And Time) Into Event Log File

Oct 16, 2014

I want to save NOW() (i.e. Date and time) into an event log file. But I just cannot work out the syntax. My insert statement works fine without the date field in, but fails on a syntax error (3134) when I include it.

strsqlac = "INSERT INTO EventLog ( EventTime, User, EventType, EventMessage, DocRef, AutoSeq, CoCode ) " & _
" Values ( '" & Now() & "', '" & GlobUser & _
"', '" & Mess2 & _
"', '" & Mess1 & _
"', '" & Docref & _
"', " & AutoSeq & _
", '" & CoCode & _
"' );"

... it's the first column, EventTime that is the issue. I have tried several different ways of wrapping it in the VALUES () without success.

My database field EventTime is defined as a General date which Access 2007 tells me will give me date and time. That's what I want.

The Value formats I have tried (currently showing as 'NOW()' above, are ...

and (as I say) 'NOW()'

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General :: Save Database With Date And Time Stamp?

Aug 10, 2015

Code for saving access database with date and time stamp when close database as database on 11:11am on 11082015

how can i set it

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Tables :: Multiple Table Data To Save To A Different Table From A Form

Mar 6, 2014

I have three tables: Vehicles; Vehicle Reallocated; and Vehicles Retired. I have a form that runs a query to find all the info in the Vehicles tbl that is not "Retired", not visible in the form. I then have the option to toggle to a Reallocated or Retired form. When i toggle to the reallocated form, i have the like fields in that table (ie Van #, Vin, Make etc) pulling the info from the hidden subform with the vehicle query, so i do not need to fill in repeat data. However, when i add a reallocated date and the new clinic that vehicle is for, i get the record ID for the vehicle reallocated table as expected, but when i save none of the data moved over from the query saves in the record?

How to get all the data on the reallocated form to save?

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General :: Save Table Width (table View)

May 15, 2015

Is it somehow possible to save a table's width while in table view in A2003? I tried several things and can't find it on the internet.

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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Save Report As PDF - Adding Date Retrieved From Query As Part Of File Name

Nov 6, 2012

I'm trying to save a report to my Desktop as a pdf - adding a date {that I am retrieving from a query} as part of the pdf file name.

I get a
Run-time error '2501' - The OutputTo action was cancelled.
(See screenshot).

Here's the code I'm using. So far - all I've tried to do is run the function from the Visual Basic Editor.

Function SaveReport()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
'Get the ReportDate.

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box - Allow User To Save Copy Of Current Database At Desired Location

Feb 12, 2014

So I have this relatively simple problem: I need to create a button that once clicked will open the Save As dialog box and allow the user to save a copy of the current database where he wishes. The filename should contain todays date in DDMM format along with some pre-set text e.g. DDMM PresetText.

I am using Access 2010.

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Can't Save Table Changes

Jun 2, 2006

i have a table with a date field with default value for new records date()
when i change an other field and im going to save the changes access says that canntot save the changes because of unknown type date()....

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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How Do You Save Inputbox Value To Table?!

Aug 10, 2006

Okay, I've been working on this database for weeks now, I'm almost done, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and my boss is anxious to implement the db as I'm only here for 3 more weeks and it MUST be completed, tested, error checked before I leave. So I'm running out of time FAST!

Okay, the problem is simple. I'm using a Data Access Page in Access to build a nice little front-end for my database for my co-workers to use. On this DAP (Data access page) I have an Input box that allows the users to browse their directory and select a file. I need to take the path/file name that pops up in the input box and just save it to the table. I can take care of all the other elements.

So, through DAP, how do I save the value in the inputbox into my table. Please, any help would be great! :eek:

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How To Save Data To A Second Table?

Feb 14, 2007

Hi Guys,
What i am trying to do is, i have two tables called Table1 and Table2.

I have created a form called Form1.
This Form1 has all the fields from Table1.

What i want to do is, as soon as a user fills in the details in Form1, obviuosly it saves those details in Table1, BUT i want it to save a couple of field values into Table2 as well.

How do i go about doing this??

In Table1 i can access the fields by "Me.[Fieldname]" (from the VB script), but how do i access Table2 OR how do i save data to Table2 from Form1.


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Save Data In Table

Jun 6, 2013

I have in my Form.

Table 1: Vender Name, Number, contract, amount, quantity,and order number.
Table 2: Doc #, Date. Multiple Doc #'s and dates will be saved under one vendor name (hence the two tables).

What I need is a MACRO where once I save the Doc #and Date to a record, I need to be able to go back to that record and enter a new Doc # without saving over the one I originally did.

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Save Error In Large Table

Jan 18, 2005

I have a table with 140 fields (I know, this is too many). I have a date field that intermittently will not allow data to be entered. There is a pattern to the data it will not accept, but it seems to only occur in certain records and what it will or will not allow seems different in each case. The error I get when I try to save a record is: The search key was not found in any record. I've isolated the error to the level of the table. Have tried compact/repair, removing the index on the field, deleting and recreating the field. Nothing works. Help! :confused:

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Save Screen Prints In A Table

Sep 27, 2006

Does anyone know if its possible to save screen prints in a table?

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How To Save Query Result To Table

Dec 6, 2004

I want to save an Access query result to a Table, but I couldn't find a way. The only thing I can do is save the result to excel or as a query in another file. Any hints? Thank you very much.

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SAVE Dlookup Value On Form To TABLE

Jun 14, 2005

I have created a frmOrder form that uses autofill fields using dlookup when a company name is selected from the cboCompany combobox.


I noticed that the value that has beed retrieved from dlookup function are not stored in the table (tblOrder).
How can I achieve this?

I have written the code in the control source of the field (in this case: LastName field) in the form like this:

=DLookUp("[LNamePIC]","tblCompany","CompanyID=" & [cboCompany])

The DLookup works fine, just I want the value to be stored in the table. Please help me ! I have been browsing the internet for the whole day and i can't seem to find the right solution!

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Tables :: Update And Save To Another Table

Dec 26, 2012

Warehouse inventory system in access 2003. I have set up two primary tbls: Equipment and ETO (Equipment transfer order) both have an autofill primary key and the equipmentID is part of the ETO tble. There is a one-to many realationship from the equipment to the ETO. There are other tables (4) in the system but they are used as look-up tables and i'm not concerned about those.

Equipment Table layout: EquipmentID, ModelNumber, SerialNumber, Mfg, ProductName, CurrentLocation, Category. This table is used as the repository for all of the equipment that needs to be tracked and inventoried. It will not change much with except the CurrentLocation changing as the stuff is shipped around (in Store, In Warehouse) and of course when new equipment is being added.

ETO table layout: ETOID, ETONumber, FromStore, ToStore, OriginStore, ETODate, ModelNumber, SerialNumber, MfgID, ProductName, LocationID, CategoryID, EquipmentID. This table will be used (I hope) to basicly track the equipment as it moves from store to store to warehouse and back out again.

Process: Locate a peice of equipment by either SerialNumber or ModelNumber in the Equipment Table, change the location depending on it's status (coming in, going out) then i need to somehow update the ETO table with that ModelNumber, SerialNumber, Mfg, category, etc..But put in the FromStore, Tostore, OriginStore, ETODate, etc..

I have tried both the update query and append query from both tables but I can't get the results i need.

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Queries :: Save Weekly Changes To A Table

Nov 18, 2013

We import data to a table on a weekly basis. We delete the table and replace the data. Most of the data is the same. It's date's, group names, ...

Now we would like to save the weekly table and add a saved date. Then we would like a query that puts all the saved tables together and that we could filter.

For example. A team is planned to do a work on 01/01/13. The next week it has changed to 07/01/13. So the data in the table it updated but we can't track the changed date. If we had the different tables we could filter that team and so that the work was originaly planned on date x to be done on the 01/01/13, on date y it was 07/01/13....

Of course if we would save the complete table every time it would mean a lot of useless data that hasn't changed. So a better solution would be that a query could see which data has changed and it only saved those lines on that date.

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Using A Form To Save Data From One Table To Another

Jun 14, 2012

There is a public master database with a bunch of tables and data in it being maintained by another group. My boss wants to skim some information from this, add some of his own information to it, and save it in a completely separate .mdb file on our server.

I've used Access to link to the public database, built a custom table just for us, and built a form. The form uses bound controls on the left side to pull in data from the public database, and unbound controls on the right side for user entry of data. I coded a VBA save button that should save all controls (bound/imported as well as unbound/data entry) to our local table.

The unbound controls save just fine, but the bound controls are missing from the table. A new row is created with no problems, I get no error messages, but half the fields in the table are just blank.

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Dim Rs As Recordset
'Dim SDB As Recordset
'Dim strSQL As String
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Supervisor Table", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Save Record Only If Same Exists In Another Table

Jan 7, 2013

table A has 10 records where 1 field is set as REQUIRED/UNIQUE. the table B does not have any record but have a same field like table A. what I want is that if user insert the record in table B it should first check whether record is already present in table A or not, if already exists it should not accept insertion. and if not already there in table A it should insert record in table B.

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Cannot Save Table, Duplicate Field Name (corruption?)

Apr 20, 2006

Does this sound like a corruption problem?

I added a new field to a table, and saved the table. When the table is reopened, the new field is not there! I thought perhaps I forgot to save the field, so I tried adding the field again. When saving, the error said, "cannot save; duplicate field name".

If I go to toolsoptions and click the "show system objects" the field will show up??

Do you think the best course of action is to import all the objects into a new db and try again?

Thanks for your help.

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