Search For Barcode With Scanner As Input

Oct 26, 2004

I have created a form that I would like to search for a barcode by using a scanner as an input device. Does anyone know how to go about doing this?
The form basically holds a subform of textboxes that have barcodes. I want the user to be able to scan a barcode which will then find that barcode in the subform and assign it with a DateOut = Date() ...

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Barcode Scanner Input Question

Jun 17, 2006

OK... Did some searching and posted one question on forms... But still have one important question that has not been answered. First let me say I want to use a scanner connected via USB. ( I need to be able to use this app on a laptop, so keyboard wedge is not possible) Found a quote on a site "TalTech"... Something like that...... This one..
"1) Keyboard Wedge output or USB output

If your bar code scanner has Keyboard Wedge output or USB output you will not need special data collection software. Both these outputs will dump the data right into the foreground application on your PC wherever the cursor is flashing, as if it were being typed in. You do not usually get much control except for the addition of a trailing keystroke, such as an ENTER key, to your data. But these methods are very simple and work fine for many people."

Question is...... Is this true??? Will the USB input directly to the field I want it to?? I just need someone with some experience in this to let me know for sure.


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Using A Barcode Scanner

Sep 5, 2006

Yep, I'm a newb.

I have a Symbol long range barcode scanner. Works great. I need to drop this in access and have it update as input (without hitting enter every time). I am reading barcodes with serial numbers and part numbers.

Anybody got anything to help?? Pweeease?

Thanks in advance!


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Barcode Scanner Drivers

Nov 25, 2005

Does anyone know where I can obtain a driver for a barcode scanner that has model details:

Metrolgic MS951 KB Wedge

If anyone knows a specific website that has the drive it would be much appriciated if you could post it here.

Many thanks


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Forms :: Text Box With Barcode Scanner

Apr 11, 2013

This question is related to a restaurant POS system design. Is there a way to allow a text field in a form to be filled by a scanner only, unless an event is triggered? Rather than using a magnetic strip ones for gift cards, we're thinking of using the bar code version. However, to prevent employees from fraudulently entering the six digit code, the code must be inputted by a scanner. We do also would like to allow user input with keyboard in case scanner malfunctioning, but would require a "manager" login first.

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Need Quick Answer To Barcode Scanner Question...

Jun 15, 2006

Didn't know where to post this one...... But forms seemed logical..... I am doing some experimenting with using a barcodes. I can create them now, no problem. My next step is using a scanner to input to a textbox...... Problem isn't with the forms..... But more with the scanners. I thought if someone has done one of these DB's they might know.
So........ I need a cheap scanner to test with.... Found a few on Ebay. The cheapest being a Symbol- "Hotshot" LS2100-I000.Says it has "DB9" plug. The ebay ad says "comes with NO software". Only thing I am wondering about are drivers. I've read in a couple places claims that this scanner "Needs NO drivers"
So my question is.... Would this scanner work with Access on a Windows XP system? No drivers needed?
Hope this question isn't too "off the subject" But I am dealing with Access and hoping someone has done this.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanner To Launch Another Form

Mar 7, 2014

Still working on an meeting registration app in Access. I have a Main menu which contains buttons that allow search by Name, Phone Number, or Account Number. We are using barcode scanners if they have a registration card.

Currently I have an account button which pops up a query prompt window and when they scan the code it fills the prompt with their account number and a carriage return, pulling up an account registration form with their info.

What I would like to do is from the main form, if a barcode is scanned, to automatically lauch the account form passing the scanned account number.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanner Stopped Updating Form

Nov 17, 2014

I am using Access 2003 and there is a from with barcode scanner to update the shipping data. This form has a sub-form which is working perfectly fine and updating data but the barcode scanner assigned with main form stopped working today. I tried different scanner too and different system too but its not working.

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General :: Text Box Event Coding - Jump To Next Field After Using Barcode Scanner

May 20, 2015

I am creating a inventory database for work. I am trying to get the cursor to jump to the next text box for data entry using a barcode scanner. I have a limit on how many characters there can be in this field but yet even after it is all filled the cursor stays in that same field. I am fairly new to access, especially in code building. Do I use "After Update" under "Event" in the "Property Sheet"?


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Im New Here! - Barcode Input/ And Workstation Identifier

Jun 7, 2006

hi guys, i am slowly learning access by browsing these forums and using microsoft help and downloading example databases. problem is - i have no formal training in it and am just sort of poking around. how did you guys learn? is there a good book out there to read, or did you take a course in it?

right now i am trying to develop a database of tracking product through a factory. technicians would scan the barcode for a pump before and after every process. i made it a simple table coupled with a form where they input the barcode # and a timestamp was coupled with it. later, youd be able to graph the time stamps so you can see process times, how many are in work in process, etc.

my specific questions are:

when i use the timestamp feature, it updates the time when a new record is brought up, but i want the timestamp to register when they click the add entry button. so far i have the default value =Time() for one, and =Date() for the other ...

next is, i want each workstation with this open to have its own unique identifier. for example, one program in assembly station should automatically input "assembly" for where the record was added in, how is this done?

lastly, i have a barcode scanner that operates like text input, i have an area on the form for the barcode, so when it scans it enters the number. is there a way that once the field gets 8 digits entered into it, it automatically goes to the next field on the form? i would like for users to pull the trigger and not have to hit enter again ...

a big THANK YOU for all you access gurus, i have been browsing these forums learning a lot. i hope i can achieve your level so i can help others as well. Thanks again

- Dave

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General :: Print Barcode To Be Used For Data Input Into Another System

Aug 7, 2014

I'm trying to print a barcode to be used for data input into another system.

The data contains alpha number and some special characters like space, underscore, / and &

I want the form to print the bar code

128 and 3of9 don't handle this data.

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Date / Time Stamp On Barcode Input Form

Apr 29, 2014

I have a barcode input form. When a barcode is scanned, the value of the barcode, along with a date/time stamp using the now() function (hh:mm:ss) is entered into a table in the database as 2 separate columns. I need to make sure that I don't have any 2 barcodes with exactly the same date/time. They must be at least 1 second apart. How can I easily make this happen? I can't control how many times the barcode actually gets scanned.

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Scanning Barcode Into Search Box Works But Causes Multiple - Cannot Open Any More Databases - Errors

Aug 5, 2014

I'm scanning bar codes into the record search box, most of the time it works as it should but occasionally I get multiple "cannot open any more databases" errors. It still finds the product record but the error messages are super annoying. I am sure to clear the memory on the scanner each time before I scan in a new barcode but it doesn't seem to matter. Also sure to only have one or 2 forms open at a time, that doesn't seem to matter either. Most of the time I don't get the errors but when I have to click through like 10+ error messages (all identical). I only have one database open so I'm not sure what it even means. Also I have tried this in 2 different forms and it's the same for both forms. Seems like I get the errors in my initial scan and then after clearing them it seems to work without errors.

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Forms :: Put Barcode In Field When Reader Scans Barcode / It Records Current Time

Nov 11, 2013

I want to be able to put a barcode in a field that when a reader scans the barcode it records the current time. Need it for access control to record who is in and out of the office. Reading other threads I understand it may be possible in Dlookup.

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Reports :: Barcode Font - Generate Number As Barcode On Report Records

Jun 8, 2013

I am using a barcode font in order to generate a number as a barcode on my report records. In order for my barcode scanner to read the barcode it needs an asterisk at the beginning and at the end.

So, if my record ID is 62 - in order for the barcode to be displayed correctly, it needs to be on the report as *62* .

Without digressing into a discussion on barcode methods in Access, how can I precede and succeed each ID number field with an asterisks?

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Search Form With "or" Input Search Posibility?

Jan 31, 2006


I'm trying to figure out, how to make seach form with one text field, that will accept OR statements. I have one table with fields name, category, and description.
Is there any chance to make search like this:
User will put "part of the string" OR "part of the string2".
Result will be the list of the records that include these parts of the strings in any of the given above fields (name,category,description)
I hope i'm clear enough

Thank You in Advance
for any Advice

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Input Box And Search Button

Dec 9, 2007

I have a form within a form and am trying to create a txt box for me to input the information i want from a main form and the search button to display the data in the sub form. I have a combo box which work fine but i don't like it to me its not looking professional.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

thanks Ed

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Forms :: Search Box Within Same Form As Input?

Jul 27, 2014

Im trying to have a search function in my Access database but as of yet nothing has worked!

The search box will go in the header of the main form .

So basically the form is for recording faults with systems.However i want a search funtion on the same form so i can seach by a reference number and close the ticket.

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General :: Dynamic Search To Input Data

Jul 2, 2014

I'm new to Access. I started building a database for work (I work at a nursery) and I used John's Dynamic Search code for an Inventory Input Database but I was wondering is it possible to use this code to input data into a table.

So basically I'm creating a database where I can input Item ID, Description(Plant name), Date, Location, Yard, and notes. For the Item ID and Description that is where I used the dynamic search code (as a combo box) so I can easily enter the Item ID and it will search for the Description. I got all this to work except that when I choose my selection it does not save on to the records. The other fields does save just not the dynamic search.

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Input Mask, Validation Rule, Search Form

Dec 1, 2005

I have a form that acts as a filter/search engine -- it inputs criteria into a query, then opens a report based on the criteria/query. One of the criteria options is "Supplier Number", which is to be entered into an unbound text box.

All of our suppliers have 10 digits, usually in this format: A123400000 (i.e. First character is either a Letter or digit, followed by four or five digits, then followed by four or five zeros)

Our system works with ten digit numbers, while the people in the dept are used to just typing in "A1234" assuming the zeros are irrelevant.

How do I create a validation rule or input mask where a user can simply type "A1234", then it will return zeros for the remaining of the ten required characters?

I realize the usual response to these type of simple question is "Search the Threads", but I have done so already and still don't have an answer!

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User Input To Search Database And Create Report

Sep 9, 2004

I have a database that I created that uses a form to fill out information about server builds. I contains information about who built it, the IP address, server name, etc. I want to be able to create a dailog box that allows the user to input a server name to query the database and create a report based on that input. And if the user input isn't found in the database, a dialog box comes up with some sort of error message. I am still pretty new to Access, so the more detail you can give me the better. Thank a lot.

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Modules & VBA :: Search 1 Field Based On Multiple User Input

Jul 4, 2013

I have a search form that looks up a value in a field and lets the user know if it is there or not, they have now asked to put in multiple values to search... eg. searching containers number, I will put user input box where they can put these numbers


This will search my container number field and show a pop up message box saying..
Please note below
NYKU023561 - has been found you cannot use this container
TRLU102356 - has not been found please check internal system
TCNU123023 - has beeen found you cannot use this container

Below is the basic search I had before which was all I needed.. how can I adapt this?

Private Sub Command256_Click()
If (CntSearch & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim CNT As String


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Forms :: How To Run A Query Based On Users Input And Search A Table

Dec 31, 2013

I have a TABLE with the following data:


I have a form with the folliwing data:

- text box for user to enter EMPID, txtEMPID

I would like to create a button to initiate a query to do the following:

- once the user enters a EMPID in the form, it will search in the TABLE under the EMPID field...
- if the user enters an EMPID that is in the TABLE...display "Y"
- if the user enters an EMPID that is NOT in the table...display "N"
- a error message box needs to pop up if "Y" to alert the user that "the EMPID already exists and that duplicate entries are not allowed"

One of my main questions is how do I run a query based on the users input and search a table? would the following work in the query?

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Modules & VBA :: Input Box Search - Find A Record In Main Form

Jun 5, 2014

Input box Search problem. I have been using the following to find a record in my frmMain using an Input Box:

Private Sub cmdClientIdSearch_Click()
'Searches for Client by ID number
Dim rs As Object
Dim strCriteria As String
strCriteria = InputBox("Please enter Client ID" & vbCr & "Do not type leading zeros")

[Code] ....

It works great if I run it from a command button from frmMain. But, if frmMain is open and I run it from a command button on my switchboard, I get the following error message:

Run Time error 7951. You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the Recordset Clone Property. I tried inserting a command to open frmMain in the first line, even before the two Dim statements, but I get the same result.

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Bar Code Scanner

May 16, 2005

I'm in the US military. I would like to use the bar code on the back of the military IDs to populate an access database. Can you point me in the right direction as to how to get started?

Thanks in advance

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Business Card Scanner

Nov 17, 2006

I want to use a business card scanner, and use the data for my Access 2000 order database. Most card scanners, can send data to Outlook, can you go from Outlook to Access? Any advise would be appreciate it . . . THANKS!:o

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