Sending Vb To A QUERY

Mar 4, 2008

how can i send text from a text feild from one form to another form using that text as the criteria to run the query?

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Sending A Record To A Subform Query

May 9, 2005

This is a new post for this same question. The database that I am working on is set up in a very complicated way to me. The database tracks grant applications and awards. Right now there is a section in the database where one can enter a new record (Well this record is imported from an excel file filled in by the person who wants to update a current application or award for a grant) So when the amount changes on a grant a new record is created but the old information needs to be kept for future references. So this information is keyed into a subform on the same form as the new record. This is quite a bit of information, so I want to know if a button can be created to export this single record to the archive file set up on the same form (same format--different color fields- subform) Basically, I would also like to create a pop up question to say "Do you want to archive this record" the answer would be yes and the record would go to the archive subform (which is our archive query) I hope this makes sense. Thanks!

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Sending Query Data To MS Word

Jun 10, 2006

I am trying to send the information from a query in access into Avery in MS Word to print off as mailing labels.

The fields are:

1: First name
2: Last name
3: Street
4: Address 2
5: City
6: State
7: Zip

Is this possible?


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Queries :: Sending Unbound Data Along With Query

Dec 16, 2013

I have a query that appends a new record to a table called "tblMain". The tblprogeny I am querying does not have two fields the 'tblMain' has (Group and Location). By the mere nature of this type data, the value for both fields are static thus I did not include them on the data entry form for the tblProgeny. I would like to include them on the append query if I can. One field is "Group"with the static value at "Non-Active" and the other is "Location" where the static value is "Nursery"

I have tried to use the following expressions in the criteria field of each respective field slot of the query:

[ to] 'Where ([]= "Non-Active")'

[tbllocation.location to tblmain.location] 'Where([tblLocation.Location]= "Nursery")'

But it gives me an error that my syntax is not right? to tblmain.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Result Of A Query By Mail

Jan 2, 2015

In the following code, I debug a problem with the CurrentDb.OpenRecordset

' ---
' ---
' Entree : strEmail <- Adresse e-mail du destinataire
' strObj <- Objet du courrier
' strMsg <- Corps du message

[Code] ....

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Making A Search Form And Sending Values To A Query

Nov 9, 2007

Hi, I am a complete idiot with VB/SQL/*anything for that matter*

Made an unbound form to search and retrieve records from a query (parameter query) (for property listings)

I've got the following fields in my "Search_Form"

1) Project (combo box pulls data from projects table)
2) Size (from - to)
3) Rate (from - to)
4) Date (from - to)
5) Price (from - to)

I've set variables for each field .... VAR_sizeFROM....... VAR_sizeTO etc.

Now here's my problem.

1) How do use VB to send the user inputs from my "Search_Form" to "Search_Query". And is it possible for either of the search fields to be blank in the form?

2)How can I do the same for a report?

Please help, I've been stuck with this for some time..

Thanks in advance

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Queries :: SQL Code Disappears From Query When Sending EMail

Jan 15, 2015

I have a simple SQL query that is e-mailed when there are >0 records. Fairly consistently, the SQL code in the query is wiped out and the query fails. It happens consistently to this query, even though I have many similar queries. I am running Access 2013 in Windows 7

SELECT AR.[Inv#], [History Header].[PO#], AR.[Customer Name],
AR.Date, AR.Mdse, AR.Freight, AR.Amount, AR.[Due Date]
FROM (AR INNER JOIN [History Header] ON AR.[Inv#] = [History Header].[Inv#(number)])
LEFT JOIN [Advanced Engineering Payment Reminder Sic]

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Reports By Email Based On A Query

May 13, 2015

I am trying to send a report to a list of employees. I have a query that generates the report into the layout I want and includes the e-mail address of who the recipient should be. The report looks something like this:

--Employee Name--
--E-mail address---
-Hire Date----Tenure-
-Quality Score-

I need to send, for each row in the query, this report based on the results of that particular row. How would I go about making a e-mail template that would be used, or at least sending the report as a PDF attachment? I've seen the sendObject method.

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General :: Records Using A Select Query That Is Sending To A Make Table

Feb 25, 2015

I have records using a select query that I am sending to a make table. I would like to have those records excluded from being used again for 180 days, at which point they can be used again. Essentially, I have an ID and an email address which gets stored in the Make Table. I would need to ensure that if we send an email out in Week 1, we do not send an email again for another 180 days if there is activity from that same ID. On day 181, the ID/email address can then be resent.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Stop Email Sending If Output Query Is Null

Nov 12, 2014

Any code that stops the vba from running if an 'output to' function is null. I've found some code using the DCount function but I'm struggling to adapt this to multiple excel outputs.

I'm sending 5 excel files via E mail to several addresses and I'm wanting to identify if the first file has records, currently using access 2010.

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Forms :: Sending Email From A Form Based On Query Results

Apr 1, 2014

I have got a form (name: SearchForm) that displays results of a query (name: AircraftSearch). It is a continuous form displaying multiple results of a search done by the query. I need to be able to send an e-mail to multiple recipients chosen from results displayed on the form.

One of the form's field (a text box called: EmailToOperator) is containing e-mail address to an aircraft operator selected by the underlying query. I need to be able to place a check box button (or something similar) that is going to select the e-mail address. The tricky part is to have multiple check boxes allocated for each record displayed on the form and have them working independently.

The second task is sending a one message (via Microsoft Outlook 2010) to chosen multiple recipients (with no attachments) having the recipients' addresses not visible to each other.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Emails To Multiple People Based On Same Query And Report

Jul 15, 2013

At present I have a tblData, a tblPeople, a long union query and a report that displays its results. On a form I select a person from tblPeople (another field on that table contains their email address), run the query and report in that person's respect and email the results to them.

What I want to do is add a button which runs some VBA code which cycles through tblPeople, runs the query for each person, works out if the query has returned any records from tblData for that person, and if so - sends them the report.

I am using Access 2010

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Modules & VBA :: Sending A Single Email To A Single Record In A Query

May 15, 2014

I am trying to create a form with a button attached to each record that would allow the user to click the button and it would automatically open outlook and fill in the TO:, SUBJECT: and BODY: fields. Here is the code that I currently have:

Private Sub Command33_Click()
Dim strEmail As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim oLook As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Set oLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oLook.CreateItem(0)


There are two issues I keep running into:

1. This code opens outlook and populates all of the fields but pastes the email incorrectly. Instead of pasting just the email ( it pastes the html tags as well ( which means that the user would have to delete everything between the #'s in order to send the email every time.

2. I currently have the email BODY pulling from a table but this obviously limits what I can do. I would like to simply encode the BODY within the VBA code. The setup I am looking for is:
one paragraph
a blank line
a hyperlink to a website
a blank line
another paragraph

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Sending Password For BE From FE?

May 12, 2005

I would like to set a database password for my back end so that ppl could not "exidentaly" open the wrong .mdb file. Then i want to send a database password from my front end to my back end so that users who use FE would login my BE automaticaly? Is this posible? If so, how?

One more question. Is it posible to based on a login name(form in FE) open a BE readonly or normaly?


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Sending Email

Nov 30, 2005

I am useing DoCmd.SendObject to send emails - however I get outlook opening an email with my To, BCC fields filled in , however I am stuck in the new email screen - ie can't get to a previuos email to copy and paste text - like it is dialog?

Is there any way around this.

Thanks Paul

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Sending Email!

Jul 14, 2005


I got a question about emailing.... I don't think this is possible but I thought why not ask....

Is it possible to have a button on a form, that when it's pushed, it sends an email with a report included to a certain email adress?



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Sending Email

Apr 27, 2006

I have been able to create a form that will send an email automatically when the form is opened. Tha problem is, the email will not actually send until I open Outlook. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Sending Email

Feb 8, 2007

I am looking to write some code that "OnSave" in a form will run some code

No worries about writing the code on an event, I will figure that out...

What I want to do is:

If txt box A is not null then send an email to some recipient.

Does anyone have an example of code that will send an email to someone from Inside Access.

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Sending Email From Form

Apr 25, 2005

Hi guys,

i want to send an email to several people when someone else enters a complaint in my database.
I have a form which displays the complaint with a reference number, recordsource is "tblKlachten". i have query that is set to return only those emails i want it to send to called "qerMailBeheerder". In there is a field called "email".

Now, whenever i a user closes the form after adding a complaint, i want at the same time a mail sent to those ppl in the query with the subject the reference number of the complaint (field called "Referentienummer") and in the body other information from the fields on the form. Like the field "complaintdecription" and "clientname".

Now, i know about the sendobject thing, but i have tried alot and non would do what i want. Can anybody help me with the code.

Many thanks

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Sending A Mdb File Via The Internet

Jul 27, 2005

Does anyone know what's the best way to send a mdb file via the internet. I've tried sending is as an email attachment and putting is on a webserver for downloading. Both wayes only gives errors.

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Sending Multiple Attachments

Oct 3, 2005

I have looked through the message board, and cannot find an answer for this question.

I would like to send 2 different reports to the same person, in the same e-mail. Is this possible?

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Sending Emails From Access

May 4, 2006


I have created a database system to book appointments between tutors and students in a school.

In the form, I want tutors to be able to send appointment details to students via email. I have created tables consisting of these details, however I don't know how to set it up for emails to be sent.

I am finding this very difficult especially with the visual basic codes. :confused:

Please help!


ssslick x:)

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Automate Sending To Winfax

Sep 16, 2006

Anybody got a working example / sample of faxing through Winfax10

Wish list
1.Use the FaxNo. On form
2.Send a Report

Looked through the threads but no conclusion reached

Cheers in advance

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Sending A Report Via E-mail

Oct 26, 2006

I am using Docmd.sendobject to print a report to Outlook so that I can e-mail the report. The method used to work. Outlook would open, I'd elect my recipients and could click the send button to e-mail the report. Now the send button is disabled once the report shows as an attachment in Outlook. I have to ctrl-alt-del to break the process and outlook gives me an error message regarding the ole object. Is there anyway to fix this problem or a possible root cause. Thank you


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Sending Email From Form

Nov 1, 2007


I am a little lost here. My prorgam has a form where I added a button. When clicking on the button, it is supposed to use some fields from the form and add them to an email with additional info which is added when the email opens up and is about to be sent. My boss uses Mozilla for his email account. What would be the code on the Onclick event be and do I have to set up anything else??

So far I have this code but it is for Microsoft Office Outlook not for Mozilla:

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set ObjOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With ObjOutlookMsg
.To = str_Recipient 'str_Recipient is obtained before this code
.Subject = str_Subject 'str_Subject is obtained before this code
.Body = str_Body 'str_Body is obtained before this code
.readreceiptrequested = lb_ReadReceipt
.Display 'to display the message instead of sending it
End With

Thank you very much

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Sending An Email From Access

Jul 19, 2005

I'm sending an email from a form to Outlook express. But before it opens Outlook I get a question that states "a program is trying to access email address you have stored in Outlook" I then have to click ok and then another window opens and askes the same question. How can I eliminate these warning messages??
Thank You

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