Sendobject In Rtf From Access Is Dropping My Checkboxes...

Oct 19, 2004

When i use docmd.sendoject and try to attach my report in rtf it's dropping my checkboxes. I need the checkboxes...does anyone know how to solve this problem.

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During Merge Access Is Dropping A Digit

Aug 16, 2007

Ok here is my question. I have two column that I am trying to merge. The first column I have set to be two digits. The second column is set to be three digits. The problem is if the first digit in the second column is a 0 it gets dropped once the two columns are merged. How do I stop this from happening. I need the merged columns to be 5 digits.


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SendObject - Object Already Uploaded To Access As Attachment

May 29, 2012

Send an email with an attachment.What do I want to attach?A PDF document that I have already uploaded to access and appended to the record I'm currently viewing.I can't find a way to attach a document I have uploaded to access. I'm not even certain sendobject supports that. I can't find any information on that anywhere.

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Dropping In

Jul 28, 2005

I had a database that wasn't normalised but after some (a lot of) help here it now is. I have quite a few records that need to come accross to the new database and I was wondering:

I can drop the NAME/JOB_TITLE/BASE information in OK but can I place the trainig done for each staff member in? I was thinking that if I dropped the details in the TRAINING_DONE table and manually entered the STAFF_NO which is the primary key, would that work?


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Dropping Tables

May 22, 2007

i'm trying to drop importerror tables with code, but this isn't working

i am not sure if its to do with unusual characters in the import errors tables ( error tables generated by access when importing spreadsheets etc

any ideas why the code fails

error 3295 - syntax error

'drop errors tables first
tdfdrop = 0
For Each tdf In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If InStr(1, tdf.Name, "ImportErrors") > 0 Then
tdfdrop = tdfdrop + 1
sqlstrg = "drop table " & tdf.Name
DoCmd.RunSQL sqlstrg
End If
Next tdf
If tdfdrop > 1 Then Call MsgBox("Dropped: " & tdfdrop & " importerror tables")

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Query Links Dropping

Nov 8, 2005

I working on a Project in which I have a table that is being updated from the values in another table. The problem that the table is deleted and rebuilt in code before the Query is executed. Access is so smart, it drops the links between the tables when the table is deleted even if the query isn't open.

To get around this, I recreate the SQL in Code for the Named Query involved just before I execute it. This works OK but probably creates bloat and is a little slower.

Is there a better way around this problem other than recreating the SQL for the Update Query each time?

Thanks for all meaningful suggestions. :cool:

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Access Report Design - Display True Values As A List With Checkboxes

Oct 1, 2015

I have a combo box in my report design and I would like it to display "true" values as a list with check boxes.

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General :: Dropping Employee Number From Entry

Jan 26, 2014

I'm able to pull users that are logged into our network but our company uses a name that has their employee number as well. So deponding on when they were hired it could be a 5 or 6 digit number. so an example would be JSmith123456 or it could be JSmith12345 so is there a way to drop the numbers at the end? Meaning if they are entering data into a form that pulls their name can I drop off those last digits in the name field?

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Dropping / Deleting Linked Tables In VBA Or Query

Apr 4, 2012

I have a number of linked tables that vary depending on use. How to delete them or drop them all from the database? I produced/stole some code that deleted all tables - but it didn't delete the linked ones.

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Dropping Last Field On Excel Imported Worksheet

Mar 1, 2013

I am having an issue with an Access import. It worked correctly bringing in a sharepoint spreadsheet until a date field was added to the spreadsheet and the structure to the database. Now it drops any additional fields that are added. At first I thought if I added a filler field after the field I needed that it would still drop the last field but it dropped them both. If I insert the field in the middle of the spreadsheet....(where I really want it). It drops the last field of the email address. Which I need to send out notifications. I have tried designing a complete new table and importing it, but it continues to do the same thing.

Not sure if my problem is with the spreadsheet or Access. Somehow it is still looking at the old structure when I import even if I create a new table. Not sure what is happening.

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Dropping Query Joins On Long Text Fields

Nov 14, 2005

I have created some queries that are joined on long text fields (80-120 characters). I can save the query in the graphic query design window. But when I reopen the window I get messages that the Joins have been deleted. I cannot find any references to this issue. Does anyone have experience or info on this?

I don't need a lecture about the use of long text fields in Query Joins. And yes I have used Search first.

Thanks for your help.

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Queries :: Overlapping Date Parameters - Dropping Data

Feb 24, 2014

I'm trying to create a report that pulls from two tables [tblTelephony] and [tblSales]. All data in my query is limited to a date range entered through a form.

For every record in [tblSales] (showing the agent made a sale) there is a record in [tblTelephony] (showing all the stats for the agent's day worked). [tblTelephony] has one date for each record. [tblSales] has two dates for each record. The sales dates are the date the services were ordered (matches the date worked in [tblTelephony]) and the date the services were installed.

In order to get an agent's MTD Sales stats I have to query the date range on Install dates. MTD Telephony stats are run on the same date range on telephony date. Where I run into an issue is with the sales that are ordered before the date range in question and installed during it.

I've run a separate query to sum the sales installed during the date range and used that sales value in my Telephony query. In order to get my data to show as accurately as possible, I had to create a relationship between the Order Date and the Telephony date. I'm really hoping to find a way to force the sum of sales in sales query to show in the sales column in the telephony query, regardless of the telephony date range and without adding telephony data for dates outside the range.

Date Range = 2/1/14 - 2/24/14
Telephony Date = 2/3/14
Order Date = 2/3/14
Install Date = 2/14/14
Appears on report

Date Range = 2/1/14 - 2/24/14
Telephony Date = 1/31/14
Order Date = 1/31/14
Install Date = 2/3/14
Does not appear on report

How to get the sale example on the bottom to show without removing the relationship?

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Help With Sendobject!!!

Oct 19, 2005

Hey Guys,

I have the sendobject currently working so that when the database is opened, it sends the required mail. But i would like it to send an email once a month, is there a way around this??

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Nov 23, 2005

Does anybody know if it's possible, using the SendObject command, to change the Name of the attachment it creates? Rather than having the Name of say the report, changing it to tha date/time.

Any help appreciated.

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Help On SendObject Error

Nov 2, 2007

Hello everyone,

The DoCmd.SendObject command was working fine. Now it is giving me
a run-time error '2501' saying "The SendObject action was canceled"
Would anyone know why this is happening??

PS:I looked up for this error number but it doesn't say anything related to the SendObject method

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Dissapearing Text On SendObject

Nov 28, 2006

Currently running a Sendobject to auto email results of a query. One of the fields on the Table that the query looks at contains large amounts of punctuated(paragraphs etc) text, so format is set to 'Memo' to avoid the character limit.
If i just run the query all the text will appear in the tabulated results view,
however when I use the Sendobject function to run & send as Excel, only the first few words appear in the relevant cell in the spreadsheet, but if I run & send as any other format all the text appears.

Any ideas??

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SendObject To More Than One Email Address

Dec 14, 2004

The code below works for the one email address "Quality Assurance"...but I want to add more email values to SendObject command.
If I do this: stEmail = Me.Quality_Assurance_Authorizer.Column(1) And Me.Engineering_Authorizer.Column(1)..... I get a Runtime error '13' Type mismatch. Is there another way of including a series of email values into the SendObject code below? The reason I'm using the value of the column is that sometimes the value may be null if that department doesnt need to be emailed. Thanks for any help.

Private Sub cmdPCAuthSend_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stEmail As String

stDocName = "rptPCAuthReq"
stEmail = Me.Quality_Assurance_Authorizer.Column(1)
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", stEmail, , , "PCA Authorization Request", "Please review this product change and authorize when appropriate."

Exit Sub

End Sub

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DoCmd.SendObject AcReport

Jan 26, 2005

I am trying to find a way to use the "DoCmd.SendObject acReport" feature WITHOUT using Outlook. Does anybody know of any code or a setting that will enable me to specify another e-mail program, such a Thunderbird?

I should add that I am using Access 2002, SP3, running in Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2.



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Record Addition To Trigger Sendobject

Sep 18, 2006

I am new to MS Access, and I am wondering if there is a way for Access to automatically send an email to a defined address everytime a record is added to a specific table? I have created an escalated issue table and I would need an employees manager to be notified automatically when a new record has been added to it.

Please help


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SendObject In Html Not Plain Text

Dec 9, 2004

I'm using the sendobject method from access and it always puts the body of the email in plain text. Is there a way to specify HTML (besides the obvious of changing the format once it's open)?



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Multiple Email Addresses In SendObject

Jun 13, 2005

Im using the code below to send information by email. BUT:

I want to send the same information to more than one recipient. can i write more than one address in the SendObject?

What can i do if i do not know prior to sending how many addresses i want to include. (this means that once i might have tosend it to 1, then later to 3, etc...)?

The code is:

Private Sub cmdMailTicket_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdMailTicket_Click

Dim stWhere As String '-- Criteria for DLookup
Dim varTo As Variant '-- Address for SendObject
Dim stText As String '-- E-mail text
Dim RecDate As Variant '-- Rec date for e-mail text
Dim stSubject As String '-- Subject line of e-mail
Dim stTicketID As String '-- The ticket ID from form
Dim stWho As String '-- Reference to tblUsers
Dim stHelpDesk As String '-- Person who assigned ticket
Dim strSQL As String '-- Create SQL update statement
Dim errLoop As Error

'-- Combo of names to assign ticket to
stWho = Me.cboAssignee
stWhere = "tblUsers.strUserID = " & "'" & stWho & "'"
'-- Looks up email address from TblUsers
varTo = DLookup("[strEMail]", "tblUsers", stWhere)

stSubject = ":: New Help Desk Ticket ::"

stTicketID = Format(Me.txtTicketID, "00000")
RecDate = Me.txtDateReceived
'-- Helpdesk employee who assigns ticket
strHelpDesk = Me.cboReceivedBy.Column(1)

stText = "You have been assigned a new ticket." & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"Ticket number: " & stTicketID & Chr$(13) & _
"This ticket has been assigned to you by: " & strHelpDesk & Chr$(13) & _
"Received Date: " & RecDate & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"This is an automated message. Please do not respond to this e-mail."

'Write the e-mail content for sending to assignee
DoCmd.SendObject , , acFormatTXT, varTo, , , stSubject, stText, -1

'Set the update statement to disable command button
'once e-mail is sent
strSQL = "UPDATE tblHelpDeskTickets SET tblHelpDeskTickets.ysnTicketAssigned = -1 " & _
"Where tblHelpDeskTickets.lngTicketID = " & Me.txtTicketID & ";"

On Error GoTo Err_Execute
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
On Error GoTo 0

'Requery checkbox to show checked
'after update statement has ran
'and disable send mail command button
Me.cmdMailTicket.Enabled = False

Exit Sub


' Notify user of any errors that result from
' executing the query.
If DBEngine.Errors.Count > 0 Then
For Each errLoop In DBEngine.Errors
MsgBox "Error number: " & errLoop.Number & vbCr & _
Next errLoop
End If

Resume Next

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdMailTicket_Click

End Sub

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Criteria For Report Using The SendObject Method

Sep 5, 2007

I am using a macro and the SendObject method to email a snapshot of a report to 29 different program coodinators(which is working fine). Using the macro i have 29 exact reprorts except for the different criteria in the ProgramID field for each program. I would like to get away from the macro and code the SendObject method and specify the criteria for the ProgramID field for a single report. I will most likely use a SelectCase statement for the 29 different programs. Can anyone tell me how to set the varible criteria on a single report using the SendObject method.

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Forms :: SendObject Email Not In Sent Folder

Jun 2, 2013

I am sending an email using SendObject, like this:

DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , eMailAddress, ccAddress, , Me.Subject, Me.MessageBody, 0

The email is sent correctly. However, in Access 2003 a copy was posted to the Outlook 'Sent' folder. Since we have moved to Outlook 2010, a copy is no longer posted to the 'Sent' folder. We miss having that copy.

Is there an option that I can set to post the email to the user's 'Sent' folder? If not, what about a BCC? How can I get the user's email address?

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General :: Can SendObject Be Used To Send MDB File

Feb 28, 2014

I use SendObject to send automatic emails from my application. Can I attach a table or an MDB file to the email? How do I do that? Or do I attach a table and it sends it as a text file?

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General :: Emailing PDF As Attachment With SendObject?

Jun 16, 2015

I often output reports as a PDF. I also use SendObject to send emails from my application. But is there a way to send a PDF as an attachment with SendObject? Perhaps not, as the PDF would not be within my application?

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General :: How To Use SendObject To Send Emails

Aug 5, 2012

Where can I get a document that explains how to use SendObject to send emails from Access?

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