Servers,forms And Auto#

Jul 24, 2006

guys i need some quidance...

i have a server setup that i need some help with

i have a database file that holds 1 inventory table.

Then i have 2 other database files that represent 2 retail stores.

my problem is that the store files have a form which acts like a sales invoice. The sales order number is an autonumber. this worked fine in the past with local network setups, but now going to a server the issue is that the sales order numbers cannot be the same from one store to the other. Since its related to the inventory table it steals the invoice from one store to the other..

i tried formatting the autonumbers differently.. like /100 on one and /3000 on the other. And they are still the same autonumber anyway.. the format doesnt mean much other than a different display..

is there a way to control the auto numbers to be in a specified range of numbers...

i would like to be able to say for store 1 the sales order numbers can only be from 1000-5000 and store 2 6000-9000...

is it not possible with autonumbers?

ho can i do this?

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Distribute DB To Many Servers

Jul 7, 2005

I have developed a db (A2K) which will be distibuted through our companies franchising system to various licensees. These licensees generally operate in a single PC environment but occasionally they will be based on a server network. The single user is fine but I am stumped by the server situation as it impacts on the various links I have set up within the database to files etc that are part of the program but are external such as Excel, Word files. The current links are all set up as C:MainFolderNameFilename. Of course these all stop working when I place it on a server and link the users up via shortcuts. On our own installation I changed the links to the \MyServerMainFolderNameFilename format and everythings fine but due to the number of links this is a fairly lengthy process and I wouldn't want to have to repeat it at every clients installation.

Can any one please advise me if there is a way to set it up so that I could say enter the clients server name in a field. Then insert that field's contents into the pathway details for the links so that they all update automatically.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Tables In Multiple Servers.

Sep 19, 2006

I have a multiuser database where the tables are split from the rest of the database and is being used by three locations. That portion works fine, BUT the traffic makes it horribly slow to the end user. The servers are located in Dallas and both east and west coast users access the information. Just doing updates makes me tense!! So I duplicated each database and positioned them on each locations home based server. Runs great no problems....But the information needed for work and reports is now written to 3 databases all with different server names. ( I realize this is more of a network issue but there is no way around it) My issue is that I need to get to that data from all three locations and combine them so that it can be worked and reported on....THEN sent back to the database from which it came. I tried to build a macro that would go to each database, retrieve the information into one server location but when I put the path name in it defaults to my local database rather than the one I am pointing the path to. Anyone have any ideas on making this happen?

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What Happened? Switched Servers

Oct 14, 2004

I have a database that consists of one server.mdb which houses the tables and a folder called users with an individual folder with a copy of client.mdb for each person (This helps see whos on and whos not). The server is in the networks root directory and the clients are in a users/name/ I just moved these files from a windows 2000 server to the linux server and now only one person can access the database at a time - The Microsoft Jet Database Engine cannot findopen file VET/tier2/server.mdb someone has the file opened up exclusively or you need permission to view the data. Nothing has changed other than the network path and I relinked the tables and compacted and repaired both the server and the client.


PS i switched from WindowsNT to Linux Server

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Message To Users Logged Into DB On Different Servers?

Jul 23, 2013

I have some code that when a check box in a table is ticked, sends a pop up message to the users logged in (message is on a hidden form), then it closes the DB after a pre-dtermined period of time.

The problem I'm having is that we are a large site with a about 25 differnet servers that our users log onto via Citrix, when a user is on a different server it isn't displaying the message nor closing the DB down.

trying to achieve this? Or is there a better way to see who is logged in and get a message to them?

I'm using Access 2003 btw

Code I'm using below

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.TimerIntderval = 10000 ' change to 300000 for about 5 minutes
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
End Sub

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Forms :: Auto Numbering Access Report Forms

Dec 11, 2013

Is there a way to auto number a report form.

I have attached my database for a better understanding of what I am trying to do.

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Auto Resize Of Forms??

Sep 6, 2006

Hi People,

Whilst at college was positive there was some coding, to automatically re-size the form when opening?? can anyone help with this, have spoken to a few people and they say to change in design view but i am finding this annoying. Any help would be appreciated.


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Auto Tabs In Forms

Mar 3, 2005

I am releatively new to using Access. I have a form created and linked to tables. I would like to know if there is a way to have the form automatically tab to the next field for me. I have several fields that have the same number of characters entered for every record. I would like it to jump to the next field once I've entered the maximum number of characters in that field. I tried setting the fields in the tables to the length I want, and it does stop me from entering any more than that in the forms, but I still need to press the tab key. Kind of annoying after a while. Anyone know how to do this? THanks.

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Need Help With Auto-Fill In Forms

Mar 21, 2007


First post!

I'm looking for help with auto-fill (more specifically, I believe I need to use the "After Update" function.

What I have is an order form where I will be putting customer orders. I have a form and a subform, and the line items for the actual order go in the subform. Therefore the subform has a combo box for "products" which references the "products" table by fetching "productname" through "productID"

What I need to happen is when I select a specific product in that combo box (which works), I would like the "price" to be auto-filled into the "Price" box I have to the right of "product" and "quantity"

However I can't figure this out for the life of me, and I've searched places and tried different things, but I always end up with it not working. I can do this in Visual Studio with a DDL and a Label and a small function, but Access is way different from what I can tell with my little knowledge.

Any help would be appreciated!!


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Auto Center Forms & Reports

Mar 19, 2007

I have quite a few forms and reports in a database that are pop-up and modal. I've also auto centered them so they do not jump all over the screen. However, these forms and reports are centering when you open them but move whenver you close them. I am hiding the database window, which usually means that it minimizes to the upper left corner of the desktop screen. These forms then wind up closing or relocating to where the minimized database window is. Is there any way to fix this problem so that the users see centered forms and reports every time they are using the program?:eek: Thank you

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Forms :: Auto-fill Domain Name

Jun 21, 2013

I have a form for my customers where i also fill in the email adresses, know i don't wan't to fill in the hole email adres each time. I have seen a acces database before that gives a list when you typed the @ sign in the email adres field.I know that the builder used a tbldomain for listing al the domains that the putin the database. and each time you tab to the field emailsadres you begin to type

example.. markrutten@ and when you type the @ there popup a list of the table [tbldomain] en you begin to type for example but you can hit the entrebutton afther the letters hot because the match of is already in the field.

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Forms :: Auto Month In Series

Jun 17, 2013

I am trying to develop a form in the light of budgeting, therefore, I am designing a form with all possible options being an accountant I can think (it just a try nothing else)

Now here's the scenario

Fiscal Year
Working days

Period - Month - working (are my heading)
1 - Jan - 22
2 - Feb - 18 and so on

This is what I am trying to learn, if I select period 1 "Jan", application/code fill -out remaining months automatically, e.g. Period 2 "Feb"; Period 3 "Mar" .....

and if I select Period 1 "Mar", then period 2 "Apr", Period 3 "May" ......

Currently, I am using combobox, but problem is, if I selection period 1 = "Jan", then I am unable to restrict period 2 using "JAN" as both combobox are separate.

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Forms :: Combo Box Auto Select

Sep 3, 2014

I using access 2010 and I am trying to code (VBA) one of my combo box to auto select if another combo box consist of multiple selections. So for example I have a multi select combo box that has a list of departments and based on what the user selects I want the other combo box to automatically select itself if one or more of the department in the first combo box is selected:


Combo Box 2
Clinical (Auto Select)

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Forms :: Using Format Control In Auto Number

Mar 24, 2014

I need the auto number to be in specified format as ASI-23-0001. So I added the format "ASI-23-"0000 in the formats and I got it succesfully.The fueld name is "Part Number"

I have added the Part Number field to a form as combo and I was able to list the values in the drop down combo.

I wanted to use Dlookup command in the program to auto fill the next field in the form say "Description".

I am using the following code
Me.Text30 = DLookup("[Description]", "item_master", "[Part Number] = Form![Combo36]")

But now the data in the combo is treated as text because of the prefix "ASI-23" and I get data type mismatch error.

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Forms :: Auto Fill Field On Pop-up Form?

Jul 31, 2013

I have 2 tables named Candidates & Comments. CandidateID is the Primary key for Candidates and CommentID is the primary key for Comments.

I have CandidateID as a foreign key in the Comments table to link the two together.

I have a form "frm_CandidateMain" which lists a candidates details and a subform within it "frm_Comments" (in datasheet view) which lists comments that have been made for that candidate. These forms are linked by CandidateID as the Master/Child fields. This is working fine, and when double clicking the comment field, another form opens "frm_expanded" which is a pop up and has a larger field to that detailed comments can be written/read without the need to scroll along in datasheet view.

However, when double clicking on a blank line in the "frm_comments" field the "frm_expanded" form opens a blank form with no CandidateID selected, but I'd like it to auto populate the CandidateID from the main form that is currently open.

I've tried to do with with a Macro within Macro builder, but failed to do this.

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Forms :: Auto-fill Detail With Users Name?

Jan 6, 2015

I have set up a split database and it seems to work perfectly. I have created a report on each users FE and this works fine. It inputs their own contact details on the report. This was done manually before sending the FE to the user just using ="text here" in the design of the form.

What I want to do is add an extra field to the table (and link to this via the form each user has) and have this populated automatically with the users name.This is so we can see at a glance which user added which record.

Is there a way to have this happen or would it be a case of having to pick your own username from a combo box? Can I do something with each users FE form which will add their name when they add a record?

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Forms :: Auto Fill Text Boxes

May 2, 2014

I have five textboxes for husband with the values typed(HustxtAddress1, HustxtAddress2, HustxtCity, HustxtState, HustxtZip). I have five more textboxes for wife. I have a combo box asking whether the spouse's address is same as the husband - with yes or no. If "Yes" is selected, the text boxes for wife is auto filled with the same values of the husband. I tried with combo box change event setting HustxtAddress1= WifeText address1, it fills only the first field and other fields are empty.

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Forms :: Drop Down Box Auto Filling Other Entries

Apr 26, 2013

I've created a drop-down box on a form, that allows a user to choose from three names.

However, when I choose say name A, it then populates all the other entries with name A.

For example:

record 1 has name A
record 2 has name b
record 3 has name a

if i then enter a new record, and enter name C in it, it changes records 1, 2 and 3 to show name C too.

is there a setting i need to change or something?

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Forms :: Auto End Automated Email On Enter

Jan 14, 2015

Is there a way to send a standard ready made email to a set email address when a check box or selection from a combo box is selected.

What Im hoping to have is an action and if a user select a specific action it sends out an email without having to do this repeatedly and manually.

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Forms :: Auto Complete Field Within Form

Jul 21, 2015

I have created 2 tables, one for direct customers and one for indirect customers. (I consider indirect a customers customer). The 2nd table has a field that links every indirect customer to a direct one. I also have a table for inserting credit notes. The credit note is either for a direct or an indirect customer. I am using a form for this one. So the form has 2 fields, one for each kind of customer. If the customer is direct, i only insert the direct customer field. If its an indirect customer i insert the indirect customer field. What i want is to create a combo box that when choosing an indirect customer, to display the linked direct customer and to save it to the direct customer field.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Form Field

Jan 4, 2014

I have an entry form for a table named [Group Members]. The form has several fields deriving data from 2 other tables [Mail List] and [Groups] I wish to automatically display a Group ID when the relevant Group Name is selected from a drop down list.The Row Source Code is as follows;


The Bound Column is 1.This code fails to display the [GROUPS ID] when a Group Name is entered. Which other controls do I need to modify to achieve this simple matter? I have similar code installed to achieve auto display of Member ID when Member Name is entered. That code is equally ineffective.

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Forms :: Auto-fill Form Based On First And Last Name

Jul 1, 2015

I've got two tables, Member & VBS. They are linked (many to one) via the EnvNum. I have a form that has all the information I need for VBS. I was wondering how could I go about typing in the first and last name (each in their own field) and having access find the EnvNum and Automatically filling that in?

I know how to do it with a combo box, but we have over 300 members and usually get over 100 kids for VBS, and the kid may not be registered as a member. I thought about making a form to enter the first and last names, then have a button that would open up the registration form with the EnvNum, FName, and LName fields filled in, but I'm blanking today and can't figure out how that would go.

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Forms :: Auto Sum If Specific Values Come Up Within A Form

Jun 24, 2015

I am trying to have a field auto sum if specific values come up within a form. The form is a survey. Total all number zeros, total all 1's, 2's etc. so that I get a discrete value total for each option.


Q1) 1 Q9) 0
Q2) 1 Q10) 1
Q3) 0 Q11) 2
Q4) 2
Q5) 1
Q6) 1
Q7) 3
Q8) 1

Total Number occurrences

Total 0's= 2
Total 1's= 6
Total 2's= 2
Total 3's= 1

Each question in the above example is a field within the same Form. Each total is its own field.

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Forms :: Auto Fill Fields From Associated Tables

Sep 24, 2013

I have a data entry form feeding a table named [Group Members] using Access 2010.

It has 4 fields; [Group ID] & [Group Name] derived from tbl.[Groups] and [Member ID] & [Member Name] derived from tbl.[Mail List]. The 'ID' fields are foreign keys from the respective tables.

The 2 'Name' fields have drop down lists for input selection, but my requirement is to cause auto fill of the 'ID' fields when the respective 'Names' are selected.

I had assumed that this simple requirement could be achieved with a suitable control on the form property sheet. It is so simple to do in Excel!!

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Forms :: Auto Populate Userform Via Reference

May 23, 2014

I am new to access and am a bit stuck. I have a userform i want to populate once a reference number has been entered into a unbound textbox. How to create a macro that will pull the data out of my database?

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Forms :: Auto Populated Text Box From Combo Box Value

May 8, 2013

I have a form for 2800 different records. I want to auto populate 4 text boxes based on the value of 1 combo box but when I change the data on 1 form, all the forms show the same data. I want to be able to able to change the data on each form and save separately.I have Table with Tech Initials(PK), Full Name(689), CellNum(691), TestGaugeSN(630) and Cal Exp Date(632). Want to use Tech Initials to populate the rest.

Here's what I'm using:

Private Sub Combo687_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text689 = Me.Combo687.Column(1)
Me.Text691 = Me.Combo687.Column(2)
Me.Text630 = Me.Combo687.Column(3)
Me.Text635 = Me.Combo687.Column(4)
End Sub

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