Simple Sql Statement Not Working

Mar 2, 2008

i have an sql statement:

aa = "hello"

Tasklist.RowSource = "SELECT [Tasks].Staff_Name, [Tasks].Project_Title, [Tasks].Percentage_Complete FROM [Tasks] WHERE [Tasks].Date_Allocated < aa ORDER BY [Tasks].Staff_Name;"

how can i make it look the the data i put in "aa" rather than prompt a msg box asking for "aa"?

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Very Simple Query Not Working....

Sep 15, 2005

we have a main table for tracking pickups....some of the fields are combo boxes with relationships to other such relationship is units (ml, gallon, ounce, etc) the main table everything works just fine....a user enters the location info, the amount and the corresponding units. thus, an example would be a user picks up something from building X, room 101, 10, Gallons.....the 10 refers to the gallons, the user picked up 10 gallons...

now for the query:
i'm creating a query for which i will base a report query design if i just select the above info everything works comes out on the report as 5 Gallons....however, what i'd like to do is concatenate the two fields so that they take up less space on the report and are more visibly's what i tried in query design:
Amt: [amount]&Space(1)&[units]
this does not the units table that provides Gallons as a selection in the combo field, Gallons has a key value of 5.....thus, when i run the query using the above code i get 10 5 - where 10 is the amount the amount and 5 is the key from the combo box...

i've tried bringing in the units table but then i get a type can i concatenate the two fields and show the proper units? this has to be simple but i cannot get it to work... :mad:

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V. Simple Query, Not Working

Jun 25, 2006

Hi Lads

Hi guys, I want to return all the records which contain information under a particular column heading, hence the statement thats supposed to return all tables where Sector colum is not empty. I am new to SQL and Access so not sure why this simple query isn't working. It is a subform and displays the results in the "details" section of the form below the controls.

I think it could be something to do with the fact that its a subform, but Im not sure about this.

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM [tblRecordInfo] WHERE Sector <> "" "

any ideas guys? any assistance is greatly appreciated

thanks in advance

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Simple Query Not Working

Oct 11, 2006

I have a six table database and have a query to show all records,(at the moment) but although i have put 3 records in for testing it only shows the first record. Any help gratefully recieved i'm pulling hair out.:mad:

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Simple WHERE Statement Help...

Dec 24, 2006

My code abilities are not the best yet...

but I've got this:

="$ " & Sum(tblFinance!Amount WHERE tblFinance.Type="Revenue")

It doesn't work. I'm just trying to display all of the revenues from a table in a sum command. Anyone know how I might be able to fix syntax? thanks!

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Simple If Statement

Jan 31, 2006


I have a form based on a table with three controls: txt1, txt2 and txt3. Txt is unbound, while the first two get their source from the table.
I would like that if txt1 is showing data, then txt3 shows the same data of txt2. If this possible?
I have tried something like this but does not work:

If IsNull(Me![txt1]) Then
Me!txt3.Visible = True

If Me!txt1 = "*" Then
Me!txt3 = Me!txt2
End If
End If

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Simple Query/Form Not Working...

Oct 5, 2006

I have a table filled with computer monitor information (tblMonitorManagement). I had query that uses combo boxes (cboSerialNo, cboRoom, cboDepartment) on a form for search parameters. The query is called qryMonitorManagement_Sub. The results are displayed in a subform (frmMonitorManagement_Sub). This works for both my desktop and also my laptop based forms/queries/tables.

Although this form works when using cboRoom and cboDepartment, it does not work when using cboSerialNo, so I decided to simplify it down to get to the root of the's what I did.

I created a new form, created a combo box (again called cboSerialNo), and had it look up the serial numbers in tblMonitors. Simple.

I created a query called qryMonitors_Test, added all fields from tblMonitors (not using the * option). I then set the SerialNo field criteria to the contents of the cboSerialNo on the new form. Simple. For now I'm ignoring searching on anything else.

I ran the query with no search parameters before I added the criteria, and it obviously displayed all the records in tblMonitors. Fine.

After adding the criteria (using prevent typos), I used the form to select a serial number, run the query and get no results returned.

If I copy and paste the same serial number and change the SerialNo criteria in the query to search for that it works fine. As soon as I tell it to search for the combo box contents it returns no data.

This is driving me completely bat-poo. It's nothing I've not done a squillion time before but it just refuses to work. I've got to assume it's a query issue as opposed to a form issue, but things don't get much simpler than this should be!

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Simple Query Not Working (Filter)

Oct 18, 2007

I have a query that filters two tables. 1) Status 2) Name

The status is 1,2,3,4,5 from an option group on my form.

In the query I have <>3 for the status, whereby I only want records that are status 1,2,3,& 5.

When I run the query with all names it works perfectly, however I am trying to run the query for only a select few names versus all of them.

The problem is I do not know how to select only a few names versus all of the names and make it work. When I try to add names i.e "Doe, John" my Status pulls all records including option 3.

Can anyone help? I do not even know where to start seaching.


Fen How

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Simple Delte Query Not Working

Oct 25, 2007

Hi Guys,

I've tried searching the forums for an answer with no joy.
I'm trying to create a very simple DELETE query, which I've never had an issue with before.

Basically I have two tables

Dbo_PDRPerson (PersonID, RoleID, PDRID)
tbl_InfoByPDR (PDRID)

Basically I want to delete all records in Dbo_PDRPerson where a corresponding PDRID record exists in tbl_InfoByPDR

My current method:

DELETE dbo_PDRPerson.PersonID, dbo_PDRPerson.RoleID, dbo_PDRPerson.PDRID
FROM dbo_PDRPerson INNER JOIN tbl_InfoByPDR ON dbo_PDRPerson.PDRID = tbl_InfoByPDR.PDRID;

This tells me to "Specify the table containing the records you want to delete"

Any ideas

Many thanks

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Very Simple Yet Cant Get It Working...toggle Box Switch

Mar 19, 2008


Using a toggle box to ask the following question, i have data that contains either OPEN or CLOSED against each record. I tried using the following in the criteria for the specific data to either select all the OPEN records when the box is clicked and i would like to select all records OPEN and CLOSED when it is nto clicked


This didn't work and a number of other attempts failed as well...

How do i do it in the criteria selection or is it not possible


Newbie Jasper

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Please Help Me With This Simple Join Statement.

Oct 26, 2005


Select Materials.ID, Materials.AvailableUnits, Substances.Name, Suppliers.CompanyName FROM Materials Right Join Substances on Materials.Substance = Substances.ID

This works in joining the (from substances table) with the value stored in materials.substance (which is ID of substances.ID)

How can I add another Join to join Suppliers.CompanyName with suppliers.ID. The current Materials.Supplier is a key of Suppliers.ID which holds the value of Suppliers.CompanyName. I've tried this a million times and as soon as I insert a second join, no matter what format I get "syntax error in join statement".


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Error From Simple Statement

Jun 5, 2007

Okay, now I'm suspecting there's more to this than an overly complicated control source statement....

My summary report contains multiple objects that calculate totals based on a statement in their control source. The report ran fine for a few weeks but all of a sudden it started producing this error:

"The expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

I thought perhaps that 12 lengthy control source statements were simply too much for Access to handle, but then I did some testing and eventually removed all but this control source statement: =Sum([NotifType]=9)

That's about as simple as it gets, but when I try and run the report I still get the error. Ggggrrrrrrrrr....

Can anyone tell me what causes this annoying error and how I can get rid of it? (I already compiled.) What little Access quirk am I running into? I will gladly zip the file and post if necessary.

Thank you.

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Simple Query Statement, Not Getting Anywhere...

Sep 20, 2007

I think this would be a simple query but I have not been successful in getting anything to work at this point. So I thought I would through it out to the pro's here! Thanks for any help you might give.

Table looks like this:
EventID EventDate Score EventType
46 09/20/2007 72 1 Day Net
46 09/20/2007 72 2 Day Net - Day 1
46 09/20/2007 68 1 Day Best Ball
48 07/14/2007 69 1 Day Net
48 07/14/2007 34 Nassau

What I am trying to get from this data is the AVG score, but not include Nassau or Best Ball events. So I have used the Not Like "%Nassau%" etc, in ASP (since ASP requires % rather than * like access. The results I would like to see are one score from each DATE avg'd. That means with this sample data we should get...
46 09/20/2007 72 1 Day Net
48 07/14/2007 69 1 Day Net

Avg score 70.5

I don't care to have the Event Type listed, if that causes grouping issues. I just am not getting anything to work. Thanks for any help.

In short If I could get the avg score using only one score a day that is not a Nassau or Best Ball event, I would have to rejoice! Thanks so much.

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IIF Statement Not Working

Aug 3, 2006

Expr1: (IIf([FixedExpenseOccurance]="Quarterly",[amount]/3,0))+(IIf([FixedExpenseOccurance]="SemiAnnually",[amount]/6,0))+(IIf([FixedExpenseOccurance]="Yearly",[amount]/12,0))

FixedExpenseOccurance is the the field and "*" is the values which get looked up from a table. I am trying to create an expense report. The query runs but no values are entered into the box?

For some reason it is asking for a parameter when I try t orun it. I don't have anything entered into the Criteria.

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IIF Statement Not Working

Nov 23, 2007

hi i am trying to use the following iif statement in a query.

IIf([Forms]![MainForm]![cmb_ExcessStatus]="Resolved",1,IIf([Forms]![MainForm]![cmb_ExcessStatus]="Outstanding",2,IIf([Forms]![MainForm]![cmb_ExcessStatus]="All Records",([MainTable].[Status])=1 Or ([MainTable].[Status])=2,([MainTable].[Status])=1 Or ([MainTable].[Status])=2)))

So, if user selects 'Resolved' then use 1
if the user selects 'Outstanding' then use 2
if the user selects 'All records' then i want both 1 and 2 but this will not work. i also want the default to be 'All records'

Any help would be much appreciated.

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IIF Statement Not Working

Aug 3, 2006

Expr1: (IIf([FixedExpenseOccurance]="Quarterly",[amount]/3,0))+(IIf([FixedExpenseOccurance]="SemiAnnually",[amount]/6,0))+(IIf([FixedExpenseOccurance]="Yearly",[amount]/12,0))

I have this in a query and the query runs, it just doesnt do anything. FixedExpenseOccurance is the field name, "*" is the field values (they get looked up from a table). Any clues why this is not working?

For some reason it is asking for a parameter when I try t orun it. I don't have anything entered into the Criteria.

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If Statement Not Working

Aug 10, 2006


Says I have the incorrect number of Arguments? Any clues? These are all field name:
NextActivation (Is a date)
Today (is today's date)
DueToday (is a yes/no)

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Tables :: Simple Cascade Update Not Working

Oct 29, 2013

I've done this tons of times, so I don't understand what's happening... The title says it all: when I update the ID of one record of the main table, the referenced records on related tables won't update even though they have a relationship between them with the option "Cascade update" clicked.

In the attached database, the main table "Expedientes" is related to table "Actuaciones".

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If Statement In A Query Not Working?

Oct 9, 2005

hi im trying to do the following if statement in a query but its not working, anyone know what im doing wrong?
any help would be great.


im trying to say if the field "period" in the table: "TABLE SALES" is the same or less than the value in the field "actuals to pd" in the table :"TABLE-AVERAGE" then the value displayed in this field ("new") should be the value: "actuals to pd" in the table "table-sales" otherwise the value in the field "forecast1 base value" in the table "table update"

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Between Statement Not Working Using Dates

Apr 5, 2006


I am using an ADO connection to an access Db but am having from executing a query on the table.

In my table I have a Field named [Date] with Data Type as Date/Time (Short Date dd/mm/yyyy). When I perform a Query on the Db like;

SELECT [Date], [Part No], [Batch Qty] FROM [Speed Fastener Packing] WHERE [Date] LIKE '28/03/2006'

The above works fine and produces results, but if I do the following - then it come up with error - data tyle mismatch;

SELECT [Date], [Part No], [Batch Qty] FROM [Speed Fastener Packing] WHERE [Date] = '28/03/2006'

Any Ideas Why? TIA

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Between Statement Not Working Using Dates

Apr 5, 2006


I am using an ADO connection to an access Db but am having from executing a query on the table.

In my table I have a Field named [Date] with Data Type as Date/Time (Short Date dd/mm/yyyy). When I perform a Query on the Db like;

SELECT [Date], [Part No], [Batch Qty] FROM [Speed Fastener Packing] WHERE [Date] LIKE '28/03/2006'

The above works fine and produces results, but if I do the following - then it come up with error - data type mismatch;

SELECT [Date], [Part No], [Batch Qty] FROM [Speed Fastener Packing] WHERE [Date] = '28/03/2006'

Any Ideas Why? TIA

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Insert Into Sql Statement Not Working.. Help!

Dec 5, 2006

hi guys i have a form that comes from a query with a parent and child table. Main table pk is pricingid and then the foreign key in tblHistory is pricingid.

I am trying to do an append table but i keep getting an error message
Pricing ID is the pk autonumber in tblPricing (parent table)
historyid is the pk in tblHistory and pricingid the fk(child table)
oldprice should be a currency value
the other fields are text.

this is my code:

strSQL = "Insert into tblHistory (DateChanged, Edit_UserName, OldPrice) Values(#" & now() & "#, '" & getusername() &"', " & Me.txtPrice.OldValue & ")

but i get the error message

You cannot or change a record because a related record is required in table tblPricing

any advise... i know i need to select somehow the pricingId from the parenttable, but how do i do that?

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Modules & VBA :: Simple If Statement Moved To Macro

Jul 29, 2015

I have an open form with buttons to open other forms and use an If statement to position them an example is below.

Private Sub Command31_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Opener", acNormal
If Me.Frame54 = 1 Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 2500, 1000
ElseIf Me.Frame54 = 2 Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 25500, 1000
End If
End Sub

This works perfectly, however I need to put similar code as a line in a macro and cannot seem to link it.

Public Function totalmove()
If Forms.Scan_Data.Frame54 = 1 Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 2500, 1000
ElseIf Forms.Scan_Data.Frame54 = 2 Then
DoCmd.MoveSize 24000, 1000
End If
End Function

I get Error 438 object doesn't support this property or method...

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Modules & VBA :: If And NZ Statement Not Working In Access?

Jul 8, 2015

why this IF and Nz statement in my code below is not working. I know the me.txtrefNo value is "" (null) on a form field with property set to General Number. Therefore the Nz statement should return a "0" as I specified making the statement true as in 0 = 0 and then execute the actions below to generate a reference number however this it now happening as it's rendering the if statement as false and showing me the message " Whats going On?" which is after the else statement.

If Nz(Me.txtrefNo, 0) = 0 Then
Me.txtrefNo = DMax("[refNo]", "[R_P_Data_P]") + 1
tmpRefNo = Me.txtrefNo
'testing variable value
MsgBox (tmpRefNo)
MsgBox ("What's going on?")
End If

PS. Does this have anything to do with the table field format that the me.txtrefNo value will be saved to?

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Forms :: IIF Statement Within A Field In A Form Not Working

Jun 21, 2013

I am trying to created an IIF statement in a field I have in a form.

I have entered the following statement but it keeps coming up with the following error and I cannot see where I am going wrong.

The expression you entered contains invalid syntax, or you need to enclose your text data in quotes

=IIf([RenewalInstallment]=0,(12-[MFAccepted])*[CurrentAnnualPremium]/12)*(1-[DiscountAccepted]/100),IIf RenewalInstallment]<>0,(12-[MFAccepted])*[RenewalAnnualPremium]/12)*(1-[DiscountAccepted]/100)

If I enter the first part of the If statement i.e.


The field calculates correctly however there seems to be something wrong with the nested if.

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General :: IIF Statement - Calculated Fields Not Working

Apr 8, 2015

Access 2013

I've created a table for a college project and realised that one of my calculated fields isn't working. It doesn't produce an error message, it just doesn't calculate.


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