Simple Form Help Plz...

Oct 26, 2005

i have a form that keeps a record of my telephone enquieries at work..

i want to place a button on this form so that, whenever i have successfully dealt with a call, i can click this button and the record will go to a NEW "Logged Calls" form...

how can i achieve this?
p.s i am very new to programming etc...

thanks in advance!

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Simple Form Validation

Jun 27, 2005

When user submits record on form, by pushing the arrow to move forward to new form, or back to previous ones, I would like to ensure that they have met a specific criteria in some fields.

How can I catch this without using VB Access? I can use VB Access, but would like to know how "normal" users would force form validation.

Much appreciation for lesson.


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Simple Sub Form Problem

Sep 15, 2005


Im sure is is a simple problem but its driving me mad,

I have a form with 2 sub forms in it which are tabbed across the top of the form. When I open the form it displays everything fine accept it cuts off the two tabs at the top of the form and I have to use the the side scroll bar to view them. Small problem but not for people new to the database as they wont know they are there.

Thanks in advance


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Simple Password Form

Mar 5, 2006

Private Sub btnConfirm_Click()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim password As String

password = "closeme"

If enterpassword <> password Then
Cancel = -1
MsgBox "Incorrect password!", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub

It works except if I press the confirm button with no text entered into the box it'll act as if the password is correct, wheres the simple error?

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Simple Form Problem

Dec 12, 2006

I have a table that contains a pricing list of two columns, one with the name and the other with the price, i have locked the name so it can not be changed therefore only letting the user change the price. Is there any way that you also stop the user sdding any more records to the form and therefore the table??

Thanks in advance...

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Recall - Simple Sum On Form

Nov 23, 2004

This is probably v. simple but is doin me head in.

I've got a form based on a query containing three figures (currency). I want a total box that will add the 3 up. On the query I've created a field called Total with the following:


When three figures are in it works fine. If one of the figures is not there it displays #Name. I could get the fields in the table to automatically display 0, but if a user deletes off the 0 I'm stuffed.

Where am I going wrong?


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Simple Form Question

Jan 29, 2005

I am trying to create a form with close to 30 fields to be entered.
There are several fields that I would like to use a combo box for drop down options.
The key to this is to force people filling out the forms to select a valid entry.

My questions are:

1. With the Combo Box, how do I enter my selected information.
2. How do I point the information in my form to a new table so all of the information in the form can be stored in one centralized location.


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Simple New Record In Form On Open

Apr 21, 2006

:mad: it sound really stupid but I am having problems on open.

I have a main input page for the database I am creating but when I open it up it brings up previously inputted data.

Any ideas on this?

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Simple Query/Form Not Working...

Oct 5, 2006

I have a table filled with computer monitor information (tblMonitorManagement). I had query that uses combo boxes (cboSerialNo, cboRoom, cboDepartment) on a form for search parameters. The query is called qryMonitorManagement_Sub. The results are displayed in a subform (frmMonitorManagement_Sub). This works for both my desktop and also my laptop based forms/queries/tables.

Although this form works when using cboRoom and cboDepartment, it does not work when using cboSerialNo, so I decided to simplify it down to get to the root of the's what I did.

I created a new form, created a combo box (again called cboSerialNo), and had it look up the serial numbers in tblMonitors. Simple.

I created a query called qryMonitors_Test, added all fields from tblMonitors (not using the * option). I then set the SerialNo field criteria to the contents of the cboSerialNo on the new form. Simple. For now I'm ignoring searching on anything else.

I ran the query with no search parameters before I added the criteria, and it obviously displayed all the records in tblMonitors. Fine.

After adding the criteria (using prevent typos), I used the form to select a serial number, run the query and get no results returned.

If I copy and paste the same serial number and change the SerialNo criteria in the query to search for that it works fine. As soon as I tell it to search for the combo box contents it returns no data.

This is driving me completely bat-poo. It's nothing I've not done a squillion time before but it just refuses to work. I've got to assume it's a query issue as opposed to a form issue, but things don't get much simpler than this should be!

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Making A Form So Its Not A Whole Page. Must Be So Simple

May 5, 2005

i have created a form based on a query and basically the form comes up as a whole page spread and i would like it to just come up as a small form instead of a whole page. i think i go into properties and then choose the actual form but i just need to know how to make it so its small.

Hope this explanation is adequate



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Simple Form Totalling Error

Sep 2, 2005

I am making a simple tabular form to use as a subform in another.

The form has a cbo box (cboItem_Name)
Quantity (txtQuantity)
Price (txtItem_Cost)
Extended Price (txtExtended_Price)

Selecting an item in the combo puts the price in txtItem_Cost. Default for Quantity is 1. Control Source for txtExtended_Price = [txtQuantity]*[txtItem_Cost] and gives me my extended price.

I have a control in the footer of the form called txtSub_Total. It's Control Source =SUM([txtExtended_Price]).
This Sub Total box generates the #error.

Can anyone tell me why? Do I need to do some other magic with my txtExtended_Price control instead of a simple calculation, like I have?

Thanks for any help you can give a novice.

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Simple Login Form With Database

Oct 5, 2005

Im not that expert in access programming, still have some more learning to do. anyway, my goal is to make a simple login form with a database of its users. How do I code it. The structure of my form is it has 2 unbound txtbox and 1 command button. A user will input its username and password then when the command button is clicked it will validate the user table if the data encoded is in the database. Thanks hope u can help me.

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Simple Form Question, But Having Trouble

Jul 11, 2006

I have a form, where the users choose a name from a pull down box and enter the date and other information. The pull down box has more than 100 names. The information such as the name, date, etc. gets stored into a table. It is fine if a certain name appears more than once on the table. I want to create some code, where if I click a button, it counts how many times each name appears in the table and outputs this information. I want the output to have the name in one column and the number of times it appears in the second column. Any ideas on how I could do this. I am very new at access and VB. I would appreciate your help. Thank you. (Basically I want to see how many times each name has filled out the form)

For example,

smith 3
doe 4
bell 8

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Simple Inventory Update From Form

Nov 28, 2006

Hello. I'm trying to design a simple database for a bicycle recycling charity. I hit a brick wall when realising that I had never before attempted to update a record. :eek: Until now I've just used Access to add new members to a bus user's organisation.

If the shop takes delivery of 20 tyres, I need to add 20 to the current stock.

Is it possible to achieve a simple Form that adds to or subtracts a quantity from current stock, or do I have to learn some access programming?

I've looked through some textbooks and can't find a simple update solution.

Thanks for any suggestions. :o

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Simple (?) Form Value Update Question

Feb 23, 2005

I am trying to update the value in one field (RUS Prop Class Document) of a form based upon what is selected in another field (RUS Prop Class Code). I plan on this being a hidden field so I was creating an after update expression in [RUS Prop Class Code]. My problem is that the value returned is the very nice and working query but not the value of the query. I'm missing something that I think is simple but cannot figure out with my limited resources and late hours.

Here is what I have for the after update expression in [RUS Prop Class Code]:

Private Sub RUS_Prop_Class_Code_AfterUpdate()
[RUS Document].Value = "Select [tbl_List of RUS Classifications].[RUS Prop Class Document] " & _
"FROM [tbl_List of RUS Classifications] " & _
"WHERE [tbl_List of RUS Classifications].[RUS Prop Class ID] =" & Me.[RUS Prop Class Code] & ";"
End Sub

Thanks ahead of time

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Simple: Create A New Record, Update Old Form

Apr 12, 2005

Hi... I searched quick, didn't find anythign, but you guys are so responsive... :D

Part 1. On TimeSheet form, I want to click to "create new job", and the Jobs Form opens, at a new record. Currently it opens at record 1.

Part 2. I foresee that when I return from the modal job form, the old form (timesheet) would not have updated the combobox to show the jobname I just entered.

I guess this is what subforms are, because I keep reading about them, but dunno what they are.



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Adding A Simple Text Clock To A Form

Apr 19, 2005

Trying to make a simple clock inside my form.
So far I got my clock but it isn't running.
It only get's the time when I open the form but I want it to keep track of time.

Searched the forums but couldn't find anything that relates to this problem.

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Simple Login/logout Form For Existing DB

Jan 11, 2006


i've completed the whole access DB, but now i need to implement the login form, so each user can access their data + admin access.

what is the simples/fastes way to do this, since i've got working db. I add fields (user-log-id and password)to "userTable" and now i just need simple veryfication to login and logout.

thank you in advance,

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Simple Question About Showing Tables In Form

Aug 9, 2006

I have a form which has two command buttons A and B. I set that when somebody click the button A then table A will be open and so on. But I dont want that table opens in new window. I want that I can "draw" a "box" in form where the table will showed. So can anybody help me and tell how to set that table will always show in "box". Can I set this somewhere in Access or do I have write VBA code. (I'am very very poor at coding)

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SIMPLE VBA Open Form Depending On Yes/No Reponse

Oct 12, 2006

Can someone please help !!

I have a table with four 'Yes/No' fields.

I have four forms (each form 'relates' to one of the 'Yes/No' fields) and contains additioanl information to be completed.

When I create a new record in my database I tick one, two three or all four of the 'Yes/No' fields.

I would like some VBA code that will automatically open the relevant form (depending on wether the 'Yes/No' box has been ticked) when I click a button.

Many thanks.

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Help With Form Design (sorry, Time Pressure Has Led To A Relatively Simple Question)

Oct 6, 2004

Sorry about this but I have two forms in a split database, one for data entry, one for data editing. The underlying record source is a query pulling data from multiple tables which worked fine until we had to move the backend of the application. Now whenever anyone opens the data entry form (add mode only) there are no fields on the report for them to complete; they are confronted with a blank screen. The data editing one works fine, but this one cannot be put onto general access because only four people out of about 25 are allowed to edit the data.

Can anyone shed any light onto this problem.

Sorry to take up time.


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Forms :: Simple Listbox Query Inside Form?

Jan 23, 2014

I have a form with a list box. This list box has a row source that I've set as a query for five different fields with a where clause. This where clause should pick up a value that is already within the form. And this is where I think it's going wrong, because if returns no results, but if I set it to point at the same value from another form (previous to this one, it does work). So there is something about the order or something so that this variable isn't passed to my listbox when it executes.

So, my list box has: select ID, title from table where ID = [Forms]![CurrentFormName]![ID]

and it doesn't work.However if I add a text field and set that to point at =[ID] then this does display the ID. And if I amend my query to point at this text field using the same convention above, that doesn't work either.

I presume I am mis-referencing, or there is something in the order that the listbox loads and it does this before the ID is set?

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Queries :: Combo Box On Form That Passes Criteria To Simple Select Query

Sep 22, 2014

I have a combo box on my form that passes criteria to a simple select query. There are four possible selections to make from the combo box. For some reason, when I select the first option on the list the query runs perfectly. However, if I select the second, third or fourth option from the combo box, the query returns no records, even though I know there are records in my table which should be returned.

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Simple Question For A Simple DB

Dec 29, 2006

Ok I am right now making a simple Vendor/Product database to create a line sheet for some sales folks. I have 3 tables: Vendors, Products, and an associate entity Vendors_Products to relate the two. I have a form currently that draws the Vendor Name (primary key) from the Vendor table and the Product Name from the associate entity. This allows me to create new vendors and select current product types from a drop down box. The problem is that the drop down box is too long and it is tiresome when 1 vendor has 10 product types.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? I thought it would be better to have option buttons and display all available products. Then you could just click all of the option buttons that apply to that Vendor and it would create the this possible?

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Remove Access Parameters Request For Simple Access Search Form

May 3, 2014

I have a simple access search form , that's based on a query that fill parameters from the form textboxes, when the access form loads its keeps prompting for parameters value which looks ugly .. I want to open the form, displaying all the records in the table and filter when i click search ..

I have a data entry entry form, that i want to generate success message after successful insert in database. I have done it in the button event if no error happens, still if i left all fields blank and clicked save, it displays the message ..

I need to change that to display please fill the textboxes then click save , and display success message when the row is actually inserted ..

Check the following attachment for sample.

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How Can I Do A Simple "GoToRecord" In A Form?

Jul 20, 2005

I have searched the forum for questions similar to mine, but they all seem more complicated than what I need... and so I am getting a little confused with it all!

I would like to create a "GoToRecord" field in which people can enter a name which then take them to that record (stored in my "ClientName" field) on the Main form...

Can anyone help?


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