Split Content Of The Field

Apr 15, 2008

I have a field in access database called result (coming from webform) and the content is something like: 'not much; 2' or 'frequently; 5'. How can I split numeric and text value into two separate columns in query?
I will greatly appreciate any help.


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Forms :: How To Limit A Field Content Based On The Content Of Another Field

Nov 25, 2013

As I began thinking about the data that I need to include in one of my reports I relized that I need to gather some extra data.Each design change has a lifecycle with 7 basic states from not started through to closed. States 4, 5, and 6 have two posible sub-states that I need to capture and report. It is almost like having options.

My data entry form already records the 7 basic states. What I would like to do is have another field that records the sub-states if the design change is in one of those three states.

Will a ComboBox do this?

Do I need a test routine for the After Update event in the first text box? Something that will check for states 1 - 3 and 7 move on to the next field and if states 4 -6 require users to enter the sub-state.

Would a nested if-then-else routine do the job?

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Create Field Content Based On The Content Of Others?

Apr 16, 2007

Can I create contents of one field based on the contents of others?

I have a database of pc systems which we've tested and was wanting to generate a single text line to identify the individual pc

The single filed would contain data from the following fields
Job Number
CPU Type
CPU Speed
HDD size

So the new field would contain "Job345-P3-1000-256-20"

Can this be done?

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Send A Content Of Unbound Field In A Form To A Field In The Table

Feb 26, 2006

in my form I created an unbound field with a requested combination, now how can I put those in a table field.
in other words, how can I send the content of a form's unbound field to a field in the table?

your help is very appreciated.


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Forms :: Coloring Form Field Based On Another Field Content

Jun 4, 2013

I am making a very simple 'registration' database for a children's event in a couple of weeks.I the table/form there is a checkbox field called 'consent' which, if checked, indicates that a child can leave the event without parental consent.

There is a report printed on each child (a registration page which the leaders get a copy of). I would like on this report a 'red box' to appear if the child cannot leave without permission (i.e. the consent box is not checked). I would also like this 'red box' to appear on the form. I had thought of doing it this way - but I'm not sure if it's the best, or if it's possible:

Have a field in my table called 'consentindicator'. When the 'consent' box is checked, there is a period ('.') placed into the 'consentindicator' field. It is set to turn red when a period is present. That way, when the consent box is checked, a get a red 'box'.

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Modules & VBA :: Matching Content To Other Content?

Feb 4, 2015

how many elements matching to my primary elements from any records of my query and count match, if some element doesn't match then I need to add it to my primary elements, then at the end (rst.eof) count how many primary elements I have.


id colours
1 blue;red
2 purple;blue;green
3 red;violet;purple;blue

dim matching_elements as long
dim primary_elements as string
dim TheNumberOfPrimaryElements as long

First of all, if I open recordset primary_elements is empty so I need to assign a value form first record.

primary_elements = rst!colours (so primary_elements = blue;red)

Now I can start comparing my primary_elements with second record:

matching_elements= 1
primary_elements = blue;red;purple;green

comparing my primary_elements with third record:

matching_elements= 3
primary_elements = blue;red;purple;green;violet

It's my last record so I need to count primary_elements

TheNumberOfPrimaryElements = 5

I need "matching_elements" to count other function in my application.

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Collate Field Content From Multiple Records

Jul 15, 2007

I have a database with company records in one table and calls made to companies in another table; the two tables properly related on a CompanyID field. A query joining the tables returns a dataset with multiple instances of CompanyID's because each company may have received 0 - n calls.

I would like to collate the content of the 0 - n[/I] callnotes records for each company into a single 'CollectedNotes' entity. I have two questions please.

Can anyone think of a way to do this without using code?

If not, can anyone give me a helping hand with the code?

In pseudo-code terms, I anticipate something like accessing the recordset for CompanyID's related to CallID's looping through to write the content of each instance of a CallNote (identified by unique CallID) to a new 'CollectedNotes' object. Help gratefully received. Thanks. MITW

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Deleting Records Based On A Field Content?

Nov 16, 2004

Hi all!

I'm rapidly beginning to get a little confused... I'm trying to mass-delete records based on the content of a field.

I want to run either a query or a button on a form (or anything, for that matter) that will delete any records when there is an X in the N_Disp field.

Any ideas?



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Counting Records With Specific Field Content

Nov 23, 2005

hi there

I'm building a forum from the scrath. It is already working, but I want to have in each topic the number of replies it has.
there are 2 tables, one for the topics and other to the replies. in the replies table there is a field called id_post that has the id of the post witch it belongs.

I solve the problem by inserting a query inside the loop of the posts:

While Not rs.EOF
Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as cont FROM replies where id_post= " & rs("id") & " "
rs2.Open sql,Conn,1,2

post: <%=rs("post")%> replies:<%=rs2("cont")%>


but someone told that this would make the page slower, so I want to know if I can do the same thing without having the query inside the loop.

I don't know if I made myself clear, sorry for that.

tks for the help.

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Forms :: Event To Check Field Content?

May 11, 2014

I have a form with a number of fields and sections which change visibility based on the data entered in other fields,

The fields have an "on update" event to check the content of the field and make the appropriate changes,

I've changed this form to be able to edit records instead of "Data Entry" so now I need the checks to occur when the record changes as well as when data is entered,

How best can I achieve this without simply duplicating the code (which seems like a bad idea) into the "On Current" event?

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Forms :: Copying Content Of Previous Field

Jan 26, 2014

I would like the text from the previous field Invoice_Contact copied into the field Invoice_Contact of each new record created. I think I can use CTRL ' - but would like it done automatically if possible.

Field location:
Form = PatientUpdate - Subform = F_Invoice - Field = Invoice_Contact

The form and subform are linked through: Pat_ID

The subform is based on the table called Invoice with Invoice_ID as the primary key.I tried several variations of this DLookup from examples I found on the web but the field comes out with "error" in it and its flashing!

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How To Show Field Content In A Label - ID Of Dataset

May 24, 2012

I want to display the ID of a dataset in a form but I don't want the user to be able to edit it. Therefore I want to display the id in a label and not a textbox or combo etc.

I can't see a way of how to do this though. Is this possible, or am I going about it the wrong way?

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Forms :: Making Data In A Field On A Form Appear If Content Is Not Null

Dec 31, 2014

I have a subform with continuous records. One of the fields in the recordset of the subform is a field named "Remarks". This field does not need to be visible on the continuous subform as it is rare that this field will have any entries.

I plan to apply conditional formatting on another field (IDcardNo) in the record line of the continuous subform so that when field "Remarks" contains any data it will show as a different format on the field IDcardNo.

I would like to make a small form appear when one points to the IDcardNo field with the different format, so that the data in the field "Remarks" pops up when one points to the field IDcardNo with altered format, showing that there is data in the field "Remarks".

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Split One Field In To Two - How?

Feb 18, 2007

I have a table that holds 250 records, and dont really want to split manually as the saving grace is that each record, has a hyphen that marks the point where the split needs to take place.

For example, the field currently holds

'Movicol sachets - 1 or 2 sachets dissolved in water at 21.30'

That is stored in 1 field, I now need to be stored in to 2 fields, whilst removing the hyphen, and spacing immediately before and after so it works out like this.

Field 1 = Movicol sachets
Field 2 = 1 or 2 sachets dissolved in water at 21.30

I know it can be done using either a query or VBA, but I am not sure which function/procedure/command I need to use to carry this out. Any assistance would be gratefully recieved.


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Split A Field

Jan 28, 2005

A pre-existing table was created with lastname, firstname contained in one field. I would like to create a new table with a separate field for lname & fname. Is there a way to take the existing names and put them in separate fields? (Some contain a middle initial as well)

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Split One Field Into Two

Dec 28, 2007

Trying to split
CASE/MEMBERID field 00041130P10005573


CASE 00041130P
MEMBER 10005573

Would someone please show me how to do this? Thanks

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Split A Name Field

Apr 28, 2008

I have a name field in this format: smith, john
Is there a way to split this into 2 separate fields in a query?
I looked up the split function, but it's saying that this function doesn't exist.
I also thought this might work, but it doesn't.
SELECT left(name,instr(name,",")-1) as LastName, right(name,instr(name,",")+2)from table1

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or recommend a way to do this?

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Split Up Data In One Field Into Several Fields?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a field in an Access 2003 table that has several image names in it separated by "; " (semi colon and space). The thing is, I need to split them up into their own fields..My table name is "ONE BIG TABLE" (will be exporting data from one table for CSV).My starting field name is "ALT_IMG".An example of the contents of a record within "ALT_IMG" is

/AAG70260G05_2_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_3_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_5_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_6_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_7_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_8_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_4_1.JPG
What I need is to split these up into their own fields. I can create new fields to populate, I just need to get them in the fields and to remove them from the original ALT_IMG field after moved. There can be as many as 0 or 1 to 20 images in the ALT_IMG field.

Ultimately I was thinking about making new fields named "ALT_IMG_2", "ALT_IMG_3" (up tp 20) and then making an update query of sort to anything more than 1 image to the next field. Meaning if there are two images, then the first stays where it is and the second is moved to ALT_IMG_2. If there are three then the first stays where it is, the second goes to ALT_IMG_2 and the third goes to ALT_IMG_3.Now I know that there are benefits of having multiple tables but I need this to end up in the same table.

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Split Form Visible Field

Jul 2, 2015

I have a split form in Access 2013. I have a checkbox in the top frame that if checked a textbox becomes visible. However, if I click on a different record and check the box and go back to the previous record, the textbox becomes invisible even though the checkbox is checked.

My code for the checkbox is
Private Sub chkPhoneChange_Click()
If chkPhoneChange.Value = True Then
lblNewPhoneNumber.Visible = True
txtUpdatedNumber.Visible = True
Else: If chkPhoneChange.Value = False Then lblNewPhoneNumber.Visible = False
txtUpdatedNumber.Visible = False
txtUpdatedNumber.Value = ""
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Split Delimited Field To New Record?

Sep 19, 2013

I need writing a function to split the image names. In essence, I need to create a separate record in a related image table. I have searched over and over again I can't seem to produce the results I need.

I would like to review the records in query so that I can add criteria before appending them.

BV-GB bv-gb.jpg
CSO-C sso-c, cso-c, eso-c.JPG

The number of images for each product varies as well.

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Queries :: Split Memo Field In A Query

Feb 26, 2015

I have a table that contains a memo that is delimited by line breaks. For each of these breaks i need a new record in the query results that i can then use in a Labelling application.

My current query looks something like:

ID | Product | Pack Size
1 | item a | 1x1000,1x1050
2 | item b | 1x1000,20x25
3 | item a | 1x1000

(Where the , is a new line)

Whereas my ideal output is:

ID | Product | PackSize
1 | Item a | 1x1000
1 | Item a | 1x1050
2 | Item b | 1x1000
2 | Item b | 20x25

I think im supposed to use the Split() Function though i dont have a clue wherw to start.

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How To Split Letter&number Field Into 2 Column And Skip Brackets?

Dec 2, 2005

I have big problem I have telephone number field like this
Tel(XX)XXXXX - X are numbers

I have to split it into two columns and skip brackets like this

Column1 - Tel
Column2 - XXXXXXX

Is it possible?

I have no idea how to manage it...I'd be very thankful for any
examples ? Or Help....I'm beginner

Thanks a lot
in Advance

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Forms :: How To Vary Field Widths In A Default SPLIT Form

Aug 18, 2013

I am running Access 2003 and have created a split form using one of the std form options. The file it is querying has about 20 fields per record. The split form that is generated has four columns of 10 fields each.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Employee Fred Smith Weekending 24-June-2013
Age 25 Hourly_Rate $30.00
Normal_Time 24 Sick_Leave 8
Vacation_Hrs 8 Total_Hrs 40
Field10_Name, Field10 Contents, Field20_Name, Field20 Contents

When I view the form generated, some of these fields are too narrow and others are too wide. I would like to make the width of the fields various widths. But if I try to widen one field in the column all fields in the same column are made the same width. It appears as if they are multiply selected. Is there any way of selecting a single field and varying the width without impacting fields above or below it in the column?

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Tables :: Split Database - Table Field To Lookup Values From A Query?

Jul 6, 2015

I have a split database and need a field (Combo type) in the table to lookup values from a query in the front end. How do I do this as it doesn't see the querys because the front and back end are split?

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Forms :: Display Description Field Instead Of Primary Key In Datasheet Of Split Form

Aug 8, 2014

I have a split form on my database where I have my combo boxes bound to a primary key but they display the description field so it's much easier to understand. Is there a way to do this with option groups? In other words, I would like the datasheet part to display the option group labels rather than the values so it is easier to understand.

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Changing List Content

Dec 1, 2005

I have 3 tables in my database; 1) Policies, 2) Salespeople and 3) Shops.
We have a several shops, and each shop has their own salespeople. In the table Policies we have to select the shop where the policy is sold, but also the salesperson that made that sale. As soon as we receive a policy from Shop A we have to add that new record in the Table Policies. This table we select the shop, say for instance Shop A. The next column there is a droplist of all the salespeople.
Now my question: Is there a way to get a dropdown list of only the salespeople from Shop A, or only the salespeople from Shop B when I select Shop B?

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