Split Fields

Jun 22, 2005

I would like to split the contents of one field (in a table) into two or more. How can I do this?
e.g. 1 Coca-Cola Australia becomes 1 (in one field) and Coca-Cola Australia (in another field)

thanks :mad:

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Updating FE Fields When Fields Are Deleted From The BE (after DB Split Obvs)

Aug 28, 2006


The database I am working on, I split a while ago to give it some security. Now i'm updating a related form, and i'm finding that if I delete and add fields in the BE, the FE fields (being the fields that I need to insert into the form so the data entered propogates to the DB) are not updated.

How do I update the FE?


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Split Characters And Put Into Text Fields

Jul 30, 2013

How to split characters:

Example: my expression is

I want split this and put it to 4 text field
field1: 2
field2: 12
field3: 1
field4: 10

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Split Up Data In One Field Into Several Fields?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a field in an Access 2003 table that has several image names in it separated by "; " (semi colon and space). The thing is, I need to split them up into their own fields..My table name is "ONE BIG TABLE" (will be exporting data from one table for CSV).My starting field name is "ALT_IMG".An example of the contents of a record within "ALT_IMG" is

/AAG70260G05_2_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_3_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_5_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_6_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_7_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_8_1.JPG; AAG70260G05_4_1.JPG
What I need is to split these up into their own fields. I can create new fields to populate, I just need to get them in the fields and to remove them from the original ALT_IMG field after moved. There can be as many as 0 or 1 to 20 images in the ALT_IMG field.

Ultimately I was thinking about making new fields named "ALT_IMG_2", "ALT_IMG_3" (up tp 20) and then making an update query of sort to anything more than 1 image to the next field. Meaning if there are two images, then the first stays where it is and the second is moved to ALT_IMG_2. If there are three then the first stays where it is, the second goes to ALT_IMG_2 and the third goes to ALT_IMG_3.Now I know that there are benefits of having multiple tables but I need this to end up in the same table.

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Tables :: Split Fields And Look For Updated Match?

Apr 20, 2013

I have done this in Excel before, but not Access. I do not know VBA. I figure this will have to be done in a query or a macro. I don't even know if all of this is possible in Access. I need to be able to split an Address field into:

Street Number
Street Name
Street Type
Street Direction

And the purpose of this is so that I can pull out the Street Type (Drive, Road, Lane, etc) and update the abbreviations (DR, RD, LN) to the Street Type spelled completely out.

I did this in Excel by creating a Named Range "Types" on a sheet that has the abbreviations in Column A and the spelled out versions in Column B so that I could convert the abbreviations to complete street types. I broke down the entire address into each part on another sheet. Then I did a VLOOKUP to look up the Street Type in Column B in the Types range. Works great! And the only way I knew at the time to do that.

But, by doing this, I have to get the data I need from a download into a spreadsheet, break the address fields down on a second sheet, do all kinds of field update conversions (to get the field names from the download to match the field names in my Access table). This takes extensive Excel programming. I just thought there might be a way to do it by simply importing the data from the download straight into Access. That is easily done, but the Street Types aren't consistent.

There may even be a better way to do this than splitting....something like if a field CONTAINS DR update it to Drive. This would be a long process to set up because there are so many different street types to consider.

This is basically for the purpose of finding duplicates. If there is one entry called 123 Main St and another called 123 Main Street, they are not going to show up as duplicates, rather as two separate records.

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Sort Multiple Fields In A Split Form

Apr 30, 2014

I have a split form with 10-15 fields. Each of these fields is a combo box. The trouble I am having is sorting the data in the datasheet of the split for. I want to sort ascending by "ProductTypeName", then ascending by "Parent SKU" and then ascending by "ProductSizeID".

How can I do this when each of my combo boxes have an ID and then a name? Example below:


Apron - Bib

Apron - Waist

Bag - Backpack

Chef Coat

[Code] ......

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Modules & VBA :: Split Data Within A Record Into Multiple Fields?

Sep 3, 2013

I have an access table that looks like the below:

"field1", "field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7"
"field1~field2~field3~field4~field5~field6~fie ld7"
"field1~field2~field3~field4~field5~field6~fie ld7"
"field1~field2~field3~field4~field5~field6~fie ld7"
"field1", "field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7"
"field1~field2~field3~field4~field5~field6~fie ld7"

I've got a module which loads the data into a table, but it can't handle the records that are ~ delimited, so spits them out as a single field.

I know there is some VBA code that can be used to split comma delimited records, and I've seen bits of it floating around online and tried to alter it to work for the ~, but I get the feeling that what I've seen is only a part of the required code, how to put it all together to make something that actually works.

So, what I need to do is;
- Split some records in a table out into multiple fields where there is a ~ present
- Place these newly split fields into a table (I don't mind if it ends up in a new table or not)

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Queries :: Access Split Zeros When Combine Fields Of A Table

Apr 25, 2014

I have a table "MansComps" which includes two fields, the "Index" field which contains a number, e.g "5" and the "Tabletype" field which contains a letter e.g "T". i have created a query based on this table, which combines these two fields and displays the result to a third field which I call "Components".

field: Index
1, 2, 3,....

field: Tabletype

field: "Component" has to be like this:
T00001, T00002,...

I have managed to combine the fields in my query using the expression:

Component: [Tabletype] & " " & [Index]

but the results appear without the leading zeros, like T1, T2..I have set my Index content to be a number and as a primary key and the Tabletype as a text. I also tried to change the format of Index to "00000" which works for the Index field separately but not for the Component field.Should I do something in the format of the Component field?

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How To Split Out All Words In Fields With Multiple Words

Aug 8, 2006

Hi Folks,

I am attempting to split out a descriptive field so that each words which may exist in that particular field will be split out into seperate fields ... for example, if the violation field is populated with a four worded description of 'Assualt on Police Officer' I would like to somehow strip out the words so that 'Assualt' and 'on' and 'Police' and 'Officer' are all in seperate fields. I am not sure if this can be done using a simple query in access ... if anyone can offer any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,


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Split Or Not To Split ?

Jul 19, 2006

Hi. I am trying to creat some sort of security for my database so none else make changes to design of the database apart from me. I have got a small database that i run on the company network i work for. all the staffs have a short cut of this database on ther desktop where they can add/edit/view data and unfortunatly able to change design of the database if i havent set the startup to only show switchboard. what I want is this:

Open database, switchboard popup and nothing else(ie. database window where you can see table,forms,queries)..sounds simple..but havent able to do it..

people say use database split...not so sure on...by the way, I DONT WANT OTHER USERS TO HAVE PASSWORD TO ACCESS THE DATA...hint,,no password and user name popups....

i am kinda new to access,,pleeeeeeeease help

Hi. I am trying to complete my access database by creating some security for it. I want to know how to setup the database file so when I execute, let say in my document folder so that when it opens it only shows my switchboard and not the editable(table,queries...) panel on the left hand side. I know i can hide it via the startup option but I want to completly blocking it so it doesn't allow any user to edit the design of the database.
If anyone can help I realy appreciate it...thank you

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Split DB

Mar 17, 2005

I know that this might be extremely obvious to most people, but at the risk of sounding stupid I'm going to ask it anyway. I plan to share my split DB over the network. I know that the BE will be hidden from the view of most people so they won't try to meddle with it, but which would be better for the FE, should it be accessed by all of the users, or should they each create their own shortcuts, or does it even matter?


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Split A Day Into Two?

Feb 21, 2008


I have these two fields:

"DateOfCase" and "AM/PM"

And I want them to have them linked so that no one else can have the same time in the court.

For example:

I booked the morning (AM) in a court for today (21/2/08). Somebody may want to book for the same day and can do so BUT he/she can only booked for the afternoon (PM) session of that day.

Is this possible to do?

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Why Is Split Db So Slow?

Apr 29, 2005

Hi all

I have an Access 2003 db that works extremely well as a stand-alone application but I am keen to “split” it so that many users can operate it together.

Accordingly I did the split and placed the tables on our server, and tried running the front end locally.

Much to my horror, it takes about a minute to open, and many seconds to do anything after a button press etc.

I have been testing it on my wireless home network and the same thing happens, except now I can monitor network activity from the “network working” light.

What I see baffles me and would welcome comments, in particular, what I can do to speed it up by a factor of 100!

1.It takes forms about 50 seconds to open; however, this is due to about 40 seconds of network activity BEFORE the form’s load event fires!
2.In DESIGN mode, any minor change to a control for example, results in about 40 seconds network activity.
3.All queries upon which forms are based take well under a second to run over the network.
4.Making an mde file has no effect.

I thought the idea of splitting was to keep the forms/queries/code etc, local to a machine so I don’t understand what all the network activity is about, particularly in design mode. Also, given the actual queries are so fast, just what is Access doing??

Any comments please?


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Split DB, Keeps Locking Up

May 24, 2005

Hi, I just recently split my Access db (FE/BE), copied the FE to each of the clients, and it seemed to be working fine. This morning however, two users went into the db, and the second user kept getting the error can't find the file \servernameshare_namedb_fe.mdb. Now, none of my users can launch it. How can I resolve this? Will this keep happening?


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How To Split Up This String

Sep 15, 2005

I have a string:

Cars > Car Import > Car Import: Car Import

The first section is the Category, the second is the Product, the third is the SubProduct and the fourth is the keyword.

What is the best way to split each of these words into its own variable? I think I can do the first and end one but not the Car Import and Car Import one.



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Split The Database, Should I Do It?

Jan 12, 2006

:confused: I have read a quite a few threads on spiting the database. My database is 50 Meg and running very slow. I have compacted and repair, still the same. This just happen all of sudden. Could that be possible?. What should I look out before I try to spit it?. It’s given that I will make a backup. I am running Access 2003. I have over 150 users.

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Split An MDE Database?

Aug 12, 2006

I am almost at the finishing line with a great deal of help from here.
I have now normalised the tables, built complicated queries, forms, reports, all from scratch as I knew absolutely nothing before I started with Access three months ago.
I have compacted and repaired the database using the wizard, and also complied the code and analyzed all tables, forms, queries, and reports and relationships.
The final step is to make it an MDE file so that it can go on the local network at work (not on the internet).
My questions are these;

Do I need to split the database into front and back ends?

If I save a copy of the original MDB file and then make it a MDE file would that not suffice in making it run more efficiently?

Can a split MDB database be made into an MDE database?

Any advice, as always, is most welcome.

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Split Database

Nov 21, 2006

I have a database that resides on a file server share. I have split the database to create a backend. I then posted a shortcut of the front end to the desktops of two users who have access to the share. I then tried to access the front end from the two machines simultaneously. It opened on the first PC but not the second? When I viewed the server share it had a 'padlock' icon?

Where am I going wrong? This is the first time I have attempted this scenario!!
Thanks in advance,

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Editing After FE/BE Split

Nov 21, 2006

I created a database a while back. It was complete to my standards at the time. I split it FE and BE to protect the data.

Since then, I have made several changes on my machine to the user interface and some of the back end tables and queries.

How do I insure that these changes are seen on all the different computers on my network?

They only seem to exist on my personal machine.

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When To Split Database?

Dec 21, 2006


Should splitting only be done when all tables,queries,forms,reports, etc. are done. Or can it be done anytime. I am almost to that stage but didnt want to jump the gun and run into problems later on.


I will have about 20 users sharing this.

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Why Should I Split My Database?

Dec 27, 2006

I was having a discussion with Rickster57 concerning my newly developed database, and he recommended that I split it so that it has a front end and a back end. Rick listed a number of very good reasons for doing this (so I will definitely do it). But I wanted to pose the question so I could get some of the reasons the more seasoned Access programmers have for creating a front and back end to their programs.

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Split One Field In To Two - How?

Feb 18, 2007

I have a table that holds 250 records, and dont really want to split manually as the saving grace is that each record, has a hyphen that marks the point where the split needs to take place.

For example, the field currently holds

'Movicol sachets - 1 or 2 sachets dissolved in water at 21.30'

That is stored in 1 field, I now need to be stored in to 2 fields, whilst removing the hyphen, and spacing immediately before and after so it works out like this.

Field 1 = Movicol sachets
Field 2 = 1 or 2 sachets dissolved in water at 21.30

I know it can be done using either a query or VBA, but I am not sure which function/procedure/command I need to use to carry this out. Any assistance would be gratefully recieved.


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Database Split

Jun 29, 2007

I recently split my database and also used Bob Larson's Autoupdating tool. Everything appeared to be working fine until a few users were unable to access the db. I later found out that because they are at a different site, they don't map to the server that houses the database BE. However, even if they manually map to the correct server, they are unable to bring up the db Form. They get an error stating the BE "...is not a valid path". My questions are:

1) If I were to copy all the files (the Master FE, BE, and MDE) to a public folder that ALL users have access to, will everyone be able to bring up the database Form?

2) How would this affect what was already set up when I ran Bob Larson's utility (or even the splitting and MDE creation)?

3) Is there a way to "Undo" what was previously "Done" to this database (ie: Splitting, Larson Utility, MDE creation) in order to correct the issue, or do I need to start from scratch and split the database while it's on a Public drive.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help.


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How To Split Database In FE And BE

Jul 2, 2007


I just want to know that " How to split the Access database in Front End and Back End application"? I am creating a database that i want to store on server and simultaneously want to give access to 20 terminals (cleints) to access the database.

Secondly, I have to provide a field in a form "Document number". However as per the requirement user can enter "PIR No", "Serial No" or at times both as document number. Both the things "PIR No" and "Serial No" have different format types like "PIR No 001" and "Srl No001".

On basis of document number later i have to give the option to search the particular document. Please guide me how to provide the option to enter the field values.

Appreciate any help on above.


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Split Databases

Feb 21, 2008


I just got Access 2007 and split a database into a front and back end to see what it was like.

Is there any way of joining them back again?


David :o

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Split And Replicate

Mar 7, 2008


I have a database that I have successfully replicated. It includes forms, queries and tables. Synchronizing works and all is good, but.....from what I keep reading on this forum, this is not the proper way to do it. It sounds like what I should be doing is splitting my database before replicating, and then just replicating the back-end.

When I do this, I find that when using the forms, etc. in the front end, I am unable to synchronize to the back end. I don't even have the option to do it through the menu options.

How do I make the front end recognize that the backend is replicated??

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