Feb 14, 2005
i have a small access program set up and it all works except one item, there is a sub table that we would like to add in information relating to the order number etc:
order number 1
sub table would have j number 12345
allocation 5
and j number 56789
allocation 25
order number 2 (new record)
could have j number 148
allocation 1
j number 2143213
allocation 12345555
j number 86868
allocation 34
then when you move between each order the information in the table will show the specific information relative to the order number
at the moment when you move from record to record it clears the fields but enters the information into a table
hope this makes some sort of sense
any assistance would be gratefully received
best regards
p.s.if it would i could attach a copy of the database
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Aug 9, 2006
Hi all!!
I've inherited a new db that was created by folks fresh out of school.
I've been looking through it, checking to see how they built it, trying to scope out any neat and nifty new tricks they've used, before something goes wrong and I have to work on it.
They have a table that displays grouped records, and I'm not sure how they did it.
For example:
In the PRODUCTS table, the first record is for [Product Type] "Sticky Stuff", [Product Name] "GooGoo", [Manufacturer] "XYZ Co.", etc, with a + sign in front of the record.
When you expand the record, you get what looks like a sub-table listing all the transactions having to do with "GooGoo".
While trying to figure out how they got this effect, I checked out the Inventory Management sample db that's available on-line. They also have this type of grouped records in a product table.
Is there a simple explanation of how this is done, or do I need to invest some serious study time?
As always, thanks for any guidance you can give me.
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Mar 9, 2008
How do we create a subtable in access. When you open a table. First column come with + singn. When you click the + sign you get another sub table. How do we creat that table. What is the purpose of this table?
- Mahen
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Aug 30, 2004
Employee Record table:
ICU Required Inservices:
Conscious Sedation/Analgesia (Yes/No)
Intraaortic Balloon Pumps (yes/no)
Inservice 3 (Yes/No)
Inservice 4 (Yes/No)
I am trying to build a query or table that will pull all Employees
in the ICU and include the required inservices so that I can
track who has attended and who has not.
This is a huge database I built for the entire hospital.
I need a relationship between the two that won't require me to
have EVERY employee record (all 850 of them) in the related table
so that I can pull just the ICU names.
Any ideas???? thanks!
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Oct 1, 2012
Ok, there is one main form and a subform which is linked directly to a table. A VBA routine checks entries and flags certain rows for errors. We want to highlight specific cells that are out of tolerance.
Been playing around with the Me.ActiveControl.BackColor = vbYellow
But if this can be done to a particular cell on a table, and if this can be done using VBA.
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Apr 28, 2008
I'm new to Access and am having trouble designing a database that houses application details.
All applications have a list of unique wrap id's but have different tables housing different details for these wraps.
I have a main table which is for data entry and lets me input whether or not a piece of software is Vista compatible (yes/no) etc.
I also have a field in this table showing which analyst is responsible for researching compatiblity of an application.
I have another table with different regions i.e. london, manchester etc that has the region/city listed as the field heading and then contains a list of wraps used in that city under the relevant field.
My main entry form is linked to the main data entry table that holds specifics for an app, name, vista compatible etc. This form is used for data entry. I want to add a subform on this form which shows a list of all applications, in table format, but I want a drop down list so I can select an analyst name / region so that analysts can update details for a specific area assigned to them. In the table I want all of the records based on this criteria to be displayed.
I guess I need to make a filter button on my subform but do not know how to do this. I put in a button control for apply filter by form but then dont know what to do.
I'm new to access and don't know much VB - e.g. the only thing I can do in VB is a make a message box that says hello world on the screen.
Any help is sincerely appreciated. Apologies for the Essay.
Kind Regards
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Nov 27, 2013
I have a sub table that acts as a revision history for the items in my main table. I've just finished uploading all the records into the main table and now I want to insert one record into the subtable for each record in the main table to start the history with the record creation.
The sub table looks like this:
- RevID (auto Number / primary Key)
- RevDate (date of revision)
- RevName (Who made the revision)
- RevDesc (What revision was made)
- RevAuthorized (Who authorized the revision)
- RevLabel (Foreign key to the primary table)
The info I want to insert is:
RevID - Auto Number
RevDate - 11/27/2013
RevName - 3
RevDesc - "Added Label to database"
RevAuthorized - 1
RevLabel - (One for each record ID in tblLabels)
I suspect that I want to start with an insert into statement, something along the lines of:
Insert into tblRevisions (Revdate, RevName, RevDesc, RevAuthorized, RevLabel)
Values ("11/27/2013",3,"Added label to database", 1, ?)
I'm not sure how to indicate that there should be one label for each Record in tblLabels or that revLabel value should match the ID from tblLabels though.
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Jan 12, 2014
All seemed to be working well, however, I noticed that all my subtable records in the database are exporting with each Primary table record. In my output, I'm looking to see each primary table record followed by one or more subtable records from a one to many relationship.
(Office 2010) Access/Word
Private Sub cmdPrint1_Click()
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim docm As Word.Document
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstLandSales As DAO.Recordset
[Code] ......
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Jun 12, 2015
I'm sub-novice when it comes to Access I'm trying to get calculated data in a field in a sub table to autofill in a field in a related table. So all of the data in 'total hours' column is calculated by the variable inputs in the 'hours' fields. Once there, I want it to feed itself into the 'total hours' field on the main table. Is that possible? Also - the 'total hours' field in the sub table won't calculate anything unless a value is placed in EVERY 'hours' field in the same sub table (e.g. 0).
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Nov 16, 2004
I don't even know how to ask this question! Is it possible to do something like this (dotted line is not part of the data):
DNA Primer Set............Reagents.............Initial....... ........Final
COMBIII.....................Template DNA.........50.....................7
................................PCR Buffer.............10.....................1
................................Nucleotides....... .....10.....................5
I would like to be able to get the the Reagent, Initial, and Final information for each DNA Primer Set without having to create a separate record for each line of information:
COMBIII Template DNA 50 7
COMBIII PCR Buffer 10 1
COMBIII Nucleotides 10 5
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